Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > David Bedein: No Deal Until PLO Removes Jihad Terror Curriculum From Their Schools David Bedein: No Deal Until PLO Removes Jihad Terror Curriculum From Their SchoolsNew Textbook Presents Dalal Al- Mughrabi Who Murdered 20 Adults And 13 Children In Bus Massacre As Role Model Remove weapons of mass instruction for Deal to begin Twenty years of research by the Israel Resource Center show that the PLO has transformed schools into a tool of war against Israel. Changing that is an absolute condition for any progress toward implementing the Deal of the Century. David Bedein, 06/02/20 07:28 | updated: 07:01 David BedeinThe writer is director of Israel Resource News Agency and heads the Center for Near East Policy Research, author of Genesis of the Palestinian Authority and Roadblock to Peace: How the UN Perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict: UNRWA Policies Reconsidered. When you read the updated version of the "Peace to Prosperity" plan which President Trump presented on January 28, 2020, you find unprecedented criteria for formation of a PLO State: "The Palestinians shall have ended all programs, including school curricula and textbooks, that serve to incite or promote hatred or antagonism towards its neighbors, or which compensate or incentivize criminal or violent activity". The context of this directive cannot be ignored. It is perhaps the most important criterion of all. Ttwenty years of extensive examination by the Center for Near East Policy Research show that the PLO has Last month, the PLO issued a new textbook dedicated to Dalal Al Mugrabi, a Palestinian woman shown in full terror garb who commandeered a bus in 1978 and murdered 38 Jews, including 13 children. Four pages about Dalal present her as a role model for fifth graders to emulate. Throughout the original ‘Peace to Prosperity' plan, the US shows support for PA education, with no call for constraints. The new criteria are a welcome change. In the words of Dr. Arnon Groiss, who translates these school books: The "Peace to Prosperity" plan, suggested by the US to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict peacefully, includes a chapter on improving Palestinian educational standards. However, the contents of Palestinian education are exactly the opposite of any peace plan. If we just look at the Palestinian Authority schoolbooks used in all schools of the 'West Bank', the Gaza Strip and those in Jerusalem that follow the PA curriculum, we find them based on three fundamentals: A. Delegitimization of Israel's existence and their very presence of its Jews in the country, including denial of their history there and the very existence of any holy places, all portrayed as Muslim holy places taken over by Jews. B. Demonization of Israel, depicted as a the root of all evil and solely responsible for the conflict while the Palestinians are presented as the ultimate victim, and Jews are described as racist colonialists and said to harbor genocidal intentions towards the Palestinians. The Jews are demonized as enemies of Islam. C. Destruction of Israel instead of advocacy for peace and co-existence with Israel. PA schoolbooks call for a violent struggle for liberation of Palestine in its entirety, including Israel's pre-1967 territories, described as Palestinian territories occupied in 1948. This war indoctrination is enhanced by adding religious issues to the struggle such as Jihad, martyrdom and the need to liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque, which transforms the national conflict into a religious one and thus makes peace further distant. Terror and the perceived "right of return" are part and parcel of the liberation struggle and there are hints in the books to the eventual extermination of the Jews residing in the country following its perceived liberation" The entire curriculum of the Palestinian Ministry of Education is based on indoctrination to war. Here are clear guidelines for an overhaul in Palestinian curriculum for more than 300 PA Schools which teach 321,000 pupils who live in UNRWA facilities in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem; Avoid De-legitimization of the State of Israel and of the Jewish Presence in the Country
Avoid Demonization of Israel and Jews
Advocate a Peaceful Solution instead of Violent Struggle, Jihad and Martyrdom
Full disclosure: Besides examining school books used by Palestinian Authority schools located in UNRWA, the Center for Near East Policy Research has researched and filmed the conduct of full-fledged paramilitary training in these educational facilities over the past decade. The "Peace to Prosperity" plan of action must be absolutely sure that it puts an end to all such activity. |