Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Ammar Anwer: Another "Ex Radical Muslim Reformer" Dissembles - Calls Islamist Javed Ahmed Ghamidi "A Reformist Scholar" Ammar Anwer: Another "Ex Radical Muslim Reformer" Dissembles - Calls Islamist Javed Ahmed Ghamidi "A Reformist Scholar"Anwer Is The New Media Darling And Beneficiary Of The Lucrative "Ex Extremist Muslim" Rubber Chicken Circuit MIM: Ammar Anwer is sucking up to gullible Western donors and supporters while living in the safety of the West where criticism of Islam by "ex extremists/ Islamists" has become a lucrative industry. It's time Jews and other naive non Muslims stopped aiding and abetting this travesty financially and by providing a platform for this cynical self promotion and farce of " reforming Islam" by non theologian Muslims. He ends one of his screeds by claiming that only "we" i.e. "self proclaimed "reformist Muslims" like himself and non Muslims who bankroll him can defeat radical Islam. Which begs an obvious question if "reform Islam" is so attractive why is it that the "reformists" depend on non Muslims to give them their raison d'etre? Ammar Anwer was feeling happy.6 hrs ·The bank just informed me that my first pay has arrived. 2/3/17 MIM: Anwers self absorbed pity party would be laughable were it not for the fact that his first pay for his "writings" all comes from non Muslim and Jewish backers. Ammar Anwer feeling emotional.1 min ·Sometimes life could be too hard. I always thought that when I get my first salary I would gift a ring to my girlfriend. My writings were not being accepted that time and now when I got my first pay, she isnt with me. MIM:Quranic scholar Dr. Stephen M. Kirby explains why Muslim "reformers" like Anwer present a dangerous distraction from the realities of Islam: "Does it really matter that Americanized Muslim reformers are going around trying to create personalized, "modern" versions of Islam? Yes, because they are relying on non-Muslims for support. And to get that support, the reformers are presenting "the true" Islam as a religion of peace, similar to Christianity and Judaism, and able to be modified and modernized. And the reformers are presenting the jihadists as outliers who have perverted and hijacked that religion. But the reality is that the Muslim reformers are perverting and hijacking the religion, and it is the jihadists who are following the Islam taught by Muhammad..." MIM:In a recent Facebook posting Anwer wrote that he might "get radicalized" if anything happened to his "Hasan Al banah" (sic) who was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ammar AnwerJanuary 29 at 9:50am ·If anything happens to Faisal Saeed,I might get radicalized. He is my Hasan Al banah. MIM: According to Ammar Anwer the worst aspect of ISIS is that they give the Muslim Ummah a bad rap, a typical Islamist view. "ISIS is a serious threat for the entire humanity. The harm that it has caused, and continues unabashedly, is indescribable, unspeakable and extremely horrendous. The most saddening aspect of this aching cruelty is that it has damaged the reputation of the entire Muslim community around the world,the most ..." MIM: Anwer is an Islamist supremacist who buys into and peddles far left propaganda i.e. the canard of a Muslim ban and thinks in terms of The West vs Muslims.Ammar Anwer32 mins ·My people have suffered the most. Muslims have suffered the most. Whether they are in Lahore,Peshawar or in Baghdad. Before you perceive us as a threat and ban us, keep this in mind. MIM: Anwer also claims that "a (sic) radical Islamists who I believe have hijacked Islam" which is typical Islamist taqiyya. "People have started doubting the intentions of the Muslims just because of a radical Islamists, who I believe have hijacked Islam." MIM: He is extremely concerned with how non Muslims view Islam and disingenuously claims that "Islam is not what ISIS and other radical outfits represent" and blames the West for "the nourishment of such outfits". Which prompts the query as to if Anwer believes ISIS and othe "radical outfits" have legitimate grievances. "I believe that Javed Ahmed Ghamidi has presented a strong counter narrative against radical Islam and jihadism. I consider it a moral duty of the moderate Muslims to start realizing the facts and reform, review and reinterpret their religion and show the world that Islam is not what Isis and other radical outfits represent.I am not denying the role played by the west in the nourishment of such outfits ..." MIM: In a 2016 screed on the Clarion Project website entitled "Why Do We Need To Support Progressive Muslims? Anwer writes that Ghamidi is now living in Malaysia, a fundamentalist Muslim country and bizarre choice of refuge for someone who was receiving "death threats" due to his supposedly "moderate" views. "...Islamic reformation has opened new gates of knowledge and wisdom. One of my favorite reformist scholar is a Muslim theologian based in Pakistan, Javed Ahmed Ghamidi. He is now living in Malaysia due to death threats. Ghamidi's take on several controversial issues like compatibility of Islam and Democracy, Women rights in Islam and the concept of Jihad in Islam, has totally changed the way I used to perceive Islam and has paved a path for the younger generation to learn, believe and teach a tolerant and pluralistic version of Islam." "...It is quite evident that the more we isolate the progressive and reformist voices that are coming from within the Muslim community, the more we let the Islamists win. And the more we support these voices, the greater are the chances for our combined victory. As well as a political struggle It is also a religious battle and it can only be won when those Muslims who are against the Islamists are supported by the other sections of the society." http://www.clarionproject. MIM: Ghamidi's Al-Mawrid da'wa organisation participated in the 2017 Islamic Society of North America's conference. ISNA is a terror tied Muslim Brotherhood group whose aspirations are in their name; to turn North America into an Islamic Society.
MIM: Anwer also hypocritically criticizes leftists for aligning with Islamists when he himself is to the far left. In one screed he called President Trump "a bigot" and he approvingly retweets quotes by Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden on his Twitter feed. He also compared Trump to Hitler and referred to him as "stupid". Ammar Anwer3 hrs ·People dont have to be hitler to be stupid. They could very well be on their own. 1/31/17 MIM: In a 2/6/17 Facebook posting "reformist poster boy" Anwer called Geert Wilders "a massive Asshole" and asks the assinine question as to why Ayaan (aka Ayaan Hirsi Ali) was so close to him. In fact the only thing which they have in common are Muslim death threats and the need for 24/7 security. The posting was altered minutes later to add Why? and correct the 'freudian slip' typo. Ammar Anwer13 mins · The Washington Post ·Such a massive Asshole and Ayaan was so closed to him. Ammar Anwer58 mins · The Washington Post ·Such a massive Asshole and Ayaan was so close to him. Why? MIM: Here is the pretentious way Ammar, a hard core leftist, describes himself on his Facebook and Twitter page ;"former Islamist. Humanist. counter- Extremist" "Student. Blogger @HuffingtonPost " Writer. Columnist. researcher. Secularist. cultural Muslim. believes in Human rights and freedom." MIM:According to Quranic scholar Dr. Stephen M. Kirby, Anwer is practicing "Fantasy Islam". He is making the rounds of the largely Jewish funded "ex extremist" rubber chicken circuit telling gullible non Muslims what they want to hear. " Fantasy Islam (Kafir Edition): A game in which an audience of non-Muslims wish with all their hearts that Islam was a "Religion of Peace," and a Kafir (non-Muslim) strives to fulfill that wish by presenting a version of Islam that has little foundation in Islamic Doctrine." MIM: Ammar Anwer is practicing Taqiyya by calling Ghamifi "a reformist scholar". On a Facebook post he gushed about Ghamidi and said that his "rescue of Islam is the only hope for our survival". "Javed Ahmad Ghamidi is truly a blessing. One of the best scholars to ever emerge from the Sub continent. I wish him a long and healthy life. In a society surrounded by religious tyrants, Ghamidi's rescue of Islam is the only hope for our survival." MIM: Excerpt from an article entitled "My Journey Out Of Radical Islam" which was published on the IPT website by Anwer in which he declares his support for the faux moderate stealth Islamist Javed Ahmed Gamidi. Note that Anwer states that Ghamidi is "highly critical of radical Islam" glossing over the fact that Islam is by definition radical. "When ISIS beheads innocent people or attacks Paris and Brussels, it believes that such acts are a religious obligation. When Islamist terrorists mistreat and enslave women and persecute homosexuals, it is because they interpret verses such as 4:24and 7:80-84 that seem to justify it. This is a theological issue that I have discussed on various media outlets. It is the reason I support reformist scholars, like Javed Ahmed Ghamidi, who are highly critical of radical Islam. Ghamidi is a modernist Islamic scholar who has vehemently criticized religious fundamentalism. He also spoke against the Pakistan's blasphemy law which is often used to harm and mistreat religious minorities. His modern views almost cost him his life, while his closest associate, Muhammad Farooq Khan, was killed by the Taliban." I am happy that I walked away from Islamism. Today, instead of being dogmatic, I advocate secularism, democracy, freedom, and equality. It is always difficult to leave your roots. Many people find themselves in a battle against their own souls. I fought the very same battle and won. We need to address the ideological roots of radical Islam. Without doing this – and without supporting the Muslims who are confronting this ideology – we will never be able to counter it. MIM: Anwer dissembles claiming that radical Islam is a misinterpretation of the Quran. "As a former Islamist, I believe that the radical Islam we are experiencing today is based on a certain interpretation..." MIM:Ghamidi is no "reformist" and here are some of his views to prove it ,excerpted from an article by Quranic scholar Dr. Stephen Kirby:
You must keep two things in mind, i.e. Allah has preserved two places, Canaan in Palestine and the land of the Arabs for the preaching of His Messengers since the time of Abraham (sws). Worshipping idols in these places is completely forbidden. No other religion except Islam can be propagated in these places. It is just the same as declaring the whole area as a mosque. It means that no one has the right to enter this territory.[7] But perhaps Ghamidi has his own, more inclusive version of Islam that could include Jews and Christians? No. Ghamidi wrote that Islam, "the only true religion in God's sight," consisted of the following five things: 1. Bearing witness that there is no god besides Allah and Muhammad (sws) is His Messenger 2. Offering the prayer 3. Paying zakah 4. Keeping the fasts of Ramadan 5. Offering the hajj of the Baytullah [the Ka'bah in Mecca] [8]..." http://www.israelnationalnews."...His (Ghamidi's) condemnations of terror: "(His) movement emphasized that only a Muslim state could declare jihad (war) and therefore dismissed the Taliban-led Afghan resistance, the Palestinian struggle, the Iraqi resistance and all other Muslim struggles, saying they were not jihad.".." http://www.israelnationalnews. For more about Ghamidi's Islamism see: http://www. MIM: Anwer subscribes to and promotes the Islamist propaganda myth of "Islamophobia" and a "Muslim Ban" and obscenely compares the false concept of "Islamophobia" to anti semitism.
MIM: Anwer is very immature and confused about sexuality both his own and the rules dictated by Islamic law. He also apparently suffers from castration anxiety. He is a pompous buffoon who enjoys puerile "humor". Ammar Anwer4 mins ·I am feeling very gay today. Ammar Anwer12 mins ·Sex before marriage is wrong but polygamy is okay. Hehehee I see what you did there. Ammar Anwer22 mins ·We,Jews and Muslims have a lot in common. At least we both prefer to have one of our nuts chopped off. Lets stop the hate and fight Bigotry. Ammar Anwer1 hr ·Try mohajir Viagra. It helps you win matches. 2/26/17 Ammar Anwer4 hrs ·A 70 year old man went for a Sperm Test. The Doctor gave him a bottle to collect sperm. The next day, the man came with the empty bottle & said he tried with his left hand then right hand. Then his wife tried with her left hand & right hand. Then his daughter-in-law tried with both hands & mouth. Then the neighbor's wife & daughter tried the same way..but could not open the damn Bottle.... 2/27/17 Ammar Anwer4 hrs ·If you really think that consensual love between two adults of same sex is somehow equal to Sleeping with your own sister or shagging a goat, then kindly dont expect me to engage in any sort of debate with you. 3/1/17 Ammar Anwer1 hr ·Imran khan is a good example of someone who gains respect and then cums all over it. 3/7/17 Ammar Anwer4 mins ·Girls dont like me. I dont like them. Its a troubled relationship. But hey I wont go out killing all the girls lol. 3/13/17 Ammar Anwer1 hr ·I need a hijab for a few months at least till my exams are over. 3/14/17 MIM: More proof if any was needed that Ammar Anwer is an illiterate deranged and unhinged teenage wacko. Ammar Anwer4 hrs ·You are call criticizing Imran Khan for his phateechar remarks but you dont seem to care about: Why are you so hypocritical? 3/8/17 Ammar Anwer5 mins ·It is the rapist who loses the honour, not the woman. Honor doesnt lie in Vagina. Its a patriarchal norm. |