Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Imams Refusing To Perform Funeral Rites For Jihadists: Keeping The Kafirs Fooled Imams Refusing To Perform Funeral Rites For Jihadists: Keeping The Kafirs Fooled
Muslim Council Of Britain Issues Disingenuous Statement Aimed At Misleading The Infidel Public
June 9, 2017
Dr. Stephen M. Kirby
The Fox News headlines trumpeted: Paradise Lost, Third London attacker named as imams refuse to perform funeral rites. The article focused on the "unprecedented" decision by 130 Muslim religious leaders (imams) who were refusing to say funeral prayers for the deceased jihadists involved in the recent terror attacks in England. One of the imams said the jihadists had no religious legitimacy.
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
"applauded the move. He said he was encouraged by the imams and said that the decision means "they're condemning their souls" since the funeral prayer asks for forgiveness of the dead."
Some weeks earlier, President Trump had given a speech in Saudi Arabia in which he warned terrorists that their souls "will be fully condemned."
With pronouncements like these, why would anyone become a jihadist? The answer is quite simple. These statements are wrong.
In the first place, Islamic Doctrine supports, and in places even commands, terrorizing and killing non-Muslims. This is found in many Koran verses (e.g., 2:193, 2:216, 8:39, 8:57, 9:5, 9:29,9:73, 9:123, 61:9, and 66:9), and also in the teachings and example of Muhammad. So there is religious legitimacy for the jihadists to kill and terrorize non-Muslims.
Were these jihadists condemning their souls to hell by doing so? Not at all.
Muhammad spoke about the importance of "intentions," and said a person would be rewarded based on what he had intended (Sahih Al-Bukhari, No. 1). Muhammad also talked about fighting in the Cause of Allah, meaning fighting to make Islam supreme. Muhammad said that anyone who died fighting in the cause of Allah would have the death of a martyr (Sunan Abu Dawud, No. 2541).
In the Koran Allah promises the reward of Paradise for such a martyr:
Chapter 9, Verse 111
"Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties for (the price) that theirs shall be Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed…"
So the one guaranteed way for a Muslim to get to Paradise is tobecome a martyr by dying while fighting in Allah's Cause. And Muhammad said this way of dying was so honorable that he would have been willing to leave Paradise itself to repeat the experience:
"…The Prophet said, "Allah assigns for a person who participates in (holy battles) in Allah's Cause and nothing causes him to do so except belief in Allah and in His Messengers, that he will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a martyr)." The Prophet added: "Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain behind any Sariya (an army-unit) going for Jihad and I would have loved to be martyred in Allah's Cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive, and then again martyred in His Cause.""
Sahih Al-Bukhari, No. 36
What were the intentions of the three jihadists in the latest London Bridge attack? In spite of the apparently intentional obtuseness of much of the media and many elected officials, the jihadists were quite clear, calling out "This is for Allah" and "This is for Islam" as they stabbed with their knives. These jihadists were fighting in the Cause of Allah, knowing that they were promised Paradise.
But according to Tillerson, the fact that the imams were not praying for the forgiveness of these jihadists meant that the imams were "condemning" the jihadists' souls to Hell. Well, not really.
Muslims believe in Allah's "Divine Decree and Will." This means
"that nothing in existence occurs or takes place except after Allah's knowledge and allocation for it…whatever Allah wills, will come to pass, and whatever He does not will, will never occur, and that there is neither power nor might except from Allah."
Minhaj Al-Muslim, Vol. 1, p. 92
This means that these imams have no say over where the souls of the jihadist end up. It is strictly up to Allah. The reality is that it is irrelevant whether these imams pray or don't pray for the jihadists. Allah has already promised Paradise to those jihadists.
This also means that these imams appear to be ignoring or are unfamiliar with the Koran verses and the teachings of Muhammad that support the jihadists. Considering their status as imams, let's rule out the idea that they are unfamiliar with those verses and teachings. This means they are ignoring them, in effect denying obligatory commands from Allah or teachings of Muhammad.
But isn't it blasphemy to deny a verse of the Koran or a teaching of Muhammad? Not always. 16:106 of the Koran allows Muslims to pretend to renounce their religion, or parts thereof, if necessary. Perhaps these 130 imams are simply following16:106 in appearing to deny those verses and teachings?
As Imam Abu Hamid Ghazali (1058-1111) pointed out:
"Speaking is a means to achieve objectives…When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory….Whether the purpose is war, settling a disagreement, or gaining the sympathy of a victim legally entitled to retaliate against one so that he will forbear to do so; it is not unlawful to lie when any of these aims can only be attained through lying."
Reliance of the Traveller, r8.2
So in spite of the statements from the 130 imams, and the theologizing of President Trump and Secretary Tillerson, these jihadists, along with those preceding them and those to come,are supported by Islamic Doctrine and know that their god promised them Paradise if they died fighting for Allah.
Sometimes it can be so easy to fool Kafirs.
MIM: The disingenuous statement issued by the Muslim Council of Britain regarding the refusal of Muslim burial rites to the suicide bombers by imams was falsely touted by the media as a sign of Muslim condemnation of jihad martyrdom.As explained above this statement is a classic example of taqiyya - (lying to infidels).
Note the "caveat" which implicitly states that Muslim violence can be justified given that they are victims of "oppression and persecution occuring around the world".
"...The statement should not detract from the seriousness of oppression and persecution occurring around the world, especially to Muslims, whom we remember in our prayers by day and night..."
Over 130 Imams & Religious Leaders from diverse backgrounds refuse to perform the funeral prayer for London attackers in an unprecedented move
5 June 2017
Imams and religious leaders from across the country and a range of schools of thought have come together to issue a public statement condemning the recent terror attack in London and conveying their pain at the suffering of the victims and their families.
In an unprecedented move, they have not only refused to perform the traditional Islamic prayer for the terrorist – a ritual that is normally performed for every Muslim regardless of their actions – but also have called on others to do the same. They said:
"Consequently, and in light of other such ethical principles which are quintessential to Islam, we will not perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer over the perpetrators and we also urge fellow imams and religious authorities to withdraw such a privilege. This is because such indefensible actions are completely at odds with the lofty teachings of Islam."
For the full statement and list of signatories, see below.
Notes to editors:
- The Muslim Council of Britain is the UK's largest Muslim umbrella body with over
500 affiliated national, regional and local organisations, mosques, charities and schools.
- Key contacts for the statement:
– Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala: +44 7931 735206
– Sheikha Selina Begum Ali: +44 7946 270169
– Ustadha Rehana Sadiq: +44 7715 139834
– Imam Qari Asim: +44 7816 667282
– Sheikh Asim Yusuf: +447817 569 272 —————————–
Muslim Imams and religious leaders condemn the Manchester and London terror atrocities and urge fellow Imams to refuse to perform Islamic funeral prayers for the terrorists
"We, as Muslim Imams and religious leaders, condemn the recent terror attacks in Manchester and London in the strongest terms possible. Coming from a range of backgrounds, and from across the UK; feeling the pain the rest of the nation feels, we have come together to express our shock and utter disgust at these cold-blooded murders.
We are deeply hurt that a spate of terror attacks have been committed in our country once more by murderers who seek to gain religious legitimacy for their actions. We seek to clarify that their reprehensible actions have neither legitimacy nor our sympathy.
Though at no time is it acceptable, that such ruthless violence was perpetrated during the season of Ramadan, in which Muslims worldwide focus on pious devotion, prayer, charity and the cultivation of good character, demonstrates how utterly misguided and distant the terrorists are from our faith and the contempt which they hold for its values.
Alongside our friends and neighbours, we mourn this attack on our home, society and people, and feel pain for the suffering of the victims and their families. We pray to God that the perpetrators be judged in accordance with the gravity of their crimes in the hereafter. Their acts and wilful dismissal of our religious principles alienates them from any association with our community for whom the inviolability of every human life is the founding principle (Q.5:32).
Consequently, and in light of other such ethical principles which are quintessential to Islam, we will not perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the perpetrators and we also urge fellow imams and religious authorities to withdraw such a privilege. This is because such indefensible actions are completely at odds with the lofty teachings of Islam.
These vile murderers seek to divide our society and instil fear; we will ensure they fail. We implore everyone to unite: we are one community. In the face of such dastardly cowardice, unlike the terrorists, we must uphold love and compassion.
Such criminals defile the name of our religion and of our Prophet, who was sent to be a mercy to all creation.
We commend our police and emergency services – with whom we stand shoulder to shoulder – for their rapid response, arriving at the scenes while risking their own lives to protect the victims and public. Their response exemplifies the courage, humanity and honour we must exhibit in such difficult times.
We pray for peace and unity, and for all the victims of terror both at home and across the globe, who are targeted, irrespective of their faith."
1. Dr Timothy Winter, University of Cambridge
2. Imam Yunus Dudhwala, Head of Chaplaincy & Bereavement, Barts Health NHS Trust
3. Dr Abul Kalam Azad, Director General, Muslim Family Institute (MFI)
4. Mufti Mohammed Umair Zulfiqar, General Secretary, World Islamic Forum
5. Sheikh Idris Watts, founder of Quranic Circle
6. Dr Omer El-Hamdoon, President, Muslim Association of Britain
7. Sheikh Imtiyaz Damiel, Abu Hanifah Foundation (AHF)
8. Ustadh Arnold Yasin Mol, lecturer Islamic theology and Qur'anic studies Fahm Institute
9. Imam Abdullah Hasan (British Imams & Scholars Contributions and Achievement Awards/ Imams Against Domestic Abuse)
10. Imam Abdul Mateen Head Teacher Quwwatul Islam London
11. Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat, FaithFull Education
12. Dr. Saeed Al-Qadi, EMAN Channel
13. Moulana Muhammad Imran Khan, Doctoral candidate in Theology, University of Cambridge
14. Imam Muhammad Mustaqeem Shah Abu Bakr Trust, Walsall
15. Sheikh Fahimul Anam, Khatib, Darul Ummah Mosque
16. Sheikha Selina Begum Ali, Director – Beacon Institute
17. Shaykh Dr Umar Al-Qadri , Irish Muslim Peace & Integration Council & Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre Ireland
18. Imam Qari Asim, Makkah Mosque Leeds
19. Mawlana Abdullah Khan, Manager, Green Academy, Nottingham
20. Sheikh Bilal Brown, Imam
21. Imam Abdurrahman Anwar, Imam
22. Sheikh Mostahfiz Gani, Beyound Boundaries
23. Imam Mujahid Ali, Head of Islamic Studies at Hafs academy
24. Imam Abid Salik, York Mosque
25. Shaykh Rehan Raza, Imam
26. Imam Khalil Laher, London
27. Imam Yahya Adel Ibrahim, Islamic Chaplain, University of Western Australia
28. Mufti Liaquat Zaman, As-Suffa Institute
29. Dr Mansur Ali, Imam
30. Imam Fadel Soliman, Bridges Foundation
31. Shaykh Muhammad Ismail Bhuta, London
32. Shaykh AbdalHaq Bewley
33. Imam Tahir Mahmood Kiani, Birmingham
34. Mufti Adam Esmail, Zaytoon Academy, Birmingham
35. Shaykha Anne Dijk, Fahm Institute
36. Shaykh Salman Younas, University of Oxford
37. Imam Abdul Wahhab, London
38. Imam Shafi Chowdhury, The City Retreat, Leicester
39. Sheikh Bilal Khan, Freeman of the City of London & Co-Chairman of Dome Advisory
40. Imam Noor Ahmad, Islamic society of South Texas
41. Mufti Suhail, Seven Kings Muslim Educational Trust
42. Imam Mohammed Rahman, Newcastle upon Tyne
43. Sheikh Imran Chaudhry, London
44. Shaykh Abdul Aziz Patel, London
45. Shaykh Asim Yusuf, Consultant Psychiatrist and Religious Guide, Nur al-Habib Foundation
46. Prof. Jasser Auda, Maqasid Institute, UK
47. Shaykh Muhammad Idoe, lecturer, Arabic Fahm Institute
49. Imam Chokri Majouli, Finsbury Park Mosque
50. Imam Abid Khan, Cheadle Mosque
51. Dr Ali Reza Bhojani, Research Fellow, Al-Mahdi Institute
52. Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli. Noor Trust, London
53. Sheikh Jaffer Ladak, Imam, Milton Keynes
54. Shaykh Muhammad Reza Tajri, Al-Mahdi Institute
55. Shaykh Kumail Rajani, The World Federation of KSIMC
56. Imam Ajmal Masroor, Broadcaster, Independent Parliamentary Candidate for Bethnal Green and Bow
57. Hujat Islam Shaykh Arif Abdulhussain, Al-Mahdi Institute
58. Hujjat ul Islam Sayed Mohammad Musadaq Haider Taqvi, Representative of Ayatullah Bashir Najafi
59. Imam Abdasamad Clarke, Norwich
60. Imam Huzayfah Bhayat, Imam at Masjid-e-Saliheen, Preston
61. Imam Mohammed Amejee, London
62. Mawlana Yousaf Baig, Batley, Yorkshire
63. Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Birmingham, Imam and Teacher
64. Shaykh Abdurrahman Sayed, Deputy Manager, Foster Care Link – Muslim Fostering Service
65. Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera, Whitethread Institute and Zamzam Academy
66. Mawlana Iftkhar A khan, Head of Islamic Studies at M.A Al Kharafi Islamic Centre (Camberley Masjid)
67. Shaykh Sulaiman Gani, Al Khaleel Institute
68. Imam Abdul Rauf, Dundee Central Mosque
69. Mufti Abubakr Karolia, Batley
70. Shaykh Junaid bilal Uan, Dar Uloom, Birmingham
71. Moulana Siraj Saleh, Masjid Quba, Bradford
72. Moulana Ahmed Desai, Masjid Quba, Bradford
73. Sheikh Zubair Miah. Trustee, Al Imdaad Foundation, UK
74. Imam Minar Ali, Academy of Inspiration, Little Ilford Ward, Newham
75. Mawlana Ilyas Koya, Imam – Darul Quran Masjid, Bolton
76. Imam Abdur Rahman Mehdi, Imam at Motherwell Islamic Centre north Lanarkshire Scotland
77. Shaykh Amer Jamil, Solas Foundation, Scotland
78. Imam Amjad Yoosuf Fulwood, Preston
79. Ustadh Shaukat Warraich, Editor, Imams Online
80. Shaykh Sohaib Saeed, Independent Scholar, Scotland
81. Ustadha Rehana Sadiq, Muslim Chaplain & Counsellor
82. Imam Hassan Ghodawala, Masjid e Noor, Gloucester
83. Imam Imran Ali, Glasgow, Imam at SSACC
84. Shaykh Hammadur Rahman Fahim, Manchester
85. Shaykh Rafiq Sufi, Blackburn
86. Imam Abdul Muheet, Bahr Academy, Newcastle
87. Imam Dawood Masood, Quba Trust
88. Dr. Kallingal Riyad, Consultant Surgeon & Governer – Jamiatul ilm Wal Huda, Blackburn
89. Sheikh Abul Barakat Hasan, Centre for Islamic Guidance UK
90. Imam Shams Tameez, Wycombe Mosque
91. Imam Bilal Toorawa, Masjid e Anwar, Blackburn
92. Imam Ahmed, Masjid al Khazra, Nottingham
93. Shaykh Shafiur Rahman, Jibreel Institute
- 94. Sheikh Subhan, Imam of MCEC Palmers Green
- 95. Shaykh Zuber Karim, IF Consultants, Scotland
- 96. Imam Ahsan Amin, Imam of Central Oxford Mosque
- 97. Shaykh Manwar Ali, Imam
- 98. Imam Muhamed Salim Jawara, Sec, African Cultural Centre
- 99. Mufti Shabir Moosa Adam, Imam-Masjid Ibrahim, Perth, WA
- 100. Ustadha Khola Hasan, Islamic Shariah Council, Leyton
- 101. Pir Ahmad Zaman, Naqshbandi Jamati, Khalifa Majaz Ali Pir Syeda Sharif
- 102. Imam Talha Ahmed, Forestgate Mosque London
- 103. Mufti Salim Patel, Masjid Al Hikmah, London104. Sayyid Ali Raza Rizvi, President, Majlis e Ulama e Shia Europe105. UmmulBanin Merali, QFatima, Head of Hujjat Saturday Workshop
106. Mawlana Shah Muhammed Anas, Imam Zakariya Academy
107. Ustadha Mariam Saeed Bhaiyat, Masjidul Hikmah
108. Ustadha Safiyyah Adam, Quwwat ul Islam
109. Mufti Nadeem Ahmed Khan, Manchester
110. Ustadha Najiyya Mallu, Quwaat Ul Islam, London
111. Ustadha Bilkis Ibrahim, Quwwat ul Islam, East London
112. Imam Abdul-Malik Sheikh, Imam & Social Worker
113. Shaykh Junaid Bilal Usman, Darul Uloom, Birmingham
114. Ustdah Aziza Patel, Quwwat ul Islam and Masjid Hikmah
115. Ustadha Rizwana Dalal, Jamea-al-kauthar
116. Shaykh Abbas Jaffer, Stanmore
117. Ayatollah Ali H. Al-Hakim, Imam of Brighton Faith Society
118. Mawlana Adnan Qurayshi- Hifz and Religious Education Teacher – Hafs Academy
119. Shaykh Sulaiman Ahmed, CEO and Founder Avicenna Academy
120. Ustadha Abida Ahmed, Quwwatul Islam
121. Ustadha Fatima bint Siddiq, Quwwat-ul-Islam Aalimiyya
122. Ustadha Latifa Khan, Quwwatul Islam
123. Imam Irfan Chishti MBE, Manchester Central Mosque
124. Mawlana Ouwais Data, Al-Faatihah Institute
125. Ustadha Fatimah Adam, Masjid Hikmah
126. Maulana Mohammed Abubakar Saleem, Imaam Jamia Masjid Noor
127. Dr Musharraf Hussain, Karimia Institute
128. Dr Amina Inloes, Lecturer, The Islamic College
129. Imam Hamza Ibn AbdurRahman, Imam – Scotland
130. Imam Fazlurrehman Hassan, Muslim Chaplain and Muslim Chaplain Coordinator, Royal Blackburn Hospital NHS Trust
131. Imam Ghulam Rasool, Tipton, Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust UK
132. Ragih Muflihi, Sandwell, Inclusive Muslim Action Network (IMAN)
133. Imam Monawer Hussain, Founder, The Oxford Foundation
134. Mawlana Muhammad Patel, Blackburn
- 135. Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Utrujj Foundation
- 136. Mufti Zubair Butt, Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence
- 137. Sayyid Ali Abbas Razawi, Scottish Ahlulbayt Society
- 138. Shaykha Safia Shahid, London
- 139. Shaykh Muhammad Husain Kazi, London
- 140. Ustadha Safiyya Bint Ahmad, Al Muhsinat, London
- 141. Seyed Mohamed Naqvi, Zainabiyya Islamic Centre, Milton Keynes
- 142. Mufti Sarfraz Mohamed, Fiqh Council, Birmingham143. Mufti Muhammad Sajjad, Fiqh Council, Birmingham144. Mohammad Farooq Janbaz, Birmingham Central
145. Qari Mohamed Siddique, Birmingham Central
146. Abdul Majeed Nadeem, Birmingham East
147. Mohammed Tayyab, Birmingham East
148. Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, Birmingham North
149. M Saeed ur Rahman, Blackheath
150. Arif Mateen, Boston
151. Mushtaq Ahmed Khan , Cardiff
152. Imtiaz Ahmed, Leeds
153. Irfanullah Irfan, Peterborough
154. Muhammad Rashid , Peterborough
155. Ali Mahmoud Ahmed Ali, Walsall
156. Khalid Mehmood , Walsall
157. Hafiz Attar Muhammad, Wolverhampton
158. Mohammad Arshad, Burnley
159. Muhammad Iqbal, EIC
160. Zafar Iqbal Awan, Manchester South (Barlow )
161. Syed Naveed Ahmed , Nelson
162. Abdur Rasheed , Newbold
163. M Faridoon, Oldham
164. Miftah Uddin, Oldham
165. Qari M Faiz, Oldham
166. Mohamed Azad, Bradford
167. Alhira Ubaid Ur Rahman, Bradford Byron Street
168. Abdul Hakeem, Newbold
169. Mumtaz Ahmed , Rochdale – Deeplish
170. Abdur Rahman Salik, York
171. Rahmat Aziz Salik, Hull
172. M Ishaq, Glasgow North
173. Mohammad Jahanzaib Niaz, London East Ham
174. Qari Niaz Mohammed, London East Ham
175. Hafiz Muhammad Abu Bakar Sajjad, London Plaistow
176. Hassan Shah, London Plaistow
177. Inayat Khan, London West
178. Mohammad Iqbal Awan, Luton
179. Shahid Ahmed, Luton
180. Iftikhar Ul Haq, Southend
181. Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, Muslim Council of Britain
182. Imam Hamza ibn AbdulRahman, Imam Dundee Central Mosque
183. Ustadha Misba Khan, Evergreen Children's Academy
184. Imam Tajudeen Salami – Muslim Association of Nigeria UK/Old Kent Road Mosque
185. Imam Kazeem Fatai – Muslim Association of Nigeria UK/Old Kent Road Mosque
- 186. Shaykh Najib Rahmani, Sheffield
- 187. Sheikh Nabil Bin Mahmood, Imam in Perth, Scotland
- 188. Imam Sayful Ahmed, The Islamic Centre, Scunthorpe
- 189. Imam Harun Rashid Patel, Ilford, London
- 190. Shaykh Saad Al Attas, Ark Academy, Bradford191. Mufti Sajid Patel, Quwwatul Islam Mosque, London192. Imran Sulaiman Al-Azhari, Leicester
193. Shaykh Abu Aaliyah Shurkheel Shareef, Jawziyyah Institute
194. Shaykh Abdul Wahab Saleem, Salik Academy
195. Shah Yahya Ahmed, Imam and Religious Teacher, London
196. Imam Zakir Munshi, Masjid Tauheed, Manor Park London
- 197. Imam Shokat Patel, IANL, Finchley, London
- 198. Ustadh Rizwan Mustapha, Birmingham
- 199. Shaykh Ehsan Abdullah Hannan, Director of Religious Education, Islamia Primary School, London
- 200. Imam Aftab Muhaudden Al Azhari
- 201. Shaykh Hassan Rabbani, Annandale Mosque, Edinburgh
- 202. Maulana Shabir Hussain Rabbani, Zia Ul Quran, Glasgow
- 203. Dr Sabahat Rabbani, Zainab Cobbold Institute, Glasgow
This is a grassroots initiative by scholars and imams from diverse backgrounds, rather than issuing from a particular organisation.
The statement does not anathematise (make takfir) of the terrorist attackers – this ‘othering of the enemy' is precisely the first principle of the jihadists, and something we must avoid at all costs. We leave people's inner states to God, whilst strongly censuring their actions.
The statement is not a blanket forbidding of funeral rites (janaza), but rather the refusal by Imams and the religious authorities to publicly and formally perform one. The families of the attackers are of course perfectly at liberty to do so and it is not our place to prevent this.
The statement should not detract from the seriousness of oppression and persecution occurring around the world, especially to Muslims, whom we remember in our prayers by day and night. However, such actions in our own country – to our neighbours – requires a strong moral response from us. Our words will have little effect in far-flung countries, but they may have an impact at home.
It should also not detract from deeply unfortunate statements issuing forth from some quarters which seek to implicate the entire Muslim community and the religion of Islam, or insinuate that one system of values is ontologically superior to another. We should at this time be calling to our shared values.