MIM: The family evening of comedy included Allah Made Me Funny a group from the US headed by Azhar Usman. Here is a sample of his 'killing jokes' meant to 'knock infidels dead'. For more on Allah Made Me Funny see: http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/415
Azhar Usman - spokesman for terrorism linked Council of Islamic Organisations of Greater Chicago - jokes about blowing himself up and Bin Laden February 2, 2005
Azhar Usman
"I'm an American. But I'm an American Muslim. In fact, I consider myself a very patriotic American Muslim, which means I would die for this country…"
"by blowing myself up…"
"in a Dunkin' Donuts."
MIM: Uzman's terrorist attack 'jokes' must have been a big 'hit' to post July 7th Muslim audiences in Britain who blamed the suicide bombings by UK born Muslims on Blair and the British support for the war in Iraq.
"With his bushy black beard and skullcap, Azhar Usman strides on to the stage with a raucous "Assalam Aleikum."
*"For those who don't know what that means, I'll explain it to you," he declares. "It means: 'I'm gonna kill you.'" The audience bursts into laughter.
*"I get a lot of dirty looks these days. I want to stop people on the street and say, `Yes, I am a Muslim! But I'm an American Muslim. I'm very patriotic! In fact, I would die for this country by blowing myself up!'"
*Azhar Usman also comments on Muslims flying on planes here these days. People are really scared. "Imagine me walking on a plane. It's not a pretty sight. People give me some dirty looks, man…. as if I was responsible for 9/11. Can you believe that, me responsible for nine-eleven? Seven-eleven (7/11) maybe.
*Sporting a bushy beard and black skullcap, Azhar Usman bounded onto the stage. "I'm Osama bin Laden's cousin," he declared. "They call me 'Bin Laughin.' "
"mashallah it was a pleasure attending this event! 786, Raihan, Shaam, Omair Ali u all were great... my whole family enjoyed it"
"MASHALLAHHHHH.....was such great fun, all performances, the 786 boyz :):):), raihan, shaam, moez, hassan rasool but i think da biggest big up must go to bruva omair ali- wicked crack ups and great Mc'ing!! jazakallah khayr- may Allah reward you all for ya great work. ameen."
"the concert in manchester was wicked, keep it up and 786 rock"
"I just wanted to say a VERY well done to MAB for a great concert. It was really great and the location was excellent. It was warm and comfy, unlike the seats at Aston Villa Leisure Centre [Birmingham]where all the other concerts have been held. The great thing about this concert also was that you had a variety of people. i.e it wasn't only nasheeds but you had a comedian as well as an excellent speaker. So do something like this again!!!! InshaAllah!!!"
"I went to the london celebrate eid show at logan hall and it was FANTASTIC.I really enjoyed myself i thought ALL the artist were BRILLIANT also Omair Ali he cracked me up! i would love to go again so please keep me updated on forthcoming events
Celebrate Eid enjoys full success in Bradford and Manchester
Now coming closer to you- Do not miss it!
The first two events of Celebrate Eid in Bradford and Manchester last weekend were fully successful, by the Grace of Allah.
The tour opened its first concert in Bradford, on Saturday, where there was an attendance of over 1200 people with a great family atmosphere.
The audience were entertained by the various excellent performers, and the event was full of joy and happiness. Among the attendees were Shahid Malik MP (Dewsbury) and Councillor Mukhtar Ali (Lib Dems) who enjoyed the event and expressed their appreciation of the value of cultural events for all communities especially after observing the holy month of Ramadan.
Similar success, by the Grace of Allah, was repeated in Manchester on Sunday, where more than 1500 people again experienced the fabulous atmosphere of the joys of Eid. Lord Mayor Afzal Khan opened the event, and again a host of prominent guests were in attendance.
Photos from the two first concerts of the Celebrate-Eid tour can be found Below.
To share the Celebrate-Eid unmatchable experience, you still have the chance to join us in any of the four coming events, in Cardiff, Edinburgh, London and Birmingham. Limited seats are still available, but book soon to avoid disappointment!
Booking the best venues, bringing together a great, exciting artist line-up, producing memorable shows in six cities around the UK and keeping the ticket prices down is an expensive undertaking. Without the generosity and vision of our sponsors these Celebrate-Eid events would not really be possible. So please support them as they support us to produce such family events that enable us to come together as a community and Celebrate-Eid collectively.
If you are interested in supporting a great community project that gives excellent commercial exposure via our extensive marketing (including TV & radio ads, flyers & posters, plus of course this website) why not become a sponsor of future Celebrate-Eid shows? Please contact our sponsorship team by clicking here