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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > American Enterprise Institute think tank fellow wannabe Hirsi Ali 'Ultra orthodox Jews birthrate demographic threat to Israel'

American Enterprise Institute think tank fellow wannabe Hirsi Ali 'Ultra orthodox Jews birthrate demographic threat to Israel'

August 8, 2006

http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=ali8706%2Ehtm \

Hirsi Ali - think tank wannabe shows why she will go belly up at neo con AEI.

"From my superficial impression the country (Israel) also has a problem with fundamentalists- the ultra orthodox (Jews) will cause a demographic problem because these fanatics have more children then the secular and regular orthodox"

Statement By American Enterprise Institute Scholar To Be - Ayan Hirsi Ali - Raises Conservative Hackles

August 7, 2006 – San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As noted in our previous coverage of Ayan Hirsi Ali - who is still angling for a position at the highly regarded American Enterprise Institute - the former Dutch MP does not seem to possess the traits normally associated with high level research.

Ayan Hirsi Ali, 24 x 7

Hirsi Ali Climbs Over Corpse Of Theo Van Gogh, Lands Gig At American Enterprise Institute

As her most recent interview in the Jerusalem Post, Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Israel makes abundantly clear, her understanding of the broad backdrop of issues that surround her core interest in radical Islam is hardly rigorous - "superficial" to use her own words.

More troubling however is Ali's moral relativism which in conservative circles is strongly thought to be a barrier to developing a clear understanding of the clash of cultures promulgated by the Islamists.

"From my superficial impression, the country also has a problem with fundamentalists," she says. "The ultra-Orthodox will cause a demographic problem because these fanatics have more children than the secular and the regular Orthodox."

From this single statement much can be gleaned.

Does Ms. Ali realize that Israel is currently in a shooting war with Iran's proxy army Hezbollah, and that making statements of an inflammatory nature might be considered ill-advised?

Why would she employ the term "fanatics" to describe Israel's most devout Jews? Is this indicative of the type of mindset beneficial to dispassionate research?

In a brief conversation this morning with Veronique Rodman, AEI's Director of Communications she indicated that the offer of a position to Ms. Ali is not yet a done deal and that Ali's citizenship still clouds any potential alliance.

We suggest that AEI reconsider its offer to Ali, she has neither the temperament nor the intellectual gravitas necessary for successful scholarship - in our opinion Ali is a train wreck just waiting to happen.

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