Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > 'Moderate' Islamonazis - Imam Of Grand Mosque Of Paris Demands Proof Of 1,200 Antisemitic Acts Since Oct. 7th 'Moderate' Islamonazis - Imam Of Grand Mosque Of Paris Demands Proof Of 1,200 Antisemitic Acts Since Oct. 7thOfficials & Public Outraged - Mosque Issues Damage Control Communique -'We Wiill ContinueTo Defend Religious Harmony ' "Inside every moderate Muslim is an Islamonazi screaming to get out" MIM: 'What a difference 24 hours makes! 'From interfaith to bad faith'. MIM:In an October 13th fawning english language news item Imam Abdelali Mamoun, (who is at the center of a national controversy after he said that there was no proof about a surge in anti semitic incidents in France which now number over 1,200 since October 7th). He exploits the usual 'taqiyya talking points' which are used to promote Dawah disquised as interfaith being necessary 'to foster religious harmony and understanding' while slyly indicating he expects 'public authorities to play a role in this endeavor' aka kuffar should fund Muslim dawah efforts in the interests of 'social cohesion'. Contrast this soothing kumbaya with his belligerence 24 hours later when he insinuates in an interview with a non Muslim French journalist that 'statistics showing a surge in anti Semitic incidents in France has been fabricated. See article excerpt below: ####### MIM:When asked for his views on the 1,200 reports due to a surge of anti Semitic acts which have taken place in France since October 7th the Imam of Grand Mosque in Paris Abdelali Mamoun tells an interviewer; 'I don't know anything about this'. 'Let's see the evidence. I want you to tell me which synagogue or cemetery was defaced and which individual of the Jewish faith has been attacked or threatened. There's not sufficient evidence to prove this which clarifies the question regarding anti Semitic acts.' In response to a question about minor 'youths' screaming anti Jewish slogans in the metro he dismissed it as insignificant and justified it saying: 'They are just kids who are being egged on by their peers, it's a game to them'. Interior Minister Gerard Darmanin denounced the Imam's "shocking insinuations' and 'complicity in minimizing the wave of antisemitism that sweeping France'. ### MIM:Interior Minister Darmanin's X statement after the Grand Mosque Rector issued an 'apology' in an attempt at damage control, thanking them: "Ce matin, des insinuations très choquantes ont été tenues par un invité de RMC. Je les réprouve totalement. Je remercie la Grande Mosquée de Paris pour les éclaircissements donnés et pour s'être inscrit en faux dans la minimisation des actes antisémites qui touchent la France." ##### MIM:Note that the Grand Mosque rector Chems -Eddine Hafiz is touted as a 'moderate'.Read also the portrait (2020): Article reserved for our subscribers Chems-Eddine Hafiz, the outspokenness of a moderate Islam The millions of anonymous Muslims who ask only to live in peace should not arouse such contempt. They do not deserve these wounds inflicted on them by the true enemies of the national community, because they have always been there when the destiny of France was at stake. ###### MIM:More taqiyya for kuffar consumption from this halal snake oil salesman: Meeting with Chems-Eddine Hafiz, rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris 2022 I (MIM -not named) had the honour of meeting Chems-Eddine Hafiz, rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris for an exchange on strategies and initiatives to combat antisemitism, racism and discrimination in particular against Muslims. I informed him of the various recommendations of the Council of Europe, including the most recent ECRI recommendation on combating anti-Muslim racism. Mr. Hafiz explained that discrimination experienced by Muslims was mostly multi-layered and intersectional, and often not specifically directed against people's religion. On the other hand, he expressed concern that religion was sometimes misused for extremist aims, but this was based on misinterpretation, and wrong translation of holy verses. He stressed that it was important for Muslims to progress in society. It was important therefore to demonstrate to the general public that being a practicing Muslim was entirely compatible with French and European values and that the Grand Mosque of Paris was an open space for all visitors, working in full transparency. We agreed to stay in touch and I expressed my hope that Rector Hafiz could come to Strasbourg in the near future. ###### MIM: Imam Abdelali Mamoun of The Grand Mosque In Paris was portrayed as being a 'moderate Muslim' promoting interfaith dialogue in a fawning puff piece. Less than 24 hours later his inner 'Islamonazi' came out in an interview with a French publication when the interviewer asked him about the October 7th attacks and the ensuing surging antisemitism in France. ################# Tue, Nov 14 at 9:12 PM Imam Abdelali Mamoun Advocates For Increased Interfaith Dialogue Oct. 13 2023 Tue, Nov 14 at 9:16 PM The call for increased public support to promote and expand interfaith meetings by Imam Abdelali Mamoun of the Grand Mosque of Paris is a significant step towards fostering religious harmony and understanding among different religious communities. This proactive approach to community engagement and dialogue has the potential to bridge gaps and reduce tensions between religious groups. By advocating for more resources and efforts to be directed towards interfaith initiatives, Imam Mamoun emphasizes the potential for such encounters to build a more cohesive and tolerant society. Additionally, his appeal for public authorities to play a role in this endeavor underscores the significance of government involvement in matters of social cohesion and the promotion of peace among diverse populations. Delving Into the Complexities of Interfaith Dialogue In light of Imam Mamoun's call to action, it is essential to delve into the complexities of interfaith dialogue and understanding, especially in the context of Islam and its relationship with other religious communities, notably Judaism. Furthermore, it is crucial to address criticisms of Islam, as well as the historical background and points of criticism that have shaped perceptions of the religion. The Historical Context and Treatment of Jews in Islamic Thought The historical context and treatment of Jews in Islamic thought and societies are subjects of scholarly study and debate. The treatment of Jews in Islamic societies during the rise of Islam in the 7th century and its subsequent spread varied considerably, ranging from tolerance to persecution. The Quranic references to Jews have been interpreted in different ways, with some scholars highlighting mostly negative references and others noting favorable general references with only specific groups of Jews facing harsh criticisms. Understanding Criticisms of Islam In addition to understanding the historical context, it is essential to address criticisms of Islam from various perspectives. Criticisms of Islam can take many forms, including academic critiques, political criticism, religious criticism, and personal opinions. These criticisms encompass a wide range of topics, including the morality of the life of Muhammad, the authenticity and morality of Islamic scriptures, Islam's recognition of slavery, and its treatment of women, LGBT people, and religious and ethnic minorities. Understanding the historical context of interfaith relations, addressing criticisms of Islam, and acknowledging the complexities within interfaith dialogue are essential steps towards promoting mutual respect, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence among diverse religious communities. By engaging in critical analysis and open dialogue, it becomes possible to navigate the complexities of interfaith relations and work towards building a more cohesive and inclusive society. "The call for increased public support to promote and expand interfaith meetings by Imam Abdelali Mamoun of the Grand Mosque of Paris is a significant step towards fostering religious harmony and understanding among different religious communities. This proactive approach to community engagement and dialogue has the potential to bridge gaps and reduce tensions between religious groups. By advocating for more resources and efforts to be directed towards interfaith initiatives, Imam Mamoun emphasizes the potential for such encounters to build a more cohesive and tolerant society. Additionally, his appeal for public authorities to play a role in this endeavor underscores the significance of government involvement in matters of social cohesion and the promotion of peace among diverse populations…" ######### MIM: " Where are the 1.200 antisemitic acts? When The Imam Of The Grand Mosque In Paris VeersTowards Conspiracy Theories"Où sont ces 1200 actes antisémites ? » : quand l'imam de la Grande Mosquée de Paris verse dans le complotismeInterrogé par Apolline de Malherbe sur RMC, l'imam de la Grande Mosquée de Paris, Abdelali Mamoun, a remis en cause l'augmentation des actes antisémites en France, réclamant davantage d'informations « pour clarifier la question ». Étiennette de la Ruffie 14/11/2023 à 14:44, Mis à jour le 14/11/2023 à 14:50 Diriez-vous qu'il y a une explosion des actes antisémites en France ? » a demandé la journaliste Apolline de Malherbe ce mardi 14 novembre, à Abdelali Mamoun, imam de la Grande Mosquée de Paris, au micro de RMC. « Je n'en sais rien », a-t-il répondu. L'imam s'est interrogé sur les 1 200 actes antisémites recensés en France entre le 7 octobre, jour de l'attaque du Hamas contre Israël, et le 10 novembre. Pourquoi on n'en parle pas de ces actes antisémites ? Où sont ces 1.200 actes antisémites ? J'aimerais bien qu'on les dévoile, pour que nous puissions être véritablement solidaires et sensibles à cette question », a lancé l'imam. Et celui-ci d'ajouter : « Je ne dis pas que les chiffres sont faux, mais ils ne sont pas dévoilés, apparents. J'aurais voulu qu'on dise que telle synagogue ou tel cimetière a été profané, que tel individu de confession juive a été agressé ou a subi des menaces. » Le religieux a estimé n'avoir « pas suffisamment d'informations qui clarifient la question de tous ces actes antisémites. On nous donne ces chiffres mais on ne nous explique pas ce qu'il y a ». Des propos condamnés par Gérald Darmanin Interrogé sur les chants antisémites entonnés dans le métro par une bande de mineurs, l'imam de la Grande Mosquée de Paris a affirmé qu'il les « condamnait avec fermeté ». Tout en dédramatisant ces actes : « Ce sont des enfants. Ils sont dans une attitude puérile, ils ne se rendent pas compte de la gravité de ce qu'ils font. Il faut relativiser. Je n'excuse pas, j'explique simplement qu'il y a des comportements qui émanent de personnes responsables, qui ont toute leur tête, et d'autres qui émanent de jeunes qui sont dans la provocation, dans le jeu. » L'interview de l'imam a fait polémique. Peu après la Grande Mosquée de Paris a publié un communiqué pour indiquer qu'elle « s'inscrivait en faux contre les propos tenus par Monsieur Abdelali Mamoun ». D'après le recteur Chems-Eddine Hafiz, ce dernier « a affirmé ''son regret d'avoir été très confus'"' ». Et de souligner que « l'imam Abdelali Mamoun n'est pas le porte-parole de la Grande Mosquée de Paris et qu'il s'exprime dans les médias à titre personnel ». Dans un post sur X (anciennement Twitter) publié peu après l'interview de l'imam, le ministre de l'Intérieur, Gérald Darmanin, a dénoncé « les insinuations très choquantes » d'Abdelali Mamoun, qui participent à « la minimisation des actes antisémites qui touchent la France ». En guise de réponse, le locataire de la place Beauvau a donné « le détail des actes anti-religieux connus du ministère de l'Intérieur depuis le début de l'année ». Concernant les actes antisémites, il a pointé du doigt les « tags, affiches, banderoles », les « menaces » ou encore « les coups et blessures » ayant fréquemment lieu à l'égard des Français de confession juive. #######- MIM: Note the CYA disclaimer midway in the communique from The Grand Mosque In Paris written by the Rector Chems-Eddine HAFIZ 'It should be emphasized that Imam Abdeli Mamoun is not the spokesman of The Grand Mosque in Paris and was talking to the media in his personal capacity. His comments in no way reflect the guiding principles of this institution.' "Il est à souligner que l'imam Abdelali Mamoun n'est pas le porte-parole de la Grande Mosquée de Paris et qu'il s'exprime dans les médias à titre personnel. Ses propos ne suivent aucune directive de l'institution."é-la-grande-mosquée-de-paris-ne-remet-pas-en-cause-les-chiffres-des-actes-antisémites ##################################### MIM: The Grand Mosque of Paris' 'moderate' Islamonazis are whirling like Dervishes on speed to do damage control. Here is their communique 'The Grand Mosque Of Paris is not calling into question the statistics of the anti semitic acts' Communiqué - La Grande Mosquée de Paris ne remet pas en cause les chiffres des actes antisémitesLa Grande Mosquée de Paris s'inscrit en faux contre les propos tenus par Monsieur Abdelali Mamoun, ce lundi 14 novembre 2023, sur RMC au micro d'Apolline de Malherbe. À la suite de cette émission, je me suis entretenu avec Abdelali Mamoun. Ce dernier m'a affirmé « son regret d'avoir été très confus » alors qu'il n'entendait pas « remettre en cause les chiffres alarmants des actes antisémites en France ». Il est à souligner que l'imam Abdelali Mamoun n'est pas le porte-parole de la Grande Mosquée de Paris et qu'il s'exprime dans les médias à titre personnel. Ses propos ne suivent aucune directive de l'institution. Contrairement aux propos en question, la Grande Mosquée de Paris ne nie pas, ne minimise pas et ne relativise pas l'ensemble des actes antisémites survenus en France ces dernières semaines, et a une confiance totale dans les chiffres diffusés par le ministère de l'Intérieur et des Outre-mer. Elle déplore vivement la recrudescence des actes antisémites et la condamne totalement. Par son histoire, par son identité et par le message qu'elle porte aujourd'hui, la Grande Mosquée de Paris réaffirme son engagement entier dans la lutte contre l'antisémitisme et contre toute autre forme de racisme. Elle continuera à défendre la fraternité religieuse au sein de notre communauté nationale. Chems-eddine HAFIZ Recteur de la Grande Mosquée de Paris |