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Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Al Muhajiroun spokesman Makbool Javaid signed Jihad fatwa against US &UK - civil rights lawyer and ex government advisor

Al Muhajiroun spokesman Makbool Javaid signed Jihad fatwa against US &UK - civil rights lawyer and ex government advisor

August 7, 2005

MIM: Al Muhajiroun spokesman Makbool Javaid is a case study in why the UK will have so much difficulty trying to crack down on individuals who are openly aiding and abetting terror organisations. Despite having signed an AM fatwa declaring war on the US and the UK, Javaid was appointed to the UK human rights commission. His participation was shortlived after Jewish groups complained about his terrorism ties. Even more insidious is that Javaid is masquerading under the guise of a human rights lawyer - which would mean that if he was fired from his position he could file suit on his own behalf ! The chronicle of Londinistan follies has reached new depths when someone like Javaid continues to be given a free pass by law enforcement and those who employ him despite his open affiliation with Al Muhajiroun. In 1997 Makbool Javaid was a scheduled speaker a "Rally Against Oppression" which was scheduled to take place on August 3rd in Trafalgar Square. The flyer lists him as Br. Makbool Javaid spokesmen for Al Muhajiroun UK and the Chairman of the Muslim Lawyers Society. Other speakers included Kamran Bokhari, the North American spokesman for AM who is now working as a strategic analyst for Stratfor Inc. in the US, AM leader Omar Bakri Mohammed, and Mohammed Al Maasri, the secretary general for the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights which (together with MIRA) was just declared a terrorist entity with ties to Al Qaeda, The Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.

In 1998 Al Muhajiroun spokesman Makbool Javaid was a signatory to a fatwa issued by Omar Bakri Mohammed declaring war on the US and the UK. One year before Javaid threatened a UK television station with a lawsuit if they aired a documentary about Omar Bakri Mohammed linking him to terrorist activitity.In 1996 Javaid was a featured speaker at an Al Muhajiroun "Rally Against Opression". The documentation below shows that Javaid is still promoting the Al Muhajioun Islamofacist ideology under the guise of 'civil rights'.

MIM: Javaid's company bio


Makbool Javaid | Partner

3 Noble Street
London, United Kingdom EC2V 7EE
T: +44 (0)207 796 6621

3 Noble Street
London, United Kingdom EC2V 7EE
T: +44 (0)207 796 6621

[email protected]


Makbool is head of the Equality and Diversity group, which is part of the UK Human Resources group. He was formerly head of Litigation Services at the Commission for Racial Equality. Makbool has been involved in several high profile cases including: Burton and Rhule v De Vere Hotels Ltd (1996); Jones v Tower Boot Co Limited (1997); Harrods Limited v Remick and others (1997); Bossa v Nordstress Limited (1998); D'Souza v London Borough of Lambeth; Chan v London Borough of Hackney. He has particular expertise in the financial services sector and in pan-European employment discrimination issues. Makbool also acts on behalf of a number of significant public sector bodies. In addition to defending complex and sensitive cases he also provides in-house training and coaching to senior Managers/Directors of the large private and public corporations. He advises on general employment law, and the avoidance and management of discrimination in all non-employment areas. Makbool also advises on human rights issues. He speaks and conducts training on employment issues, has been widely published and regularly contributes to legal and personnel journals. Makbool is a member of the CBI Equality Forum, Law Society Employment Committee and a former adviser to the Government on race relations issues.

MIM: This is the Al Muhajiroun fatwa which was distributed under the heading:"Muslims in Britain Declare War Against the US and British governments". The fatwa warned the UK and US governments to 'stay away from Iraq or risk Jihad' and urged Muslims worldwide to confront the US and UK "by all means, politically, financially and militarily".

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Assalamu alaikum, my dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

Peace to all,


One of the purposes of the World Islamic Network (WIN) project is to
emphasize Islamic contents on the Internet of high importance. Thus, as t=
WIN project's Amir, I forward this message across the Internet from the
Al-Muhajiroun Movement, and their declaration "Muslims in Britain Declare
War Against the US and British Governments". However, I consider it a
diservice to spread this information without a response. Please read it
below the message from Al-Muhajiroun.


The Al-Muhajiroun can be reached at:
Web: http://www.almuhajiroun.org/
Email: S...@webfactory.co.uk

----------------------FORWARDE­D MESSAGE-----------------------­--


The Fatwa is Jihad against the US and British governments, armies=
interests, airports and institutions and it has been given by the most
prominent scholars of Islam today because of the US and British aggressio=
against Muslims and the Muslim land of Iraq.=20

The governments of the United States and Britain are openly
planning another military attack on Islam, the Muslim land of Iraq and on
the people of Iraq, Muslims and non-Muslims. Therefore we, the undersigne=
Scholars, Muslim leaders and groups declare the following:=20

1. The Military strikes against Iraq would be an unjust and unwise course
of action.=20
2. The Military strikes against Iraq will further increase tension and
instability in the world.=20
3. The Military strikes against Iraq=A0 is=A0 war against Islam and Musli=
4. The Military strikes against Iraq will increase the suffering of Musli=
and non-Muslims.=20
5. The Military strikes against Iraq means the most powerful military
machine in history is to be turned once again against helpless civilians,
whose murder will again be referred to on television as "collateral
6. The Military strikes against Iraq clearly manifest the hypocrisy of th=
US and the British. They claim they want to prevent and to destroy Iraq's
ability to create "weapons of mass destruction" yet they intend to use th=
latest high-technology weapons of mass destruction to do so. The US
government is still the only one in world history to have used nuclear
weapons against another country i.e. Japan, and has used chemical and
biological weapons in its wars during colonial revolutions. Britain has
also used chemical weapons against Iraq in the past during its colonial
rule there.=20
7. The case against Iraq is always presented as the possibility of Iraq
having nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, and these unproven
statements are then used to create a scenario about what could happen if
Iraq used those weapons, asking the people to forget that the statements
are built on mere speculation and immagination.=20
What is not speculation however is the immense suffering the people of Ir=
have been enduring due to the sanctions. During the past seven years, mor=
than one million Iraqi civilians have died from insufficient food and
medicine. According to a UNICEF 1997 report one million Iraqi children
under the age of five are suffering from severe malnutrition.=20
8. We the undersigned firmly believe that the weak and the innocent canno=
and must not pay for mistakes for which they are not responsible.=20
9. We the undersigned=A0 reiterate that there is no justification for
continuing the blockade against the Muslims of Iraq, let alone renewing U=
and British military attacks.=20
10. We the undersigned confirm that the only Islamic Fatwa against this
explicit aggression is Jihad.=A0 Therefore the message for the US and the
British Governments or any other government of non-Muslim countries is to
stay away from Iraq, Palestine, Pakistan, Arabia etc. or face a full scal=
war of Jihad which will be the responsibly and the duty of every Muslim
around the world to participate in.=20
11. We the undersigned call upon the Muslims around the world including t=
Muslims in the USA and in Britain to confront by all means whether
verbally, financially, politically or militarily the US and British
aggression and to do their Islamic duty in relieving the Iraqi people fro=
the unjust sanctions.=20

List of Scholars, Intellectuals and Organisations who can provide
further detailes of the divine evidences from the Quran and the Sunnah fo=
the above Fatwa can be obtained from your local Mosque if it is independe=
from any Kufr government control or from the following orgainsations and
Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, Prof. Muhammad Al-Mass'ari,, Makbool
Javaid, Anjem Chouday, Al-Muhajiroun, The London School of Shari'ah, The
Society of Converts To Islam, The Shari'ah Court in UK, The Society of
Muslim Scholars, The Society of Muslim Lawyers, The Society of Muslim
Doctors, The Society of Muslim Parents, The Society of Muslim Youth, The
Society of Muslim Women, The Society of Muslim Teachers, The Association =
Muslim Students, CDLR, The Islamic World League, The International Islami=
Front, As-Sahwa Magazine, Al-Khilafah Newsletter, Maddad, The Islamic
Tahreek For Pakistan, The Supporters of Taliban, The Islamic Verdict
Newspaper, The Islamic Viewpoint Magazine, The Supporters of Hamas,
Al-Muhajiroun Community Centre in Luton, Mujahid Distribution Network,
Walthamstaw School Of Shari'ah, Luton School of Shari'ah, Derby School of
Shari'ah, Al-Khilafah Movement, Al-Muhajiroun Publications, The Islamic
Society of Birmingham, The Islamic Society of Leicester, The Islamic
Society of Bolton & Preston, The Islamic Society of Greenwich, The Muslim
Cultural Society, The Party of The Future,=A0 The Islamic Society of
Nottingham,=A0 The Islamic Society of Hounslow, The Defenders of The Fait=
The Islamic Society of Bradford & Halifax, The Islamic Advise Bureau, The
Islamic Society of Manchester, The Islamic Society of Sheffield, Al-Ansaa=
Society, The Islamic Society of Maidenhead,=A0 The Islamic Awareness Soci=
The Islamic Society of Kent, The Intellectual Society, The Islamic Herita=
Society, The Islamic Society of Slough, The Islamic Society of
Stoke-on-Trent, The Islamic Society of Luton, The Islamic Society of
Crawley, The Islamic Society of Kent, The Islamic Society of Rochdale, Th=
Islamic Society of Leeds, The Islamic Society of Derby,=A0 Al-Khialafah
Newsletter etc....=20

London, Tuesday the 13th of Shawwaal 1418 HD
10 February 1998

--------------------END FORWARDED MESSAGE------------------

Apr 9 1997, 3:00 am show options

Newsgroups: soc.religion.islam

From: Electron <s...@webfactory.co.uk> - Find messages by this author

Date: 1997/04/09

Subject: The Jewish controlled British Media

Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse

31 Emerald Close, Beckton, London E16 3TS
Tel/Fax 0171 474 3746 - Mobile 0976 919 596 or 0956 600 569

The Producer
Witness Programme
Channel Four

Our Ref.: AC/RA/OBM.1C4
Date: 7th April 1997

RE: The Tottenham Ayatollah, Witness, Channel Four, Tuesday April 8th

Dear Sirs,
We write with reference to the above programme, which has been brought
to our attention by Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad. We note the advertising
of the programme on the Internet and the recent Guardian article (29
March 1997). We have also had an opportunity to view a video, which was
distributed to the media.

On the basis of the information received from the above sources we write
to express Sheikh Omar's objections to the broadcasting of the
programme. It contains material which defamatory and in those
circumstances we would ask you to halt the broadcast. Sheikh Omar denied
the allegations made against him as they are without foundation.

Sheikh Omar informs us that his participation in the programme was
secured on the basis that it would be accurate and a factual reflection
of his views. As you are well aware Sheikh Omar has been "demonised" and
numerous untrue allegations have been made against him. He was led to
believe that his Islamic beliefs, which challenge capitalism and the
western way of life, would be presented. Instead the commentary to the
programme includes derogatory and offensive remarks taken from tabloid
newspapers without any attempts being made to establish the veracity or
authenticity of the comments attributed to Sheikh Omar together with the
attendant publicity we would identify the following:

1. Sheikh Omar informs us that the meeting in Coventry was not in fact
secret nor was it attended by fundamentalists. No one from Hizbullah nor
FIS or Hamas attended the meeting. It was a simple social gathering
between individuals drawn from the Muslim community in the UK.

2. Sheikh Omar has never said that Jihad has been declared in Britain.

3. The programme slurs Sheikh Omar's character in that it is alleged
that he deliberately and dishonestly performed prayers for the media.
(Muslims are obliged to pray five times a day. In addition there are
seventeen recommended prayers daily).

31 Emerald Close, Beckton, London E16 3TS
Tel/Fax 0171 474 3746 - Mobile 0976 919 596 or 0956 600 569

4. It is alleged that money collected in bottles was to be used for the
purposes of terrorist activity. This is simply not true. The money was
collected in order to help Muslims displaced by war i.e. women and
children abroad.

5. The So-called Jihad Training Camp in Crawley was no such thing. On
the contrary it is a place of recreation where some youth (Muslims and
non-Muslims) go to keep fit. This particular piece used in the
programme was shot at the beginning of the making of the film. There is
no training or preparation for Jihad in Britain.

The above are mere examples of the general thrust of the programme which
seeks to depict Sheikh Omar as being a supporter of terrorism and
someone who condones such activities. We are aware that Channel four
prides itself on the high quality of its programmes and a degree of
impartiality unrivaled by others. The programme is nothing more than a
vicious attack on Islam and Muslims in general and Sheikh Omar
particular. It is part of the Islamophobia trend that we have witnessed
in recent years. We are shocked at the malicious falsehoods made against
Sheikh Omar and would point out to you that his instructions are that
the allegations only exist in the minds of the programme makers and have
no truth in reality.

In the circumstances we would ask you not to broadcast the programme. If
you do, we have advised Sheikh Omar that he has good grounds for taking
proceedings for an injunction and subsequently libel proceedings. We
require a response by noon tomorrow in order to prevent legal action.

Yours faithfully

Makbool Javaid
Chairman - Society of Muslim Lawyers.



MIM: As spokesman of Al Muhajiroun and it's Society of Muslim Lawyer's Javaid lambasted the Home Office for their refusal to allow the entrance of terrorists like Osama Bin Laden into the UK for an Al Muhajiroun rally.

Rally for Revival

A great many papers have carried news and comment on the Rally for Revival planned for 8 September [subsequently cancelled], organised by Al-Muhajiroun, the group led by Omar Bakri Mohammed, formerly of Hizb-ut-Tahrir (see British Muslims Monthly Survey for February 1996). The East London Advertiser (22.08.96) had an article expressing concern that the event was due to take place at the London Arena. According to this local paper, the manager of the venue, Alec McCrinley, said: "If there is any transgression of the law this event will not take place" and Scotland Yard had issued a statement saying: "We are aware of the event. We are not prepared to discuss policing arrangements" (East London Advertiser, 22.08.96). Some MPs have made representations to the Home Office, asking Michael Howard to investigate. Conservative MP David Wilshire said: "If Mr Mohammed [Omar Bakri] does have the right to be here, I will ask whether what he is doing is a criminal offence, in which case, he should be charged. If it involves incitement to violence, the police should act." Another Conservative MP, Terry Dicks' view was that: "The government ought to stop it taking place. The local authority ought to say enough is enough" (Liverpool Daily Post, 23.08.96). The Jewish Chronicle (23.08.96) claimed that to promote the event, Hizb ut-Tahrir had distributed advertising material in London with the slogan "Peace with Israel is Haram". On the same day, the Evening Standard had an editorial headed "Test of tolerance", which outlined a variety of Omar Bakri Mohammed's more forceful statements, and concluded: "We should treat extravagant rhetoric about a ‘holy war' as simply that - rhetoric. But where there is clear evidence of active support for terrorism, or incitement to hatred, our tolerance comes to an abrupt halt".

By 27 August (USA Today, Aberdeen Press & Journal, Guardian, Shropshire Star), news started to appear about Egyptian governmental concern regarding the rally. The Egyptian foreign minister, Amre Moussa (Guardian, Shropshire Star, 27.08.96) said: "There is a question mark over this issue. We, and many other countries, don't understand this (Britain's) position. Egypt will contact the British government to find out the truth of the matter and to discuss the possible consequences of such an unfortunate step". By 29 August, President Mubarak had expressed his disapproval: "I am surprised that this conference, which includes many of the elements which support terrorism, will convene. This does not serve the fight against international terrorism" (Bolton Evening News). The Guardian (30.08.96) noted that, in addition to Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Israel and British Jewish organisations had all made formal representations to the British government against the rally. This paper quoted Malcolm Rifkind, the Foreign Secretary, speaking from Pakistan: "People who wish to hold conferences of course don't need to seek permission from the government in Britain".

The Daily Mail (29.08.96) was indignant that Omar Bakri Mohammed is in receipt of welfare benefits, and headed its article: "Militant ‘sheikh' gets £300 handout - Refugee on the dole, plotting revolution". Conservative MP William Powell, chair of the Gulf Region Parliamentary Group, said: "There should be an investigation as to whether benefits are being properly paid." Omar Bakri Mohammed replied to the Daily Mail's criticisms: "There's no contradiction at all. If I am living under a system Islam allows me to take the benefit that system offers. I am fully eligible - I am disabled, with no ankle joint on my left leg. And the negative publicity I get makes it very difficult for me to get a job. Most of the Islamic leadership is on benefit."

The Board of Deputies of British Jews asked the Home Secretary to deny entry to Britain for the rally to many of those invited, particularly speakers from Palestine and Lebanon and all members and suspected members of Hamas and Hizbullah.

The Board of Deputies called for their exclusion on the grounds that their presence would be "contrary to the public good" (Jewish Chronicle, 09.08.96, Time Out, 14.08.96). Well-known speakers who were invited included: Osama Bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi national who has funded one of the groups in the Afghanistan conflict; Sheikh Muhammad Fadhlallah, of the Lebanese Hizbullah; and the Saudi dissident, Dr Al-Mas'ari. Some speakers, who would have been unable to attend in person due to reasons beyond their control, would have sent films of their speeches. These included: Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, jailed for conspiracy to bomb the World Trade Centre in New York; Sheikh Obeid, who was abducted in 1989 from Lebanon and has been held since without trial in Israel; and imprisoned members of the FIS in Algeria (Q-News, 02.08.96, Sunday Times, 18.08.96). The Evening Standard (22.08.96) carries a full-page feature interview with Omar Bakri Mohammed at his London School of Shariah, where he teaches Islamic jurisprudence. Commenting on the speeches from prison, particularly that of Sheikh Obeid, he pointed out that: "When someone goes to prison he doesn't lose his right to speak out."

Muslim News (30.08.96) saw the Jewish Board of Deputies' representations to the government demanding that it stop the rally as being part of a wider context of anti-Muslim actions. This article quotes Iqbal Sacranie, spokesman for the UK Action Committee on Islamic Affairs: "The Board of Deputies of British Jews should seriously consider what action they take on this matter because of the detrimental effect on community relations which could result. Taking a hostile view towards scholars who wish to come to this country to present their points of view at a conference will not serve good community relations..." The Jewish Chronicle (30.08.96) reported on the concern of some Middle Eastern governments that the rally would be allowed to take place, and the Home Office's refusal to ban it. An editorial in that paper called for vigilant policing of the rally. On this subject, the Daily Telegraph (31.08.96) says that: "Police could arrest anyone who calls for attacks on Jews, or shows a video that does so". The same paper also claims that: "The Board of Deputies of British Jews...has won a promise that no-one known to have links with terrorist organisations will be allowed into the country to attend".

Q-News (30.08.96) asserts that, in fact, eight delegates to the conference, amongst them two EU citizens, were banned from entry to Britain on the grounds that their presence was not conducive to the public good [The EU citizens were presumably banned at point of entry, since they would not need visas. This implies that the authorities would have had foreknowledge of their arrival. Ed.]. Makbool Javaid, for the Society of Muslim Lawyers, regarded this as an abuse of its powers by the Home Office: "There is nothing illegal about the conference. If there was anything untoward the government would have banned it by now. Thousands of British Muslims are going to participate. They, like their French counterparts, are also members of the European Community. If the Home Office wants to be consistent then it should also stop every other participant on the same grounds". A similar view was expressed by the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants.

Muslim News (30.08.96) and the Church of England Newspaper (30.08.96) both see the reporting of the rally as likely to contribute to a deterioration in inter-faith relations. The Sunday Times (01.09.96), the Times (02.09.96), and the Independent (02.09.96), all review a small number of Middle Eastern papers which condemn the rally, principally Egypt's Akhbar Al-Yom. [BMMS August 1996 Vol. IV, No. 8, p. 1/2]

MIM: Makbool Javaid took part in this ‘Just peace' panel discussion cum Israel US bashing hate fest together with Yvonne Ridley (who lauded suicide bombings)and a who's who of radical Islamists in the UK.

Javaid's was listed as the Chairman of the Society of Muslim Lawyers another name for Al Muhajiroun. Javaid's comments during the panel discussion reflected the Al Muhajiroun weltanschauung.


- Is an attack on Iraq considered against International law and does it require a fresh UN Resolution?

A - Makbool Javaid - Since the collapse of Soviet Union the US will do as it wants and what is feels is right. Legalities are neither here nor there and international law can be manipulated to serve their purpose as it was in the gulf war and in the Israel situation. the UN needs the US but the US doesn't need the UN. The population of the UK do not know what the real situation is here in the UK. The media is full of hysteria and nonsense and creating black propaganda which makes the unthinkable thinkable.

Q: How do we deal with the situation of facing up to the worlds only superpower?

A: Makbool Javaid - "The issue of there being only one superpower should not be diluted, it is a fact. The UN is dependent on it, both financially and politically, and thus has literally no independence from it. The US also dominates the Security Council with the help of the UK and often France. People don't seem to understand the extent of their hegemony. As an example, take a look at the Guardian, supposedly the most liberal of broadsheets. It recently printed a story on the Al-Qaida, who is supposedly in Northern Iraq. It stated that the Kurds have alleged that Al-Qaida is producing chemical and biological weapons there. The story was the biggest pile of unsubstantiated rubbish you could think of. It was black propaganda, scare mongering of the most outrageous kind. It is part of what Noam Chomsky referred to as "Manufacturing Consent".

Q: So can we do anything?

A: Makbool Javaid - "The states can do something. The Muslim Sates need to. People as individuals can't do anything. In Britain, we need to create an awareness among the population, to make people aware of what is really behind all of these events, to prevent them falling into the fallacy of believing that there is some kind of justice system at work here. The international justice system in particular is completely toothless. When the US mined the Nicaraguan bay in order to overthrow the Sandanista government, the Sandanista government took them to the international court. The US promptly withdrew consent.

Q: (Audience) American opinion in the vietnam war really changed when the body bags started coming home, I say let them go into Iraq and let the body bags start coming home. What do you think Maqbool?

A Makbool Javaid - I think you've made the point.t from the court, and got away with it scot-free . International Law is nothing."

Q: How do we get Muslims involved in issues which are of concern to them let along the non-muslims? How do we educate people that this is a worthwhile cause and issue?

A: Makbool Javaid - " We have to remember that we are to stand up on the day of judgement and account for ourselves before Allah (swt). The Home secretary David Blunkett openly said, "it is up to Muslims to root out the extremist". Let us not fall into the trap of deriding our own people. If they have a legitimate islamic opinion then engage with them in Islam. Do not deride your muslim brothers. This is haram (not allowed). Also, it is haram for us to disparage our Muslim brothers. Richard Littlejohn called Abu Hamza 'captain hook' as the man has no hands. I don't agree with Abu Hamza, but that sort of abuse is unacceptable. Melanie Phillips is unashamed, we must realise we have nothing to be ashamed of. This is plainly a war on Islam. It's fine that these MP's have signed an anti-war bill, but they would sing the same bill to prevent war on Israel or the US, they will sign anything. We must realise that we have different agenda to these people. We have also to engage with this society but not dilute our islamic outlook or our message and do it from an Islamic point of view.

Q. (Audience)"We have a general debate between those who advocate Jihad as a solution, and those who wish for social/political engagement. This is a diplomatic minefield. How do Muslims become more sophisticated? Be it a war o Islam, or a war with purely economic motivations, how do we rise to the challenge?

Q - Makbool, can you please provide an update on the Human rights situation please....

A: Makbool Javaid - " The American Bar association is the largest bar association in the world. In their Washington DC meeting they said that the US government had acted appallingly. Civil rights had been denied, basic liberties had been taken away. The UK is the same. All governments are jumping onto the bandwagon. This is not new. In the gulf war, Iraqi's and Palestinians were deported back then as well for no reason, and no one batted an eyelid. There is the chill factor: they create a climate of fear. Demonising people creates fear. This is what David Blunkett wants with his culture of whistle bowing. Do not fear and don't be divided. Do not believe everything you read. In Northern Ireland they would pile propaganda on the public, labelling all opposition as nutters, to ensure they could maintain their arrests of individuals and abuses of rights. Muslims need to be aware of basic rights as well as terrorism legislation.

: Q- "Robert Fisk in March talked about the double standards in the treatment of the Middle Eastern contenders. When the Israeli Army slaughters civilians, the US calls for restraint. When Palestinian suicide bombers strike, the US calls for Yasser Arafat to take control and stop it. This double standard is why the US are hated. How do we explain this to the public?

A: Makbool Javaid - "Ariel Sharon, is desperate to go to the US to meet Bush. He is a mass murderer! A genuine non-Muslim came up to me, and said, very sincerely, that he was lost for words in despair. The fault is ours. We must be confidant, not ashamed, to be Muslims. We need to get the view across in a rational way to the people and give them the reality of what's going on.


MIM: Javaid and fellow Islamist Haroon Shah ‘who advised Muslims on a number of terror cases'

The prisons where terrorists were being held to was compared to an Axis of Evil . The answer to the rhetorical question as to "Where will this all end' was answered by Javaid's group Al Muhajiroun, lwhich claimed to have disbanded last year while Bakri Mohammed called for Muslims to wage Jihad in the UK .Several AM affiliates were behind the London subway sucide bombings and an attack in Israel. http://www.thecitycircle.com/events_full_text2.php?id=318


10 Dec 2004


Axis of Evil - Belmarsh, Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib


Makbool Javaid & Haroon Shah

Event Details

This Friday we have invited leading UK human rights lawyers to expose the extent of the erosion of civil liberties and human rights in the UK taking place under the guise of 'national security' and the 'war against terrorism', with a further extension to the anti-terror legislation now being planned.

Learn how those arrested are being treated in Belmarsh high security prison and those being incarcerated overseas. Where will this all end?

Haroon Shah is a partner at Christian Khan and has advised on a number of British Muslim "terror" cases. Makbool Javaid is employment law partner at a city firm and has dealt with numerous discrimination cases.

Join us for a table discussion and have your questions answered.

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