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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > ADL FL To Host Pro Terror Cop Hater Ibram X Kendi Together With Former FBI Chief Of DTO Gregory Ehrie ADL FL To Host Pro Terror Cop Hater Ibram X Kendi Together With Former FBI Chief Of DTO Gregory Ehrie22 Year FBI Veteran Sells His Soul To The ADL - Which Makes A Mockery Of Everything He Stood For MIM: On May 20 2021 the Anti Defamation League of Florida will hold a virtual event on 'extremism antisemitism racism and hate' keynoted by black supremacist, Jew hating, conspiracy theorist Ibram X. Kendi who also advocates violence against the police. The Tampa office of the FBI/ JTTF is scheduled to send a representative to participate in this travesty. MIM Update: According to the new poster for the event the spot for a representative of the Tampa FBI/JTTF has been replaced with a picture of Gregory Ehrie a former FBI officer who now sports the title of 'Vice President of Law Enforcement Analysis ADL'. Apparently he sees no problems (let alone a conflict of interests) in appearing with cop hater/violence inciter/black racist Ibram X Kendi on a panel ironically intended to combat and highlight the issue of extremism!
MIM: The ADL under the leadership of uber leftist CEO Jonathan Greenblatt ( an Obama crony who has declared he would be willing to register himself as a Muslim as an act of 'virtue signalling') is a very sick and perverse organization that is now making up conspiracy theories and threats instead of being concerned with the real existential threat to society and civilization posed by Islamic extremism which it has even downplayed when their own data when the over representative of Muslims in anti semitic incidents did not jive with their leftist narrative, https://collive.com/adl-downplays-muslim-anti-semitism/ http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/7680 The ADL: Protecting American Muslims,Fooling American Jews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVqqPx-Cq8k ################################################## MIM: This from Daniel Greenfield: Systemic Racism is a Conspiracy Theory Cult ############################################################ " There is no such thing as antiracist discrimination because all discrimination is racist. And anyone who keeps lists of Jews is probably doing it for bad reasons." The Thin Line Separating "Anti-Racism" from Anti-Semitism In 1920, the Hungarian parliament introduced quotas to restrict the number of Jews in universities—later imitated by Poland, Latvia, Germany, and other countries—based on the rationale that the proportion of Jews in student bodies should reflect the ethnoreligious makeup of the country as a whole. Last year, Ibram X. Kendi published his highly influential book How to Be an Antiracist, which argues that if the distribution of wealth, prestige, particular jobs, and so forth among racial groups doesn't reflect the distribution of racial groups in the country as a whole, that is evidence of racism. Or as Kendi puts it, "The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination." Daniel Friedman contends that such a worldview of necessity not only ignores anti-Semitism, but is inclined to get dangerously close to it: ...On Twitter, Kendi has said that: "The only people who believe equality of outcome between racial GROUPS will never exist are the people who refuse to recognize that racist policy are behind the inequality of outcome between racial GROUPS." In other words, if Jews are successful it is because they have shaped policy to benefit themselves at the expense of other groups. This is how Kendi and his antiracist disciples arrive—like the white nationalists before them—at the "JQ." If we dismiss Jewish talent and culture as explanations for Jewish success then the only explanation left is that Jewish success is the result of Jewish mendacity... https://quillette.com/2020/10/25/antiracism-anti-semitism-and-the-false-problem-of-jewish-success/ ############################################################################# It goes without saying that #IStandWithIlhanOmar. And anyone who does not stands with stands with Islamophobia, with racism, with politicians deploying lies to inflame racial and religious terror in the country. There is no middle ground in this struggle. 8:53 AM · Apr 13, 2019·Twitter Web Client ######################################################### MIM: Kendi is a comrade and supporter of the virulent antisemite and domestic terrorist Angela Davis whom he calls "a freedom fighter" and was outraged that an award which was to be given to her was rescinded because of her defence of "Palestine" and hatred of Jews and Israel. "When we do not have the courage to honor our greatest freedom fighters, we should not wonder why we are not free," tweeted Kendi, who is scheduled to be in conversation with Davis on Thursday at the Nourse Theater in San Francisco. When we do not have the courage to honor our greatest freedom fighters, we should not wonder why we are not free. https://al.com//news/birmingham/2019/01/birmingham-civil-rights-institute-cancels-plan-to-honor-angela-davis.html… 3:47 PM · Jan 6, 2019·Twitter for iPhone ############################################################### On January 4, 2019, bowing to pressure from Zionist members of the Birmingham community, the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (BCRI) voted to rescind its decision to bestow its highest honor, the Fred Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award, on renowned Black scholar and activist Angela Davis. Dr. Davis is the latest in a long line of Black internationalist voices to be attacked for their support of Palestine. https://uscpr.org/standwithangeladavis/ ##################################################### Excerpt from: Jewish (and Other) Schools Shouldn't Assign Ibram Kendi's Stamped: A Remix The "hot" book to teach middle and high schoolers about anti-black racism in the U.S. is Stamped: A Remix, a condensed version of Ibram Kendi's book Stamped from the Beginning. Jewish day schools and teen programs are among those assigning Stamped, but they should think twice. The heroine of the last third of the book is a notorious antisemite, Angela Davis; and that's just one of the book's problems. While Kendi disparages a host of American civil rights heroes, from Frederick Douglass to MLK as being too moderate, Davis is his odd choice as an antiracist exemplar. After a dubious acquittal from a charge of conspiracy to murder as part of a Black Panthers jailbreak, she spent the most productive years of her career as an activist for the American Communist Party. As documents from Soviet archives have proven (e.g.), the Party was funded and controlled by the USSR. To the extent the Party spoke out against racism, it was only when and to the extent the Soviets ordered it to do so to propagandize against the West. Of particular interest to Jewish educators, Davis' attitude toward Soviet Jews was worse than dismissive. The Harvard Crimson reported in 1972 that Davis "explained that the situation of Jews in Russia 'has been totally blown out of proportion by the bourgeois press because they're going to do everything they can to discredit socialism.'"... https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jewish-and-other-schools-shouldnt-assign-ibram-kendis-stamped-a-remix/ ##################################################################### MIM: Kendi incites violence against the police and uses incendiary language to justify attacks against them: Police violence has historically been the source of the violent rebellions of Black people and their allies. Police violence begets violent resistance. If you want to end the violent resistance, then end the police violence. 1/5 71 6.4K 20.3K · It is coldblooded to expect any group of people who are being constantly terrorized, brutalized, and killed by police officers to never react in violent rage. It is coldblooded to demonize violent protesters and not the violent source of their rage. 2/5 11 1K 4.6K · It is like the bully who constantly harms the bullied away from cameras. Then after one brutal killing on camera, the bullied strike back violently against the bully. Then the cameras arrive to see the bullied striking the bully. Then the blame strikes the bullied. 3/5 7 413 2.8K · However, let's not equate violence against property to violence against people. These demonstrators primarily engaged in violence against property. By contrast, officers around the country have been primarily engaged in violence against people. 4/5 11 752 3.7K · And don't call for non-violent demonstrations if you aren't calling for non-violent police. Then again, when has U.S. policing ever been non-violent? People are scared of cops and their defense attorneys (i.e. prosecutors). That's why people want to abolish the police. 5/5 27 813 3.9K
https://support.adl.org/event/extremism-in-2021-adl-event/e324528 ####################################################### MIM: In 2020 the ADL has hired former FBI agent Gregory Ehrie to be Vice President of their 'Law Enforcement and Analysis' branch. The following are excerpts from news reports about the hire: ADL, known for anti-bias training, hires FBI official as law enforcement liaison "The ADL serves more law enforcement officials than any other non-governmental organization for training to combat extremism, according to the group's [website(https://www.adl.org/who-we-are/our-organization/signature-programs/partnering-with-law-enforcement)]— about 150,000 people have received training over the last 10 years. #################################################################################### "...Ehrie's FBI career frequently brought him in contact with the ADL — he attended several ADL seminars and worked with the organization on law enforcement issues. ######################################################################### |