By Dominic Casciani BBC News community affairs |
In the dark: Does Washington underestimate Muslims? | In the midst of a war in Iraq and domestic fear of Islamist-inspired terrorism - how should western governments approach their Muslim minorities and the Arab world?
Perhaps a good place to start is to listen to the views of top lobbyist Hady Amr. He was probably the highest ranking Arab-Muslim American in the Clinton Administration - and has spent his years since trying to work out how the US government and Muslims talk to each other.
Last week, the Lebanese-born policy analyst came to London to speak to the City Circle, an influential London-based organisation which promotes the development of a distinctive British Muslim identity.
The big issue for Muslims in the western world, he says, is not whether they should engage in the political process - but how quickly they can organise.
Western governments need to go into the most conservative communities they can stomach if they are going to find ways of building bridges  Hady Amr |
"The American political system is like a big rugby pitch. You don't just have two teams playing out there, you have 100 teams. If there are all these teams out there on the pitch, and you're sitting on the sidelines smoking your water pipe, you're not going to get anywhere. The other teams have been working out at the gym."
At the heart of the question of how much political influence Muslims can exert are the hard numbers.
Historically Europe has seen generally low levels of political participation. It's higher in the US however.
Muslims in the US tend to be more educated than their European co-religionists, with six out of 10 having a college degree.
More than 80% are registered to vote and in surveys they register high levels of participation in civic life, such as through volunteering in local schools.
MUSLIM VOTING IN THE US 1996: 56% for Clinton 2000: 46% for Bush 2004: 63% for Kerry (Arab Americans) 2004: 76% for Kerry (all Muslims) Source: Project MAPS, Zogby | The past decade has also seen Muslims in the US tend to follow the national political mood in presidential elections. They voted Clinton and then marginally backed Bush over Gore. However, in 2004, they tended to back the eventual loser John Kerry.
When you combine all these facts and figures, says Hady Amr, it should tell Washington policy makers a lot about a constituency they have failed to keep on side.
"What the numbers tell me is that Arab Muslims were pretty much like any other American, until 2004," he says.
"You don't see massive disparities where they vote en masse for Democrats or Republicans. It's only in 2004 that things change and that is very much down to the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act [the major piece of post-9/11 anti-terrorism legislation].
"On the one hand you have a community that is integrated, or integrating, very well into American life, but ... highly critical of foreign policy. These are people who are happy to be part and parcel of American and feel very comfortable with it - except on one big issue."
Middle East polling
Since leaving administration life, Hady has conducted exhaustive focus groups and polling through the Arab world to try to work out exactly what people think of America.
Flag burning: Dramatic but not representative | He has found enormous levels of respect in the Arab world for the US education system and what the nation does in science and technology. But people report mixed feelings about American democracy and have the expected critical view of its foreign policy.
Hady Amr argues that all of the data from inside America and across the Arab world points to a missing link between Muslims and the West, rather than the so-called clash of civilisations and the regular scenes of flag burning that we see on the television screens.
"What do these figures mean? Do they mean that these people [Arabs in the Arab world] are schizophrenic about America? No, it means there are people in the Muslim world who are quite sophisticated in what they like and dislike about America."
The big problem, says Hady Amr, is Iraq, where he believes there will be "no happy ending". So what are the remedies?
You have to get these people to understand who we are and what we stand for 
| He says there has to be a long-hard look by western governments over who they really talk to.
"After 9/11 there was this refrain in America that we needed to reach out to 'moderate Muslims' because they would be our allies against extremism. I think this is wrong," says Hady Amr.
"You cannot of course go start a casual dialogue with people who use violence. But I think that [western governments] need to go into the most conservative communities they can stomach if they are going to find ways of building bridges.
"You have to get these people to understand who we are and what we stand for. Giving $100m to your friends does not necessarily help because they are your friends already.
"What are our fundamental western values? Pluralism and dialogue. Anyone who has worked in politics knows that the quickest way to alienate people is to not invite them to dinner.
"Extremists will always be extremists because when you hate and are active in that hate, you will continue to be so, no matter what the evidence the world presents.
"But if we can pull the rug from beneath the likes of al-Qaeda, those who cheered and said that America had it coming on 9/11, well, they may be swayed. But it's going to be tough."
MIM:Hady Amr :Infiltration in action - from the Constitution to the Koran - getting Arabs out for their candidates with the "Yalla Vote"
.S. POLITICS -Arab-Americans Rise in Influence By Catherine Edwards
In-Sight At a time when discord roils the Middle East and the United States faces an energy crisis, it should not go unnoticed that President George W. Bush received a majority of the Arab-American vote, a constituency that in the past has leaned Democratic. He then appointed former U.S. senator from Michigan Spencer Abraham, an Arab-American, as his secretary of energy. "Really, Bush and [Dick] Cheney did a good job here," Abdulwahab Alkebsi, deputy director of the American Muslim Council, tells Insight. "They are shoring up the Arab vote. It was a real stroke of genius to appoint an Arab-American to the post that works with the Middle East." The Republican Party has close ties to Israel but, surprisingly or not, Bush's relationship with Arab-Americans was not an accident. Karl Rove, his chief campaign strategist, was in touch with the Arab-American community early and often during the campaign. Al Gore had surged in the polls after the Democratic convention and Rove came to Washington in September to plan his man's next moves in hopes of regaining the lead in the presidential race. On his way to the airport to catch his flight back to Texas, Khaled Saffuri, executive director of the Islamic Institute, joined Rove in his car. Saffuri explained to him that the vote of the Arab-American community, which includes both Muslims and Christians, still was up for grabs.
The community is prosperous and could be the source of considerable campaign contributions. If Bush would mention in public just a few of the issues that concern Arab-Americans, Saffuri told Rove, he would win their hearts, their minds and their support. Saffuri founded the Islamic Institute in 1998 in an effort to involve the Muslim community positively in the U.S. political process. Stereotypes of this community as wild-eyed terrorists had caused Democratic presidential candidates Walter Mondale in 1984 and Michael Dukakis in 1988 to return campaign contributions from Arab-Americans. Even Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole canceled a meeting with them for the same reason in 1996. Rove wasn't so quick on the draw and he passed the word on to Bush. During the second presidential debate, Bush responded to a question about racial discrimination that "Arab-Americans are racially profiled in what's called secret evidence. People are stopped [in airports on suspicion] and we've got to do something about that."
He also mentioned his support for legislation sponsored by Abraham to repeal the secret-evidence act. Two weeks later, the American Muslim Political Coordinating Council endorsed Bush for president. Last summer, 56 percent of Arab-Americans said they would vote for Gore while only 24 percent said they supported Bush. A Zogby poll taken at the end of November showed a reversal: 45 percent of Arab-Americans said they voted for Bush, while Gore drew only 38 percent of their vote. An exit poll taken on Election Day revealed that 72 percent of American Muslims had voted for Bush. This community that had existed largely at the margins of American politics now was receiving national attention. The Bush comment clearly got their attention.
Sam Zakhem, a member of the Bush National Finance Committee and former U.S. ambassador to Bahrain, notes that it was Bush, himself, who reached out to Arab-Americans and the 6 million Muslims in the United States. Today, more than 3 million Arab Americans reside in the United States. Almost 75 percent are Christians and 23 percent are Muslims. Most are Lebanese followed by Syrians, Egyptians and Palestinians. Their average annual income at $75,000 is well above the national average.
A Zogby poll indicates that issues of importance to them are detainment on secret evidence, airport profiling, the plight of Palestinian refugees and the need for a just solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. As important, however, are domestic issues: Social Security, Medicare, crime, taxes, school vouchers and abortion. Interestingly, the Islamic Institute neither mentions international issues to its members nor discusses them in its literature. Saffuri tells Insight that the younger generation of Arab-American Muslims is concerned about domestic issues.
While their parents still are interested in the political situation in the Middle East, younger Arabs want to learn how they can influence tax policy and educate their kids. The Islamic Institute holds regular briefings on Capitol Hill to let staff and members of Congress know how Arab-Americans feel about education, gun control and other issues. Abraham Torani calls this a paradigm shift. Torani worked for the Islamic Institute in Michigan to get out the vote.
He tells Insight, "Now there is a total awareness that protesting from the outside does not get Muslims anywhere. By protesting and not voting you make a statement for sure. But by voting you make a difference." Michigan has one of the largest Arab-American populations in the United States; only New York and California having more. Concentrated around the auto industry in southeast Michigan, these Arab-Americans found themselves being heavily catered to by the presidential campaigns for the first time.
Bush and his national-security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, visited Michigan's Arab-Americans during the campaign. Gore, his wife, Tipper, and running mate Joseph Lieberman also paid them a visit. Arab American Institute (AAI) President James Zogby is a Lebanese-American and says that being courted like this is quite a switch from the treatment his community has received in the past from politicians. "I have been working on this issue in Washington for 24 years," Zogby tells Insight, "and when I came to town there were about six of us working on this."
Now Arab-Americans are starting to be referred to as a voting bloc. For 15 years AAI has organized a massive voter-registration drive in the Arab-American community. Their 2000 voter-registration drive, called the "Yalla Vote," mobilized and educated Arab-Americans in nine states, sending AAI voter-registration guides to 100,000. The Democratic and Republican conventions counted nearly 60 Arab-American delegates between them. Bush visited with the Michigan Arab-American community in Dearborn on Oct. 5, 2000, and mentioned airport profiling and secret evidence in the Wake Forest University presidential debate with Gore on Oct. 11, 2000. Several days later, Gore announced support for repeal of rules allowing terrorist suspects to be held on secret evidence.
To reach Arab Muslims, the American Muslim Council, the American Muslim Alliance, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim Public Affairs Council together formed the American Muslim Political Coordination Council. They spent the spring and early summer organizing voter-registration and education drives. "We are able to get our message out to voters through the mosques," says Saffuri. The Islamic Institute's board chairman gave an islamic invocation at the Republican National Convention, the first time that has happened. Saffuri had met privately with Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson and the House Republican leadership to express the desire of his religious community to be included at the convention.
Saffuri also had been instrumental in arranging a meeting of Muslim leaders with Bush at the Texas-governor's mansion in May 2000. Similar requests for meetings went out to the Gore campaign but the response was much slower, says Saffuri. After the Islamic invocation at the Republican convention, the Democrats asked an imam from the Los Angeles area to pray at their convention. Gore also hired an Arab-American to be his national director for ethnic outreach. Born in Lebanon, Hady Amr took a leave of absence from his post as an economist at the World Bank to campaign for Gore. Amr tells Insight that Arab-Americans long have been excluded from the political mainstream. "But that can come to an end if this community is willing to struggle for political inclusion from inside America's political house," he says
. Because of Amr's presence at its Nashville headquarters, the Gore campaign was the first to devote space on its Website to Arab-American issues. Amr points out that although many Arab and Muslim groups endorsed Bush, Gore won Michigan, California and New York where the Arab populations are most concentrated. Amr agrees with Torani of the Islamic Institute that Arab-Americans, and especially Muslim Americans, can make a bigger difference being involved in the process rather than protesting it. "If Arab and Muslim Americans had spent September and October working inside campaigns instead of demonstrating outside the White House, we could have greatly increased our political power and could be in a position to influence policy," Amr says.
Republican professionals hope the presence in the Bush Cabinet of Spencer Abraham as secretary of energy will be a powerful influence indeed. Abraham is the first Arab-American to head the department that deals heavily with the Middle East and its oil production - an issue that affects every American.
Islam - A European future": That's the title of a talk given this evening by M. Iqbal Asaria at the City Circle, "a network of professionals drawn mainly from the City of London." Judging by the description of the talk, Asaria is sketching out how and why Muslims will predominate in Europe and why this will mean breaking the old special relationship with the United States: "Europe needs good relations with its Muslim citizens and the Muslim world. Much of the debate over how close Europe should be with the United States to the detriment of its Muslim neighbours and citizens is driven by these realities." Asaria promises to "explore these unfolding realties and ask whether Muslims are ready to grasp these emerging opportunities and what they must do to capitalise on then." What is particularly noteworthy is that Asaria, someone associated with such Islamist organizations as the Islamic Foundation in Leicester and the Muslim Council of Britain, was recipient of a CBE in this year's Queen's honors list. (February 4, 2005)
MIM: Iqbal Asaria no longer puts his name on his company's Webstar domain listings, but 336 Pinner Road is the location of his company and the address for , the IIIT the IIPT and as well.
Domain Name.......... Creation Date........ 2000-03-15 Registration Date.... 2003-02-11 Expiry Date.......... 2007-03-15 Organisation Name.... The City Circle Organisation Address. 32 Alverstone Road Organisation Address. _ Organisation Address. Wembley Organisation Address. HA9 9SB Organisation Address. Middlesex Organisation Address. GREAT BRITAIN (UK)
Admin Name........... Domain Manager Admin Address........ 336 Pinner Road Admin Address........ Harrow Admin Address........ Midlesex Admin Address........ HA1 4LB Admin Address........ London Admin Address........ GREAT BRITAIN (UK) Admin Email.......... [email protected] Admin Phone.......... +44.2088612012 Admin Fax............ +44.2088613113
Tech Name............ Domain Manager Tech Address......... 336 Pinner Rd Tech Address......... _ Tech Address......... Harrow Tech Address......... HA1 4LB Tech Address......... Middlesex Tech Address......... GREAT BRITAIN (UK) Tech Email........... [email protected] Tech Phone........... +44.2088612012 Tech Fax............. _ Name Server.......... Name Server..........
Date |
Subject |
Speaker |
18 Aug 2006 |
Engaging with Islamists - but which ones? |
Basil Eastwood, former British ambassador to Syria |
11 Aug 2006 |
Devotion through Design |
Eric Broug, director of Broug Ateliers |
04 Aug 2006 |
Crisis in the Middle East – Escalation or Resolution? |
Nadim Shehadi, former Director of Centre for Lebanese Studies at Oxford University & a fellow at London Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) |
26 Jul 2006 |
Al-Qaeda – A Networked Fundamentalism? |
Faisal Devji, former lecturer in history at Yale and current assistant professor of history, New School University, New York |
21 Jul 2006 |
Who should the Government talk to? |
Martin Bright, New Statesman; Sir Iqbal Sacranie, MCB; Madeleine Bunting, Demos & formerly the Guardian; Yayha Birt, Advisor to The City Circle *New: Listen to event |
14 Jul 2006 |
American Muslims and the Political Process |
Hady Amr, a former appointee in the Clinton administration *New: Listen to event |
03 Jul 2006 |
Being a British Muslim, Citizenship, Integration and Britishness |
Sadiq Khan MP, Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, John Denham MP & more... *New: Listen to event |
30 Jun 2006 |
The War on Terror: From Forest Gate to Toronto - A Transatlantic View |
Abdul-Rehman Malik |
23 Jun 2006 |
Soul Revival |
Luqman Ali |
16 Jun 2006 |
Whose Standards? |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim of Utrujj |
06 Jun 2006 |
'Our Values' - Beyond Xenophobia and Ghettoisation |
Professor Gwen Griffith-Dickson and Professor Tariq Ramadan *New: Listen to event |
02 Jun 2006 |
'Islam is incompatible with liberalism' |
Dr Richard Stone & Alice Kneen *New: Listen to event |
23 May 2006 |
Approaching the Qur'an with fresh eyes |
Professor Tariq Ramadan *New: Watch/Listen to event |
12 May 2006 |
Adapting for our future |
Abu Muntasir *New: Listen to event |
05 May 2006 |
My Name is Rachel Corrie |
Katharine Viner, co-editor of My Name Is Rachel Corrie *New: Watch/Listen to event |
28 Apr 2006 |
Loving the Prophet (peace be upon him) |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Utrujj *New: Listen to event |
21 Apr 2006 |
Enemy Combatant - An Audience with Moazzam Begg |
Moazzam Begg *New: Listen to event |
07 Apr 2006 |
Life Without Water - Slide Show |
Ehsan Masood, co-author *New: Listen to event |
27 Mar 2006 |
Combating Islamist Extremism |
Professor Tariq Ramadan *New: Watch/Listen to event |
22 Mar 2006 |
Child Abuse in UK Madrasas - REPORT LAUNCH |
Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui , Simon Moules, Firdusi Begum Uddin, Councillor Lal Hussain MBE & Dr Rabia Malik |
17 Mar 2006 |
The Merit of Jesus Christ in Islam |
Abu Muntasir |
10 Mar 2006 |
The State We Are In + BOOK LAUNCH |
Aftab Malik, Yahya Birt & Dr Hisham Hellyer |
03 Mar 2006 |
The Tremendous Character of a Perfect Man |
Luqman Ali |
22 Feb 2006 |
Concept of Citizenship |
Professor Tariq Ramadan *New: Listen to event |
17 Feb 2006 |
Beyond Cartoons & Demonstrations |
Prof Iftikhar Malik, Yahya Birt & Kiku Day |
07 Feb 2006 |
Adab al-Ikhtilaf - One Faith, Many Voices |
Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah, Imam Zaid Shakir & Shaykh Hamza Yusuf |
03 Feb 2006 |
Race, Religion & Muslim Identity + BOOK LAUNCH |
Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, deputy leader, MCB |
26 Jan 2006 |
Why Islam needs a feminist movement |
Professor Tariq Ramadan, Oxford University |
18 Jan 2006 |
Remembering the Holocaust: A Survivor's Story |
Roman Halter, a Holocaust survivor |
16 Dec 2005 |
The Radical Middle Way |
Habib Ali, Abdal-Hakim Murad and others guests |
13 Dec 2005 |
Imagine Beyond - fundraising dinner in aid of Earthquake victims |
Various guests and artists |
09 Dec 2005 |
When God's Peace Entered the Holy City |
Abu Muntasir |
02 Dec 2005 |
TEN DAYS (certificate 18) |
Nadeem Kazmi, Director |
25 Nov 2005 |
Climate Chaos: A Disaster We Cannot Ignore |
Tony Juniper (Executive Director, Friends of the Earth) & Fazlun Khalid (Founder/Director of IFEES) |
18 Nov 2005 |
Finding the Balance |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Utrujj |
10 Nov 2005 |
Islam and Global Dialogue |
Dan Plesch, Tony Bayfield, Marcus Braybrooke & Daoud Rosser-Owen |
22 Oct 2005 |
The Dignity of Difference + Iftari |
Tariq Ramadan and David Garrow |
30 Sep 2005 |
The Challenges of Living Together + The Guardian Book Launch |
Geoff Mulgan, Madeleine Bunting, Indra Adnan and Ehsan Masood. |
23 Sep 2005 |
Fasting for Spiritual Illumination |
Luqman Ali |
15 Sep 2005 |
Just Enough Religion To Hate |
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Abu Muntasir |
09 Sep 2005 |
Ramadan - some forward planning |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Utrujj |
02 Sep 2005 |
Engaging with the Police |
Ian Johnston, Chief Constable of British Transport Police |
26 Aug 2005 |
A Question of Leadership - Part II |
Inayat Bunglawala (MCB), Martin Bright (The Observer), Yahya Birt (Islamic Foundation), Madeleine Bunting (The Guardian) & Sheikh Musa Admani (Luqman Institute) |
19 Aug 2005 |
The Festival of Muslim Cultures 2006 |
Isabel Carlisle, Director of the Festival of Muslim Cultures, Raficq Abdulla MBE, Chair of the Trustees & Justine Huxley of Business of Faith |
12 Aug 2005 |
Strategies for Muslim empowerment |
Gul Muhammed, Yahya Birt, Dr Rabia Malik, Ehsan Masood, Rashad Yaqoob & Jalaluddin Patel |
05 Aug 2005 |
The Route to Real Change |
Shami Chakrabarti, Director of Liberty |
29 Jul 2005 |
How the BBC views the world |
Roger Mosey, BBC Head of Television News |
22 Jul 2005 |
Do Muslims need a religious hatred law? |
Simon Hughes MP, Sher Khan & Dr Rabia Malik |
15 Jul 2005 |
The criminal distortion of Islamic texts |
Abu Muntasir, Ehsan Masood, Shahedah Vawda & Rashad Yaqoob |
08 Jul 2005 |
Islam and Modernity + Book Signing |
Dr Iftikhar Malik |
01 Jul 2005 |
White Mughals + Book Signing |
William Dalrymple |
25 Jun 2005 |
British Muslims, American Muslims: Empowerment, Engagement, Enrichment |
Key note address: Rt Hon The Lord Goldsmith QC, Attorney General |
17 Jun 2005 |
The Parable of Light |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim |
10 Jun 2005 |
The Jewish civil war of conscience |
John Rose, author |
03 Jun 2005 |
Shalom, salaam, peace: Remembering Auschwitz & Srebrenica |
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg & Mufti Barkatullah AbdulKadir |
20 May 2005 |
Modern implications of 'ihsan (benevolence) |
Abu Muntasir, Jimas |
13 May 2005 |
Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers + Book Launch |
Annie Machon and David Shayler |
06 May 2005 |
Constructive engagement between Europe and the Muslim world |
Revd Prof Richard Bonney, University of Leicester |
29 Apr 2005 |
Dining with terrorists + Book Launch |
Phil Rees, BBC |
22 Apr 2005 |
Ailments and Remedies for the Self |
Luqman Ali |
15 Apr 2005 |
Use it, or lose it: The Muslim Vote - a panel discussion |
Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, Sarfraz Manzoor, Sher Khan, Shaista Gohir, Fuad Nahdi & Makbool Javaid |
08 Apr 2005 |
Challenges of modernity |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Utrujj |
01 Apr 2005 |
Modern implications of Rahmah (compassion) |
Abu Muntasir, Jimas |
18 Mar 2005 |
Make Poverty History |
Peter Hardstaff , Head of Policy, World Development Movement |
11 Mar 2005 |
Modern implications of Qur'anic terms |
Abu Muntasir, Jimas |
04 Mar 2005 |
Ummah - a middle nation, a mercy for all |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Utrujj |
25 Feb 2005 |
Torture Unlimited - former Ambassador speaks out |
Craig Murray, ex-ambassador to Uzbekistan |
18 Feb 2005 |
An Audience with Anwar Ibrahim |
Anwar Ibrahim, former deputy PM, Malaysia |
11 Feb 2005 |
A Capitalist-free future |
Paul Feldman and Corinna Lotz |
04 Feb 2005 |
Islam - A European future |
M Iqbal Asaria |
28 Jan 2005 |
Educating our Future + Fundraiser |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim + Tariq Hussain, trustee, Friends of the Citizens Foundation |
14 Jan 2005 |
Political manipulation of intelligence |
David Shayler, a former MI5 officer and whistleblower |
17 Dec 2004 |
Where Muslims can "add-value" to British society |
Abu Muntasir, Jimas |
10 Dec 2004 |
Axis of Evil - Belmarsh, Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib |
Makbool Javaid & Haroon Shah |
03 Dec 2004 |
Balance and Equilibrium in Muslim Life |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Utrujj |
26 Nov 2004 |
Willing Slaves |
Madeleine Bunting, leading Guardian columnist |
23 Oct 2004 |
An Evening with John L. Esposito + IFTAR |
Prof John L. Esposito |
08 Oct 2004 |
Ramadan - the blessed month |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim |
01 Oct 2004 |
Climate Change - Impact and Solutions |
Mark Lynas, author & environmental campaigner and Charlie Kronick, chief policy advisor, Greenpeace |
24 Sep 2004 |
Islam in Southern Africa |
Mohamed Amra, SiyaSiza Afrika Foundation, South Africa |
17 Sep 2004 |
Hope for Darfur Fundraising Dinner & Auction |
Shaykh Babikir Ahmed Babikir & Qari Hassen Rasool |
10 Sep 2004 |
American Dream, Global Nightmare |
Merryl Wyn Davies, writer and anthropologist |
13 Aug 2004 |
Nature of the Heart |
Luqman Ali |
06 Aug 2004 |
Prayer from the Heart |
Abu Muntasir |
30 Jul 2004 |
Journey from Auschwitz to Srebrenica + Bangladesh Fundraiser |
Fiyaz Mughal, Imam Sajjid + Waseem Yaqoob |
23 Jul 2004 |
Palestine – Life Under Occupation |
Omar Titi, Nablus |
16 Jul 2004 |
First Aid for the Spirit |
Luqman Ali |
09 Jul 2004 |
Seeking Relief in Da'wah |
Abu Muntasir |
02 Jul 2004 |
Desperately Seeking Paradise |
Prof Ziauddin Sardar |
26 Jun 2004 |
Sat School 5th Annual Awards Ceremony |
Teachers and students' presentations |
25 Jun 2004 |
Unity of the Ummah |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim |
18 Jun 2004 |
Corporations and debt: Weapons of mass destruction? |
Marlene Barrett and Ahmad Thomson |
12 Jun 2004 |
World in Crisis Fundraising Dinner and Nasheeds |
Paloma Bueno, Habib Malik and Abid Baig |
04 Jun 2004 |
Human Rights in Islam |
Abu Muntasir |
28 May 2004 |
Cometh the hour... |
Prof Tariq Ramadan, George Galloway MP, Jonathan Fryer and Paul Ingram |
21 May 2004 |
British Muslims Discrimination, Equality and Community Cohesion |
Maleiha Malik |
14 May 2004 |
Fundraiser for Iraq |
Dr Nabil Ramadhani |
07 May 2004 |
First Aid for the Spirit |
Luqman Ali |
04 May 2004 |
Citizenship, Islam and the West |
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Timothy Garton Ash, Rev Terry Waite and Dr Tim Winter |
23 Apr 2004 |
Decision Time: Who Gets the Muslim Vote? |
Jean Lambert MEP, Salma Yaqoob, Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP and Murad Qureishi |
16 Apr 2004 |
A No Nonsense Guide to Islam |
Prof Ziauddin Sardar |
02 Apr 2004 |
The Muslim Obsession With Themselves |
Abu Muntasir |
26 Mar 2004 |
Gender dynamics within the Shariah |
Dr Ashghar Ali Engineer |
19 Mar 2004 |
First Aid for the Spirit |
Luqman Ali |
12 Mar 2004 |
Are Young British Muslims turning to Extremism? |
Mufti Barakatullah, Inayat Banglawala and Fareena Alam |
05 Mar 2004 |
Seeking Success Through Common Worship |
Abu Muntasir |
27 Feb 2004 |
No truth, No justice: Hutton, Iraq, Guantanamo Bay |
Gareth Pierce, Lindsey German, Shahid Butt and Guantanamo Bay family members |
20 Feb 2004 |
The Power of Dream and Story |
Luqman Ali |
13 Feb 2004 |
Unveiling French Liberty |
Bashir Ebrahim-Khan, Lorraine Hamid and Rashad Yaqoob |
06 Feb 2004 |
The CC Story (5th Anniversary) + Dinner |
CC Crew |
30 Jan 2004 |
Hajj - Reflection on Malcolm X |
Abdul-Rehman Malik |
23 Jan 2004 |
World Hunger - Is GM the solution? |
Charlie Kronick and Bernard Marantelli |
16 Jan 2004 |
What is an Islamic Civil Society? |
Prof. Hassan Hanafi, Cairo |
09 Jan 2004 |
Iran fundraiser and homeless project update |
Monir Arimoku |
12 Dec 2003 |
Our Community - An honest Insight + Dinner |
Muslim Youth Helpline and Mufti Barkatullah |
05 Dec 2003 |
Confronting Imperialism |
Prof Tariq Ramadan, Yvonne Ridley and George Galloway MP |
15 Nov 2003 |
One Moment, Better than a Lifetime (Iftari dinner) |
Luqman Ali |
24 Oct 2003 |
Marhaba (Welcome) Ramadan |
Abu Muntasir |
17 Oct 2003 |
Children in Islam + Aqiqa dinner |
Luqman Ali |
10 Oct 2003 |
Dream of a European Muslim |
Mufti Barkatullah |
03 Oct 2003 |
Preparing for Ramadan |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim |
26 Sep 2003 |
Entering Paradise |
Abu Muntasir |
19 Sep 2003 |
Flourishing as a Minority |
Luqman Ali |
12 Sep 2003 |
What Democracy Looks Like? |
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Hilary Wainwright |
05 Sep 2003 |
Teaching & Learning + DINNER |
Paul Obinna Wilson-Eme |
22 Aug 2003 |
Islamic Britain |
Dr Yaqub Zaki |
15 Aug 2003 |
Towards Understanding the Deen |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim |
08 Aug 2003 |
The Real Thing - An analysis of Coca Cola + Dinner |
Columbian Solidarity Campaign |
01 Aug 2003 |
Training the Desires (Nafs) |
Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba'Shoaib |
25 Jul 2003 |
Gentleness in Da'wah |
Abu Muntasir & Shaykh Nizam Yaquby |
18 Jul 2003 |
Creative Science: Role of Islamic Art |
Mohamed Abu Mustafa |
11 Jul 2003 |
Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith |
Abu Aaliyah |
04 Jul 2003 |
America - History's First Hyperpower |
Prof Ziauddin Sardar |
29 Jun 2003 |
Look who's talking! |
Dr Ghada Karmi, Yvonne Ridley, Aaqil Ahmed, Shaista Aziz |
27 Jun 2003 |
HasbunAllah - Allah is sufficient |
Abu Muntasir |
20 Jun 2003 |
The Story of Musa (Moses) |
Abdullah Ihsan |
13 Jun 2003 |
Support George Galloway MP |
George Galloway MP, Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, Anas Altikriti, Abu Muntasir & Shaykh Hatham Tamim |
06 Jun 2003 |
Oil and Colonialism in the Caucasus |
Gregg Muttitt & James Marriott |
30 May 2003 |
How to live life as a minority |
Dr Zafarul Islam Khan |
23 May 2003 |
Indonsesian Children Relief + Dinner |
Nizma Augstik / ICR |
16 May 2003 |
'War On Terror' Threatens Us All |
Just Peace/ CC |
12 May 2003 |
Confronting Imperialism |
Prof Tariq Ramadan, Yvonne Ridley and George Galloway MP |
09 May 2003 |
Democracy & Civil Society - Towards An Islamist Discourse |
Dr Bobby Sayyid |
02 May 2003 |
Our Distinguished Ummah |
Abu Muntasir |
25 Apr 2003 |
The Art of Theatre - Rekindling a Muslim Tradition |
Luqman Ali & Hajaz Akram |
11 Apr 2003 |
Muslim Civil Society - The Lost Heritage of Islam |
Professor Iftikhar Malik |
04 Apr 2003 |
Saddness & Hope |
Abu Muntasir |
28 Mar 2003 |
Experiences of War & Conflict + Dinner |
Waseem Yaqoub, S Ahmed, Dr Adnan Siddiqui |
21 Mar 2003 |
Life Inside Iraq |
Dr Shatha Besarani |
14 Mar 2003 |
Faith, Politics & Common Sense |
Dr Abdelwahab El-Affendi |
07 Mar 2003 |
Al Fatiha:The Opening |
Abu Muntasir |
21 Feb 2003 |
No War No War |
Abdul Jabar Al-Kubaisey, Dr Siddiqui & Lyndsey German |
07 Feb 2003 |
The qualities of the Prophet (saw) |
Abu Muntasir |
24 Jan 2003 |
True Lies - An Iraqi Story |
Dr Burhan M Al-Chalabi & Jeremy Corbyn MP |
17 Jan 2003 |
UK Islamic finanical products - scopes and possibilities |
M Iqbal Asaria |
10 Jan 2003 |
The unique qualities of Muhammad (saw) |
Abu Muntasir |
13 Dec 2002 |
The nature of angels + Eid Dinner + Aqeeqa |
Abu Muntasir |
01 Nov 2002 |
Stories from the occupation |
George Rishmawi |
25 Oct 2002 |
Afghanistan - story of the innocents |
Dr Asif Chaudhry & Tariq Kurshid |
18 Oct 2002 |
Palestine on the ground 2002 (video diary) |
James Kirkham |
11 Oct 2002 |
Our children are precious |
Abu Muntasir |
04 Oct 2002 |
Parenting, it's problems, challenges and rewards |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
27 Sep 2002 |
Through Muslim Eyes |
Fuad Nahdi & Teresa Smith |
20 Sep 2002 |
Stop the War! |
Sandy Nicoll & Shahed Saleem |
13 Sep 2002 |
Purification of the souls |
Abu Muntasir |
06 Sep 2002 |
Parenting in contemporary times |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
30 Aug 2002 |
This law of ours |
Prof Daud Noibi |
24 Aug 2002 |
Life in the fast lane |
Gai Eaton & Zaid Shakir |
23 Aug 2002 |
Clear and present danger |
Yvonne Ridley, Anas Al Tikrity, Abdul Rehman Malik & Makbool Javaid |
16 Aug 2002 |
To Be a British Muslim |
Abu Muntasir |
09 Aug 2002 |
A View from the Outside |
Yvonne Ridley |
02 Aug 2002 |
A Crisis of the Heart |
Shaykh Riyad Nadwi |
26 Jul 2002 |
Not In My Name |
Video and talk by Linsey German |
19 Jul 2002 |
Life After Marriage + Dinner |
Daoud Rosser-Owen |
12 Jul 2002 |
Liberating ourselves from our own prejudices |
Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui |
05 Jul 2002 |
Implementing Shari'ah in diaspora |
Prof Daud Noibi |
28 Jun 2002 |
India, Pakistan and Kashmir - the way ahead |
Mike Marquse, Nageeb Mubaruki & Gita Sahgal |
21 Jun 2002 |
Help and be helped |
Abu Muntasir |
07 Jun 2002 |
The Muslim family in Britain today |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
31 May 2002 |
The way of the Prophet (saw) |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim |
24 May 2002 |
Give the children hope |
Abu Muntasir |
17 May 2002 |
A Witness to Terror |
Yvonne Ridley |
10 May 2002 |
Time to make a difference |
Makbool Javaid & Maleiha Malik |
03 May 2002 |
Under Siege - Islam or the Muslim Mind? |
Shaykh Riyad Nadwi |
26 Apr 2002 |
Charity |
Abu Muntasir |
19 Apr 2002 |
Palestine - past, present and future |
Afif Safieh |
12 Apr 2002 |
The next propaganda war |
David Musa Pidcock |
05 Apr 2002 |
Our parents |
Abu Muntasir |
22 Mar 2002 |
The war on terror - how does it affect you? |
Mark Littlewood, Asad Rehman, Paul Feldman |
15 Mar 2002 |
Troubled youth + EID DINNER |
Abdullah Trevathon, Paul Wilson-Eme |
08 Mar 2002 |
The divine calling |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim |
01 Mar 2002 |
Islamic character |
Abu Muntasir |
15 Feb 2002 |
Being a real man in Islam - Drugs, criminality and manhood |
Yahya Birt |
08 Feb 2002 |
The battle for ideas in the 21st century |
Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui |
01 Feb 2002 |
Islamic character |
Abu Muntasir |
25 Jan 2002 |
Tafsir |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
18 Jan 2002 |
The truth about money |
David Musa Pidcock |
11 Jan 2002 |
Islam - The Mercy + Eid Dinner |
Shaykh Hatham Tamim |
04 Jan 2002 |
Islamic character |
Abu Muntasir |
09 Nov 2001 |
Islam & the peace movement. Where do we stand? |
Abu Muntasir, Bruce Kent, Jeremy Corbyn, Dr Kemal Helbawi and Sarah Joseph |
02 Nov 2001 |
A war to what end? |
Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui |
19 Oct 2001 |
Muslims in the new world order |
Shaykh Riyad Nadwi |
19 Oct 2001 |
Dealing Justly. Tafsir (Explanation) of Surah Al-Maidah |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
05 Oct 2001 |
Remaining firm in Du'a |
Abu Muntasir |
28 Sep 2001 |
The Illusion of human rights |
Shaykh Haytham Tamim |
21 Sep 2001 |
The coming of Muhammad (saw) (Part 2) |
Abdur Razak Bezan |
14 Sep 2001 |
Islamophobia in Popular Culture and Fiction |
Dr Anas Ali Sheikh |
07 Sep 2001 |
Cultural Islam: What does it mean for Muslims in the West |
Shaykh Riyad Nadwi |
31 Aug 2001 |
A Muslim Identity in the City? |
Shaykh Habib Ali Jiffiri |
24 Aug 2001 |
Andalusian Encounters |
Bensalem Bouabdallah |
17 Aug 2001 |
The Coming of Muhammad (pbuh) |
Abdur Razak Bezan |
10 Aug 2001 |
Shari'ah - the Nigerian experience |
Prof Daud Noibi |
03 Aug 2001 |
How the media is spun? |
Faisal Bodi |
27 Jul 2001 |
Prophet's (saw) Farewell Sermon - Its implications |
Shaykh Professor Salman Nadwi |
20 Jul 2001 |
UN complicity in Bosnia: Who shall forget Srebrenica? |
Geoffrey Robertson QC, Jeremy Bowen, Dr Yaqub Zaki |
13 Jul 2001 |
Persecution |
Nizma Augstik, Tariq Khan, Abdur Razaq Bezan |
06 Jul 2001 |
Hikmah (Wisdom), Tafsir of Surah Luqman |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
29 Jun 2001 |
Mithaq al-madinah - The first written constitution |
Shaykh Professor Salman Nadwi |
23 Jun 2001 |
Different Strokes for Different Folks |
Monir Arimoku |
22 Jun 2001 |
Understanding and knowing your position in society |
Abu Muntasir, Paul Obinna |
08 Jun 2001 |
Socio-political implications of the Hijrah |
Shaykh Professor Salman Nadwi |
01 Jun 2001 |
Muslim Media in the West |
Ahmed Versi |
25 May 2001 |
On achieving happiness |
Abu Muntasir |
18 May 2001 |
Muslim partcipation in the General Election? |
Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui |
11 May 2001 |
An Illustrated Lecture on Islamic Britain |
Dr Yaqub Zaki |
05 May 2001 |
The Makkan opposition to Islam |
Shaykh Professor Salman Nadwi |
27 Apr 2001 |
Considering the faults in our own soul |
Abu Muntasir |
20 Apr 2001 |
Marriage - Making it work, Part 2 |
Abdur Razak Bezan |
12 Apr 2001 |
Education or Entertainment - Striking the balance |
Dawud Warnsby Ali |
06 Apr 2001 |
On Reflection |
Shaykh Muhammad Abu Baker |
30 Mar 2001 |
Ad Men or Mad Men? How much more can we take? |
George Monbiot, Hamza Yusuf Hanson |
23 Mar 2001 |
Nurturing our children through the Nature of Islam |
Shaykh Riyad Nadwi |
16 Mar 2001 |
Marriage |
Abdur Razak Bezan |
10 Mar 2001 |
The LightStudy Programme: The Prophetic Invocation |
09 Mar 2001 |
The Prophet's Conduct of State - The Treaty of Hudaibiya |
Shaykh Professor Salman Nadwi |
02 Mar 2001 |
How safe is your 'halal' meat ? |
Masood Khawaja |
23 Feb 2001 |
Globalisation and the future of Islam |
Dr M Wilfried Hofmann |
16 Feb 2001 |
Tafsir of Surah Al-Fatihah |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
09 Feb 2001 |
The Ecology of Islam |
Fazlun Khalid |
02 Feb 2001 |
Zuhud (Part II) |
Abu Muntasir |
26 Jan 2001 |
Islam in Britain: A Short Documentary |
Navid Akhtar |
19 Jan 2001 |
Developing our youth through an Islamic Education |
Abdullah Trevathon |
12 Jan 2001 |
Tafsir of Surah Al-Isra |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
05 Jan 2001 |
Zuhud (Part I) |
Abu Muntasir |
09 Dec 2000 |
The Night of Power - Lailatul Qadr |
24 Nov 2000 |
Ramadhan |
Abdur Razak Bezan |
17 Nov 2000 |
Intifada - the Sequel |
Dr Azzam Tamimi |
10 Nov 2000 |
LIFE: What's Islam got to do with it? |
Sarah Joseph |
03 Nov 2000 |
Forgiveness and Ramadhan |
Abdur Razak Bezan |
27 Oct 2000 |
Sunnah of Correcting in a Pleasant Manner |
Abu Muntasir |
20 Oct 2000 |
Love - The Most Powerful Emotion |
Shaykh Riyad Al-Nadwi |
13 Oct 2000 |
Tafsir of Surah Al-Mulk |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
06 Oct 2000 |
The Marsh Arabs |
Dr Hamid Ahmed |
29 Sep 2000 |
Seerah |
Shaykh Muhammed Shariff |
22 Sep 2000 |
The Rights of Children |
Abdur Razak Bezan |
15 Sep 2000 |
Educating for Difference |
Mohammed Ibrahim |
08 Sep 2000 |
Project Brainstorming |
The City Circle |
01 Sep 2000 |
The Expiation of Sin |
Abu Muntasir |
25 Aug 2000 |
Tafsir - Qur'anic Worldview |
Mohammed Saleem Kayani |
18 Aug 2000 |
A Global Village: At whose expense? |
Imam Zaid Shakir, George Monbiot |
13 Aug 2000 |
Caring for the Community |
Sophia Soliman |
11 Aug 2000 |
Biology in the Qur'an |
Shariq Ali Khan |
04 Aug 2000 |
Righteousness |
Abu Muntasir |
28 Jul 2000 |
Understanding the Seerah |
Salim Fredricks |
21 Jul 2000 |
The City Circle Workshop |
14 Jul 2000 |
How Muslims Should Politically Mobilise |
Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui |
07 Jul 2000 |
Resurrection |
Abdur Razak Bezan |
30 Jun 2000 |
Emulating the Prophet (saw) |
Shaykh Muhammed Shariff |
23 Jun 2000 |
How to Approach the Qur'an - A Guide for the Lay P |
Dr Saleem Kayani |
16 Jun 2000 |
Aspirations and the Muslim Psyche |
Shaykh Riyadh Al-Nadvi |
09 Jun 2000 |
Geology in the Qur'an and Sunnah |
Shariq Ali Khan |
02 Jun 2000 |
Reminding Ourselves |
Abu Muntasir |
26 May 2000 |
Another Approach to Islamic Finance & Banking |
Abdul Gafoor |
19 May 2000 |
Islamic Finance & Commerce |
Tarek El-Diwany |
12 May 2000 |
Media and Islam |
Daud Mathews |
05 May 2000 |
Haya |
Abu Muntasir |
28 Apr 2000 |
The Time in the Grave |
Abdul Razak Bezan |
14 Apr 2000 |
Lessons from the Life of Malcolm X, and the Nation |
Imam Muradadeen |
08 Apr 2000 |
Bridging the Gap |
07 Apr 2000 |
After Hardship Comes Ease |
Abu Muntasir |
31 Mar 2000 |
The Art of Dawah |
Dr Imran Alawyie |
24 Mar 2000 |
Seeking Repentence |
Abdul Razak Bezan |
10 Mar 2000 |
Kith & Kin |
Abu Muntasir |
03 Mar 2000 |
Dreams and Their Significance |
Abdul Razak Bezan |
26 Feb 2000 |
LSE Islamic Finance Seminar |
25 Feb 2000 |
Astronomy in the Qur'an |
Shariq Ali Khan |
18 Feb 2000 |
Manners in Speech |
Abdul Razak Bezan |
11 Feb 2000 |
Intention |
Abu Muntasir |
04 Feb 2000 |
The Role of the Muslim Family in Britain Today |
Shaykh Hafiz Ijaz |
28 Jan 2000 |
Trial and Tribulation |
Abdul Razak Bezan |
21 Jan 2000 |
Islam, Iman, Ihsan |
Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr |
14 Jan 2000 |
Islamic Character |
Abu Muntasir |
03 Dec 1999 |
Conflict in the Caucusus |
Dr. Marie Benningson, Yusuf Islam, Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, Dr. Yaqub Zaki |
26 Nov 1999 |
Unity: Curing the Illness |
Imam Ramee Mohammed |
19 Nov 1999 |
Community: And the role of the individual |
Dr Imran Alawyie |
12 Nov 1999 |
Remembrence of Allah |
Abu Muntasir |
05 Nov 1999 |
Jinns |
Abdul Razak Bezan |
29 Oct 1999 |
The Nature of Angels & Iblis |
Professor Daud Noibi |
22 Oct 1999 |
IAW Dinner |
Omar Abdullah |
15 Oct 1999 |
Dawah to Non-Muslims |
Abu Muntasir |
08 Oct 1999 |
Seeking Guidance |
Abdul Razak Bezan |
01 Oct 1999 |
The Beautiful Names of Allah |
Professor Daud Noibi |
24 Sep 1999 |
Speaker unable to attend |
Shaykh Mohsin Al-Najar |
17 Sep 1999 |
Attending to the Purity of the Heart |
Abu Muntasir |
10 Sep 1999 |
Seerah of the Prophet (Upon Whom be Peace) |
Shaykh Mohsin Najjar |
20 Aug 1999 |
Tafsir Surah Al-Fatiha |
Abdul Razak Bezan |
03 Aug 1999 |
The Hadith of Gibrael |
Professor Daud Noibi |
16 Jul 1999 |
Scientific Signs in the Qur'an |
Shariq Ali |
10 Jul 1999 |
Surviving the World of Work |
11 Jun 1999 |
Stourhead Basecamp | |