Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Hollandistan Follies : Dutch government financed courses will teach Morrocans how to pick up women Hollandistan Follies : Dutch government financed courses will teach Morrocans how to pick up womenJanuary 29, 2005 MIM: If you cant beat the Muslims teach them to pick up infidel women. The This ,according to the district portfolio holder Tolk,' in order to keep fights from breaking out between Moroccan and Turkish youth , Dutch women from being harassed and molested, and prevent "a nasty atmosphere". The next step will doubtless be government financed escort services for Morrocan youths who fail the course so that will be able to have free access to Dutch women instead of having to roam in packs molesting the non Muslim women on the streets whom they refer to as ‘Dutch whores.' Theo van Gogh wrote an about the Moroccan's view of Dutch women in an article entitled "How Come?" and said that he would not even consider forbidding his son to play with the Moroccan children on his street despite a series of vicious incidents involving Muslims and rhetorically asked : "...Should I remind him about how his mother was continually cursed at by Moroccan girls and called a 'Dutch whore' ? Should I remind him of the dyed in the wool, no prejudices against anyone, Green Left neighbor, who very soon after the events in New York, had a friend over to visit who told her, "I came to you by bicycle".On the corner there were several Moroccan youths of about fourteen or fifteen. One biked next to me and said ; "What do you think we can do with you, whore?..."
------------------------------------------------ Translation by Beila Rabinowitz director MIM Moroccan Youth will shortly be able to follow a course in how to pick up women . The city district center is offering a' pick up' course , according to the Algemeen Dagblad newspaper. The holder of the youth portfolio of the district Beatrijs Tolk, thinks that the atmosphere in the city center will improve if Moroccan youths learn how to pick up women." The boys just don't know what to do". This leads to problems , especially on the "shopping evenings", explained Tolk.* Many youth from the African side of the Antillian youth are, according to Tolk, reknowned for their pick up abilitities. In the summer they have free reign when the Morrocan and Turkish youth are on vacation." You stand open mouthed to see them at work". But if the Morrocan youth come back the tensions erupt., and often lead to fights. * Every large town and city in Holland has a specially designated shopping area and an evening when the shops are open beyond the usual closing time (koopavonden) which are hangouts for youth like the American malls. **In the summer Turkish and Morrocan families drive from ------------------------------------------------- Rotterdam leert Marokkanen versieren UTRECHT - 21/01/05 - Marokkaanse jongeren kunnen binnenkort in Rotterdam een cursus versieren volgen. De deelgemeente Centrum biedt de cursussen aan, zo meldt het Algemeen Dagblad. Portefeuillehouder jeugd van het stadsdeel Beatrijs Tolk denkt dat het de sfeer in de binnenstad ten goede als Marokkaanse jongens weten hoe ze een meisje moeten versieren: "Als je nu om je heen kijkt, sta je soms versteld. Die jongens kunnen er niets van." Dat leidt met name op koopavonden tot ruzies onder rondhangende jeugd, stelt Tolk. "Veel jongens van de Afrikaanse kant van de Middellandse Zee zijn zo onhandig in hun benadering van meisjes. Dat is eerder pesten en lastigvallen dan versieren. Dan kan er een vervelende sfeer ontstaan." Antilliaanse jongeren zijn daarentegen volgens Tok wel gerenommeerde versierders. Die hebben in de zomer vrij spel als de Turkse en Marokkaanse jongeren met vakantie zijn. "Dan sta je met open mond te kijken hoe ze te werk gaan. Maar als de Marokkaanse jongens terugkomen, ontstaan er spanningen die nogal eens leiden tot een vechtpartij." ------------------- New Right wants an end to pick up courses for Moroccans "And above all, it is the purest form of discrimination.Because the clumsy pick up attempts of some Dutch youths may not immediately turn out to be reasons to pick a fight or molest someone of a different group,means they are not eligible for a course on how to pick up girls." ------------------------- 1/21/05 New Right has reacted with shock over the ridiculous initiative of the district center for Moroccan youth to offer a course on how to pick up girls and has directed questions to the "There are really practical objections to this plan: The taxpayer has to once again of course, come up with the funds to finance the umpteenth futile project without any effect, because the portfolio holders for the Moroccan youth want to look good. And above all, it is the purest form of discrimination. Because the clumsy pick up attempts of some Dutch youths may not immediately turn out to be reasons to pick a fight ,or molest someone of a different group, means they are not eligible for a course on how to pick up girls." The municipal district Center has to come with practical and effective measures to tackle all forms of harassment. Instead,the municipality sloffs this situation off as the result of ‘clumsy pick up techniques' and comes with this ‘brillant plan' to solve the problem. Smit continued: "As far as I am concerned we should have stopped with this already yesterday, the multicultural subsidy insanity is a bottomless pit which must be closed off immediately. Worry about more security in the streets, make sure there is more police protection, and stop immediately with this culture of coddling".
------------------ --------------- Cursus to help understand the life experiences of Moroccan and Turkish Youth