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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Tulsa Police Captain Disiplined For Refusing To Order Visit To Radical Mosque Tulsa Police Captain Disiplined For Refusing To Order Visit To Radical MosqueFebruary 26, 2011 February 26 2011- Militant Islam Monitor-A Tulsa Police Captain with a stellar record is being investigated by the Tulsa Police Department for Internal Affairs and was disciplined and reassigned because he refused to order officers to attend a "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day" which was organized by the radical Islamic Society of Tulsa which included a prayer service. Captain Paul Fields " wrote in a memo that he believed the order was illegal and would not follow it and said past invitations to religious and non-religious institutions for similar purposes had been voluntary." His lawyer said that the issue was the ordering of police officers to make the visit and had nothing to do with the premises being a mosque. http://www.newson6.com/Global/story.asp?S=14075965 Captain Paul Fields has filed a suit against Chief Deputy Daryl Webster claiming that his First Amendment rights had been violated. According to FOX News: "When you become a police officer you don't give up any of your constitutional rights," said Scott Wood, a Tulsa attorney representing Fields. He called it a case of political correctness gone too far. The lawsuit names Deputy Chief Daryl Webster as the lone defendant – accusing him of retaliating against Fields for exercising his First Amendment rights. Fields is asking for one dollar in nominal damages, along with attorneys fees."http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/02/24/oklahoma-police-captain-filed-lawsuit-refusing-attend-islamic-event/?test=latestnews Click here to read the lawsuit. MIM: The Islamic Society of Tulsa is a radical mosque. Below see information on their "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day" and on their terror linked Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) event which features speaker Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, who was an advisory board member for The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and a character witness for the Blind Sheik Omar Abdel- Rahman. The IST website supplies a link for CAIR under the heading "Islamic Civil Rights-CAIR" http://www.istulsa.org/IslamicWebsites.html According to Discover the Networks: 'In a 1992 address to an audience of Muslims in New Jersey, Wahhaj expressed his desire to see Muslims seize control of the United States and replace its constitutional government with an Islamic caliphate. "If we were united and strong," Wahhaj said, "we'd elect our own emir [leader] and give allegiance to him.... [T]ake my word, if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us."
Discover The Networks on ICNA: "Terrorism analyst Steven Emerson claims that ICNA has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the ideological forebear of all radical Islamic movements -- including Hamas and al-Qaeda. Documents show that Hamas officials have participated in previous ICNA events. "The ICNA's hatred of the Jews is so fierce," writes Emerson, "that it taunted them with a repetition of what Hitler did to them." In his book American Jihad, Emerson expounds: "The ICNA openly supports militant Islamic fundamentalist organizations, praises terror attacks, issues incendiary attacks on western values and policies, and supports the imposition of Sharia [Islamic law]." http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=6380 In addition the IST congratulates the Council on American Islamic Relations on their legal efforts to block a law which would have prevented the spread of shari'a in Oklahoma. The law had been supported by 70% of the population. CAIR is a Saudi funded front group for Hamas. Recently CAIR was in the news because of their campaign urging Muslims not to talk to the FBI. See: CAIR Poster Tells Muslims Not To Talk To The FBI" http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/4730 In his article "CAIR: Moderate Friends of Terror" Dr. Daniel Pipes writes: "CAIR even includes at least one person associated with terrorism in its own ranks. On Feb. 2, 1995, U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White named Siraj Wahhaj as one of the "unindicted persons who may be alleged as co-conspirators" in the attempt to blow up New York City monuments. Yet CAIR deems him "one of the most respected Muslim leaders in America" and includes him on its advisory board." "CAIR's real record is one of extremism. North American Muslims themselves are beginning to discover - and the government, leading media, churches, and businesses should follow - that CAIR represents not the noble civilization of Islam but an aggressive and radical strain similar to that which led to the suicide hijackings last September. CAIR must be shunned as a fringe group by responsible institutions and individuals throughout North America. " http://www.danielpipes.org/394/cair-moderate-friends-of-terror The IST also engages in intensive da'wa (proselytisation) efforts aka cultural jihad. Note their "Know Your Muslim Neighbor" course includes a a tour of the IST mosque. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICNA Relief USA - Free Banquet Dinner and Lecture at IST Keynote Speaker Imam Siraj Wahhaj is going to present special video presentation on the ICNA relief USA programs. When: Sunday, February 27, 2011 6:00 pm to 9:00 PM Islamic Society of Tulsa - Law Enforcement Appreciation Day During the past five months The Islamic Society of Tulsa worked closely with Tulsa Police and other local law enforcement in response to a serious threat to our community and congregation. In response to the countless hours, meetings, phone calls, emails and support from local law enforcement, the Islamic Society of Tulsa (IST) chose to host a Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. IST has hosted law enforcement appreciation days in the past with excellent feedback and formed relationships with law enforcement to help make our community a safer environment for all Tulsans. Oklahoma Mosques Thank CAIR-OK Muslims' First Amendment Rights Are Protected (Oklahoma City, OK 11-29-10) The Islamic Council of Oklahoma (ICO) celebrates the preliminary injunction announced today by the US District Court blocking State Question 755 from becoming certified into law. If certified this law would have allowed Muslims' religious rights to be targeted for infringement without the legal recourse guaranteed by America's Founding Fathers in the Constitution. Leaders of mosques statewide congratulate and thank the Council on American Islamic Relations Oklahoma Chapter's Executive Director, Muneer Awad, for defending their First Amendment Rights as he defended his own in District Court this month. Awad, an American-born Muslim, proved to the court that SQ755 could prevent Islamic wills from being probated in Oklahoma; Oklahoma Muslims are concerned about other personal documents as well. Muslims here understand that their religion instructs them to follow the laws of the land where they live and have made no requests and have no expectation that Islamic laws from other countries should become laws here. "This is a great victory, not just for Muslims, but for Oklahomans of all faiths who seek to enjoy the rights and privileges of this great country. Islam has not, nor will it ever threaten the laws of our land. Good people outside our faith know that Islam is not a threat as exaggerated by some extremists and these non-Muslims see through the fear mongers' agenda when they seek to use this as a wedge issue for political gain," said Imam Arif Abdullah of Oklahoma City's Masjid Mu'min. The Imam from the Islamic Society of Tulsa's Masjid Al Salam reacted with joy and appreciated Mr. Awad's efforts and the judge's sense of fairness. "I am very pleased that we asked for justice and we got it. This law that discriminates against Muslims was found to be against America's founding principles and Oklahoma's Constitution. Muslims are a vibrant part of Oklahoma, living, studying, working and contributing to the general welfare. Muslims are not, and according to the judge's welcome judgment, cannot be isolated from the community at large." ---------------------------------------- Know Your Muslim Neighbor Series - 2010 Session Name: Qur'an - Learn It, Don't Burn It! When: Four Thursdays (Oct 7, Oct 14, Oct 21, Oct 28 of 2010) Schedule: 6:30 to 7 PM - Tour of the Islamic Society of Tulsa Mosque 7 to 8:30 PM - Series Lecture / Presentation Where: Peace Academy @ 4620 S Irvington Ave, Tulsa OK 74135 Food: Refreshments will be served for all four sessions Cost: Free Baby sitting: Not Available Program Details: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Session 1 - October 7: Introduction to Qur'an 101 Tentative Speakers: Imam Suhaib Webb / Imam Yahya Graff / Radwan Kouatli / Khaled Habib / Nuredin Giayash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Session 2 - October 14: Qur'an and Tolerance Tentative Speakers: Imam Suhaib Webb / Imam Yahya Graff / Khaled Habib / Nuredin Giayash ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIM: Announcement for the IST's da'wa classes. Discover Islam Classes for Non-Muslims. Open to the Public Every Tuesday night from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the Islamic Society of Tulsa, in the Youth Room. Have your questions answered and learn about the basics of Islamic belief. Tours and additional materials available. For more information call (918) 638-2670 |