Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Council of Anti American Islamist Radicals demands FBI probe into Koran defecation
Council of Anti American Islamist Radicals demands FBI probe into Koran defecation
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Pooper declares : "Whoever defecates on the Koran smears all Muslims"
June 23, 2005
Extremists vs. Excrement - The Nashville Islamic Center is Jihad Central
Islamic Center of Nashville Imam Abdulhakim Ali Mohamed, left, calls Metro Police at 911 on Wednesday after Imam Abdishakur Ibrahim, right, called four times through the non-emergency number with no response after a Quran was found with feces on it at 647 Crutcher St. SANFORD MYERS / STAFF
CAIR expects America's leaders to protest against feces covered "revealed text" of Islam
Defecated Koran found at Tennessee Housing Complex
Washingstan 1924:
The Council of Anti American Islamist Radicals called on America's infidel leaders to convert to Islam to show solidarity with Muslims after a defecated Koran was found in Nashville, Tennessee.
As word of the defecation spread throughout the Islamic community, dozens of Muslims gathered at the site, holding their noses while expressing their outrage .
They threatened a worldwide campaign of murder and mayhem until the defecator of the Koran was found and turned over to the community.
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Pooper stated that : This Koran defecation is worse then the Koran toilet flush that never happened at Guantanamo" "
" We demand the right to try the culprit according to shar'ia law and have them eviserated through the offending cavity by a pointed stick as an example to others." We are posting a video of this Islamic punishment on the CAIR website as a warning."
Nihil A. Wad said that the Koran defecation was a hate crime .He dismissed the idea that a Muslim could have purposely soiled the Koran with feces while performing wudu to furnish CAIR with another hoax hate crime incident to report as, "a load of BS".
A. Wad said the only response to Koran defecation was for people of good conscience in Tennessee to get a copy of the Koran from the CAIR office - and convert to Islam immediately.
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Pooper insisted that the FBI "utilise all their resources and make finding the Koran defecator their top priority".
Pooper also demanded that Korans be used for swearing in of Muslims in American courtrooms and that shari'a law be subsituted for the Constitution.
"As long as non Muslims continue to live in America, Muslims will never feel at home. "Whoever defecates on the Koran smears all Muslims".
"We need to turn America into the United States of Allah under shari'a law so we can stone or hack to death anyone who refuses to accept the peaceful religion of Islam."
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CAIR is America's largest Muslim uncivilised libertines group and has 31 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. It's mission is to enhance infidels understanding of Islam, encourage dhimmitude, propagate Islam, and empower American Muslims to wage Jihad in North America with impunity
NOTE: CAIR offers an e-mail list designed to be a a journalists window to Islamic propagation. Subscribers to the list, called, receive news releases and other materials dealing with American Muslim positions on how to Islamise American society
FECES-COVERED QURAN LEFT AT TENN. HOUSING COMPLEX CAIR asks American leaders to address growing anti-Muslim sentiment
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/23/05) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on local and national leaders to address growing anti-Muslim sentiment in our society following an apparently intentional desecration of the Quran in Nashville, Tenn.
CAIR said Islamic leaders in Nashville reported Wednesday that an Arabic-language copy of Islam's revealed text was torn, burned, covered with excrement and left outside an East Nashville housing complex that is home to many Muslim families.
As word of the desecration spread through the Islamic community, dozens of Muslims reportedly gathered at the site of the desecration to express their outrage.
Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Lt. Steve Hewitt told CAIR Wednesday night: "Clearly we have to be open-minded to the possibility it is a hate crime." He said it was still too early in the investigation to make a final determination as to motive and that he has informed the local office of the FBI about the case.
"It would be difficult to come up with a scenario in which this incident was not bias-motivated," said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad. "Our nation's leaders need to address what seems to be a growing level of intolerance and anti-Muslim sentiment in American society." Awad asked people of conscience in Tennessee and throughout the nation to repudiate anti-Muslim bigotry by obtaining and reading a Quran.
CAIR made that same request earlier this month when burned copies of the Quran were found outside a Virginia mosque. Local police and the FBI are treating that incident as a possible hate crime.
On Tuesday, CAIR urged judges meeting in North Carolina to allow use of the Quran when administering oaths. CAIR issued that call after a Guilford County judge said that an oath taken on the Quran is not a lawful oath under state law.
[On Wednesday, the Justice Department announced that a man in Texas was sentenced to 171 months imprisonment for attempting to firebomb the Islamic Center of El Paso.]
Following allegations that Guantanamo guards desecrated Islam's holy text, CAIR launched a campaign, called "Explore the Quran," designed to provide free Qurans to Americans of all faiths. Some 14,000 of people have already taken advantage of that offer.
CAIR, America's largest Muslim civil liberties group, has 31 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. To read CAIR's Mission, Vision Statement and Core Principles, go to:
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CONTACT: Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787 or 202-744-7726, E-Mail: [email protected]; Rabiah Ahmed, 202-488-8787 or 202-439-1441, E-Mail: [email protected]
NOTE: CAIR offers an e-mail list designed to be a journalist's window to the American Muslim community. Subscribers to the list, called ISLAM-INFONET, receive news releases and other materials dealing with American Muslim positions on issues of importance to our society. To SUBSCRIBE to ISLAM-INFONET, go to:
MIM: The Koran Defecation prompted six 9 11 calls to the police department from members of the Muslim community. A decision to file a formal complaint is being considered . Incredibly the formal complaint being considered is coming from the side of the Muslim community for the police for not responding quickly enough when they should be the ones filing a complaint against the Muslim community for nuisance calls.
A Metro agency that works to resolve complaints of discrimination stepped in yesterday to assist Islamic leaders, the day after a defiled Quran was found on the steps of a Nashville apartment.
Staff from the Metro Human Relations Commission met with religious leaders yesterday to document their accounts of the Wednesday incident, said David Perez, a compliance inspector with the commission and an attorney. Perez also contacted the Metro Police Department to gather information about police response, which religious leaders have criticized as too slow.
The Quran was found at 647 Crutcher St. covered with flies and having a torn-out page mashed into what seemed to be feces and burned.
"The decision to file a formal complaint (against police) is being considered," Perez said. "There will be a draft prepared."
Beginning with a first call about 2:45 p.m., men from the Islamic community called the Metro Emergency Communications Center seeking help at least six times throughout the afternoon. The 911 center is a government agency distinct from the Police Department. About three hours after the first call was placed, police arrived. "There appears to be some inconsistency, and that concerns me," Perez said of the police and community accounts. Perez helped mediate a high-profile case earlier this year involving more than 30 Dell Computer workers and accommodation of their right to pray one of five daily prayers mandated by the Quran. Perez helped mediate a high-profile case earlier this year involving more than 30 Dell Computer workers and accommodation of their right to pray one of five daily prayers mandated by the Quran.
A police spokesman said that while police are pursuing the investigation "as a hate crime" with every appropriate resource, the delay was unfortunate. "Had (a police lieutenant) known the circumstances of this call, he himself or another supervisor would have gone immediately, believing that an immediate response was necessary," Aaron said. A staff member at the Emergency Communications Center referred a reporter's questions to a spokeswoman, who did not return calls left for her yesterday or Wednesday.
Police have said their system showed no record of the 2:45 p.m. call. They received a first call at 3:41 p.m., with a shift supervisornotified at 3:46 p.m. that an officer was wanted for investigation but given no specific details.
"The shift lieutenant runs the detail, and he was not aware until late in the game that this call was being held (without response) and the details of it," Aaron said. "Once he was made aware, he went and had other cars go." At that point, police arrived in a matter of a few minutes, Aaron said. An earlier response would not have changed the police procedure of investigation, he said. For their part, Islamic leaders have responded to the incident by making plans to distribute at least 500 English-language copies of the Quran to anyone who would like to learn more about Islam. "We are placing an order right away," said Islamic Center of Nashville spokesman Awadh Binhazim. He said the community has "bombarded" its leaders with questions about the incident.
The steps where the book was found lead to two apartments, neither home Islamic, Aaron said.
"At this juncture, we still do not know who is responsible or where the Quran came from," Aaron said. He said the FBI has not opened an investigation, but the federal agency is in "close contact" with the Metro police. A message left with an FBI staff member was not returned yesterday.
Sheikh Abdulhakim Ali Mohamed was born in Yemen and spent much of his early childhood in Detroit, Michigan, USA. At a young age, he proceeded to Saudi Arabia and studied Shariah (Islamic Law and Jurisprudence) for eight years at the Islamic University of Madinah and is a graduate of this university. During his stay in Saudi Arabia, he also studied with the local scholars of Madinah on various subjects of Islam. He then returned to Yemen and continued to study further with selected scholars in Yemen. While in Yemen, he worked in the field of Islamic Education managing schools and other educational programs. He became the Vice-President of the Board of Education of the Providence of IBB. Since 1994, he has served as the Imam of the Islamic Center in Ann Arbour, the Imam of Masjid Al-Farouq, in NY and currently the Imam of Islamic Center of Nashville. One of his most important achievements is the award given to him in Yemen known as the "Scholars Recognition" – this is an award given to a scholar by other scholars in recognition of the status the person has reached in Islamic scholarship. Sheikh Abdulhakim holds regular classes at the ICN where he teaches Fiqh (Jurisprudence), Tafseer (Exegesis), and Tareekh-ul-Islam (Islamic History). He has been a guest speaker in many MSA functions, communities, mosques, law enforcement agencies, churches, and universities. Sheikh Abdulhakim is also currently the president of the North American Imams Federation and a Board member of the Fiqh Council of America.