MIM: Theo Van Gogh's column, "May I say this?" proved his point beyond any doubt. After publication of his column Muslims in Holland circulated a petition : "The patience has ended!"- "Theo Van Gogh Must Stop With Columns". For translations, original text and background information: see below
Note that the petition, which was initiated by a site called Imam.nl. was picked up my countless Muslim websites in Holland, including Maghreb.nl.a site for Morrocan Muslims in Holland.
Theo van Gogh's killer, Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch born Muslim, wrote diatribes on the one of the petition's websites calling himself a terrorist.
Dutch authorities were not aware of Bouyeri's postings until they were informed of them by Spanish authorities after his murder.
The petitions language was similiar to a fatwa. The wording made it clear that it was speaking on behalf of Muslims 'whose patience had ended' and stated that ;'Theo van Gogh's continued attacks on Islam cannot go unpunished'. 'We are angry and have a right to be angry'. (see complete text below).
The petition itself was ample warning that Theo was in danger .In a twist of perverse irony which Theo appreciated, (see his comments below), the Muslims gave their petition against his columns to the AIVD -The Algemeen Inlichtingen en Veiligheids Dienst, (The General Intelligence and Security Services) claiming that he was a threat to them.
Not only did the AIVD' fail' to protect him, one of their translators, Othman Ben A. 'leaked' a surveillance dossier to members of the terrorist group which killed him. One of the AIVD dossiers was found in the home of his murderer. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/322
Theo had earlier declined to have the AIVD protect him on the grounds that "My experience is that they're such bunglers, such an offer would be highly irrelevant".
Translation by Beila Rabinowitz - director MIM
May I say this ?
As far as I am concerned there aren't enough blind shieks who can be sent to Allah's paradise, and I dare to ask if anyone can really claim that Israel would be safer if he had lived. But Israel,which rightly defends itself -will sooner or later be driven into the sea,and the world will look on in aquiesance ,since that will have finally settled the old score which remained from 1945 . The steadily waning sympathy from Europe is being eagerly awaited by Hamas .
May I say this ?
According to Harry Van Bommel, a parliamentarian from the Socialist Party, I am a hatemonger who drives Muslim youth into the waiting arms of Jihad recruiters .Harry said this into the microphone of the Muslim radio station. He was supported by the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), and is a peace loving parliamentarian whose party claimed that the concentration camps in China under Mao were necessary. He was certainly honored to find the General Intelligence and Security Services by his side. That's how a campaigner for the censorship of tommorrow lands on his feet.
May I say this?
According to Boris Dittrich, the "holy unction oil of the liberals", Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is not allowed to call the Prophet Mohammed "a pedofile". But if I understood correctly what the experts have said Aisja was nine years old when she was taken out to the desert and forced to marry a dirty old man named Mohammed. Is the rapist of a young girl more admirable because he has the Koran on his mind ? Dittrich also appealed to the General Intelligence and Security Services.There is no difference between the witchhunt that he is leading against Ayaan then the one which was directed against Pim Fortuyn.I wonder when Anne Frank will be brought into play. Too bad for him that Ayaan has bodyguards. But it will all work out.
May I say this?
That they, (Pronk) use words such as "deportations", and "transports", (Melkert), when they are talking about rejected asylum seekers is because the Labor party doesn't understand what the Second World War was all about. Their ignorance might be because all that talk of "diversity" which was part of the history curriculum under their fellow party member Van Kemenade has been scrapped.
The rejected Iranian asylum seeker who who was highlighted after he sewed his eyes and mouth closed has gone back safely to his homeland. It appears that the media is less eager to paint a portrait of this mental case if he will be regarded as victim of Verdonk.(Minister of Immigration and Integration). The papers reported that a congressman is going to escort this faker . I've always been one to call for amusement on television. Shouldn't our asylum seeker sew his mouth and nose closed one more time so that the congressman will be able to practice his Farsi on the border guards?
In Iran the prodigal son was greeted with joy .Another full time patient for the pyschiatric ward. Allah is great. But it would be sad if this if the Dutch wife of this clown would have to stay behind. Perhaps the missus can give a sewing class in a local refugee center : eyes closed , traps shut. So our "deportees", (Pronk), wont be"transported,"(Melkert) .May I say this ?
According to the General Intelligence and Security Services and Van Bommel I may not say these things.Because partly due to people like me this Fifth Column of goatfuckers is going issue a desperate cry for 'respect', and assault your and my children with poison gas, diseases, and atomic bombs. That's logical, isn't it ?
Twenty years ago there was a film which was being shown in the civilized world called Monty Python's,"The Meaning of Life". In that film the Christian belief was was made to look totally ridiculous, complete with a fake holy man who was nailed to the cross while singing a song. I assume that the same type of film about the travails of Allah could not be made today, let alone be shown. Thanks to our multi cultural society .
But I don't think I am allowed to say this.
Tranlators note : Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an ex Muslim member of the Dutch Parliment who has called Islam a "backward" religion. http://www.danielpipes.org/article/125 . She received death threats in 2002 after she called Mohammed a "pervert"and a "pedofile",and had permanent contingent of bodyguards.
Ali had worked on a film about wife beating in Islam called 'Submission' which resulted in death threats to Van Gogh who was killed 2 months later by a Militant Islamist as he was on the way to work where he was making a film about the murder of politician Pim Fortuyn. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/269
Prime ministerial candidate Fortuyn was gunned down by a Dutch animal rights and environmental terrorist who later said he did it to 'protect Muslims'. Fortuyn's party warned against the impending Islamisation of Holland and called for stricter controls of immigration. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/319
Translation by Beila Rabinowitz director MIM
This was written by Metro editor John van Schagen
Metro, 30 March 2004
'Theo van Gogh Must Stop with Columns'
Muslims in Holland demanded that Theo van Gogh stop writing his columns for Metro in which he sharply criticised Islam. They have collected more then 1,000 signatures which will be given to the Lower House and other recipients. According to the authors of the initiative, this is extremely necessary, because for years the columnist has done nothing else but rail against and humiliate Muslims. In the past days the supporters of the action on the website Imam.nl which calls itself an Islamic information collection source on the internet have signed a petition calling for the strong application of a partial 'writing ban'.
Under the slogan "The patience has run out !" the demand will be presented within the next weeks to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Remkes, members of the Lower House, and the AIVD -(The General Intelligence and Security Services). The direct 'trigger' for the petition was Van Gogh's column last Friday in Metro, in which he called Mohammed ' a rapist' and a 'dirty old man'. "This breeds hate and finally violence. That's why we have to put an end to this quickly"according to A. Al.H one of the protest leaders."De Rotterdam Imam El Moumni, who said things about homo's was also prosecuted. (MIM:Note- the Imam said homosexuals should be killed).
Van Gogh himself reacted laconically to the accusations." This shows that I am even more right about this then anything which I have ever written". The writing ban which they are demanding is a gift from Allah for me. I still have a lot of developmental aid work to do." Since October of this year Van Gogh has been writing for this paper.(Metro). His column in the Friday paper and is almost weekly the subject of much discussion in the letter section.
Metro; 30 maart 2004
‘Theo van Gogh moet stoppen met columns'
Moslims in Nederland eisen dat Theo van Gogh stopt met het schrijven van columns in Metro waarin hij felle kritiek uit op de islam. Zij hebben daarvoor bijna duizend handtekeningen verzameld die binnenkort in een petitie aan onder meer de Tweede Kamer worden aangeboden. Volgens de initiatiefnemers is dit hard nodig, omdat de columnist al jarenlang niets anders zou doen dan moslims uitschelden en vernederen. De afgelopen dagen hebben voorstanders van de oproep via de website imaan.nl, dat zich dé islamitische informatieverzameling op internet noemt, een petitie ondertekend waarmee de actievoerders de oproep tot een gedeeltelijke schrijfverbod extra kracht bij willen zetten. Aangevoerd door de leus ‘Het geduld is op!', moet het verzoekschrift binnen enkele weken aan zowel minister Remkes van Binnenlandse Zaken, leden van de Tweede Kamer en de AIVD zijn overhandigd. Directe aanleiding voor de actie vormt de column van Van Gogh in Metro van afgelopen vrijdag. Daarin noemt hij de islamitische profeet Mohammed een ‘verkrachter' en ‘vieze oom'. "Zoiets kweekt haat en leidt uiteindelijk tot geweld. Daarom moeten we hier snel een eind aan maken", aldus A. Al H. namens de protestlieden. "De Rotterdamse imam El Moumni, die uitspraken deed over homo's, is immers ook aangeklaagd." Van Gogh zelf reageert laconiek op de beschuldigingen. "Het bewijst alleen maar dat mijn gelijk groter is dan ik ooit geschreven heb. Dit schrijfverbod wat ze willen, is een geschenk van Allah voor mij. Ik heb nog veel ontwikkelingshulp te verrichten." Van Gogh schrijft sinds vorig jaar oktober voor deze krant. Zijn column in de vrijdagkrant zorgt bijna wekelijks voor veel discussiestof in de brievenrubriek.
John van Schagen
MIM: Theo Van Gogh's response to the petition:
Allah's heroes are at it again and have launched a petition against the distribution of my column in Metro which has gotten 1000 signatures. Why not wait until 100,000? I hope the AIVD and the Minister of Internal Affairs will take appropriate measures. Even more remarkable is that none of my compatriots has noticed that in the last line I wrote about the film "The Meaning of Life",while,naturally, it had to be "The Life of Brian", for which I offer my apologies.
Theo Van Gogh
MIM: Excerpts from Imam.nl message sent via Maghrebonline calling for people to sign the petition-for complete text see below:
----- Original Message ----- From: <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:20 PM Subject: [Protest] :: Het geduld is op!
Protest : The patience has ended !
"Muslims are in general tolerant and patient, but we cannot continue to allow this man to continue to spread hate and aggression against Muslims and go unpunished".
"We Muslims have never before reacted publicly to his statement thanks to our patience."
"But the patience has now run OUT! ! We are fed up with this !"
"People cannot expect us to remain silent."
"This has gone too far!"
"We are angry and it is our right to be angry..."
Theo van Gogh schrijft ook voor Lees ook Harry van Bommel