Dutch MP Geert Wilders Is Now Being Protected By Military Police
3 Moroccan Muslim Security Guards Compromised His Safety
March 7, 2017
Dutch MP Geert Wilders, founder and leader of the anti-Islamic Freedom Party or PVV in the Netherlands, is now being protected by the so-called "BSB", elite special protection units from the Dutch Royal Military Police or "Marechaussee" (KMar). This was necessary because three security guards from the special police protection squad "DBB," which was in charge of protecting Wilders, turned out to be corrupt. They were Dutch-Moroccans with suspected links to the extremely powerful and violent Moroccan ("Mocro") mafia in Holland. Wilders now fears that crucial information on his whereabouts and his safehouses has been passed on to dangerous and violent criminals or even to equally dangerous jihadist networks. There will be elections in Holland on March 15, 2017, and Wilders had to interrupt his election campaign until he had been given sufficient guarantees that the Royal Military Police would do a much better job than the police.
One of the corrupt Dutch-Moroccan bodyguards is 34-year-old Faris K. from Utrecht, a town in Holland where Moroccan crime and jihadism are flourishing. Faris K.'s brother Mohammed ("Mo") was also discharged from the police because he turned out to be equally corrupt. This occurred in 2007. And in 2008 Faris K. was just in the early stages of his police career. Yet, he had to appear in court because there were indications that he had passed on confidential police information to people who were not entitled to receive it. This resulted in a rather mild conviction, just a provisional community service of no more than one hundred hours! Nevertheless, Faris K. was later permitted to join the police squad which was in charge of protecting Geert Wilders and others. For some reason, he had not been screened properly. And the police continue to encourage young Moroccans and Turks to join them in order to achieve "ethnic diversity."But there are very serious security risks if these people are not properly screened. Most Dutch, Belgian, French and Spanish jihadists who joined ISIS or Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq are second-generation North African immigrants.And quite a few of them have a Turkish migration background.
Two Dutch-Moroccan brothers, namely 43-year-old Omar and 40-year-old Abdenouar or Anouar el M., were also "DBB" bodyguards who were in charge of protecting Wilders. But Omar and Anouar were suspended from duty in November 2015, because there were strong indications that they were laundering money on a vast scale, in close cooperation with their 48-year-old brother Said el M. Their laundering operations extended to Curaçao, a paradise for cocaine smugglers in the Caribbean. Anouar's name even surfaced in the so-called "Panamapapers" that contain shocking information on tax evasion and laundering money.
Anouar el M. reportedly was Wilders' personal bodyguard and knew a lot about his whereabouts, his private life and his safehouses, vital information for those who want to kill this politician. Wilders is on the death list of both Al-Qaeda and ISIS. On February 24, 2017, Wilders tweeted: "I have just been informed about this and once again I am scared out of my wits."
For too many Muslim immigrants in Europe loyalty to their own family and their outdated concepts of "honor" take precedence over loyalty to the state orthe police. If family ties or some radical Muslim cleric demand that these Muslims abuse their position as police officers or politicians, they won't hesitate to do so. There were a number of cases of Dutch-Turkish police officers and prison guards in Holland who cooperated with the drug mafia. And there were other cases where Turkish and Moroccan criminals infiltrated local political parties and abused their newly acquired positions in provinces or communities.Some of them cooperated with the drug mafia, others were involved in migrant trafficking or prostitution. One of them reportedly was Labor Party politician Zati Yurdakul from Amsterdam-West. This Dutch-Turkish politician wasarrested in June 2010 on suspicion of trafficking in women and girls.
Muslim "apostates" receive numerous death threats
Radical Muslims in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden,Denmark, Norway and England do not hesitate to issue death threats against so-called "apostate" Muslims or Muslims who convert(ed) to Christianity. One of their victims is Afshin Ellian, a refugee from Iran who is no longer a Muslim.Although he became a respectable university professor and a columnist in the Netherlands, he still needs bodyguards who have to protect him every day against all those radical Muslims who want to kill him. According to authoritative Islamic teachings the punishment for apostacy from Islam or"offending Mohammed" is death. Therefore, Afshin Ellian is not being treated differently than Geert Wilders who has been accused of offending that Muslim prophet. I know both of them quite well.
I also know Janny Groen and Annieke Kranenberg, two female journalists in Holland who wrote a shocking book on moderate Muslims who oppose the radicals. Although their book is too optimistic about the real impact that these moderate Muslims make, the authors do describe a number of cases of very serious death threats against former Muslims. The web forum "Faith Freedom International" (FFI) is one of the outlets of these courageous ex-Muslims.
There was an Afghan man in the Netherlands who previously fought as a "Mujaheed" (‘holy warrior") in Afghanistan. But once in Holland, he decided to break with Islam and become a Christian. From that very moment on this new convert to Christianity received frequent death threats. "A group of five (Afghan) countrymen were planning to kill him," Groen and Kranenberg reported. "They were possibly even considering to invite a hitman from Germany to do the job. These (Afghan) men could be arrested, just because one of them regretted his actions and went to the police." But the former Afghan Mujaheed and his familiy needed police protection for some time. There were even threatening letters announcing that his children would be abducted. These radical Muslims in Holland did not blame him for breaking with his past life as a"Mujaheed" in Afghanistan. This Afghan man, whose name is deliberately not mentioned in the book, is being quoted as saying: "The fact that I became a Christian, that is what they considered to be worse than everything else."
Emerson Vermaat, M.A. (international law, Leiden University) is aninvestigative reporter in the Netherlands specialized in crime, anti-Semitism andterrorism.
He is currently writing a well-documented Dutch study on "Terrorist Attacks in Europe by Radical Muslims."
("Faris K., in 2008 veroordeeld tot een voorwaardelijke werkstraf van 100 uur…")
Algemeen Dagblad (Rotterdam), February 24, 2017, p. 4, Faris K. had al een verleden.
("Nu blijken twee broers die lid waren van de Dienst Bewaken en Beveiligen in november 2015 te zijn geschorst." "Vervolgens werd de broers op papier een hypotheek aangeboden door een investeringsmaatschappij op Curaçao die via een ingewikkelde constructie weer eigendom bleek te zijn van Saïd…")
NOS.nl, February 24, 2017, Beveiligers Wilders wasten crimineel geld wit, vragen over de screening,
The Post Online (TPO), February 24, 2017, Nog twee DBB-beveiligers geschorst, één van hen bewaakte Geert Wilders. PVV-leider: "Ik ben me kapotgeschrokken,"
("Anouar el M. was de directe beveiliger van Geert Wilders." Tweet fromWilders: "Ik ben hierover vanmorgen geïnformeerd en ben me opnieuw kapot geschrokken.")
Politie IJsselland/Kernteam Noord- en Oost-Nederland, Algemene Criminaliteitsanalyse Turkije, 2000-2001 (Dutch police report on Turkishcriminal networks, Zwolle,
.2002 ), pp. 98-100, 105 ("…gezien het gegeven dat Turkse politiefunctionarissen worden afgerekend op in beslaggenomen partijen verdovende middelen…" "Turkse medewerkers van Nederlandse gevangenissen…" "Ook blijken leden van Turkse criminele verbanden actief te zijn in de politiek…')
De Volkskrant, December 2002, p. 1, Turkse mafia actief in politiek. "Politie: leden mogelijk in gemeenteraden of in provinciale staten." (Dutch police:Turkish mafia infiltrated political parties.)
De Telegraaf, June 17, 2010, pp. 1,2, Mensenhandel vanuit woning PvdA-poiticus. (On Zati Yurdakul.)
RTVNH Nieuws (regional TV), June 17, 2010, Weer verdachten mensenhandel vast,
Janny Groen and Annieke Kranenberg, Opstand der Gematigden. De Groeiende Weerbaarheid van Nederlandse Moslims (Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 2009), pp. 44-48 ("Faith Freedom International." "Afghan, oud-mujahidinstrijder uit Afghanistan…")
Faith Freedom International (FFI). "A grassroots worldwide movement of ex-Muslims and all those who are concerned about out the rise of the Islamic threat."