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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Terminal Kumbaya Syndrome :Denial of Terrorism by Jews in Seattle - No Jihad to see here folks move on

Terminal Kumbaya Syndrome :Denial of Terrorism by Jews in Seattle - No Jihad to see here folks move on

August 7, 2006


Police blocked off several city blocks and evacuated several nearby buildings as they investigated. A SWAT team searched the federation building, looking for victims, anyone hiding or any other possible shooters, Pruitt said.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle is a fundraising and fund allocation organization.

"It is the Jewish version of the United Way," said Rabbi Daniel Weiner, at Temple De Hirsch Sinai in Seattle.

He said he is at a loss to understand why people in the Jewish Federation building would be attacked.

"To delve into the mind of a clearly troubled and disturbed person is impossible," Weiner said. "It is heartbreaking to think of what is transpiring."

MIM: Jewish Federation or Jewish aberration ?

No Jihad to see here folks move on...

Interfaith response to 'horrific attack' uplifting.


Sunday, August 6, 2006

Jewish Federation moves ahead with sacred mission


Nine days ago our community was shocked by the horrific attack on the people of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.

Since then we have anguished at the funeral of our beloved friend Pam Waechter. We have also experienced the emotional roller coaster that has accompanied the recovery of five other Federation employees. And we have dealt with the realization that the kind of hatred we've read about for years had found its way to Seattle.

Faced with such hatred and loss, how can we move forward?

Ironically, as Jews, we begin to move forward by looking backward. Memory is important to the Jewish people. We learn from the past. We live and learn through rituals and customs that teach us from our collective past experiences. Holidays like Passover and Tishah B'Av (commemorating the destruction of the holy temples) teach us timeless lessons and help us to be better people.

And so, we will not forget the senseless, hate-filled murder of Pam Waechter. Nor will we forget the brutal assaults on Layla Bush, Carol Goldman, Cheryl Stumbo, Dayna Klein and Christina Rexroad. We will remember our friends and will remember the hate that harmed them. As we look back -- and remember -- we draw the strength to move forward, to ensure that good prevails. We will go forward as Jews have for thousands of years -- moving from our memories toward our sacred mission to repair the world.

This mission provides us a roadmap for our efforts at the Federation and as Jews. Repairing the world means an end to poverty, illiteracy, disease, strife and even warfare and hatred. Our goals are peace and harmony; healing and comfort; health and safety; and hope. Repairing the world may seem like an overwhelming task -- but we recognize that completing that task is not up to us as individuals, or the Federation as an organization, or even our entire community. Rather, it is the job of each of us to start -- and to make a difference.

At the Federation, we will continue to make a difference using the memory of Pam Waechter as an example. We will continue to support more than 40 local, national and international agencies and projects that help repair the world. We will feed and care for the elderly in the former Soviet Union. We will ensure children can get to camp even if they can't afford it. We will support the food bank at Jewish Family Service. And we will help Ethiopian refugees settle in Israel. We will continue to help meet the needs of Jews and non-Jews alike in Seattle, in Israel and around the world.

As painful as the past week has been, it has also been remarkable. The interfaith response has been uplifting. The brave souls from the Seattle Police Department and the principled team at the King County Prosecutor's Office have taken a stand for what is right, and have been extraordinarily supportive. The staff at Harborview Medical Center has been amazing. Jewish Family Service and other Jewish organizations, rabbis and synagogues have played vital roles in easing our collective pain.

Jews and non-Jews have mourned together, and have developed closer bonds and deeper convictions. In the days, weeks and years ahead, we hope that Jews and non-Jews everywhere will continue to work together with us in this sacred mission.

We urge people of all faiths to get involved and to take action to repair the world. An ancient sage taught us that "it is not your task to complete the work, but you are not free to desist from it."

Robin Boehler is the chair of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Information about donating to the fund established for the victims of the July 28 attack is available at www.jewishinseattle.org.

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