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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Rally In Support of Tulsa Police Captain Paul Fields on August 30th

Rally In Support of Tulsa Police Captain Paul Fields on August 30th

August 1, 2011

For information on Paul Fields see:

Tulsa Police Captain Disiplined For Refusing To Order Visit To Radical Mosque


Tulsa Mosque Has Islamist Ties



On August 30th, ACT! for America Executive Director Guy Rodgers and National Field Director Kelly Cook will be in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for our rally calling for the full reinstatement of Captain Paul Fields.

WHEN: 10:00 A.M., August 30, 2011

WHERE: Chapman Centennial Green Park, 600 S. Main St, Tulsa

After the rally, we will walk the five blocks to City Hall and deliver the petition to Mayor Dewey Bartlett, who appointed Chuck Jordan to Tulsa Chief of Police last November. At that time Rodgers will take questions from the media.

If you are coming to the event, please feel free to make a sign in support of Captain Fields. We anticipate there will be media covering the event, and we will have our own camera crew there, so please have your sign be respectful while you are being creative!

As we get closer to August 30th, we will send out an email spelling out a phone call and emailing grassroots campaign to coincide with the rally.

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