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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Jihad in Holland - attacks on Islamic institutions as politicians condemn government minister Zalm for stating: "Holland is at war" Jihad in Holland - attacks on Islamic institutions as politicians condemn government minister Zalm for stating: "Holland is at war"Militant Islamist murder of Theo van Gogh has brought the war on terror to the streets of the Netherlands MIM: The savage murder of Theo van Gogh by a Muslim terrorist, has catapulted Holland into the realisation that they are now engaged in a war with Militant Islam. The question remains as to what they can do about the hundreds of thousands of Muslims who are now living among them . MIM: Update : It has been a week since Theo Van Gogh's murder and already we see politicians criticising the Dutch vice ministers declaration of war on militant Islam as being too harsh .There have been sporadic attacks on Islamic institutions which have been roundly condemned. Religious and community 'leaders' appear to be reverting to appeasement and dialouge in a desperate bid to preempt social unrest. For their part, Islamists have threatened Holland with "retaliation" for attacks on Muslim premises. It should not be ruled out that the 'attacks' might actually be perpetrated by Muslims themselves, in order to claim that their fears of a backlash are legitimate. It is worth noting that almost noone has been caught in connection with these incidents despite the fact that Muslim institutions in Holland are under 24 hour surveillance according to official reports. MIM: 11/9/04 It appears that the Dutch have totally backed down from considering any tough approach to the problem of Muslim terrorism and the presence of militant Islamists in the country. Today ,the prime minister made this lame and politically correct statement. It was most likely intended to mollify politicians who were appalled at the statements of the vice mininster Zalm ,who was vilified yesterday by Dutch politicians for using "warlike language" when he said that "Holland must wage war on Muslim extremism".(see complete article translated below) The atmosphere that has arisen must disappear," Balkenende said Monday. "It does not suit the Netherlands. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/movies/apmovies_story.asp?category=1402&slug=Netherlands%20Filmmaker MIM: Indeed" the atmosphere that has arisen will dissappear "sooner then PM Balkenende can imagine. with the total Islamisation of Holland. in an article entitled "Slain Dutch Film Maker Theo van Gogh Cremated" ,Balkende stated that : "The Netherlands is a nation where people meet other". What politicians in Holland refuse to admit is that last week Monday morning Theo van Gogh became the first victim of the true meaning of the "meeting of cultures "when he was met and murdered by a Muslim Morroccan with Dutch nationality who ambushed him on a bicycle and shot him before attempting to decapitate him on an Amsterdam street. He was lying on his back with a knife sticking out of his chest in front of a cafe called "The Dutchman". Click here for picture of the murder: http://www.volkomenkut.com/sites/fuck/vangoghtelegraaf.jpg MIM has published the foto at the bottom of the page. http://telegraaf-i.telegraaf.nl/daily/2004/11/3/TE/TE_2S_20041103_1/pagina.php "The Netherlands is a nation where people ought to want to meet one another, where cultures meet each other," Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende said on Dutch television Monday." http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/movies/apmovies_story.asp?category=1402&slug=Netherlands%20Filmmaker ------------------------------------------------------ Theo Van Gogh's coffin and bicycle with the straw basket which he was riding the day he was murdered. Click here for an account of the funeral service: The bitter irony of Van Gogh's murder is can be seen in that fact that Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen, whom Theo van Gogh had lambasted for attempting to dialouge and appease Militant Islamists has now been forced to hire bodyguards and is living in fear for his life. Mayor Cohen's attempt to "hold things together" is also a contributing factor to the climate which emboldened Muslims to the point of perpetrating murder . One of the last articles which Theo van Gogh wrote was entitled: "Our Mayor ". "It is also a pity for Cohen that it just happens to be Morrocan youths which intimidated a Dutch couple who fled the neighborhood. It is happening all over Amsterdam but since it was written about in the Volkskrant the issue has become political. The Amsterdam police has no interest in coming to the defense of the native Dutch who are being attacked by an increasingly aggressive minority. And Cohen couldn't care less. When the fellow believers of Abou Jah Jah slaughtered 3,000 Americans in the I suspect that our mayor is an incorrigible cynic and a mercenary opportunist to boot, and ask myself for how long native Dutch will be welcome in Here is part of speach which Theo van Gogh delivered in his 'role' in the guise of Imam and Muslim convert : " Mayor Cohen -peace be upon him- took the trouble after September 11th, you recall that time when we taught the Satan America a lesson, to come to our mosque . He used the word ‘respect', that innocuous term that we also use to give you the impression that we are a minority which is being discriminated against. We demand respect which means that we are going to make you submit to our will. Cohen- peace be upon him- is a sucker for dialogue , in his own words ," to hold things together ." Blessed are the innocent in spirit . Cohen won't get very far once we are in charge ." http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/167 MIM: In his book "Allah Weet Het Beter" - "Allah Knows Best" Theo wrote these prophetic words: "Since September 11, as you well know , the knives have been sharpened and the Fifth Column of the goatfuckers has been marching relatively unhindered forwards. I can't put it otherwise. We live in a nightmare of good intentions and wrongly understood idealism. I am too old to emigrate to America, that shining beacon in a steadily darkening world." - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In one of the articles Dutch parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali an "ex Muslim" who wrote the screenplay for the film "Submission", which was made with Theo van Gogh and resulted in death threats to him, says that she "feels terribly guilty" for his death. Ayaan Hirsi Ali "spends her life in the brace of a company of 6ft bodyguards" and there are people in Holland who feel that she exploited Theo van Gogh to further her own personal animosity towards Islam and should have insisted he take the threats seriously . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dutch political leader cites 'arrival of jihad' By Anthony Deutsch, Associated Press | November 6, 2004 THE HAGUE -- The government vowed tough measures yesterday against what a leading politician called "the arrival of jihad in the Netherlands" after a death threat against a Dutch lawmaker was found in a letter pinned with a knife to the body of a slain filmmaker. The five-page letter, signed by a suspected terrorist group, was released Thursday by the justice minister, and forced political leaders to take on bodyguards. Dutch authorities arrested nine men in Tuesday's slaying of filmmaker Theo van Gogh, all of whom are tied to Islamic militant groups. Two suspects have been released. Titled "An open Letter to [Aayan] Hirsi Ali," it referred to a Somali-born member of parliament who scripted Van Gogh's film, "Submission," which criticized women's treatment under Islam. Hirsi Ali, who says she is a former Muslim, is now in hiding. "We are not going to tolerate this," Deputy Prime Minister Gerrit Zalm said. "We are going to ratchet up the fight against this sort of terrorism. The increase in radicalization is worse than we had thought." Jozias van Aartsen, parliamentary speaker for the right-wing free market VVD party, said: "The jihad has come to the Netherlands and a small group of jihadist terrorists is attacking the principles of our country. I hope the Netherlands will now move beyond denial and do what is fitting in a democracy; take action. "These people don't want to change our society, they want to destroy it," he said. ----------------------------------------- Ayaan Hirsi Ali : "I feel terribly guilty" http://www.mg.co.za/Content/l3.asp?cg=BreakingNews-InternationalNews&ao=124955 Ayaan Hirsi Ali has called the prophet Muhammad a "lecherous tyrant", Islam a "backward religion", and the Koran "in part a licence for oppression". Theo van Gogh dubbed Muslims "goat-fuckers", a radical Islamic leader "Allah's pimp", and Islam a "retrograde and aggressive" faith. ---------------------------- http://newsobserver.com/news/story/1803288p-8104306c.html Netherlands Fears Jihad - lawmaker in hiding after death threat by Anthony Deutsh AP A five-page letter released Thursday night by the justice minister forced political leaders, including Job Cohen, Amsterdam's Jewish mayor, and members of parliament, to take on bodyguards. The document, "An open Letter to [Aayan] Hirsi Ali," was stuck to the body of filmmaker Theo van Gogh. It referred to a Somali-born member of parliament. She wrote the script for van Gogh's latest film, "Submission," which criticized the treatment of women under Islam. "Since your arrival in the political arena in the Netherlands, you have been constantly busy terrorizing Muslims with your statements," the letter read. "You are not the first and not the last who has joined the crusade against Islam." Hirsi Ali, who calls herself a former Muslim, has gone into hiding. "It is a fact that Dutch politics is dominated by many Jews," the letter said. "What do you think of the fact that there is a Jew in power in Amsterdam?" Deputy Prime Minister Gerrit Zalm agreed with comments by other politicians who called van Gogh's murder a declaration of Islamic holy war. "We are not going to tolerate this. We are going to ratchet up the fight against this sort of terrorism," he said. "The increase in radicalization is worse than we had thought." Among measures under consideration is an emergency law to enable authorities to revoke the Dutch nationality of dual citizens suspected of terrorist activity so they can be deported. Zalm said the intelligence service, which has expanded since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States, would receive more funding to help it monitor potential terrorist recruits. Van Gogh, a distant relative of the 19th-century Dutch painter, was shot and stabbed to death Tuesday while cycling down an Amsterdam street. MIM: Ex Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali's lament to the Dutch paper that she feels "terribly guilty" that their collaboration on a film which she wrote about Islam may have precipitated the murder of Van Gogh smacks of irony in light of the fact that she probably didn't even attend his funeral service since she was in hiding to protect her own life . The fact that there are Muslims in Holland who publicly claimed they did not "support the act" of killing Theo van Gogh is will do nothing to halt the present menace and is being used as an attempt to exonerate the religion .In some ways the self proclaimed 'moderate Muslims' will make it even harder for judicial and law enforcement agencies to determine who should be deported from the country since claiming membership in some type of "interfaith" or "multicultural" group devoted to "building bridges between cultures' often serves as a smokescreen for Islamists. One such person was Fatima Elatik, a Moroccan Muslim councilwoman who insulted Van Gogh's memory by saying that they were both "champions of free speach". In reality she had called for the banning of a play which she said insulted Muslims and had drawn Van Gogh's ire. MIM has been told that Elatik cried crocodile tears while laying flowers at the scene of the killing. Another Dutch group, lead by a Dutch convert to Islam, called the murder "embarressing". MIM: Read the article "No Moderate Muslims -Theo van Gogh was slain - Moderates Put on Forced Show of Cooperation" http://www.michnews.com/artman/publish/article_5672.shtml ----------------------------------------------
http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=1288722004 Islamic experts believe that the style and content of a five-page letter that was found pinned to Theo van Gogh's body were close to those of al-Takfir wal Hijra, a radical group that has declared war on westerners. Mr Van Gogh, who had angered many Muslims after releasing articles, books and films critical of Islam following the attacks of 11 September, was attacked near a park close to the centre of Amsterdam last Tuesday. Police arrested a 26-year-old man with dual Dutch and Moroccan citizenship at the crime scene following an exchange of gunfire in which a police officer was wounded. Dutch authorities have since detained a further seven suspects on charges of conspiring to murder Mr Van Gogh and threatening to kill several Dutch politicians. Founded in Egypt in the 1970's, al-Takfir wal Hijra has been responsible for several acts of violence, including the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat in 1981. The sect's strict interpretation of Islam endorses the indiscriminate extermination of infidels and secular Muslims. Both al-Zawahiri and al- Zarqawi, the man behind many of the spate of kidnappings and beheadings in Iraq, are thought to be members of the brutal sect. The organisation - whose name translates as "excommunication and migration" - is active in most Arab nations and has carried out attacks on both Muslims and non-Muslims in Sudan, Morocco, Algeria and Lebanon. But their views are known to be excessive even among Islamic extremists - four members even attempted to assassinate Osama bin Laden in 1995 while he was staying in Sudan. Its followers are so fanatical for a pure Islamic world that they have been known to undertake killing sprees in mosques to drive out "corrupt elements". Most worrying for westerners is the fact that the sect apparently allows its members to appear non-radical, and even non-Islamic, if the mission requires it. Shockwaves have been reverberating around the Netherlands for days following the killing of Mr Van Gogh. Messages - later left at the pavement shrine where Mr Van Gogh's throat was slashed - were full of venom against radical Islam. "Enemies live among us," read one missive in a bed of flowers, votive candles and crosses. "The Muslims say they're scared," said mourner Nicolette Toering. "No, we're scared." Mr Van Gogh - a distant relative of the famous painter - often tested the boundaries of free expression by denouncing Muslims in the most graphic terms. His last work, Submission, a joint project with a Somali-born lawmaker Ayaan Hirsi Ali, attacked the treatment of women under Islam. The film-maker's fans were as passionate as his detractors. "He was trying to warn us about the dangers of radical Islam," said Geert Plas, a teacher, as he visited the site where Mr Van Gogh was ambushed. "Now maybe we'll listen. "To me this is not just a small event. It's part of the World Trade Centre and Madrid. We must see this." The letter pinned to the victim's body also threatened death to Hirsi Ali, who has gone into hiding, and predicted the downfall of the "infidel enemies of Islam" in Europe, America and the Netherlands. "The jihad [holy war] has come to the Netherlands," the parliament speaker, Jozias van Aartsen, said. The memorials that piled up on the pavement often crossed the line from sympathy to seething recrimination. "This is the true face of Islam," said one message. A framed poem called Imam ends with a stanza: "If you want to improve the world, start with yourself and your faith."
Murder of Theo van Gogh and the Decline of the West by Robert Spencer director of Jihad Watch http://www.humaneventsonline.com/article.php?print=yes&id=5666 Theo van Gogh was murdered in Amsterdam on Tuesday. His attacker was a Dutch Moroccan who wore traditional Islamic clothing. After shooting van Gogh, he stabbed him repeatedly, slit his throat with a butcher knife, and left a note containing verses from the Qur'an on the body. Said Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende: "Nothing is known about the motive" of the killer. ------------------------------------------------------ MIM: Translation of excerpt from article "Jihad fighters educated right in front of our very eyes " In general the reaction was cool in regard to the arrests of suspected terrorists. But the harsh reality is clear.The Jihad fighters are among us. Only now that the first victim has fallen to Jihad is the Dutch public beginning to fathom the seriousness of the threat which Militant Islam poses to their society. In general the reaction was cool regarding the arrests of 9 suspected terrorists in July 9th terror alarm, The belief was that the situation in But Mohammed B is not alone.The Jihad fighters have been among us for a long time.They have been recruited and educated under our very eyes,. It is not yet clear if Mohammed B. himself made the decision to murder the filmmaker Theo van Gogh or if he was carrying out a mission for a terrorist group. But with the message that he left behind on the body of Theo van Gogh , a declaration of war on ------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------- MIM: Excerpts from "Ruthless measures are needed" 11/6/04 Interview with VVD member Jozias Van Aartsen who was mentioned in the letter written by the killer (Mohammed B.) which was stuck with a knife into the body of Theo van Gogh. --------------------------------- Van Gogh was murdered by a Muslim fundamentalist who probably was part of a broader network. Is Holland changed irrevocably? "We have gone over the doorstep of death " What happened this week has been happening all over the world.Radical Islam accounts for more then 2,000 dead in the United States, almost 200 in Madrid, and 1 in Holland. I hope we are leaving the denial phase behind.Its like the doctor who tells a patient, "you have cancer" and the patient is shocked and replies, 'how is that possible?" even though cancer is something that happens in life. For many in Holland a new phase has begun.I hope the cabinet understands that dialouge and speaches no longer suffice, and that action is needed. "We are dealing with a radical group that is convinced that we are the enemy".AThat we have to be destroyed. You just have to read the letter from B. (the killer) it is dripping with this .It is exactly the same theme as the attackers in Madrid. "You love life - we love death". In Holland we have to realize,recognize, and acknowledge that this is the case."If you are an enemy- then you have an enemy". You labelled the cabinet "lax and naive" when it came to Muslim terror. Do you think a tougher policy would have prevented the murder of Van Gogh ? "I was afraid of attacks, but you must imagine how Hirsi Ali feels. She was warning about this for two years! Her frusturation is why this didnt get through the heads of the politicians". --------------------------------------------------------- MIM: Which again begs the question of why Hirsi Ali, who was directly threatened with death by Islamists and knew how serious the threat was, did not insist that Theo Van Gogh have police protection even from a distance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.volkskrant.nl/denhaag/1099721994283.html Van Gogh is vermoord door een moslimfundamentalist die vermoedelijk deel uitmaakt van een breder netwerk. Is Nederland definitief veranderd? 'We zijn de drempel van de dood overgegaan. Wat deze week hier is gebeurd, gebeurt al veel langer in de wereld om ons heen. Het radicaal islamisme heeft in New York meer dan 2000 doden gekost, in Madrid bijna 200, in Nederland 1. Ik hoop dat we nu de ontkennende fase achter ons laten. Het is als de arts die tegen een patiënt zegt: u heeft kanker. Dat geeft een schok: 'hoe kan dat nou?'. Terwijl iedereen weet dat zoiets tot het leven kan behoren. Voor velen in Nederland is een nieuwe fase aangetreden. Ik hoop dat het kabinet beseft dat we niet kunnen volstaan met fraaie betogen over dialogen, maar dat er actie nodig is. We hebben te maken met een radicaal islamistische groepering die ervan overtuigd is dat wij hun vijand zijn. Dat wij vernietigd moeten worden. Je hoeft de brief van B. maar te lezen, het druipt er van af. Exact hetzelfde thema als van de aanslagplegers in Madrid: jullie houden van het leven, wij van de dood. In Nederland moeten we dat zien, erkennen en aanvaarden en daar ook daden op laten volgen. Als je de vijand bent, dan heb je een vijand.' U betitelde dit voorjaar het kabinet als 'laks en naïef' inzake moslimterreur. Had een harde aanpak de moord op Van Gogh kunnen voorkomen? 'Ik was bang voor aanslagen. Maar moet u zich eens voorstellen hoe Hirsi Ali zich voelt. Die waarschuwt hier al twee jaar voor! Haar frustratie is: waarom wil het maar niet tot die politieke koppen doordringen. -------------------------------------------------- http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=6750020 Islamist Group Warns Dutch Over Anti-Muslim Attacks "We ask you for the last time, and you still have a chance, to stop the attacks on our mosques, schools and the Muslim community in Holland ... before you pay a heavy price," Islamic Tawhid Brigades said in a statement dated Nov. 9 and posted on a Web site used by Islamists. There have been several attacks against Dutch mosques since a film director critical of Islam, Theo van Gogh, was killed last Tuesday by a suspected Islamist militant. A bomb damaged an Islamic primary school in a southern Dutch town on Monday. "We will not stand with our hands tied and we will make the Dutch government and people pay dearly," Islamic Tawhid said in the statement, whose authenticity could not be verified. The group has claimed responsibility for last month's bombings on the Egyptian Sinai peninsula but has not been officially linked to them. -------------------------------------------------- MIM: Politicians reget the statements of vice minister Zalm for saying :"Holland is at war". MIM: Translation by Beila Rabinowitz MIM Note: Theo van Gogh consistently critised Boris Dittrich (vice chairman of D'66) for his dhimmitude and said that his obsession with political correctness was tantamount to collaboration. In an article entitled "May I say this?" Theo wrote : http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/28 According to Boris Dittrich, the "holy unction oil of the liberals", Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is not allowed to call the Prophet Mohammed "a pedofile". But if I understood correctly what the experts have said Aisja was nine years old when she was taken out to the desert and forced to marry a dirty old man named Mohammed. Is the rapist of a young girl more admirable because he has the Koran on his mind ? Dittrich also appealed to the National Security services.There is no difference between the witchhunt that he is leading against Ayaan then the one which was directed against Pim Fortuyn.I wonder when Anne Frank will be brought into play. Too bad for him that Ayaan has bodyguards. But it will all work out." In his article "This and That" Theo had this to say : " Mr. Dittrich was one of the politicians who drank champagne after the Pim Fortuin problem was solved . It was certainly instructive to see how he licked Abu Jah's Jah's behind. Let's hope that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. MIM Note :Pim Fortuyn was a flamboyant Dutch politician who campaigned against the Islamisation of Europe and was assassinated by a Dutch 'animal rights activist' before the national election. The tail wagging in front of the boot of the one who is going to kick him appears to be what Mr. Dittrich understands as dialouge. Dittrich is not interested in the fact that Ayaan Hirsi Ali, as democratically chosen representative, still has to be guarded 24 hours a day from types such as Aboe Jah Jah, who publicly declared that she should "shut her mouth", and needed to be "locked up". Dittrich's understanding for and need to kow tow to the pimps and fanatics of Hamas, and according to me they are a small minority , is partly responsible for the escalating climate of intimidation. Hundreds of people who were present in the audience that evening expressed their support ,a few showed that with some friends one needs no enemies, others surprised me, and I heard time and time again, " Be careful !" Dittrich's performance was a tasteless Judas kiss from a politician who has a lot of ambition but little talent. It was very instructive to see the new National Socialists at work. A stooge. A lackey . An enemy of democracy. Let us reward him with the tolerance befitting collaborators. - http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/89 -------------------------------------------------- MIM: We have printed this article below and translated it to show how quickly the Dutch government has capitulated to the militant Islamist threat. One week after the murder of Theo Van Gogh, and declaration of Jihad on Holland, the Dutch government has stayed true to history and lambasted vice minister Zalm for stating that Holland was "at war with Muslim extremists". In a stunning statement former Dutch prime minister Van Agt of the conservative CDA (Christian Democrats) said; " I deeply regret that the goverment has appropriated Bush's terminology regarding the war on terror ". -------------------------------------------------------- "The world of politics takes issue with the(warlike) remarks of vice minister Zalm" Cabinet and veteran politicians regret the declarations of vice minister Zalm (VVD) who said that Holland "has declared war" on Muslim extremists. "The government must be very sure of their choice of words",otherwise the climate between Muslims and non Muslims will deteriorate further" , according to D'66 party chairman Dittrich. His colleague Rouvoet from the Christian Union finds the war like language of Zalm to be unwise."I can understand it, so soon after the death of Theo van Gogh .But in a war everything is permitted which is otherwise strictly forbidden. We cannot give people the impression that everything goes just to defeat the enemy." SP leader Marijnissen (Socialist Party) proposed that he should never use the word "war". It suggests two peoples which are locked in a life and death struggle". "That will not bring the solution to the problem any closer"."If rationality is out of the picture,hate can proceed unhindered and nestle itself in the heads of extremists". "New atrocities will soon be spawned and justified by these people". CDA -fraction chairman Verhagen himself wouldn't use such a loaded word but doesn't take issue with them . "Zalm is making clear that the cabinet is not leaning over backwards after this horrific attack on the rule of law.And that all possible measures will be taken to combat Muslim extremists". Such a declaration, according to the PvdA , (the labor party) is giving the false impression that the war against terrorism can be won. "You just have to look at Israel to see that it is an illusion" according to PvdA cabinet member Van Heemst. He also rejects the suggest that ' everything is permitted' to win that war."Whatever methods we use to fight against the extremists is a question of consideration and measure." On the TV program Buitenhof Sunday VVD leader Bolkenstein and former Prime Minister Van Agt showed their dismay over Zalm's war like language. "A foolish statement" according to Van Agt. I deeply regret that the government has appropriated Bush's terminology regarding the war on terror". "Are the canons going to come out of the forts?"asked Marijnessen rhetorically. Rouvelt said that the declaration of war raised questions about who the enemy is. "All Muslims, the extremists, the Moroccans?" It is terribly vague. All the more so because at the moment we are in need of a moral and reliable leadship. That will not be further helped with declarations of war ". http://www.volkskrant.nl/denhaag/1099814510057.html -----------------------------------------------------------------