Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Jews For Jihad: AJC Joins With ISNA And Other Terror Supporters To Form Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council
Jews For Jihad: AJC Joins With ISNA And Other Terror Supporters To Form Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council
Former CAIR Spokeswoman Rabia Chaudry And Muslim Brotherhood Group Leader Sayyid Sayeed Among Members
November 14, 2016
MIM: Also see:
Jews for Jihad? How the American Jewish Committee abets Islamists
"The Islamic Society of North America, [ISNA] "supports the Muslim Brotherhood and the Saudi regime," and that [CAIR] the Council on American Islamic Relations "[was] founded in the 1980s by pro-Hamas activists."
AJC and ISNA Launch Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council
NEW YORK, Nov. 14, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council, a new national group of leading Muslim and Jewish Americans, was launched this month at a meeting convened by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).
The Council brings together recognized business, political, and religious leaders in the Jewish and Muslim American communities to jointly advocate on issues of common concern. Stanley Bergman, CEO of Henry Schein, and Farooq Kathwari, President and CEO of Ethan Allen, are the Council's co-chairs, and the initial members are listed below.
At the group's inaugural meeting, the Muslim and Jewish participants met for two hours to get to know one another, discuss the Council's mission, and identify and agree on a domestic policy agenda. Among the Council's initial action items are:
The Council will highlight the contributions of Muslims and Jews to American society, and aim to celebrate their contributions in the best traditions of American democracy.
The Council will develop a coordinated strategy to address anti-Muslim bigotry and anti-Semitism in the U.S.
The Council will work to protect and expand the rights of religious minorities in the U.S., as enshrined in the Constitution, so they may practice their faiths in full freedom and security.
"Our two communities share much in common and should find ways, where possible, to work together for the benefit of the entire country," said Stanley Bergman, Co-Chair of the Council.
"The Council aims to provide a model for civic engagement by two communities, vital to American society, that agree to work together on issues of common concern and overlapping interest," said Farooq Kathwari, Co-Chair of the Council.
The initial members of the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council are:
Ms. Raheemah Abdulaleem, KARAMAH Ms. Shakila Ahmad, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati Chaplain Tahera Ahmad, Northwestern University Imam Shamsi Ali, Nusantara Foundation Ms. Roberta Baruch, AJC Commission on Interreligious Affairs Mr. Stanley M. Bergman, Henry Schein Inc. Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, Central Synagogue Ms. Rabia Chaudry, United States Institute of Peace Senator Norman Coleman, Hogan Lovells Mr. Steven Collis, AmerisourceBergen Rabbi Joshua Davidson, Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York Ambassador Stuart E. Eizenstat, Covington & Burling LLP Imam Plemon El-Amin, World Pilgrims Mr. David Harris, AJC Mr. S.A. Ibrahim, Radian Group Congressman Steven Israel, United States House of Representatives Mr. Farooq Kathwari, Ethan Allen Interiors Mr. Suhail Khan, Microsoft Corporation Ms. Daisy Khan, Women's Islamic Initiative for Spirituality & Equality (WISE) Mr. Farhan Latif, El-Hibri Foundation Mr. David Levin, McGraw Hill Education Mr. Moses Libitzky, Libitzky Property Companies Senator Joseph Lieberman, Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman LLP Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt, Emory University Imam Mohamed Magid, All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Mr. Talat Othman, Grove Financial, Inc. Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, New York University Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, the Rabbinical Assembly Imam Talib M. Shareef, The Nation's Mosque, Masjid Muhammad Dr. Sayyid Syeed, ISNA Rabbi David Wolpe, Sinai Temple, Los Angeles
Even as the scale of Muslim anti-Semitic violence increase, Jewish liberals maintain the same mad policies of self-destruction. The AJC, another of the useless alphabet organizations that plague the Jewish world, is partnering with an unindicted co-conspirator in funding Hamas.
The Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council, a new national group of leading Muslim and Jewish Americans, was launched this month at a meeting convened by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).
The Council brings together recognized business, political, and religious leaders in the Jewish and Muslim American communities to jointly advocate on issues of common concern. Stanley Bergman, CEO of Henry Schein, and Farooq Kathwari, President and CEO of Ethan Allen, are the Council's co-chairs, and the initial members are listed below.
Obama appointed Farooq Kathwari, the first name on the "Muslim list" sent to Podesta, to the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
The "Muslim list" email had warned that, "Kathwari's then 19-year-old American-educated son Irfan (aka Imran), was killed in 1992 fighting Jihad against the Russians in Afghanistan." The actions of his son, who may have been with the Mujahedeen but was also apparently outraged over India's defense of Kashmir, is of less relevance than Kathwari's appearance at an ISNA conference and another conference co-sponsored by the Muslim Students Association. Both groups are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
He co-chaired the American Muslim Task Force whose members included Salam Al-Marayati, Director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, which has defended Hamas and Hezbollah, Yahya Basha, president of the American Muslim Council and a former board member of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and assorted other Islamists. Its report complained that Muslims were inhibited from donating to "charities" run by Islamic terrorist groups such as Hezbollah. Yahya Basha also appeared on Obama's Muslim list.
ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood group that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial for aiding Hamas. And ISNA has had notorious Hamas sympathies.
When Hamas political leader Mousa Abu Marzook was arrested in 1995 by U.S. authorities pending an Israeli warrant, ISNA rushed to his defense. The November/December 1995 issue of the ISNA magazine Islamic Horizons, which went to press nearly a full year after Hamas had been officially designated by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization, featured an article lamenting that Marzook was being "held hostage in the U.S. at the whims of his Zionist accusers," even as it acknowledged that Marzook was "[a] member of the political wing of Hamas." In 1997 Marzook thanked ISNA for having "supported" and "consoled" him throughout his "ordeal."
When the U.S. government designated the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) as a terrorist organization in December 2001, ISNA, which had raised money for HLF and had allowed the Foundation to set up booths at ISNA conventions, complained that HLF was being unfairly "targeted" by "pro-Israel organizations and individuals." In an effort to have the "terrorist" designation removed
During the same general time period, ISNA also developed a working relationship with KindHearts, another (now-defunct) Hamas-affiliated entity described by a Treasury Department investigation as "the progeny of Holy Land Foundation and Global Relief Foundation."
A noteworthy speaker at ISNA's 2001 national convention was Sami Al-Arian, a University of South Florida computer-science professor who eventually would be found guilty of conspiring to fund the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Al-Arian spoke frequently at ISNA events, and ISNA board members attended conferences that Al-Arian organized for his Islamic Committee for Palestine.
Exhibits entered into evidence a few days ago at the HLF trial include an expense voucher from the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), an ISNA subsidiary, made out for $10,000 in the name of Musa Abu Marzook, as well as a check drawn on a NAIT account in the same amount made out to Marzook. Another check for $10,000 on the same account was made out to Marzook's wife, Nadia Elashi. Another check for $30,000 was made out to the Islamic University of Gaza (and has Shukri Abu Baker/OLF written on the memo line), a school long known to be controlled by HAMAS, and which counted such notables as former HAMAS leader Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantissi and current HAMAS leader Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahar as professors, and the recently deposed HAMAS Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh is a former dean of the University.
That is NAIT/ISNA money going to a top Hamas official, his wife, and a university controlled by Hamas
The Islamic Society of North America was named by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in funding Hamas. It was linked to two Hamas funding fronts, the Holy Land Foundation and KindHearts. ISNA's checks were made payable to the "Palestinian Mujahadeen" or "Holy Warriors" which was a name used by Hamas.
ISNA's co-founder Sami Al-Arian was the local head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Mousa Abu Marzook, a top Hamas official listed by the Treasury Department as a Specially Designated Terrorist, received tens of thousands of dollars from ISNA.
This should have come as no surprise as both ISNA and Hamas are arms of the Muslim Brotherhood.
But the American Jewish Committee has decided to team up with the financiers of the murder of Jews to oppose Trump. The left wing Jewish group and an Islamist organization that wrote out checks to Islamic terrorists enabling them to kill Jews have formed the "Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council".
Now the AJC is pushing a congressional letter demanding that an Islamic terror state be created inside Israel.
On Wednesday, the AJC sent a letter to members of the U.S. House of Representatives asking them to sign on and support the letter authored by Reps. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., and David Price, D-N.C., and other measures that preserve peacemaking options even though "current conditions do not provide grounds for optimism."
Connolly and Price have accumulated more than 175 signatures, mostly Democrats... At last count, there were just two Republicans signed on.
JTA very predictably misrepresents the contents of the letter. It vocally endorses a terror state inside Israel and contains a call to "oppose unilateral actions by either of the two parties that would push the prospects of peace further out of reach." The latter is a euphemism for an apartheid regime banning Jews from building homes in '67 Israel, including Jerusalem.
U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly, D- Va., defended U.S. funding of the Palestinian Authority, despite the fact that the authority includes members of Hamas, a group the U.S. says is a terror organization.
Connolly's remarks, at a Sept. 28 Arab American Candidates Night forum, emphasized his determination to fight House of Representatives colleagues who might block the funding.
"When there are voices calling for the defunding of the Palestinian Authority, I oppose them, publicly," Connolly said. "In fact I signed a letter signed by Congressman David Price of North Carolina, also signed by Jim (Moran D- Va.), that said we are not going to defund the Palestinian Authority. That would guarantee an explosion in an already volatile situation. When there was a motion to close the Palestinian Authority office here in Washington or let it just be in New York, I opposed it and said it would be a terrible blow to diplomacy and not in U.S. interest let alone Palestine's interest."
A Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated activist whose organization recently came under fire for holding an anti-Semitic rally in support of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi will head a fundraiser for Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly (Va.).
U.S.-based Muslim Brotherhood allies Akram Elzend and Sameh Elhennawy will co-host a fundraiser for Connolly later this month at the Fairfax residence of Mohamed Mohamed, according to a copy of the invitation obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
Attendees of the March 22 fundraiser are asked to donate between $150 and $400 in order to attend the event, where supporters will have a chance to "express appreciation and have direct conversation with" Connolly, according to the invitation.
A form attached to the invitation asks donors to include their personal information and contains a message that the materials were "paid for and authorized by Connolly for Congress."
The event has attracted the attention of some U.S.-based analysts who track the Muslim Brotherhood, particularly due to a pro-Morsi rally several weeks ago in New York City that featured anti-Semitic displays and was organized by a group Elzend cofounded.
Demonstrators at the rally were caught accusing the Saudis of trying to "sell Egypt to the Jews" and of being "dirtier than Jews," according to video of the event published by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT).
This is the sewer that the American Jewish Committee is now wallowing in its determination to make common cause with anti-Semites and terrorist supporters.