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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Jihad Bee replaces murdered Terror Mouse on Hamas childrens show vows to continue cousin's legacy

Jihad Bee replaces murdered Terror Mouse on Hamas childrens show vows to continue cousin's legacy

July 17, 2007

Jihad Bee replaces Terror Mouse,
vows revenge on "the enemies of Allah" -
the Jews

by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

Hamas's Al-Aqsa television station recruited a new children's character to "continue" the legacy of its star martyr, Farfur – the Mickey Mouse lookalike who was beaten to death by an Israeli on the previous program.

The new character on the children's show Tomorrow's Pioneers, a bee named Nahool, tells the hostess he is Farfur's cousin and that he wishes to "continue the path of Farfur… the path of martyrdom, the path of the Jihad warriors… and in his name we shall take revenge upon the enemies of Allah, the murderers of the prophets..." The expression "Murderers of the prophets" is an Islamic expression used by the PA religious leaders to refer to Jews. Defining the Jews as the enemies of God is common in PA religious broadcasting.

There was worldwide outrage after PMW reported the existence of Farfur and his hateful messages in May. The New York Daily News dubbed the character "Terror Mouse," while Walt Disney's daughter Diane described it as "pure evil."

Without apparent regard for the sensitivities of their child viewers, the show's creators killed off the character in a particularly violent way that allowed them to continue the show's rabidly anti-Israel messages.

It is now clear that these messages will continue through the new Nahool character.

Click to view video on YouTube or PMW website

The following is an excerpt from the program:

Hostess Saraa': "Who are you? And where did you come from?"
Nahool: "I am Nahool [the bee], Farfur's cousin."
Saraa': "And what do you want?"
Nahool: "I want to continue the path of Farfur, the path of "Islam is the solution". The path of heroism, the path of martyrdom, the path of the Jihad warriors. Me and my friends shall continue the path of Farfur. And in his name we shall take revenge upon the enemies of Allah, the murderers of the prophets [i.e. the Jews], the murderers of innocent children, until Al-Aqsa will be liberated from their filth."
Saraa': "Welcome! Welcome Nahool."
[Al Aqsa TV (Hamas), July 13, 2007]


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