Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > "Who is guarding the guardians ?" Faux moderate Muqtedar Khan speaks on Islam at US army base & Wahabist terrorism conference "Who is guarding the guardians ?" Faux moderate Muqtedar Khan speaks on Islam at US army base & Wahabist terrorism conferenceMuqtedar Khan: Islamist chameleon -receives US army tokens of esteem at Arsenal Island - blasts US gov and military - justifies suicide bombers Muqtedar Khan Guest speaker at US arsenal and at Wahabist conference in Riyadh, is also colleague of Al Muhajiroun spokesman Kamran Bokhari by Beila Rabinowitz MIM: Muqtedar Khan likes to cultivate the image of a 'moderate Muslim' his own writings,statements, and associations all attest to someone who is a calculated opportunist who is "playing both sides of the fence" for professional gain and personal prestige. Khan's alliances with people such as Kamran Bokhari, the spokesman of Al Muhjiroun in the US, his publication of his work on I views, the website edited by CAIR's ex communications director Ismail Randall Royer who was jailed last year on terrorism charges, and Khan's with militant Islamist groups and individuals both in the US are the hallmarks of a fith columnist. Below is a list of Khan's activities which prove his duplicity and a serious lapse on the part of the American government and the armed forces to vet Muslims out of a political correctness, which in Khan's case translates into gross neglience. This October Muqtedar Khan was invited to speak at the Army Field support command at the Rock Island Arsenal at Rock Island in Quad City Illinois. According to his own weblog Muqtedar Khan recounts that : "I was there at the generous invitation of Brigadier General Jerome Johnson.General Johnson is a an extraordinary leader ,highly respected and admired by his staff and a man who keeps an open mind". Brigadier General Jerome Johnson is described in a press release bio as no less then the : ,"...Director of Plans, Operations and Readiness, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, United States Army, Washington, DC, to Commanding General, United States Army Field Support Command, Rock Island, Illinois. Muqtedar Khan boasted that: "I gave a lecture that had three parts-Islam -the realities of the Muslim World-and US policies in the Muslim World.I enjoyed the question and answer session and was delighted to receive two coins- they are medals that Generals and Commanding officers present to people as a sign of esteem- from the general and then proceeded to see the arsenal on display." Even more alarming and dismaying then the fact that a high ranking US army official would be fooled into thinking that Khan is a moderate, when a simple Google search reveals ample evidence of the opposite,such as his support for suicide bombings against American troops in Iraq,which he justifies as understandable acts of frustration". "The deaths of their own families, the destruction of their homes — all these are leading to frustration and anger and hopelessness, and they want the enemy to feel the same frustration and hopelessness, so they are resorting to this violence," said Muqtedar Khan, visiting fellow in foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution and an expert in political Islam". .When it comes to blowing up Jews he warns terrorists that they 'generate sympathy for Israel'. (see below) Mugtedar Khan was not only given access to a United States army installation,he was given the opportunity to propagandize about Islam at a "conference of military field commanders" and was given two coin medals by Brigadier General Jerome Johnson 'as a token of esteem'." . Less then one month later Khan was quoted by ABC News justifying the Iraqis who become suicide bombers to kill American soldiers. The arsenal is in the words of their own website :" "The Rock Island Arsenal is an active U.S. army factory,which manufactures ordinance and equipment for the armed forces .It is located on Arsenal Island in the Missippi River". Besides assess to an arsenal where he was photographed in front of an "atomic bomb tank' Khan was also given two coin award medals and lectured to top military officials about Islam. This outrageous breach of national security and travesty of the war on terror necessitated that this piece's placement on the satire webpage. After the security debacle which involved the now head of the Islamic Jihad in Syria, Ramadan Shallah, who had been invited to give lectures to military personeel from Cent Com at McDill Air Base,( with the help of Fifth Columnist USF professor Arthur Lowrie) ,one would have expected that the army would be more careful in vetting their Muslim speakers. Instead, Islamist Khan, was not only given a 'tokens of esteem' by US army officials but was able to roam the grounds of a working US arsenal factory where he had a picture taken of himself, in front of an "atomic canon".Khan remarked in his blog that " as a student in the 9th grade he had done a survey of the nuclear armament of the US and the Soviet Union..." . No doubt he also took pictures of the arsenal himself . In April of 2004 Khan was photographed standing in front of the Great Mosque in Mecca where he attended a conference at Al Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud University on "Islam and Terrorism". The conference was sponsored by one of the biggest Saudi Wahabi groups and was actually called : "The Islamic Stand on Terrorism Violence and Extremism". 'According to the program of the conference (see complete text below) the purpose of the conference was to have the Imam Muhammed Bin Saud Islamic University "clarify it's stance towards the deviated thought and would defuse the accusations against Islam"..." Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdulaziz would attend the conference which he also financed. According to a 2004 Washington Post report, the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences which was recently raided by the JTFF and the FBI is an outpost of the Muhammed Ibn Saud Islamic University and "a main citadel of Wahabi instruction. Khan makes a point of recounting that he spoke critically about Wahabism at the Riyadh conference" which begs the question as to what he was doing there in the first place ( perhaps to lend them the use of his facade of legitimacy as a false moderate), and if the Wahabists who organised the conference paid his expenses.. "...In 1989, the Saudis also set up a high-powered Islamic learning center, the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, in Fairfax. The institute is an outpost of the Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, the main citadel for Wahhabi instruction. In addition King Fahd's son financed the San Diego Islamic Center which hosted 2 of the 9 11 hijackers. "...An Aug. 19 article on Saudi religious influence in the United States incorrectly reported that Crown Prince Abdullah ibn Abdulaziz is the son of King Fahd and joined with the king in donating $8 million to build the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, Calif. The donation with the king was made by his son, Prince Abdulaziz bin Fahd..." "...In May 2003, the State Department refused reentry to the chief imam of the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, Fahad al Thumairy, who also was a Saudi diplomat at the consulate in Los Angeles. The Sept. 11 commission report later said the State Department had determined "he might be connected with terrorist activity." It is reassuring to know that Khan boasts on his website of "being brutally critical of Wahabism "and makes a point of saying that people at the conference "nodded and shook his hand" .Most likely in a show of tacit acknowledgement that they knew his 'brutal criticism' was pro forma since he had been invited in the understanding that he would function as ' token moderate'. Apparently Khan's criticism was not "brutal" enough to make him "persona non grata' in the Kingdom. As non infidel Khan was able to utilize the "Muslim's Only" highway to make a trip to Mecca where the 'Islamist in infidel' clothing was photographed in front of the Grand Mosque, whose patron, Prince Abdullah Abdulaziz sponsored his conference. As one of the speakers, Khan persumably did not have to pay expenses, and it is also doubtful if his being "brutally critical" of his hosts would prevent them from inviting him to future events. Even a cursory 'Googling" of Khan could have spared the Army a vetting process and would have revealed Muqtedar Khan's friendship with Kamran Bokhari. Kamran Bokhari is the North American spokesman for the group Al Muhajiroun. which professor Daniel Pipes characterised as : "One of the most extremist groups operating in the West today". Bokhari is a close colleague of Khan, and both are members of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, and the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Wahabi funded 'think tanks' which are linked to the International Institute of Islamic Thought, which was raided in 2003 by the FBI for it's links to terror funding. While Khan cultivates the facade of a moderate , Bokhari describes himself as a "post Islamist", whose activities include being the secretary of the AMSS pursuing one of many degrees at Howard University (a hub of Islamism) and a job as a "geo political consultant" at Stratfor aka Strategic Forecasting Inc. Stratfor was described as a "semi private CIA" and it's CEO is George Friedman. A recent interview with Friedman revealed that Bokhari is ' affectionately referred to by his colleagues as our resident Jihadist'. In 1999, while a student at Southwest Missouri State University Kamran Bokhari helped to organise the Islamic Center of Springfield, which was closed down by the US treasury department in 2004 for ties to Al Qaeda funding and the Saudi Al Haramain, part of the same Wahabist network which finances the AMSS ,CSID, and the 'Islam and terrorism' conference in Riyadh attended by Khan.Acting AMSS secretary and interim treasurer Bokhari, who was head of the MSA at SMSU,had this to say as spokesman for Al Muhajiroun at a university forum in 1999. "...As a Muslim, I am concerned that through this "Get Ussamah Bin Ladin" campaign, the U.S. government is trying to distort and obscure reality. Those who oppose Western (in particular United States) hegemony and neo-colonialism are declared "terrorists." It is no secret that the intelligence apparatus of hegemonic nations like the United States and the United Kingdom, through their embassies, conduct operations under the cloak of diplomatic immunity.." Bokhari made these remarks as head of Al Muhajiroun whose group displayed on their website a picture of the Capitol building in flames, indicating one of their targets. Muqtedar Khan and Bokhari have worked together on several 'academic' endeavors, and in October of 2004 they were photographed together in Washington,DC with a still intact Capitol building in the background. It appears that Muqtedar Khan and Kamran Bokhari,. have suceeded in "distorting and obscuring reality" to the point where they have parlayed their Jihadism into a valuable job asset. Muqtedar Khan's blog detailing his saga from speaker at Islamist conferences in Milwaukee, to invited and honored guest to Arsenal Island, a US army munitions production plant, to a Wahabist "Islam and Terrorism' conference in Riyadh, shows a cameleon like ability which is the classical MO of an Islamist. The US Army must try to exercise some form of damage control immediately . In the 1990's Ramadan Shallah lectured twice to the US military Cent Com in Florida ,before leaving to take over leadership of Islamic Jihad, in Syria where he is now encouraging his followers to lauch suicide attacks on American soldiers in Iraq. In a post 9/11 world, one can only blink in disbelief, when Islamist professors like Muqtedar Khan who openly express their disdain for the United States government and military , are being invited by people like Brigadier General Jerome Johnson, to lecture to top military officials at a US military arsenal.On his website Khan lists :Bush's: "Hall of Shame" and has pictures of "The Bigot: General Boykin -"The Taliban" John Ashcroft -"The Tyrant: Donald Rumsfeld and ironically concludes with this statement: "...It is a tragedy that President Bush who promised to bring dignity, integrity and morality to the White House continues to defend and support those who brought shame and bad name to American itself. Remember the old saying: A man is known by the company he keeps..." The US military's invitation to Muqtedar Khan, and their awarding him two coin medals as a' token of esteem 'only compounds the enormity of the travesty of national security and the war on terror which took place at the army munitions factory on Arsenal Island. Shades of Shallah and Cent Com - deja vu all over again .The question which is begging to be answered can be found in the words of the satirist Juvenal : "Who is guarding the guardians?". Copyright(c) 2004 Beila Rabinowitz Militant Islam Monitor This article can also be found on Wahabi Watch at Pipe Line News: ------------------------------------------------------------------ MIM:Muqtedar Khan has a website called Ijtihad and writes a weblog called "Glocal Eye- Muqtedar Khan's Comments on Global Affairs": Below are some excerpts from his site in which he explains how Arab suicide attacks' help Israel ',and that and a vilification of the Bush administration and the US military. In a recent ABC News article Khan was quoted justifying Iraqi suicide attacks against American soldiers as acts of "frustration". ------------------------------------- From Khan's website and 'Globalog': MIM: Muqtedar Khan's phony moderation is exposed by his remarks in which he justifies suicide bombing in Iraq because Iraqs feel "frusturated and hopeless" . He does not blame Hamas or Islamic Jihad for their actions but laments that they have "given ammunition to the media" "To paint Palestinians as terrorists". "Pro-Israeli forces, friendly media, strong lobby, Christian eschatology, have all managed to blunt American conscience essentially because of the tactics of Islamist groups such as Hamas and Islamic jihad. Their terrorism that targets Israeli civilians has provided a lot of ammunition for the media, the politicians and the preachers, to paint Palestinians as terrorists and Israelis as victims. The recent brutal response of Israel and the reluctant criticism from the American establishment, including a rare moment when the US did not use its veto to allow a security council condemnation (14-0 with US abstaining) all are indicative as to how Israel will have no leg to stand on if Palestinians abstain from terror. Notice Israeli response to the killing of a dozen soldiers is more brutal and more comprehensive than any of its responses to suicide attacks on civilians. Suicide attacks on civilians help Israel. Attacks on soldiers hurt Israel. Hence the all out assault." Khan on Iraqi suicide to ABC News 12/04: The deaths of their own families, the destruction of their homes — all these are leading to frustration and anger and hopelessness, and they want the enemy to feel the same frustration and hopelessness, so they are resorting to this violence," said Muqtedar Khan, visiting fellow in foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution and an expert in political Islam. MIM: Muqtedar Khan on Arsenal Island - A US military munitions production site : 2004 Khan in his 'Globalog':"The M65 atomic cannon is a 280 MM, 47 ton mobile cannon that needs two trucks to move it at a maximum speed of 30 miles. It was capable of firing TNWs [tactical nuclear weapons] and conventional shells up to a range of 18 miles. It became obsolete as a result of the astronomical development in rocket technology which now provides both tactical as well as strategic delivery capabilities for all kinds of war heads. It was a fun trip. My final stop was a military commanders conference at the Army Field Support Command and the Rock Island Arsenal at the historic Rock Island in Quad City, Illinois. I was there at the generous invitation of Brigadier General Jerome Johnson. General Johnson is an extraordinary leader, highly respected and admired by his staff and also a man who keeps an open mind. I gave a long lecture that had three parts -- Islam, the realities of the Muslim World and US policy in the Muslim World. I enjoyed the question and answer session, was delighted to receive two coins -- they are medals that Generals and Commanding Officers present to people as a sign of esteem -- from the general and then proceeded to view the arsenal on display. As a student in ninth grade (1979) I had done a survey of the nuclear armament of the US and the Soviet Union, and was fascinated to discover that the US had actually designed a canon that would fire atomic bombs! I finally saw that experimental gun." MIM: From Khan's 'Globalog' in which he calls General Boykin an Islamophobe,John Ashcoft 'The Taliban' and the Defense Secretary of the U.S., Donald Rumsfeld "A Tyrant' : " Here is a look at Bush's Hall of Shame"
The Taliban: Attorney General Ashcroft is in charge of the Bush administration's domestic crusade. Extremely popular with the Christian Right, Ashcroft is the father of the US Patriot act which rewrites the US constitution through legislation. He is the complete opposite of Thomas Jefferson. In one stroke this man has suspended the entire Bill of Rights. In keeping with the Bush administration's tradition, he too is on record for making Islamopheobic comments. Ashcroft also has the dubious achievement of having lost an election to a dead man. It is a shame that people like him are in charge of "justice". The Tyrant: Donald Rumsfeld Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is at once the star and the black sheep of the Bush administration. He is to international relations what Ashcroft is to domestic politics. Rumsfeld's cavalier attitude towards international law and the Geneva conventions on how to treat prisoners [he refuses to adhere to international law on how to treat prisoners in Guantanamo Bay] is the principle reason for declining of professionalism and discipline in the US army culminating in the shame of Abu Ghraib. He told the Senate that he took "full responsibility" for what happened. What does that mean? Nothing. Like General Boykin, he too enjoys his President's support. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIM: Khan and friends Anas Malik (right) and Kamran Bokhari (center) Oct.19,2004 Bokhari is the North American spokesman for Al Muhajiroun labelled by Dr.Pipes as "one of the most extremist groups in the West today". The group's website showed a picture of the US Capitol building in flames. (see picture at the bottom of the page) Anas Malik is a professor at De Pauw university who praised CAIR at an ISNA conference and "stressed the importance of flak campaigns' by Muslims" to influence the corporate mass media". id=12159 Khan:"My first stop was the South Asia Conference at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. I presented a paper titled "Islam, Democracy and Terrorism in South Asia" on a panel titled Islam in South Asia with Anas Malik of Xavier's University and Kamran Bokhari of Howard University. I argued that Islam was constitutive to the South Asian identity, enjoying various degrees of institutionalization in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh; Democracy was congenital since all the three nations were born democratic and terrorism was chronic to the region. The point being that the region demonstrates that not only Islam and democracy, but democracy and terrorism can co-exist, questioning the wisdom." Khan:"I have recently attended two conferences on Islam and terrorism. One was hosted by Imam Muhammad University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (April 20-22) [Reflections will be posted soon] and the other was organized by the Center for Terrorism at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York (May 4-5). The first thing that I would like to report is that at both the conferences severe criticism was welcomed and appreciated. "In Riyadh I was brutally critical of Wahabism and the intolerance it teaches and people kept nodding their heads and shaking my hand. In new York I was equally brutal in my criticism of Bush's foreign policy [I compared it to Kevin Costner's career, they both have a tendency to produce colossal failures] and it too was well received". MIM: Khan's mendacity, in boasting that he was "brutally critical of Wahabism and that "people kept nodding their heads and shaking their hand" . He was invited by the Saudi Wahabists and probably had his expenses paid and made his remarks at a conference sponsored by what the Washington Post described as "the main citadel for Wahabi instruction". It is clear that he invited to be flaunted by them "as the token moderate" and that his claims that his purportedly "brutally critical" remarks were well received is part of a staged deception. Below is the complete text of the Wahabist conference and their 'mission statement' Dear Friends, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excerpt from WPost article:"In 1989, the Saudis also set up a high-powered Islamic learning center, the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, in Fairfax. The institute is an outpost of the Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, the main citadel for Wahhabi instruction."
From Khan's Globalog : "...But the most interesting difference in the two conferences was the attitude towards terrorism. In NY people seemed to be clear what terrorism was and were merely interested in fighting it. It was also apparent that many people in the audience were interested in implicating Islam. Whereas in Riyadh the focus was more on defining terrorism and in exonerating Islam..." MIM: Khan slyly remarks that the difference between the Al Qaeda conference in New York and the Wahabist conference in Saudi Arabia was the attitude towards terrorism(!). He also implies that many people in the audience were 'Islamophobic' because they were "interested in implicating Islam". He points out that the focus in Riyadah was "more on defining terrorism and exonerating Islam". The conference program from the Wahabist Imam Saud University makes it clear that it was intended to show to the world media that "the real terrorism is being committed by the enemies of Islam"..."and to make people understand the justice of Islam" and can be interpreted in Wahabist terms to mean that America deserved the 9/11 attacks according to shari'a law. Which begs the question as to Khan's real motives in criticising a post 9/11 conference on Al Qaeda and terrorism in New York City, for 'implicating Islam',and is indicative of his fifth columnist agenda. --------- The announcement and program about Al Qaeda at John Jay College where Khan was a panelist: (see picture above) Al-Qaeda: The New Face of Global Terrorism -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIM :More original texts of the official announcements about the Riyadh Conference "The Islamic Stand on Terrorism"at the Mohammed bin Saud Islamic University Dear Friends, ------------------------------ MIM:This is an article written which comments on the conference which clearly shows the Wahabist agenda of the conference. "Thus some people in the West have made collective efforts to target Islam in the pretext of fighting terrorism,though they have other intentions which they cannot reveal clearly" By: Mohammed Ali Al Herfy, Saudi Academician and Writer A. Muqtedar Khan ( is winding up his Ph.D in International Relations and Political Theory from Georgetown University. His major includes International Relations Thought, International Law and Political Economy and American Foreign Policy. His minors include Political Philosophy and Islamic Political Theory. Muqtedar Khan has a bachelors degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering, an MBA in Strategic Management, and an MA in International Studies. His dissertation is a treatise on the Philosophy of action and its relation to identity and rationality. Muqtedar Khan is also the founder and editor of Ijtihad, "an e-zine on Islam and global affairs that seeks to promote freedom of thought (hurriyah al-ra'y) and independent thinking (ijtihad) among Muslims everywhere." Since September 1999, Khan has been a visiting lecturer in political science at Washington College in Maryland. --------------------------------- MIM: Muqtedar Khan posed with friend and colleague Kamran Bokhari in front of a still intact Capitol building. Bokhari is the North American spokesman for Al Muhajiroun which posted this picture on their now defunct website: MIM: This is another view of a potential strike on the Washington, D.C. as seen by Stratfor geo political analyst Kamran Bokhari's Al Muhajiroun group on their website: Picture from the AM website : The Capitol building in flames "USA is not only the enemy because they disbelieve in Allah; more than that they are actively fighting against Islam and Muslims. Without any doubt, terrorism against them is obligatory" |