Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Shireen Qudosi: Muslim 'Deformer' Who Runs Preventing Violent Extremism Program Sides With Violent Rioters Shireen Qudosi: Muslim 'Deformer' Who Runs Preventing Violent Extremism Program Sides With Violent RiotersClarion Project's PVE Director Lies About Islam & Identifies With Black Muslim Extremist Malcolm X Muslim "reformer" at Clarion's Preventing Violent Extremism program outraged at violent rioters being called "evil" MAY 31, 2020 11:00 AM BY ROBERT SPENCER Shireen Qudosi, according to her Clarion Project bio, "serves as Clarion Project's National Correspondent and is involved with leading its Preventing Violent Extremism program." Even that is not the extent to which she has people fooled: "Her voice has been featured in The Federalist, OANN,The Hill, Fox News, BBC, Women in the World, The Federalist Society, On Being, and more." This is to be expected, of course. Identity politics is dominant today, with the Left setting the tune and conservatives eagerly playing along. The only reason anyone has ever heard of Shireen Qudosi is because she is a Muslim who tells people what they want to hear: that Islam properly understood is a religion of peace that has nothing to do with the violence (including female genital mutilation, which is one of her particular concerns, even as she steadfastly ignores or outright denies its justifications in Islamic teaching). In an unpleasant exchange we had last fall, Qudosi was exposed as two-faced and dishonest, but that hasn't deterred those of dhimmi mentality who are so avid to find a "moderate Muslim" who will say that terrorism is wrong that they'll put up with anything. But now, true to duplicitous form, Qudosi is defending violent rioters and looters, even while denying that she is defending them. When she insisted they were not evil, you can read in the comments to her tweet how she denied defending the rioters when confronted with a photo of an innocent man whom rioters had killed. But she didn't retract or take down her statements supporting and defending the riots. So once again we see Shireen Qudosi wanting to have things both ways, as we have seen before. That is one of the key problems with the moderate Muslim enterprise in general, whenever these moderates don't confront the Islamic texts that justify and call for violence and oppression, and actually deny that they exist. They want to be Muslim, that is, followers of a holy book that calls for warfare against and subjugation of unbelievers, and of a prophet who waged war against and subjugated unbelievers, while denying that warfare against and subjugation of unbelievers is part of their faith. It would be like a Christian saying, "Yes, I'm a Christian, but I burn incense at the altar of Zeus whenever I can." Ultimately the contradiction will be obvious to everyone, and unsustainable. ################################################# For more on Qudosi and the Clarion Project's PVE program see: "Shireen Qudosi: Head Of Clarion Project's Preventing Violent Extremism Education Program: 'I Identify With Malcolm X'" ########################################################## MIM:In response to the above article by Robert Spencer on Jihad Watch Deformer/Liar Qudosi issued these tweets: · In all this middle this chaos, hate mongers like Robert Spencer who purposefully tell deceitful "stories" are still peddling hate. Some folks questioned why I tweeted this. Why don't you question why Spencer keeps lying?? Why is it on me to "explain" myself? ######################################################## · "Spencer put out another hit piece on me for this tweet. I'm not linking to this trash "article" but you can find it on his trash website." ########################################### · 23hI'd like to point out that as a minority Muslim and a conservative, I got called out recently for saying that people aren't just inherently evil bc we don't like them or agree with their behavior...but this, apparently this kind of rhetoric makes you a MAGA star. ##################################################### Let's not forget the violent antagonism turning some protestors into rioters. ############################################### People like Robert Spencer see themselves as a hammer and the world around them as a nail. I prefer to lead this fight through empathy and listening, which I've written about here, here and here at least. ####################################################### |