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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > JEWS4JIHAD: Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council Works With Terror Tied Muslims "To Counter Hate And Division"

JEWS4JIHAD: Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council Works With Terror Tied Muslims "To Counter Hate And Division"

MJAC Partners With The Islamic Society Of North America & Is Headed By Muslim Whose Son Was A Jihadi
May 9, 2021

The Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council brings together recognized business, political, and religious leaders in the American Jewish and American Muslim communities to advocate jointly for issues of common concern. Stanley Bergman, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Henry Schein, Inc., and Farooq Kathwari, President and CEO of Ethan Allen, co-chair the national Council. The American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) are its co-conveners. https://www.muslimjewishadvocacy.org/about-us/

MIM: This from Daniel Greenfield:

"ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood group that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial for aiding Hamas. And ISNA has had notorious Hamas sympathies.

When Hamas political leader Mousa Abu Marzook was arrested in 1995 by U.S. authorities pending an Israeli warrant, ISNA rushed to his defense. The November/December 1995 issue of the ISNA magazine Islamic Horizons, which went to press nearly a full year after Hamas had been officially designated by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization, featured an article lamenting that Marzook was being "held hostage in the U.S. at the whims of his Zionist accusers," even as it acknowledged that Marzook was "[a] member of the political wing of Hamas." In 1997 Marzook thanked ISNA for having "supported" and "consoled" him throughout his "ordeal."

When the U.S. government designated the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) as a terrorist organization in December 2001, ISNA, which had raised money for HLF and had allowed the Foundation to set up booths at ISNA conventions, complained that HLF was being unfairly "targeted" by "pro-Israel organizations and individuals." In an effort to have the "terrorist" designation removed

During the same general time period, ISNA also developed a working relationship with KindHearts, another (now-defunct) Hamas-affiliated entity described by a Treasury Department investigation as "the progeny of Holy Land Foundation and Global Relief Foundation."

A noteworthy speaker at ISNA's 2001 national convention was Sami Al-Arian, a University of South Florida computer-science professor who eventually would be found guilty of conspiring to fund the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Al-Arian spoke frequently at ISNA events, and ISNA board members attended conferences that Al-Arian organized for his Islamic Committee for Palestine.

ISNA has hosted anti-Semitic speakers at events. There's significant evidence of its Hamas ties.

Exhibits entered into evidence a few days ago at the HLF trial include an expense voucher from the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), an ISNA subsidiary, made out for $10,000 in the name of Musa Abu Marzook, as well as a check drawn on a NAIT account in the same amount made out to Marzook. Another check for $10,000 on the same account was made out to Marzook's wife, Nadia Elashi. Another check for $30,000 was made out to the Islamic University of Gaza (and has Shukri Abu Baker/OLF written on the memo line), a school long known to be controlled by HAMAS, and which counted such notables as former HAMAS leader Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantissi and current HAMAS leader Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahar as professors, and the recently deposed HAMAS Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh is a former dean of the University.

That is NAIT/ISNA money going to a top Hamas official, his wife, and a university controlled by Hamas

But the AJC clearly does not care."


Jews For Jihad: AJC Joins With ISNA And Other Terror Supporters To Form Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council

Former CAIR Spokeswoman Rabia Chaudry And Muslim Brotherhood Group Leader Sayyid Sayeed Among Members



Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council Launches Digital Initiative to Counter Hate and Division


American Jewish Committee

May 03, 2021, 18:30 ET

NEW YORK, May 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The first in a series of short videos to foster awareness of Jewish and Muslim contributions to American society was released today by the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council (MJAC). The videos and other stories of Muslim-Jewish cooperation will be promoted on MJAC's new Facebook (@MJACAdvocacy) and Twitter (@Muslim_Jewish) pages, also unveiled today.

"Muslims and Jews are essential threads in the social fabric of our country, yet many Americans do not know us as neighbors, colleagues and friends," said Farooq Kathwari, Co-Chair of MJAC. "Five years ago, we joined together as Muslims and Jews in a pioneering effort to combat hate and strengthen our democracy. Our digital campaign is another vital tool."

Co-convened in 2016 by American Jewish Committee (AJC) and Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), MJAC members advocate jointly on domestic policy issues, notably combating hate, and building understanding of Jews and Muslims in the United States. In addition to the national coalition, headquartered in New York, 11 regional MJACs have been established in Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Louisville, Miami, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. MJAC's membership comprises Muslim and Jewish leaders in various professional fields, including business, policy, faith, entertainment, and education.

From its inception MJAC members have successfully mobilized bipartisan support in Congress for major legislation to combat hate. MJAC was a leading advocate for the bipartisan Protecting Religiously Affiliated Institutions Act, signed into law in October 2018. MJAC's advocacy for congressional examinations of the threat of white supremacist violence and domestic terrorism led to six hearings in 2019.

Current efforts by MJAC in support of the bipartisan Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act, which will address the serious underreporting of hate crimes, yielded success last month, when the Senate adopted it by a vote of 94-1. The measure is expected to pass the House and be signed into law by President Biden.

"Our advocacy success underscores the power of interfaith partnership, with Muslims and Jews working side by side to promote equal rights and equal protection for all Americans," said MJAC Co-Chair Stanley Bergman. "We believe that amplifying stories of Muslim-Jewish cooperation will act as a strong counternarrative to those who seek to drive a wedge between us."

The first three videos, 90 to 120 seconds in length, present the ethos of MJAC. One highlights the coalition's work to promote America's pluralistic democracy, another focuses on the need for partnership in the face of rising hate, and a third tells the story of why Muslims and Jews joined MJAC. All seek to portray the rich diversity of U.S. Muslims and Jews working together for the good of their communities and American society at large. The series is being produced by Smartypants Pictures, creators of the widely acclaimed Secret Life of Muslims, and with support from several prominent Muslim and Jewish foundations and philanthropists.

Forthcoming videos in the series will cover Muslims and Jews as contributors in the fields of health care, the armed services, business, and sports. Featuring Jews and Muslims in cooperation and as individuals, the series seeks to underscore America's promise as a nation where people of diverse faiths can flourish and contribute to all areas of society.

SOURCE American Jewish Committee

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MIM: Excerpt:

American born son of Ethan Allen furniture tycoon Farooq Kathwari, was killed fighting Jihad in Afghanistan


MIM: Farooq Kathwari's brother wrote an entire article about Irfan Kathari's death in Jihad entitled: "My Nephew the Freedom Fighter". The article gives a valuable insight into how wealthy American born Muslims can get involved in Jihad, (the juxtaposition of a long haired Irfan Kathwari shooting hoops in driveway of the family farm where his father's BMW is parked and listening to Metallica, to his last picture in traditional Muslim garb in Afghanistan and a note reaffirming his'love for Allah". Kathawari's father was also a high ranking official in Kashmir, which shows that the family, many of whom still live there, and continue their involvement in the political life of the region. The writer of the article Rafiq Kathwari, has said that after 35 years, he still feels as the same about the struggle in Kashmir.


by Rafiq Kathwari , 1313 words
All rights available.
Essays: The author, an American born in Kashmir, remembers his cousin, who is "buried in a mass grave somewhere in the minefields of Afghanistan." Full story...

"...My family has a longstanding tradition of activism in Kashmir. My father was once a Finance Minister in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. We had migrated there in 1949 after India and Pakistan fought their first war over Kashmir. My mother wrote letters to world leaders pleading with them not to forget the plight of broken families separated by an artificial cease fire line, which in Kashmir is called the Line of Control. We returned to Indian-occupied Kashmir in 1960, after 11 years. There, Irfan's father and I were jailed for several months by Indian authorities for our student activism. That was the family tradition that influenced my nephew Irfan..."

"... Freedom for Kashmir was near, or so it seemed. Those events impacted Irfan differently then they did me or my brother. Irfan spent his waking hours that summer at the local mosque, sometimes returning home late at night... Iraq invaded Kuwait in August, and a few months later when smart bombs fell in Baghdad, Irfan wanted to enroll at King Faisal U in Islamabad..." A few weeks later, Irfan wrote that he and a handful of his new classmates had crossed the Pakistan-Afghanistan border in a Toyota pick up several times without being stopped. A photo shows him wearing the long shirt, the kameez, and loose pants, the shalwar; he is stroking his curly beard. There is no Kalashnikov on his shoulder. "Love of Allah," he wrote in another letter, "is the only love I have ever known." On one such trip, Allah's foot soldier seemingly cast the first stone. The enemy released an arc across the sky. In their backyard in America, his mom was pruning roses under a gunmetal sky, the day the call came. My nephew is buried in a mass grave in the desolation of Afghanistan. My brother and sister-in- law, who believe that their son was killed in a freak accident fighting the Soviets, are, of course, entitled to find solace in any idea that helps them come to terms with their sorrow..."

MIM:The interviewer refers to Imran Kathwari's death while fighting Jihad in Chechyna as his having been the youthful pursuit of a 'romantic notion' and glosses over the death without questioning what could have motivated the son of one of America's wealthiest business tycoons, from an 'assimilated' Muslim background, to become a Muhajideen fighter in Afghanistan.

MIM: This account refers to a an "attack" not an "accident"

"The US born millionaire's son is believed to have joined with Jihadists (who were connected to either Jaish Mohammed or Lashkar e Taiba), and died while carrying out an attack in Afghanistan.

"His eldest son was killed in Afghanistan in 1992: Imran, a 19-year-old college student born and raised in America, was drawn there by romantic notions of the fight against the Russians (and by that time, the regime they backed), says Kathwari. Imran went despite the family's opposition. He died in a mortar attack, in one of the last battles for the capital, Kabul. "My son is lying in rubble in Afghanistan," Kathwari says.http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/01_43/b3754076.htm


CEO of Ethan Allen Furniture Farooq Kathwari Sponsors Kashmir Corps Event with Muslim Brotherhood linked MSA

March 30, 2009

Farooq Kathwari the CEO of Ethan Allen furniture is sponsoring and slated to be the keynote speaker at the conference of the Kashmir Corps taking place at Columbia University on Saturday April 11th. The event is cosponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood linked MSA.

The MSA announcement proclaimed that:

KashmirCorps will host a conference, co-sponsored by MSA, that brings together alumni of its Summer Public Service Program, other accomplished students, young professionals, and experts with substantial experience in the fields of economic development, education and healthcare in Kashmir. The purpose of this event is to facilitate networking among young leaders and to formulate projects within the development framework that can be implemented in Kashmir. Those committed to the advancement of Kashmiri society will therefore be able to leverage their knowledge, skills, and abilities in pursuit of this goal through a coordinated and sustained effort.

Farooq Kathwari, the Chairman, CEO, and President of Ethan Allen Interiors Inc., and a Trustee of Freedom House, has graciously agreed to sponsor this initiative and will deliver the conference's keynote address.



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