Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > New Assadiq Islamic Education Foundation in Boca Raton brings Iranian born Imam Sayed Mohammed Jawad Al Qazwini & Co. to FL
New Assadiq Islamic Education Foundation in Boca Raton brings Iranian born Imam Sayed Mohammed Jawad Al Qazwini & Co. to FL
January 23, 2005
MIM: The Islamist presence in South Florida is expanding at an alarming rate . The Islamic Center of Boca Raton is still trying to build their "mini Mecca' in Boca Raton and the Universal Heritage Foundation is soliticiting donations to complete their 31 acre Islamist enclave in Kissimmee. In addtion, a new Islamic center in Sunrise is being planned which is being founded by none other then Mohammed Javed Qureshi, the Taco Bell supervisor who helped dirty bomber wannabe Jose Padilla and his wife on their path to Islam.
The Assadiq Islamic Education Foundation appears to have opened a few months ago in Boca Raton, it's ties to Iran and Iraq via Imam Al Qazwini and family, is another worrying development vis a vis the ever growing Islamist presence in South Florida.
The Assadiq mission statement says that the Imam has "re-ignited the community's youth movement". The idea of a 're- ignited youth movement' in light of recent events in Holland after the Islamist murder of Theo van Gogh should is bears watching closely.
The AIVD (Dutch Security Services) recently published a 60 page report warning that the increasing radicalisation of Muslim youth seemed to be an irreversible and threatening trend which could not be countered by any 'moderate' forces in the Muslim community".
MIM:As one can see below the Assadiq Foundation has hosted speakers who have called for the destruction of Israel and condemned American actions in Iraq. Their mission statement is one of Da'wa - spreading of Islam which is a religious obligation for all Muslims and the way many believe America will be conquered.
According to Yusuf Qaradawi a leading cleric based in Qatar:
We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America! Not through (the) sword, but through Da'awa," al-Qaradawi told members of the Muslim Arab Youth Association at the group's 1995 convention in Toledo, Ohio.
",,,The Assadiq Islamic Educational Foundation is here to promote Islam, its beliefs and practice, and its way of life, through education, outreach, and Islamic activities.
With the will of Allah [swt] and the efforts of His servants, everyone will have a clear and unadulterated picture of Islam. May the message of Islam reach every individual and may Allah [swt] guide all people to His right path..."
The Muslim community in South Florida had grown large, and people desired to have a learned religious leader serve them and teach their children. They were able to find an exceptional young Imam, Mohammad Jawad Al-Qazwini. To their delight he was willing to accept their invitation to come and establish an Islamic Educational Foundation, here in South Florida. That was the birth of our Foundation.
"..The Assadiq Islamic Educational Foundation in southern Florida, under the leadership of Imam Mohammad Jawad Al-Qazwini, gives Muslims an opportunity to benefit from a mix of religious practices, ethics, social events, and tradition, all with a common sense approach. The Imam, since his arrival, has re-ignited the community's youth movement and has brought the entire community together..."
MIM :Below is the Homepage of the Assadiq Foundation with pictures of the 23 Year old Imam and his father and grandfather . The younger Qazwini was a founder of the Muslim Youth Association of Southern California. The Qazwini clan extends from Iran, Karbala. Iraq, and now South Florida. The presence of such a young Imam from such an influential and highly regarded religious family is no doubt intended to galvanise the youth into stricter observance of Islamic law . According to Assadiq site the Imam" travels throughout the United States to Preach the religion of his grandfather the prophet Mohammed".
No wonder that the email contact address for the center is [email protected].
Sayed Mohammad Jawad Al-Qazwini was born in Iran, into a family well known in the Shia world for its knowledge, wisdom, and piety. Al-Qazwini's family in the Muslim world at large is associated with people of scholarship, leadership and dedication to serving their Muslim community.
His father Sayed Ali Al-Qazwini, a respected Islamic figure and political sciences graduate, lives in California, and is the chairman of Assadiq Foundation in California.
His grandfather Ayatollah Sayed Mortadha Al-Qazwini is one of the most popular scholars of his time. Ayatollah Al-Qazwini is currently the Leading Imam of the Shire on Imam Hussein in Karbala, Iraq. Sayed Mohammad Jawad Al-Qazwini Established his studies with His honorable Grandfather. He has been studying under his grandfather's supervision since 1998.
With the help of the youth in southern California, Sayed Mohammad Jawad Al-Qazwini founded the Muslim youth Association of southern California. He then moved to South Florida in Ramadan 2003, and by the grace of Allah, he was able to bring the community in southern Florida together in establishing an Islamic Center in the heart of Boca Raton.
Sayed Mohammad Jawad not only brings Islamic teachings to the Islamic community, he also is a window of a hope in the hearts of all Muslims living in southern Florida. He Has Dedicated His time and energy to serve the Islamic Community. Sayed Jawad lectures in Three languages: Arabic, English, and Persian. Sayed Al-Qazwini Travels through out the United States to Preach the Religion of His Grandfather Prophet Mohammad.
MIM: The Assadiq Islamic Educational Foundation has bizarre disclaimer on it's website no doubt having learned a lesson from the Islamic Center of Boca Raton, which was forced to take down it's website when it was discovered to have been linked to Kavkaz (The Chechen Al Qaeda site) and Al Haramain, the Saudi terror funding 'charity'. In language which seems to be warning against what Janet Jackson's handlers described as a 'wardrobe malfunction' the Assadiq Center is warning it's users against any problems arising from a 'website malfunction'.
"..Neither Assadiq Islamic Educational Foundation, nor, its webmaster, web host, content providers, affiliates, or other representatives will be liable for damages of any kind arising out of your use of, your inability to use, or the performance of this website or the content whether or not we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. The Foundation uses reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy, correctness, and reliability of the content, but we make no representations or warranties as to the content's accuracy, correctness, or reliability.
There may be links to other websites from ours; however, these other websites are not controlled by Assadiq Foundation, and we are not responsible for any content contained on any such website or any loss suffered by you in relation to your use of such websites. You waive any and all claims against Assadiq Islamic Educational Foundation and regarding the inclusion of links to outside websites or your use of those websites..."
MIM: In other words the management is not responsible for anyone who should decide to wage Jihad after visiting the Assadiq Foundation website...
MIM: Perhaps the Assadiq Islamic Educational Center should have issued a guest disclaimer as in the case of Dr.Sayed Mustafa Al Qazwini who was the director of the Assadiq Islamic Center in Southern California whose center appears to be role model for the Assadiq Center in Boca Raton. (see picture below)
"...A videotape from the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County shows Imam Sayed Moustafa Al-Qazwini asking why Arab nations allow their weapons to sit unused. Allah, he said, doesn't want Muslims to cry over the death of innocents in the Middle East, but to take action. "Where are your weapons that you have accumulated? Why don't you use them?" He accuses the Israelis of wanting to take over the entire Middle East: "Today Jerusalem, tomorrow Damascus, after tomorrow Beirut, then Baghdad, then Mecca, then Medina, then Cairo. It is a plan which was set about 100 years ago in their conference."
Al-Qazwini told me last week that his call for Arab nations to use their weapons was purely a call for self-defense, yet after reviewing the videotape I'm left agreeing with the Anti-Defamation League's Joyce Greenspan, who described him this way: "He is considered a moderate. He is speaking for Orange County Muslims. Publicly, he speaks beautifully. Yet, quietly, he has sent a different message."
MIM:Addressing a 'town hall meeting' in 2004 Sayed Mustafa Al Qazwini oxymoronically encouraged fellow Muslims not hestitate to assert themselves in the face of the dhimmis.
Attempting to encourage those Muslims hesitant to speak out for fear of being placed on a list, Imam Sayed Moustafa Al-Qazwini, Director of Islamic Educational Center of Orange County and member of Islamic Council of Southern California, said, "God is on your side."
MIM: In 1999 Sayed Moustafa Al Qazwini published a book for Muslim youth about Islam and how to convince people to convert through Da'wa:
"...As of June, 1999, I will have lived five years in the United States of America. Through this time, I have met many intellectual, educated individuals who have inspired me to introduce the beautiful religion of Islam to the masses through speeches, writings, and articles. I also have had the honor of spending almost three years with our future generation, the youth, in Southern California and other parts of the United States. The more time I spent discussing and debating aspects of Islam with them, the more I was convinced of the necessity to put the basic ideas of Islam on paper and introduce them to the ever-increasing number of youth who seek to discover the last revelation of Allah to mankind. Through my work as a humble student and a preacher of Islam in the West, I realized that the Islamic centers and institutions have shortages and inefficiencies in the field of da'wah (the invitation to Islam)...'
"...Shi'ites "worldwide are shocked and outraged over what is going on in Najaf," Imam Moustafa Al-Qazwini, a prominent Shi'ite leader based in California, told the Los Angeles Times on Thursday. "They consider it an assault on the sanctity of Islam and in particular Shia Islam."
"Any attack on that city will destroy America's future in Iraq completely," said al-Qazwini, who supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 but became disillusioned with the occupation after several months of traveling to the occupied nation earlier this year.
MIM: Another guest at the Assadiq Center in Boca Raton was Imam Sayed Hassan Al Qazwini, who is the director of the Muslim Youth Association, which was also founded by the present Imam in Boca Raton, Sayed Mohammed Javed Al Qazwini who is starting a similiar group at the new Assadiq Center in Florida.
"...The The Islamic Center of America's Young Muslim Association is an organization for people of all ages, dedicated to promoting Islam, its beliefs and practice, through education, outreach and Islamic activities. Lead by Imam Sayed Hassan Al-Qazwini, the focus of our mission is to advance morality and promote an Islamic way of life. While enhancing the Islamic identity of the youth through our initiatives, the YMA also fosters leadership qualities in the young Muslims of our community, as all of our programs and other initiatives are run and organized by this next generation of Muslims. The YMA is affiliated with the Islamic Center of America in Detroit, MI.
MIM: Sayed Hasan Al Qazwini was also a guest speaker at a recent MPAC conference. After 9/11 the executive director of MPAC,Salam Marayati,blamed Israel for the attacks.
"...Speaking on the Los Angeles radio station KCRW a few hours after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Salam al-Marayati said: "If we're going to look at suspects we should look to the groups that benefit the most from these kinds of incidents, and I think we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list because I think this diverts attention from what's happening in the Palestinian territories so that they can go on with their aggression and occupation and apartheid policies...." (New York Times, Oct. 22, 2001)
The MPAC panels below entitled "countering extremism" are a smokescreen for MPAC's real agenda which involves attacking counter terrorism Steven Emerson and Dr. Daniel Pipes at every opportunity.
Sayed Hasan Al Qazwini's participation in an MPAC conference is further proof that he is a radical Islamist.
Plenary 1: Islamic Perspectives on Extremism (Moderator: Dr. Laila Al-Marayati) Dr. Jamal Badawi (Professor, St. Mary's University) Dr. Asma Barlas (Professor, Ithaca College; Author, Believing Women in Islam) Sayed Hassan Al-Qazwini (Director, Islamic Center of America, MI)
Plenary 2: The Realities of Political Extremism (Moderator: Dr. Maher Hathout) Dr. John Esposito (Director, Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding, Georgetown Univ.) Hussein Ibish (Vice Chair, Progressive Muslim Union) Jack Miles (Author, God: A Biography) Shirin Sinnar (Fellow, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of San Francisco Bay Area)
U.S. Policy and Counter Extremism (Moderator: Ahmed Younis) Salam Al-Marayati (Executive Director, MPAC) Chuck Pena (Director of Defense Policy Studies, CATO Institute) Ron Nehring (Chairman, California Republican Party of San Diego)
The Role of the Media in Countering Extremism (Moderator: Edina Lekovic) Robert Greenwald (Executive Producer, "Unconstitutional" & "Outfoxed") Dr. Greg Orfalea (Director, Pitzer College Center of Writing) Stephanie Thomas (Production Manager, The Charlie Rose Show) Michael Wolfe (Author, Taking Back Islam; Director, "Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet")
Historical Lessons on Extremism (Moderator: Dr. Rahmi Mowjood) Tariq Aquil (Founder, Islamic Social Services Foundation of Los Angeles) Dalia Hashad (Campaign Against Racial Profiling, American Civil Liberties Union) Sadullah Khan (Director of Religious Affairs, Islamic Center of Irvine, CA) James Yee (Former Chaplain, Guantanamo Bay)
Models of Countering Extremism (Moderator: Dr. Omar Ezzeldine) Sayed Moustafa Al-Qazwini (Director, Islamic Educational Center of Orange County) Fiza Shah (Chairperson, Developments in Literacy) Donna Sibaai (Director, The More Alike Than Different Project)
July 29th, 2004: Dr. Sayed Jafar Al-Qazwini is a research supervisor at the university of Los Angeles California - UCLA. He has also studied for several years at the seminary in Syria. He has been very active in the Islamic community in southern California. He has made several appearances on CNN and Fox News.
July 15th and July 22nd, 2004: Dr. Mahdi Hazari from John Hopkins University, in Baltimore. Dr. Hazari has dedicated a great portion of his time to educating the western world at different states about Islam. He comes from a devoted and respected Family in southern Florida.
July 8th, 2004: Dr. Sayed Jafar Al-Qazwini is a research supervisor at the university of Los Angeles California - UCLA. He has also studied for several years at the seminary in Syria. He has been very active in the Islamic community in southern California. He has made several appearances on CNN and Fox News.
July 31, 2004: Abu Osama, founder of the Islamic Center of South Florida in Pompano.
May 20th, 2004: Imam Sayed Hassan Al-Qazwini, Imam of the Islamic Center of America, and founder of the Young Muslim Association (YMA). He is one of the most outstanding and active Islamic leaders in the Western World.
May 1, 2004: Hajj Osama Al-Attar will cheer our night with his beautiful poetry and chanting in celebration of the Prophet Mohammad's birthday (peace be upon him).
April 8, 2004: Sayed Mohammad Qazwini the Imam and founder of two Islamic Centers in San Diego, California.
April 3, 2004: Dr. Sayed Mustafa Qazwini (The Imam of the Islamic Educational Center O.C.). He is one of the most outstanding Islamic figures in the western world.
April 3, 2004: Sayed Safi Haider. He has been traveling all over the United States to lecture.
March 25, 2004: Sayed Ali Qazwini (Director of Assadiq Foundation, California), and father of our Imam. He is the oldest son of Ayatollah Sayid Mortadha Al-Qazwini.
The Imam's grandfather leads prayers at the Assadiq Foundation in Boca Raton.
MIM: Many of the pictures were pulled from the Assadiq Foundation website after they came under media scrutiny, invited neo Nazi William Baker to a dinner together with the Jewish mayor of Boca Raton and the Mayor of Coral Springs (whose wife is Jewish).
Removing all misconceptions from the commemoration of Ashura