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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > NSA Reportedly Prevented Two Other Terror Attacks By Asylum Seekers In Germany

NSA Reportedly Prevented Two Other Terror Attacks By Asylum Seekers In Germany

November 7, 2016


It was in the night from 9 to 10 October 2016 that a Syrian asylum seeker was arrested in Leipzig. His name was Jaber Albakr (also spelled as Al-Bakr) and he was born in Saasaa on January 10, 1994. Saasaa is located southwest of Damascus near the Golan Heights. His family is rich, but Jaber clashed with Syria's brutal Assad regime when he was studying in Damascus. He decided to flee to Europe, not via Turkey but via Libya in November 2014. He arrived in southern Germany in February 2015 and showed his Syrian passport claiming to be a Syrian refugee. The Germans first sent him to the town of Chemnitz in Eastern Germany. On March 10, he moved to Eilenburg, near Leipzig. He became a recognized refugee in June 2015, But after that, strange things began to happen in his life.

Jaber Albakr was not a radical Muslim when he applied for asylum in Germany. But then he met a radical imam in Berlin and he watched horrorific videos showing Islamist propaganda on the war in Syria. He decided that he wanted to join the jihadists in Syria.

On October 12, 2016, the German news program MDR Exakt broadcast a live chat conversation with family members of Jaber Albakr. They are still living in Saasaa. They confirmed that Albakr traveled to Turkey twice. He also went to Idlib in Northeast Syria where both ISIS and Al-Qaeda jihadists were operating at that time.

MDR Exact also interviewed another asylum seeker in Eilenburg who previously lived in the same home as Albakr. This aslyum seeker said that Albakr once made a telephone call from Idlib.

MDR Exakt claims that AlBakr sympathized with ISIS. They quote from his Facebook page where the dangerous and anti-Semitic 21-year-old Muslim announced that he would fight in the jihad, and that he would "conquer the Jews and the Crusaders." "You will be surprised very soon." Albakr is on friendly terms with several other ISIS jihadists.

In its issue of October 15, 2016, the German weekly Der Spiegel carried an interview with Jaber's brother Alaa Albakr. He claims that Jaber had been brainwashed by a radical imam in Berlin. This imam told him: "Go to Syria and fight there." Alaa told Der Spiegel that Jaber traveled to Istanbul in September 2015 and subsequently to Raqqa in Syria – the so-called "capital" of ISIS. He informed his family members in Saasaa that he was now fighting in the ranks of ISIS. There is no doubt about it that he was trained by ISIS to make bombs and explosive belts.

He could very well have been in Syria twice. The second time when he returned to Germany was in August 2016. He found accommodation in the apartment of Khalil A., a Syrian friend in Chemnitz and also a recognized refugee. It was there that he made all the necessary preparations for a terrorist attack with a bomb. Khalil A. must have been aware of this.

The German newspaper Die Welt reported on October 16, 2016, that "an American intelligence service" got wind of Albakr's activities and links to ISIS. "The Americans tapped phone conversations. Someone in East Germany is communicating with IS (=ISIS, V.) in Syria." On Friday October 7, the German Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, the Domestic Security Service, received "an urgent warning from America," Die Welt reported. "In a tapped phone conversation Albakr was apparently communicating with a "contact man" in Syria. "Two kilos are ready," Albakr said. "And a big airport in Berlin is better than trains." This referred to the preferred target of the attack – an airport!

The following day police failed to arrest Albakr in Chemnitz, but they did find several hundred grams of very unstable and highly dangerous "TATP" explosives. Albakr took the train to Leipzig. Claiming he had just arrived in Germany, he ingratiated himself with other Syrian asylum seekers who took him in. Later they discovered that he was a dangerous terrorist and informed the police. Certainly not all Syrian asylum seekers are terrorists.

A few days after he had been arrested, Jaber Albakr committed suicide in his prison cell. He apparently did not want to be interrogated anymore. His case was not unique. Three members of the extremely dangerous Baader-Meinhof group also committed suicide in their prison cells back in October 1977.

The NSA and the case of the ‘Syrian' asylum seeker Ashraf Al-T.

It was on November 2, 2016, that the German police arrested a 27-year old man in the Berlin neighborhood of Schöneberg. When Ashraf Al-T. arrived in Germany one year earlier, on October 27, 2015, that is, he pretended to be a Syrian asylum seeker. But he was anything but Syrian, he was a Tunisian. He used a forged Syrian passport that identified him as "Hassan Abdul Karim" – also a false name. He used eight different identities and whether "Ashraf Al-T." is his real name, we just don't know. He traveled via the so-called Balkan route, very popular with 1.2 million other asylum seekers, economic migrants and, last but not least, more than one hundred ISIS-operatives. Their final destination was Germany, Holland, France or Sweden.

After his arrival in Germany Ashraf went to the large emergency refugee center of Berlin's former airport Tempelhof. The German newspaper Bild Online reported on November 4, 2016 that Ashraf Al-T. had a reputation of very violent behavior when he was there. He was then forced to leave the center. Later he was accomodated by Arne S., a German Sports Teacher and an aid volunteer who worked with refugees and lived in Berlin-Schöneberg.

Arne S. has a habit of providing accomodation to asylum seekers. But in the case of Ashraf S. he made a fatal mistake, Bild reported on November 4, 2016.

The German magazine Focus reported on November 3, 2016, that Ashraf Al-T. planned knife atracks on Monday, November 7. The Munich based Süddeutsche Zeitung claimed on November 3, 2016, that there were different options: using a knife or copycatting the previous terror attacks in Nizza, France, and drive a car into a crowd. And according to Focus, this same man was described by security sources as "highly dangerous" and "another Jaber Albakr."

When the police seached the home in Berlin-Schöneberg, they did not find any guns or explosives. But they did find a piece of paper with just two telling words written on it, namely "IS Syria", which refers directly to "Islamic State, Syria".

German Interior Minister Lothar de Mazière was relieved when the police arrested Ashraf Al-T. He praised the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, the Domestic Security Service. "This is an important case," he said. "The authorities did everything to prevent another terrorist attack." "This man has been under observation for some time," he added.

The German newspaper Die Welt wrote on November 4, 2016, that "a friendly foreign intelligence service" had provided information on Ashraf Al-T. to the German Security Service in mid-October (2016). "The Americans, and possibly the controversial data spies of the National Security Agency (NSA) had intercepted a conversation between the suspect and his IS-commander. In that telephone conversation Ashraf requested to to receive permission to strike at last. He did not want to wait any longer. His contact person in Syria subsequently gave him permission to go ahead."

Die Welt's reference to "controversial data spies of the NSA" reminds me of Edward Snowden, that traitor who now lives in Moscow under the protection of Vladimir Putin. Putin is a war criminal who sides with the despicable Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad and his equally despicable Iranian allies. It is thanks to the alertness of the NSA and the CIA that a lot of terror attacks have been thwarted in Europe, in Germany at least three.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, another leading newspaper in Germany, quoted Jan-Marco Luczak, a Christian Democratic parliamentarian and a lawyer from Berlin, who warned against "a continuous suspicious attitude vis-à-vis the intelligence services" fashionable among leftist politicians.

Germany's chief federal prosecutor issued an arrest warrant against Ashraf Al-T. on November 3, 2016. Partially basing himself on information from the Federal Domestic Security Service, the prosecutor claims that "the accused" is suspected of being a member of the terrorist organization "Islamic State." "According to findings so far the accused was in contact with a member of IS who lives in Syria and is responsible for foreign operations of that organization. From there he possibly received permission to carry out an attack on people shortly.

Federal judges turned down the request to have Ashraf T. arrested because of his suspected links to a terrorist organization. These judges were apparently weary to accept information provided by security and intelligence agencies. Yet, this kind of information proved to be correct in many other cases. The district court of Kalsruhe, however, allowed Ashraf T. to be arrested because of identity fraud – he was in possession of a forged Syrian passport. Consequently, he remains in custody.

Christian and Yezidi asylum seekers intimidated by Muslim asylum seekers

In its most recent newsletter the Frankfurt-based International Society for Human Rights (IGFM) raises the alarm about the attitude of quite a lot of asylum seekers with a Muslim background. This respectable human rights organization monitored many cases of Muslims harassing Christians or Yezidis who happen to live in the same asylum seekers centers. Thus, we in Europe are importing the conflicts from the Middle East.

Marwa Bahima is a Christian woman from Mosul in Irak. She applied for asylum in Germany and lives in Duisburg now. She noticed that fellow asylum seekers who were Muslims lashed out against her and her children. An"overseer" in the asylum seekers center who is Muslim even did a throat cut gesture on her – apparently wishing her dead. It happened on July 6, 2016, Marwa told IGFM-investigators. "It was as if he wanted to slaughter us, because we as Christians are not really human beings." Another example is Rojeh Alhabib, a Christian refugee from Homs, Syria. He complains that fellow asylum seekers who are Muslims intimidated and threatened him. He is afraid to visibly wear a Christian cross. He is terrified and doesn't want to report these crimes to the police, because "there are so Muslims in these asylum seekerscenters."

Grigor Gorjian, a Christian refugee from Aleppo who is now living in an asylum seekers center in Frankfurt, says that there only two Christians in that center. "And the Muslims do not leave us alone. They want us to convert to Islam."

There are also serious and frequent tensions between Yezidi women and staffmembers or interpreters in asylum seekers centers who are Muslims. These Muslims behave as if they are far superior to the Yezidis. They see them as "Kuffar" or "infidels." Mind you, many of the Yezidi women were in ISIS prisons and were forced to witness how their own husbands and other family members were brutally murdered right in front of them. One of those women is 21-year-old Shaha who is now in an asylum seekers center in Northern Germany.

Migrant trafficking is a very serious threat to Western security and the cultural identity of Europe and North America. We in the West are also importing too much terrorism and machismo from Latin America, the Middle East, Iran,Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Our welfare states are bound to collapse under the pressure of an ever growing number of economic and other refugees from countries with an uncontrollable population growth, where crime, corruption and the oppression of women are rampant.

Emerson Vermaat is an investigative journalist in the Netherlands specialized in crime and terrorism.

Website: www.emersonvermaat.com


MDR Aktuell/MDR Exakt (Germany), October 12, 2016, Terrorverdächtiger Syrer sympathisierte mit IS,


"Facebook Profil; Live Chat mit MDR Exakt; zwei ehemalige Mitbewoner aus Eilenburg. MDR means "Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk."

Der Spiegel (Germany), October 15, 2016, Der Schattenkampf, p. 16 (interview with Alaa Albakr).

MDR, Der Fall Dschaber al-Bakr – eine Chronologie,


"Al-Bakr soll Ende August (2016) wieder nach Deutschland zurückgekehrt sein."

Bild (Germany), October 11, 2016, p. 3, Spur führt auch nach NRW (on Khalil A.).

Die Welt (Germany), October 17, 2016, Das war knapp. Wie Deutschland der Katastrofe entkam,


"Es ist ein US Geheimdienst, der die Hinweise liefert. Die Amerikaner haben Telefonate belauscht. Irgendwer in Ostdeutschland kommunizierte mit dem IS in Syrien."

Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany), October 10, 2016, p. 5, Auf der Spur des Bombenbauers. "Er soll über Internet mit IS-Kreisen in Verbinding gestanden haben."

Bild, October 11, 2016, p. 3, Helden-Flüchtlinge fesselten Terrorist. "Wir konnten nicht zulassen, dass er Deutschen etwas antut." Syrian asylum seekers in Leizig inform the police about Jaber Albakr.

Süddeutsche Zeitung, November 3, 2016, Hatte der IS Berlin im Visier?,


‘"…aber ein Zettel mit der Aufschrift "IS Syria".' "…und hatte zunächst einen gefälschten Reisepass auf den Namen Hassan Abdul Karim vorgelegt." "Mal sei es um den Einsatz eines Messers gegangen, dann sei von einer Auto die Rede gewesen."

Bild-Online, November 4, 2016, Plante der Syrier einen Messer-Angriff in Berlin?,


"Dort soll Ashraf Al-T. in Gewalttätigkeiten verwickelt gewesen sein. Wegen seines agressieven Verhaltens sei er aus der Einrichting verwiesen worden."

Focus-Online, November 3, 2016, Festnahme in Berlin "Plötzlich war überall Polizei": Hier lebte der Berliner Terrorverdächtige,


"Der Verdächtigte lebte dort offenbar in der Wohnung eines ehrenamtlichen Berliner Flüchlingshelfers." "Nach informationen von FOCUS Online gilt derFestgenommene als hochgefährlich." "…von einem zweiten ‘Jaber Albakr' gesprochen."

Bild-Online, November 4, 2016, BGH verweigert Haftbefehl gegen Terrorverdächtigen,


"Dort war er immer bei Flüchtlingshelfer Arne S. zu Besuch." "Der diplomierte Sportlehrer setzt sich im Kiez und stadtweit für Geflüchtete ein. Immer wieder liess er auch kurzzeitig Menschen bei sich wohnen."

Focus-Online, November 3, 2016, In Berlin festgenommener mutmasslicher Islamist plante Messer-Attentat,


Heute Journal (German TV, ZDF), November 3, 2016, 19:00 uur. De Mazière: "Das war ein wichtiger Fall." Also: "Acht verschiedene Identitäten."

Die Welt (Germany), November 4, 2016, Terrorverdächtiger mit IS-Erlaubnis für Anschlag,


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany), November 4, 2016, p. 1, Terrorverdächtiger in Berlin festgenommen. "Die Geheimdienste dürfen nicht ständig unter einen misstrauischen Generalverdacht gestellt werden."

Der Generalbundesanwalt, Aktuelles, November 3, 2016 – 54/2016, Haftbefehl gegen ein mutmassliches Mitglied der ausländischen terroristischen Vereinigung "Islamischer Staat" beantragt,


N-tv, November 4, 2016, BGH lehnt Haftbefehl gegen Ashraf T. ab,


Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM, Frankfurt), Mitteilungen (Newsletter), Kaffur – Ungläubiger – oft zu hören in deutschen Flüchtlingsheimen. Wir geben den Opfern unsere Stimme, November 2016, pp. 2, 3.

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