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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Asylum Seekers From Islamic Countries Sexually Harassed Women In Germany, Finland And Sweden - Copycat Behavior On New Year's Eve

Asylum Seekers From Islamic Countries Sexually Harassed Women In Germany, Finland And Sweden - Copycat Behavior On New Year's Eve

January 11, 2016


On New Year's Eve, angry and aggressive Muslim males assaulted young women in at least three German cities, in the Finnish capital of Helsinki and in Sweden. A number of women were raped, most other women were subjected to frightening sexual assaults, rape or thefts. In the German city of Cologne, 516 women reported these crimes to the police, a staggering number. Some 40 percent of the crimes were linked to sexual harassment or rape. These mass assaults on women occurred just in front of the city's central railway station and the huge cathedral nearby.

The Wall Street Journal reported on January 8, 2016, that a spokesman for the German Interior Minister detailed the origin of the suspects from that night sought by the federal police. "Among 32 suspects identified as of Friday night, he said, were 22 people registered as asylum seekers. The identified suspects included 17 people from Algeria and Morocco, as well as three Germans and one U.S. citizen." Among the suspects were also asylum seekers from Syria and Iran. "Police say the wave of attacks were perpetrated by groups of ‘Arab or North African' men in the city center, in what they described as ‘a new dimension in crime,'" the British Daily Mail reported on January 6.

There are strong indications that the perpetrators planned, coordinated and organized their assaults on women quite well. This is what German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said in an interview on Sunday, January 10, 2016. Similar mass assaults on women occurred in the German cities of Hamburg, Stuttgart, in the Finnish capital of Helsinki and in the Swedish city of Kalmar – copycat behavior on New Year's Eve (via social media). In Hamburg, groups of five to fifteen Muslim men surrounded young German women and tried to rape them. These extremely aggressive mobs stole lots of cell phones and purses from their defenseless victims. And in Stuttgart 15 young Arabic looking males surrounded two 18-year girls and assaulted them. Both teenagers later discovered that their cell phones had also been stolen.

In Helsinki, groups of Arab looking men also attacked women on New Year's Eve. RT, a Russian news outlet partially quoting the French news agency AFP,reported on January 8: "Women in the Finnish capital of Helsinki have become the latest victims of sexual harassment by the migrant community. Police have received a number of attacks that took place over the New Year period. ‘Police have received information about three cases of sexual assault, of which two have been filed as complaints,' Helsinki police said of the attacks which occurred at the city's main train station on New Year's Eve. Women were targeted in an area where around 1,000 mainly Iraqi asylum seekers were celebrating the coming of 2016. ‘The suspects were asylum seekers. The three were caught and taken into custody on the spot,' Helsinki Deputy Polce Chief Ilkka Koskimaki told AFP. For the relatively quiet city of Helsinki, three cases of sexual violence against women on the night in question seem to have set a record. ‘There hasn't been this kind of harassment on previous New Year's Eves or other occasions for that matter. This is a completely new phenomenon in Helsinki,' Koskimaki said."

Equally, the British Daily Telegraph wrote on January 8: "Asylum seekers who met in central Helsinki to celebrate New Year's Eve ‘had similar plans' to commit sexual assault and other crimes as those who targeted women in the German city of Cologne, the Finnish Police have reported. Three Iraqi asylum seekers have been arrested for committing sexual assault during the celebrations in the city's Senate Square, where some 20,000 had gathered. Security personnel reported ‘widepread sexual harassment' during the celebrations, police added, with women complaining that asylum seekers had groped their breasts and kissed them without permission. This phenomenon is new in the Finnish sexual crime history, Ilka Koskimaki, the deputy chief of police, told the Telegraph."

Large-scale sexual harassment of women by extremely aggressive, violent and arrogant Muslim males in a huge public square in Cologne on New Year's Eve is also unprecented. The police were simply overwhelmed and not able to deal with it.

The Wall Street Journal reported on January 8, 2016 that Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers was forced to resign, "amid widepread criticism of how his force handled the incident". Cologne mayor Henriette Reker said the police leadership apparently tried to obfuscate what happened that night, leaving her trust in the city's top police officials ‘significantly shaken.'" The police chief told her that there were no asylum seekers among the assailants and this is what she claimed at a press conference on Tuesday January 5, 2016. Angry police officers began to leak information from confidential police reports claiming that a number of assailants had indeed recently applied for asylum in Germany. It was just one or two days ealier that "political correctness" demanded that the word "refugee" be deleted from an internal police report.

German and Dutch media – Der Spiegel, Bild, Die Welt, Tagesschau/Tagesthemen/Brennpunkt, Heute (Germany), NOS Journaal, RTL Nieuws (two Dutch TV daily news programs) and the Amsterdam based newspaper Trouw – quoted a confidential police report which was leaked to the press. Many asssailants in Cologne were Syrian refugees, others had an Iranian or North African background – usually from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia or Libya. They operated in groups and surrounded the women they wanted to rape or assault – they targeted hundreds of women groping their breasts or touching their genitals, or both. Syrian asylum seekers intimidated women and the police. Migrant traffickers and migration lawyers told them that they cannot be expelled – whatever virtually powerless authorities say. So these arrogant bastards are not afraid at all when they are confronted by the police and when women try to defend themselves or cry for help. (This also happens quite frequently in the multicultural neighborhoods of the Parisian banlieus.) The term "bastards" was also used by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte at his weekly press conference on Friday January 8, 2016. The Dutch term for "bastards" is "schoften," but Rutte and his government cannot cope with the current migration crisis either. They are not willing to throw Greece out of the Schengenzone.

"Mrs. Merkel has invited me!"

And in Cologne the understaffed police reported: "Grinning and right in front of police officers they (the asylum seekers) tore their asylum seekers' registrationpapers (Aufenthaltstitel) to pieces, and said: ‘You cannot harm me, I'll get another document tomorrow.'" "I'm Syrian, you must approach me in a friendly manner. Mrs. Merkel (German chancellor) invited me." Witnesses who wanted to help assaulted women were threatened by the assailants.

"Five men surrounded two young women and subsequently assaulted them sexually," the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, a leading local newspaper, reported on January 1, 2016. One of the women was just 22 years old. She told the newspaper reporter: "They laughed at us when we cried for help." "Then they tried to steal my cell phone." The police reacted by playing the criminal offense down, saying they couldn't do anything about it. This was the first newspaper report on the assaults in Cologne and in that early stage the police simply denied that the assailants were asylum seekers.

The Federal government and regional and city authorities in Germany are not in control of the migrant crisis at all – regardless of what they promise to soothe the tensions of millions of domestic voters who observe these developments with anxiety. German and European politicians should have learned lessons from the past, though. Crime is very high among immigrants from the Middle East, Turkey, Iran, North Africa, and Afghanistan. According to police statistics from the Federal Crime Agency (BKA) 83,472 Turks, 29,501 Syrians, 17,608 Eritreans, 13,385 Afghans, 9,895, Iraqis, 7,540 Algerians and 7,465 Iranians were suspected of having been involved in a crime in Germany in 2014. More than 83,000 Turks, nearly 30,000 Syrians and nearly 13,400 Afghans were crime suspects in 2014! The crime statistics over 2015 are not yet availalbe but they are likely to be higher. And it is not very different in Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, and the Scandinavian countries.

Tania Kambouri, a well informed German police chief, published an alarming book on crime among non-Western migrants in Germany. She describes how the police are losing the battle against ruthless and well armed criminals and violent youngsters with a migration background. She claims that anarchy prevails in a number of neighborhoods. An increasing number of migrants have not learned to have respect for women, the state and the police, she warns. There are "parallel societies" in many of Germany's big cities. She remembers how an aggressive Turkish man carried a machete and threatened to kill others in his neighborhood. "When we stopped him be began to lash out against us. He had to be stopped by using force. And this is by no means exceptional."

There are Kurdish and Lebanese gangsters in Berlin, Bremen, Essen and Gelsenkirchen. Last October, the German weekly Focus published a photo showing how the thumbs of a woman were chopped off by members of a notorious and dangerous criminal Arab clan in Berlin. They, too, used a machete and this horrendous act served as a warning to rival criminal gangs.

Criminal gangs with a migration background are also very active in North Rhine-Westphalia (notably in Cologne, Duisburg and Düsseldorf), Bavaria, the city of Frankfurt and the northern cities of Bremen and Hamburg.

About 1,1 million people applied for asylum in Germany last year. In December 2015 and January 2016, there were 3,000 asylum seekers arriving in Germany every day – nearly 200,000 asylum seekers entering Germany in just two months! Winter conditions do no deter the powerful and rich migrant trafficking mafias in Turkey and North Africa to smuggle ever greater numbers of asylum seekers into Europe – and most of them travel to Germany, Holland, Denmark and Sweden.

A small country such as Slovakia now refuses to accept more Muslim migrants as they are regarded by the Slovak authorities as a serious threat to the country's internal security and stability, its cultural and religious identity as well its demographic balance. Asylum seekers from the Muslim world often have very large families and are entitled to family reunification once their applications have been accepted. Only 5.5 million people are living in Slovakia right now and 63 percent of the population is Roman Catholic.

I still remember my visit to Algeria in 1998. At that time thousands of Algerian women were raped and killed by Muslim radicals. Egyptian and Western women were also gang raped in Egypt during the so-called Arab Spring in 2011.Groups of aggressive young Muslim men surrounded those women and raped them in Cairo's famous Tahrir Square where mass demonstrations were taking place at the time. This also happened in Cologne on New Year's Eve. Australian girls in Sydney were gang raped by Lebanese migrants back in 2000 – the so-called "Sydney gang rapes." And in England there were Pakistani, Iraqi and Somali criminals who raped a huge number of British teenage girls. One Pakistani gang raped or abused at least 1,400 British girls in Rotherham. It took years before the police arrested the gang members. Just like in Cologne, the British police did not want to be accused of "racism" by politically correct idiots who prefer to condone crime, whatever the consequences for thousands of defenseless victims.

Quite recently German media reported that an asylum seeker from Germany attacked two policemen in Paris – exactly one year after the terrorist attacks on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. This man used multiple identities and was a follower of ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

Emerson Vermaat is an investigative reporter in the Netherlands specialized in crime, terrorism and anti-Semitism. Website: www.emersonvermaat.com.


Nieuwsuur (Dutch TV), January 10, 2016 (516 women in Cologne reported the New Year's Eve crimes to the police).

The Wall Street Journal, January 8, 2015, Germany Says 22 Asylum Seekers Are among Those Sought for New Year's Eve Assaults,


Donaukurier (Germany), January, 10, 2016, Maas vermuted organisiertes Vorgehen hinter Silvester-Attacken,


"Wenn sich eine solche Horde trifft, um Straftaten zu begehen, scheint das in irgendeiner Form geplant worden zu sein." See also Heute (German TV), January 10, 2016, Heiko Maas: "…organisierte Absprache der Täter.'

Daily Mail/Mailonline (London), January 6, 2016, Groped between the legs and a firework thrown into a hoodie: Brave female victims reveal the horrifying details after attacks by sex mobs of 2,000 "North African and Arab" men in Cologne,


Bild (Germany), January 1, 2016, Sex-Meute auf Frauen-Jagd in Hamburg,


Stuttgarter Nachrichten (Stuttgart), January 3, 2016, 15 Männer rauben zwei Frauen aus,


"Sie umringten die Opfer an Silvester gegen 23.30 Uhr, beim Königsbau, hinderten sie am weitergehen und berührten sie unsittlich." "Danach bemerkten die 18-Järigen, dass ihnen die Handys gestohlen wurden."

RT News (Russia Today, TV network in Moscow), January 8, 2016, Helsinki police: Asylum seekers harassed women of NYE, mass assault possibly planned,


Daily Telegraph, January 8, 2016, Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report,


NOS Journaal and RTL4 Nieuws (the Netherlands), Tageschau/Tagesthemen, and Heute (German TV), January 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, 2016; Trouw (Amsterdam), January 8, 2016, p. 6, Chaotische en beschamende situatie. (An excellent summary of alarming police reports.)

Das Erste/Brennpunkt (German TV Channel One), Video: Köln: Das Protokoll der überforderung, January 7, 2016 (confidential police report leaked to the press),


Syrian aslyum seekers in Cologne: "Fuck the police!" "Ihr könnt mir nichts machen. Ich bin Syrier, ihr müsst mir freundlich behandeln. Frau Merkel hat mir eingeladen."

Der Spiegel (Germany), January 7, 2016, Intern Polizeibericht zu Kölner Silvesternacht: "Es waren einfach zu viele zur gleichen Zeit" (internal police report).


"Als Täter wurden immer wieder männliche Migrantengruppen genannt." "Zeugen wurden bedroht, wenn sie Täter benannten." "Menschen zerrisen dem Bericht zufolge vor den Augen der Polizisten Aufenthaltstitel, grinsten und sagten: ‘Ihr könmt mir nix, hole mir morgen einen neuen."

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Cologne), January 1, 2016, Frauen im Kölner Hauptbahnhof massiv bedrängt,


"Als wir um Hilfe gerufen haben, haben sie gelacht."

De Volkskrant (Amsterdam), January 9, 2016, p. 2, Rutte: "Schoften zoals die in Keulen zijn hier niet welkom."

Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2014, Nichtdeutsche Tatverdächtige nach Staatsangehörigkeit.

Tania Kambouri, Deutschland in Blaulicht. Notruf einer Polizistin (Frankfurt: Piper publishers 2015). A bestseller.

Focus (Germany), October 10, 2016, pp. 32-36, Anarchie auf den Strassen (Tania Kambouri).

Welt am Sonntag, January 10, 2016, Täter von Paris war Asylbewerber in Deutschland,


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