Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Failed Muslim "Deformer" Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser Teams Up With Media Whore Ayaan Hirsi Ali To Form 'CLARITy Coalition' Failed Muslim "Deformer" Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser Teams Up With Media Whore Ayaan Hirsi Ali To Form 'CLARITy Coalition'August 7, 2022 Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser founded the failed Muslim Reform Movement in 2015 with 14 members and non Muslim funding which has accomplished nothing to date. Now he has teamed up with the media whore Ayaan Hirsi Ali to form 'Champions For Liberty Against The Reality Of Islamist Tyranny' (CLARITy) whose 'Statement of Purpose' is nearly identical to the MRM's 'Who We Are' statement and includes many of the same people with the addition of non Muslims. CLARITy also boasts Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali born self aggrandizing opportunist who brazenly profitted from her "celebrity" after the killing of Dutch filmaker Theo Van Gogh. He had paid her 18,000 euros for the script of the film Submission which she knew would endanger his life. After his murder she callously stated in an interview that she would never have made the movie had she not had bodyguards and that she had "exploited his (Theo's ) lack of fear". Ali now runs the Ayaan Hirsi Ali Foundation (AHA) which she founded in 2007 to address her personal issues which includes female genital mutilation (hardly a threat to the West) womens rights, honor violence and forced marriage. She also worked as an interpreter in an abortion clinic in Holland and got into politics, pompously telling a Dutch paper that: "...I would like, for example, like to write philosophical pieces like Karl Popper. So this step is paradoxal enough, going into politics, damaging to my ideals. I would much prefer to be a philospher and work out my own theories. Have a place to write someone who cleans for me, not have to worry about making a living, and really debating instead of talking about nothing, That would make me happy..." When asked by a German interviewer if Ali would be using her 'uncompromising approach' to make follow up to Submission l she grandiosely replied: "...Yes, of course. We want to continue the debate over the Koran's claim to absoluteness, the infallibility of the Prophet and sexual morality. In the first part, we portrayed a woman who speaks to her god, complaining that despite the fact that she has abided by his rules and subjugated herself, she is still being abused by her uncle. The second part deals with the dilemma into which the Muslim faith plunges four different men. One hates Jews, the second one is gay, the third is a bon vivant who wants to be a good Muslim but repeatedly succumbs to life's temptations, and the fourth is a martyr. They all feel abandoned by their god and decide to stop worshipping him...",1518,399263,00.html The executive director/rainmaker of the AHA Foundation is George Zarubin, who was also the director of the Soros Foundation in Kazachstan and spent years practicing law in Russia. ################################### MIM: The 2022 Statement of Purpose of the new CLARITy Coalition is a rehash of the Who We Are declaration of the Muslim Reform Movement in 2015. This recycling of mission statements proves that Jasser is attempting to rebrand his debacle of a Muslim Reform Movement and obtain more funding by merging with Ali's enterprise and adding non Muslims to the mix. STATEMENT OF PURPOSEWe are a global coalition founded by Muslims, ex-Muslims, academics, scholars, authors, and activists who stand for peace, democracy, liberty, and secular governance and who are deeply concerned by the continuing threat posed to these values by the actions and demands of Islamists in various places around the world. We embrace democratic values founded in reason and critical debate and the fundamental freedoms set forth in the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. We support liberty and dignity for all persons, including women and girls, and whether or not one is Muslim. We believe that, without fear of apostasy and blasphemy laws, every individual has the right to speak freely, engage in critical thinking, publicly express criticism of Islam, and has the right to freedom of religion or to have no religion. Because we value peace and democracy, we reject the acceptance of and justifications for jihad, the use of dawa for political purposes, and advocacy for the institutionalization of sharia. We invite all like-minded people to join in supporting these core principles. #################### MIM: The Muslim Reform Movement's 'Who We Are' statement on their website which has remained stagnant for years. MIM: We wrote in 2015 that the launch of the MRM was an exercise in smoke and mirrors: "14 Westernized Muslims out of a population of 1.5 billion worldwide have trumpeted the launch of a Muslim Reform Movement along with a much hyped declaration and press conference. This pathetic attempt at trying to convince non Muslims that Islam is really a religion of peace is negated by the 14 individuals who are signatories of the "Declaration" many of whom blatantly distort Islamic teachings to suit their agenda and others who have documented ties to Islamists." ###################### Who We AreWe are Muslims who live in the 21st century. We stand for a respectful, merciful and inclusive interpretation of Islam. We are in a battle for the soul of Islam, and an Islamic renewal must defeat the ideology of Islamism, or politicized Islam, which seeks to create Islamic states, as well as an Islamic caliphate. We seek to reclaim the progressive spirit with which Islam was born in the 7th century to fast forward it into the 21st century. We support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by United Nations member states in 1948. We reject interpretations of Islam that call for any violence, social injustice and politicized Islam. Facing the threat of terrorism, intolerance, and social injustice in the name of Islam, we have reflected on how we can transform our communities based on three principles: peace, human rights and secular governance. We have courageous reformers from around the world who have written our Declaration for Muslim Reform, a living document that we will continue to enhance as our journey continues. We invite our fellow Muslims and neighbors to join us. ############################### MIM: That halal snake oil salesman Jasser who tells non Muslims that Islam is a peaceful religion (which MIM has dubbed "Reform Zuhdiism") and other pabulum they like to hear, teamed up with the wealthy Ali, proprieter of the Ayaan Hirsi Ali Foundation (AHA) is no surprise as both 'Muslim Messiahs' have profitted handsomely by deceiving gullible kuffar that only they as "moderate Muslims": can spearhead Muslim reform with the aid of their infidel "jizya". As Islam expert Stephen M. Kirby ,who refers to Muslim reform as "Fantasy Islam" put it: "Reformers" create their own new versions of Islam, relying on their own personal opinions and interpretations,and arbitrarily dismissing aspects of Islamic history and centuries of established Muslim scholarship." ############# MIM: Hirsi Ali admits in the NRC Handelsblad opinion piece written by her that she used Theo van Gogh to make the movie Submission for which he paid her 18,000 euros. She writes that she is angry about his death because, according to her it could have been prevented. To add insult to injury, the 2006 recipient of the American Jewish Committtee's 'Moral Courage Award' implies that she would not have made the movie had she not had security and that she knew that criticising the Koran could result in being killed. Ali's pathological self absorption is epitomised in the NRC article she wrote where she uses the term "I am furious:" ######################################### The 'con'curring' heroine upon her return to Holland after she caved to Islamist intimidation, (despite having full time bodyguards since 2002) and went into hiding, and fled the country for sunny California to stay with Jewish friends in the wake the ritual murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh, by homegrown terrorist Mohamed Bouyeri. (Prior to leaving she publicly divulged that she and Geert Wilders, who chose to remain in Holland, had been in hiding on an army base. Wilders lives under 24/7 protection. She has never once made mention of Van Gogh nor expressed condolences to his family and returned to Holland from California with great fanfare and an image makeover.) Van Gogh paid Ali 18,000 euros for her Submission script and was gunned down and nearly decapitated after making it into a movie. In a recent book Ali ignored the fact that scores of intellectuals and politicians in Europe such as her former colleague Geert Wilders, are living under death threats (with their families) and asserted that:
Ali's failure to stand up to Islamists after the death of Van Gogh appropriately earned her the American Jewish Committee's moral courage award. The AJC's track record of 'moral courage' entailed being silent about the Holocaust and not showing support for Israel until it was fashionable after the '67 war, in order to avoid any accusations of dual loyalty. David Harris of the AJC introduced Ali in referential tones stating that "Ali was the most fitting recipient of an award meant to celebrate 100 years of fighting for human freedom, human dignity and human rights for all". Apparently human dignity was expendable when it came to Theo van Gogh, whom AJC director David Harris described as having been a "bulletin board" for the threats made against the ex Muslima. Not one to share the spotlight - even posthumously, Ali did not mention Van Gogh at all. The display of dhimmitude the AJC was only matched by Ali's hubris. She addressed her speech to "the Jews in the audience" and appeared to wax nostalgic about why she used to hate them, adding that "the good news is that longer blame you for my misfortunes..." ############################## MIM: Hirsi Ali exploited the murder of Theo Van Gogh to promote herself and has done the same with the attempt on writer Salman Rushdie's life. Her screed, which was supposed to be about the knife attack on Salman Rushdie, was subtitled "Why I Chose Freedom" and contained 32 "I"s in her paean to herself. Being a narcissist and pathological liar Ali often loses track of her lies forgetting her 2003 claim that she feels safe with her 24/7 security detail in the West while whining about how frightened for her safety she was after the assault on Rushdie. Excerpt from her 2022 screed: "When I heard the news about Salman last week, I couldn't speak. I was horrified, but I was also scared. If they could get him on American soil, would I be next? Although I choose to live with security and Salman didn't, the attack showed how patient and ruthless the enemy is. I am writing this four days after the attack, and have slept for as many hours. Will I ever be free? Will I ever feel safe? Will my children ever feel safe? And yet last Friday, I was scared. I felt terrorised. I was urged to go into hiding and stay silent for my own safety. For a few hours, I let fear rule my life. But still I knew deep down that freedom is a choice — and that I would keep choosing to be free, to speak and write as I please. In this way, in writing this very piece, I defy the Islamists and all others who would silence me. Like Salman, I will continue to speak. Like Salman, I choose freedom." MIIM: In a 2003 interview with the BBC while living in Holland Ali proclaimed: "I'm not intimidated by the threats and the attempts to make me shut my mouth, because living in a rich western European country like this one, I have protection that I otherwise would not have in Somalia or in Africa or in any other Islamic country." MIM: Also see:Hirsi Ali admits: " I am alive because I had bodyguards and he (Theo van Gogh) didn't" "I exploited his lack of fear" ################################## MIM: Media whore Ali always makes everything about her. It should be noted that as of this posting no much heralded "Salzburg Pledge' has been issued. I think therefore Ayaan... ".In Salzburg, at the first-ever CLARITy Coalition conference, Ayaan Hirsi Ali's dream came true: "I hoped and dreamed that I would find common cause with Muslim dissidents to put our differences aside and work together to defeat Islamism. This weekend, a small piece of that dream is realized." |