Theo van Gogh on the cover of his book 'Allah Knows Best' |
Save the Musselmen !
Don't turn the Imams into Martyrs
By Theo van Gogh
Translated by Beila Rabinowitz director MIM
Free speech is the only thing which can save free citizens from the barbarians. Let the Imams say what they want – because that is precisely the way in which our society differs from theirs .
If I was only a failed professional Uncle Tom, ala Gilles Koster , then everyone would feel sorry for me . But I am Theo van Gogh and my greatest pleasure in life is that I am not a subsidized minority.
On the contrary: I am the incarnation of everything which someone is not supposed to be, as it now stands; politically incorrect, employed by a commercial television station, fat, native born, sexist, and above all not convinced about the blessings of the much heralded ‘multi cultural society.'
Above all I believe that only free speech in the broadest sense of the word, including allowing discriminatory imams to publicly state their prejudices , can save free citizens from barbarism.
The latter is sits squarely in Article 1 of the Constitution, which loosely stated says. ‘Thou shalt not discriminate'. Article 1 was put in the Constitution by the Stalinist Joop Woolf,and was intended to hinder Janmaat and his ilk. It is placed across from the Right of Free Speech which is Article 7 and is also protected by the Constitution. [1]
In the House all kinds of people are breaking their heads to make rules against Imams, who, if they are found to be guilty of discrimination, would be deported from the county. What kind of tolerant society is it that cannot handle a beard in a robe , who is stating what 90% of the Muslims who live in Holland think, namely, that homosexuals are afflicted with a sickness which must be combated with fire and the sword ?
Is it not the characteristic of a free speech that all of the malifide, scandalous,and opinions which fly in the face of all established norms deserve to be heard ? In the United States the defense of Klu Klux Klansmen by black lawyers was defended under the motto: 'Whoever infringes on their right to free speech infringes on mine !'
Therefore Imams and all the representatives of an ideology that says that women, Jews, and homosexuals ,and anyone else who is deviant in the eyes of Allah , need to be exterminated must be allowed to speak freely.
That is the only way we can locate our mortal enemies. And possible legal rulings against their statements will not solve anything, and not protect a minority group which feels threatened, and result in having the poison which the Koran brings to the fore going underground to give off a choking smoke without fire.
It is regrettable if one is a homo, woman, Jew,or any other type of despised apostate. Even more regrettable is the fact that Dutch politicians have been avoiding any discussion of an aggressive minority for years. To say that Islam is the biggest threat which must be confronted by the civilized world , appears to be a curse in the politically correct church of poultices and compresses, silence, and trivilisation .
The facts are otherwise ,every voter who wants to defend something like this as being reasonable, is standing in the twilight of a battle with the representatives of Allah and a pestilential backwardness.
No Athens without Sparta,no Rome without barbarians. It is possible that the free West will lose the war of ideas and we will have to see our children wax nostalgic for the tolerance which used to be the norm here.
Let the Imams speak out as freely as possible, how else can we can show our moral superiority against that of the goatfuckers if we take away that which shows that our society is so totally different from theirs ?
Let our Imams remain the pygmies that they are. Don't turn them into martyrs. Who ever values freedom of expression , will shrug their shoulders in devasting indifference. The fact that Imam Al Moumni wasn't even aware that homosexuals in Holland could marry, and now in all innocence offers his apologies because it was ‘not his intention' to hurt anyone, is a scant comfort to those who believe in the multi cultural society.[2]
The day that Minister Boxtel is hung by the Imams, will be the time when we really and truly begin to understand what ‘ dialogue' means to Allah.[3]
Translators Notes:
[1] Janmaat was a conservative Dutch politician whose platform was regarded as Dutch nationalist . He left the political scene in 2002 but his name and Centrum Party became synonyms for right wing ideology.
[2]: Imam Khalil El Moumni of the Nasr mosque in Rotterdam, was taken to court by homosexual rights groups regarding his statements about them. He was aquitted and the story sparked a debate about freedom of speech and lack of Muslim integration in Holland. Theo wrote about this in an article entitled "Lack of Self Respect and commented:
"...Imam Khalil el Moumni has according to me every right to to criticise homo's, just as I am not impressed when he claims in the name of Allah, that Dutch people are "less then pigs". The most breathtaking aspect of the case is that Minister Boxtel, at the conciliatory meeting,claimed that the "Imam had a problem" and afterwards babbled on about promoting integration and the "mixing of Moroccan building materials into the new housing projects..."
[3 ]Roger van Boxtel, Minister for Urban Policy and Integration of Ethnic Minorities
For a comprehensive list of links for information about Van Gogh see:
MIM : Theo van Gogh rightly claims that" free speech is the only thing which can save free citizens from barbarians".Discrimination Reporting Centers' are the anti thesis of free speech, and meant to silence people from stating their personal opinions, in public as well as in private. Which begs the question as to how many native born Dutch and non- Muslims are filing discrimination complaints against Muslims despite being harassed, robbed, and terrorised, by Muslim youth in their own neighborhoods on a daily basis.In the interests of 'equal rights' which are sacred to the multi kulti crowd non Muslims should be demanding the opening of discrimination reporting centers for native Dutch who are threatened with rape, theft, stabbing, and beheading by Muslims in Holland.
It is highly unlikely that Edwin Brugmans, the self proclaimed Jewish spokesman who is leading the campaign for a Islam Discrimination Reporting Center, ever filed a complaint against the Muslims who threw stones, cursed ,and harassed him and his fellow synagouge goers.
It is a known fact that most of the complaints are filed by 'minorities' and foreigners who want to intimidate Dutch people who may legitimately be refusing to hire them or let them into their place of business due to a real (and statistically proven) fear of violence or theft. In reality, the Muslim population in Holland is not a minority. Muslims are predicted to be a majority in Holland within the next two decades, and, if the population growth continues and the Dutch continue to flee their predominently Islamic neighborhoods, Rotterdam will be the first majority Muslim city in Europe within the next five years .
MIM: In an even more bizarre manifestation of multi kulti run amok, Jews (and Christians), in Holland have taken it upon themeselves to 'share their knowledge' and experience of discrimination with Muslims.
After being targetted with stones and curses on the way to the synagouge, it appears that the Islamic Holocaust era Jewish Council leader wannabe, Erwin Brugmans, has concluded "if you don't want to beat them back- then join them", and is helping neighborhood Muslims to establish yet another "anti discrimination reporting center". [1]
.One of the groups involved 'Milli Gorus' who are most supportive of this initiative are themselve tied to terrorism and advocate the implementation of shari'a law [2]
The result of this perverse exercise in dhimmitude was proudly reported by the self proclaimed Jewish spokesman Erwin Brugmans.' We used to be showered by curses and stones, now we are greeted heartily '.
Apparently not all of Brugmans Muslim neighbors have become philosemites despite his abject dhimmitude. Jewish worshippers at his schul are still 'greeted' with shouts of 'Death the Jews' by the followers of Mohammed. Erwin Brugmans expertise in discrimination exposes his fatally flawed knowledge of both European and Islamic history.It also appears likely that Brugmans delusion that the friendly greeting he claims the Jews are receiving from the former Islamo facist stone throwers is the result of a carefully aimed stone at his yamulka. His dhimmitude and that of others who are showing solidarity with Muslims for the temporary reward of a 'hudna' (strategic ceasefire used for regrouping and lulling the enemy into a false sense of security) will backfire miserably when his Muslim 'cousins' become the majority in Amsterdam. To paraphrase the conclusion of Theo van Gogh's article above;
'The day that Brugmans will be hung by the Imams, will be the time when we begin to really and truly begin to understand the what 'dialogue' means to Allah'.
Jews share their knowledge with Muslims
Amsterdam- A separate' Islam discrimation' reporting center will be set up for the city district of The Baarsjes. The residents want this, but the request was supported by other religions.
Members of a seniors club for older Moroccans knew very well how to find the general discrimination reporting center. The anonymous letter which insulted them and referred to the (Muslim Moroccan) purse snatcher Al el B. who had been run over (by his victim) was duly noted . But still many Mohammedans feel the need for their own discrimination reporting center.
The city district The Baarsjes, the Amsterdam working class neighborhood which is attempting to keep the peace between around 100 different nationalities, with unconventional methods, has suceeded in a macro level to get the great religions to sit together at the table. Christians, Jews, and Mohammedans are working together to form a separate Muslim discrimination reporting center.
Representatives from the Turkish and Moroccan mosques, a (Dutch/Calvinist) reformed elder , who is also a member of the CDA (Christian Democratic Party) and Erwin Brugmans, an active member of Synagouge West, met again on Friday. This time at the Central Discrimination Reporting Center of Amsterdam, where everyone can come with their complaints.
City Councilman Henk Bos (34), is the leader: " The time for talking is long past. In The Hague (the center of government) they have no idea of what is taking place on the streets,and in the neighborhoods. We want to act."
Director Jessica Silversmith of the central reporting center is not convinced of the need for a separate reporting center for Islam discrimination."In the presently tense atmosphere, this can have the opposite effect", she proclaimed.
Bos: "I am not interested in organisations.In our district their are clear signals that hte residents want this. Then we have to do it."
At the table it was clear how difficult it was to get the practioners of Islam to agree on anything. The Pakistanis stayed away, in spite of their acceptance of the invitation.The Moroccans were deeply divided ,and only the Turkish mosque, led by Milli Gorus *, showed themselves to be behind the district initiative without reservation.
Noteworthy is the support of the local synagouge for such a discrimination reporting center. Brugmans, with a yamulka on his head as always; 'Two years ago the visitors to the schul in The Baarsjes were hit with stones and cursed. Now we are being greeted. Jews have experience with discrimination. We want to share our knowledge with Muslims."
The driving force -Brugmans (55), "I consult with her before every step",-is Bloeme- Evers- Emden,(82) an Auschwitz survivor and not initially eager to work together with other residents, some of whom still yell "Death to the Jews!".
Evers does not participate in the meetings with the different groups, but supports the efforts of her synagouge to work together with the mosques.
The reporting center, which must be established no matter what according to councilman Bos, is part of the 'social contract' * an agreement between city districts and the mosques, in which they all agree to defend the right to free speech, to closely monitor and report extreme behaviour, and to look for partners to lessen the tensions.
The district, which is functioning as an experiment, has also attracted attention from abroad.
Last week a commission from the British Lower House visited the district to ask if such a 'social contract' helped in tracking sources of violent religious teachings . The British parliamentarians also spoke with Mayor Cohen and with councilman Aboutaleb.[3]
[1] "There is no such thing as Islamophobia"- "Islamophobie bestaat niet" by Bernadette de Wit
[2 ]In Germany, Milli Gorus, a militant Turkish Islamic organization with more than 200,000 members, is accused by German intelligence of promoting Islamic law among Turkish immigrants in Europe. The August 2001 issue of Milli Gorus's official publication, Milli Gazete, featured an article stating that "A religious Muslim is also at the same time an advocate for sharia. The state, the media, and the courts have no rights to interfere. The allegiance of a Muslim to sharia cannot be condemned or questioned."
[3] Aboutaleb is a Moroccan Muslim Councilman in Amsterdam who is a fifth columnist who pretends to be a moderate and is even tipped to be the next mayor of the city
zaterdag 29 januari 2005 uur. |