Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Young Muslims conference in CT hosts Al Qaeda linked cleric Mazen Mokhtar -group held Jihad & Afterlife camps 6/30/ -7/20/06 Young Muslims conference in CT hosts Al Qaeda linked cleric Mazen Mokhtar -group held Jihad & Afterlife camps 6/30/ -7/20/06June 18, 2006 Young Muslims , the youth division of the Islamic Circle of North America and The Muslim American Society, groups with ties to Al Qaeda, have announced they will be holding a conference on June 30th to July 2nd in the newly opened Connecticut Conference Center 'Following in The Footsteps of the Prophet" Living Islam, Loving Humanity'. One of the speakers is Mazen Mokhtar, a New Jersey Imam who was investigated by the FBI for his ties to Al Qaeda. He ran a mirror website for an Al Qaeda 'mouthpiece' and was also linked to a bomb plotters in the UK who tragetted US landmarks. The news of Moktars scheduled appearence at a recent MAS conference in Tampa caused an uproar resulting in the event being disrupted and forced to find an alternative venue, after irate citizens called the Presbytarian retreat where the event was scheduled to be held, and expressed their outrage that they would be hosting a group with ties to terrorism, and were alleged to have issued threats .(see articles below). The Young Muslim activities include Jihad and and Afterlife camps, and MAS and ICNA were recently in the forefront campaigns to free Bush assassin wanabee Omar Abu Ali and George Mason University professor Ali Al Tamimi, a Jihad recruiter and part of the Virginia Paintball network. Both men were convicted and jailed on terrrorism charges. The latest Young Muslims event will be a continuation of the group activities and the speakers are known radical Islamists who promote a Jihadist agenda which poses a security risk to the Convention Center and will result in negative publicity if permitted to take place. MIM: A excerpt for the website of the Investigative Project counter terrorism blog shows how groups such as MAS and by extension Young Muslims are actually part of the Muslim Brotherhood, and promotes their Islamist agenda which aims to turn American into A Muslim American Society. These facts go unmentioned by the media, which aids and abets them to operate behind a facade as moderates.
MIM: The Young Muslim conference announcement .The speakers list is a Who's Who of radical Islamists.
St. Pete times: Muslim retreat sparks threats NEWS coverage and interviews (the names are switched) Tampa Tribune: Threatened Gathering Relocates Local Muslim Retreat affected by blogger's .. St. Pete Times: Blogs, threats force Muslim meeting to relocate DisciplesWorld : North American News MAS Tampa Stops Attempts by Islamophobs to Cancel Muslim Youth Event Muslims in the US face threats and racist blogs North Jersey Media , Muslim retreat moved after threats ... MIM: MAS openly flaunts their ambition in their name to turn the United States into a Muslim American Society, which is why they aid and abet those who wage war on America . Two recent cases are that of Omar Abu Ali -an American born Muslim who went to Saudi Arabia and was convicted of a plot to kill president Bush. MAS depicted the case as a 'human rights issue' convienently ignoring the fact that Ali had voluntarily gone to Saudi Arabia to use his American citizenship as an asset for Al Qaeda to carry out operations in The United States. the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful <<April 22, 2005>> Why We Support the Abu Ali Case Over the course of MAS Freedom Foundation's efforts in Abu-Ali's case, many have inquired "Why is MAS Freedom Foundation involving itself in this case?" - a legitimate question that deserves a direct answer. To this question, we offer the following: >>> There is no doubt that a tremendous injustice has been done to Mr. Abu-Ali and his family by our government. Any U.S. citizen while traveling abroad, regardless of innocence or guilt, is entitled to the protection of their government, and should be shielded from torture by a foreign government. And if any allegations or violations of U.S. law exist against any citizen, they should be returned to the United States immediately to stand trial. For almost two years, Ahmed Abu-Ali was denied all of the above. In fact, Abu-Ali's return to the United States was the result of a lawsuit filed on Abu-Ali's behalf challenging the U.S. government's role in keeping him in Saudi Arabia without charges. In short, had we not acted, this American citizen would still be in Saudi Arabia being tortured and unduly detained. This is unjust. And our faith requires us to stand for justice in all circumstances. >>> Based on the chronicle of events and the manner in which the government proceeded in dealing with Abu-Ali, his torture, and detention circumstances, we believe in his innocence. A coalition of civil and human rights activists, public officials, lawyers, and renowned constitutional scholars, have all indicated the significance of the injustice of this case by volunteering their services. >>> We assert the long cherished values of U.S. jurisprudence: the presumption of innocence of all defendants. Abu-Ali is clearly a victim of extraordinary rendition for the purposes of torture, or torture-by-proxy (see Washington Post editorial "Saudi Subcontractors", Monday, December 20, 2004; Page A22). >>> The well-established post-9/11 tradition of the government providing sensational allegations during detention and pretrial cases involving Muslims has become standard practice (remember Brandon Mayfield, James Yee, The Detroit Five, Sabri Ben Kahla, and the 1,100 Muslims detained immediately after September 11, 2001). Despite the government's fantastic claims of terrorism or involvement in terrorist activities, the allegations against all were ultimately proven to be groundless; and in Michigan, investigations are ongoing for actual prosecutorial misconduct. >>> The use of information gathered through torture violates standards of U.S. jurisprudence and fundamental human rights. >>> The use of secrecy and dilatory tactics to prevent the public, courts, media, and members of congress from knowing the true nature of Abu-Ali's detention in Saudi Arabia is unprecedented in American history (see Washington Post editorial "Injustice, in Secret", February 21, 2005). We at the MAS Freedom Foundation list the above reasons for our steadfast support for Abu-Ali. In maintaining this support, MAS Freedom Foundation asserts its right to take a principled stand to protect the American Muslim community, or any other American, regardless of ethnicity or religious affiliation, from injustice. The case of Ahmed Abu-Ali has tremendous historical and legal significance. Thus, we remain adamantly resolved to persevere in this important case so that it becomes abundantly clear not only to the U.S., but to the world, that American Muslims, while fully dedicated to the safety and security of our homeland, will not accept unequal protection of the law, inappropriate behavior by the government and law enforcement, or the compromising of our rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution to all American citizens. Fully accepting the guidance and protection of Allah in all these matters, we move forward. We call upon all people of good will to join us. Show that you stand against torture and injustice: Support Ahmed Abu Ali. Funds are urgently needed, so please send your generous donations to: Abu-Ali Legal Fund P.O. Box 8141 Falls Church, VA 22041 Make Checks Payable to: Abu Ali Legal Fund Wachovia Bank Routing #: 051400549 Acct. #: 2000020642093 ------------------- MIM: Last year MAS director Mahdi Bray wrote to the Washington Post decrying the guilty verdict against Ali Al Tamimi an American born graduate student at George Mason university who was accused (and is now jailed ) for recruiting Jihad fighters. Bray's inadvertantly reveals his Islamist mindset when he differentiates between Americans and 'other human beings'. "I don't believe that was Dr. Al-Timimi's intent, or that his words were intended to have people go and take his words and translate them into killing other human beings, particularly Americans". In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful April 27, 2005 MAS Freedom Executive Director's Open Letter on Dr. Ali Al-Timimi Verdict in the Washington Post On April 26, 2005, I was interviewed by Timothy Dryer of the Washington Post concerning the verdict in Dr. Ali Timimi's case. Since the Post only credits a small edited excerpt of my interview, I thought it might be more beneficial for clarity and intent to provide my full unedited statement. The following was my full statement to the Post: The verdict in Dr. Al-Timimi's case is a sad day for American Muslims and the U.S. Constitution. It bodes ill for the Bill of Rights, and especially the First Amendment (Freedom of Speech). I agreed with many of America's lawyers and constitutional scholars that Dr. Al-Timimi's speech is constitutionally protected, even if others find it repugnant and inflammatory. Since free speech is supposed to be guaranteed in this country, the issue of speech is always juxtaposed against the right to harm others.You have free speech, but you can't shout ‘fire' in a crowed theater. I don't believe that was Dr. Al-Timimi's intent, or that his words were intended to have people go and take his words and translate them into killing other human beings, particularly Americans. However, it appears that the jury didn't understand that, and thought that Dr. Al-Timimi shouted ‘fire'. It's rather ironic that a speech similar to Dr. Al-Timimi's was not viewed by our government as criminal during the period when the Russians occupied Afghanistan. Clearly, the bar for free speech has been raised since the tragic events of 9/11, and this backlash is adversely affecting American Muslims. However, we expect vindications of Dr. Al-Timimi upon appeal. Additionally, American Muslims must not let this and other similar decisions make them afraid to speak out or resist injustice. We must resist any and all efforts to relegate out status in this country to second-class citizenship. Free speech is not just a constitutional right; it is a God-given right. Sincerely, Mahdi Bray Executive Director MAS Freedom Foundation ------------------------------------------- YM Summercamp MW 2006
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