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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Dutch Airforce Sergeant May Have Joined ISIS In Syria

Dutch Airforce Sergeant May Have Joined ISIS In Syria

September 6, 2015


A 26-year-old Dutch Airforce sergeant may have joined the jihadists from the so-called "Islamic State in Syria and Irak" (ISIS, ISIL or IS), the most ruthless and diabolical terror group in Syria/Iraq. His name has not been revealed so far, but he is probably a Dutch-Moroccan whose parents are living in Amsterdam.This airforce officer was stationed at the Dutch airbase of Gilze-Rijen in the southern part of the country. Dutch F-16 fighter jets are currently bombing ISIS targets in Iraq, but Gilze-Rijen is primarily a helicopter base. A leading Dutch newspaper, De Telegraaf, recentely reported that the airforce sergeant had access to secret information. He could betray the highly secret rules of engagement of the Dutch military mission in Mali. Four Dutch Apache and three Chinook helicopters are operating in Mali as well.

A number of terrorists and jihadists in Mali joined ISIS. According to De Telegraaf it is also possible that the former airforce sergeant will betray the names and addresses of his former colleages to ISIS. His access to secret information has recently been blocked and his bank account has been frozen.Dutch military intelligence (MIVD) and other air force personnel failed to act in time. "Nobody noticed that this sergeant was radicalizing," De Telegraaf reported.

This was the first time that an active duty officer in the Netherlands deserted to a terror group in Syria. Two years ago Salih Yahya Galazi Yilmaz, a Dutch-Turkish ex-soldier, traveled to Syria to give military training to jihadists. He is now with ISIS. He was belatedly put on the terrorism watchlist – at the end of August 2015, that is.

Dutch journalist Harald Doornbos discovered on August 31, 2015, that Yilmaz admitted on twitter that ISIS was using chemical weapons: "Where do you think IS got their chemical weapons from? From our enemies – and thus we use their own weapons against them." It was last May that I warned in my Dutch book on ISIS that these fanatic worshippers of death and destruction would use chemical weapons and would also seek to make a dirty bomb. I quoted Erich Fromm's book "The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness." Back in 1973, Fromm wrote: "They want to destroy everything and everybody, often even themselves; their enemy is life itself."

About 210 radicalized Dutch Muslims traveled to Syria or Iraq to join ISIS or the Al-Nusra Front (ANF), the Al-Qaeda branch in Syria. Some of them committed suicide attacks. One of these suicide bombers was Sultan Berzel, a Dutch-Turkish teenager from the southern city of Maastricht – a hotbed of drug-related crime and jihadism. Berzel or "Abu Abdullah Al-Hollandi," blew himself up outside a police station in Baghdad in November 2014. He killed eleven people. Suicide bombers don't go to paradise, but they go straight to hell instead. All of them.

In France, about ten ex-soldiers, including former paratroopers and French foreign legionnaires, are believed to have joined ISIS. One of them reportedly is "an ex-member of France's elite First Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment, considered one of Europe's most experienced special forces units" – an individual of North African origin, by the way.

In Belgium there were two ex-soldiers who joined terror groups in Syria.

Belgian mayors now fear that there will be violent clashes between young radicalized Muslims in Belgium and asylum seekers from Syria who escaped from the hell under the ISIS terror regime. These asylum seekers are seen "traitors" by ISIS followers in Belgium. Thus, we in Europe are now importing the violent conflicts from the Middle East. Quite a lot of terror attacks by Muslim radicals have been thwarted so far.

Thirty arrests were made in the United States. Among those who were arrested were also persons with a military background. All of them wanted to join ISIS.

German intelligence services deeply alarmed about 800,000 Muslim immigrants who are expected to apply for asylum in 2015

On March 8, 2015, Christoph Gramm, the head of the German military intelligence service or "Militärischer Abschirmdienst," warned that Muslim radicals planned to join the German army with a view to receiving basic and advance combat training. About twenty ex-soldiers from Germany already joined ISIS, he warned. He said that the Charlie Hebdo attackers had been very well trained – "in a military way," that is.

The domestic Security Service or "Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz" (BfV) recently reported that there are nearly 45,000 extremist Muslims in Germany alone. Their number is growing fast and it is impossible to monitor all of them.By mid-January 2015, at least nine German jihadists committed suicide attacks in Syria or Iraq. At least two of them were German converts to Islam.

The German security and intelligence services and the Federal Crime Office or "Bundeskriminalamt" (BKA) are deeply alarmed about the 800,000 Muslims who are expected to apply for asylum in Germany this very year. The BKA reports annually about crime in Germany. According to the BKA's most recent annual police crime statistics Turks, Rumanians, Bulgarians, Kosovo Albanians,Syrians, Eritreans, Afghans, Moroccans, Iraqis, Algerians and Somalis are overrepresented in crime statistics. In 2014, for example, 83,472 Turkish immigrants, 29,501 Syrians and 14,650 Kosovo Albanians or Kosovars were suspected of having been involved in crimes – staggering figures indeed.

I know that in a number of German cities Muslim gangs are much better trained and armed than the local police and that quite a lot of native German citizens are too terrified to report these crimes to the police. Even local liberal politicians do not dare to take decisive steps against organized crime, or the "multicultural underworld" as Dutch criminologist Frank Bovenkerk once described similar gangs in the Netherlands. These criminal gangs are involved in extortion, migrant and human trafficking, prostitution, drugs and brutal killings. Some successful German public prosecutors, Egbert Bülles, for example, even received death threats from these very dangerous gangsters.

Germany's "foreign-born population is the largest in Europe," Tamar Jacoby writes in the March/April 2011 issue of Foreign Affairs – in an interestingreview of Thilo Sarrazin's alarming book "Deutschland schafft sich ab – Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen" ("Germany Does Away with Itself – How We Are Gambling Away Our Country"). Dr. Sarrazin is not a neo-Nazi, but arespected Social-Democrat who was on the executive board of the German Federal Bank. "Twenty percent of residents were either born abroad or have what the Germans call a ‘migration background,' meaning that they are the children of immigrants," Tamar Jacoby writes in her review. Too many first and second generation Muslim immigrants in Germany failed to integrate successfully. "In 2009, just nine percent of young people with Turkishbackgrounds passed the high school exit test required to attend university', compared to 19 percent of Germans," Tamar Jacoby writes.

In a later book, "Der neue Tugendterror" (a well documented critique of political correctness and multiculturalism), Thilo Sarrazin writes that Islamic culture does not contribute to the enrichment of Germany and Europe. Islamic inspired anti-Semitism and honor crimes, for example, are causing very serious problems in Germany, Sweden (Malmö!) and other European countries.

Things are going to get much worse when 800,000 additional immigrants from Africa and the Islamic world will have applied for asylum by the end of this year. German society simply cannot cope with such a huge influx. Among those who apply for asylum are not so few radical Muslims, war criminals and anti-Semites, as well as many Egyptians, Iraqis and Lebanese who falsely claim to be Syrians.

Attacks by neo-Nazis on asylum centers and asylum seekers must be strongly condemned, of course (I am personally in favor of banning the NPD, the most important neo-Nazi party in Germany), but the German Security Service also reported that neo-Nazis participated in anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian demonstrations – in Dortmund in the summer of 2014, for example. (In the same city police cannot cope with crime any longer.) And in Spain a Salafist terror cell was planning terror attacks in cooperation with a Spanish neo-Nazi. This terror cell, which also planned to attack Jewish targets, was dismantled in April 2015.They also wanted to recruit jihadists for ISIS.

Nausicaa Marbe, a well informed columnist for the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, warned on September 4, 2015, that Germany's policy of"Willkommen" (or its policy welcoming too many refugees from non-Western countries) is "riskante barmhartigheid" or "risky charitableness." "The flawless integration of one million new Muslims in Germany, where experts and school teachers are raising the alarm about the existence of a parallel society and a parallel justice system, both based on the Koran, is not self-evident."

When Chancellor Angela Merkel and other German politicians are publicly saying that Germany is "an immigration country" and that as a strong country itis able to cope with the currrent migration crisis, they are in fact sending invitations to millions of Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians, Libyians, Eritreans, Somalis, Nigerians, Afghans and Bangladeshis to select Germany as their final destination. Well intended but silly remarks such as these constitute a pull factor, inciting unprecedented masses of people to move to Germany, Sweden, Holland or Belgium. Criminal migrant traffickers in the Middle East, Africa and Asia are apt to point out to their many victims that life in Germany is "a realparadise" and that German politicians and society are welcoming them. These criminals earn millions of dollars each day. They say: "Don't be silly to apply for asylum in Hungary or Poland." All this is a direct violation of the Dublin regulations, of course. The Germans even lamely announed that these regulations do not apply any longer. ("Dublin" means that asylum seekers have to apply for asylum in the country of first arrival.) Poland, Hungary and even Turkey are safe countries.

Peter Tettero is an experienced journalist who covered many wars for Dutch TV. I also met him on several occasions in former Yugoslavia when I was covering the Balkan wars for another TV station. Tettero rightly points out that kids are drowning at sea because European leaders invite their parents to take all these these risks and cross the sea. "The emotions are no doubt sincere, but the reactions are irresponsible."

I am not at all a friend of Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban, but his decision to build a fence with a view to protecting his small country against the massive influx of migrants from the Balkan countries, the Middle East, Iran and Afghanistan/Pakistan is right. In doing so, Orban is giving a long overdue signal to the powerful criminal migrant trafficking mafias. This, in his view, is a matter of national security. Such fences or walls are not against international law. In his study "The Refugee in International Law" Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, formerly Professor of Asylum Law at the University of Amsterdam, points out: "Nevertheless, it must be admitted that the prospect of a massive influx of refugees and asylum seekers exposes the limits of the State's obligation otherwise not to return or refuse admission to refugees."

The Qatar based television network Al-Jazeera is often quick to criticize Australia's, Israel's and Europe's asylum policies. But you don't hear the Al- Jazeera hypocrites protesting against Qatar and the Gulf States because of the fact that these extremely rich Arab states simply refuse to allow any refugees from Syria and Iraq, fellow Arabs in the region, mind you.

Emerson Vermaat, M.A. (international law), is an investigative reporter in the Netherlands specialized in crime, anti-Semitism and terrorism. His latest book is a 272-page study ISIS. Website: www.emersonvermaat.com.


NOS Journaal, NPO 1 (Dutch TV daily news), September 3, 2015, 6:00 pm;Dutch News, September 3, 2015, Dutch airforce sergeant may have gone to Syria to join IS, http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2015/09/dutch-air-force-sergeant-may-have-gone-to-syria-to-join-is/.

De Telegraaf (Amsterdam), September 4, 2015, p. 1, 2, Sergeant kent geheime informatie. Verraad gevaar voor missies.

Harald Doornbos, Bekende NLse jihadist Yilmaz, die nu zit bij #IS in Syrië, zegt op z'n blog dat #IS chemische wapens gebruikt, August 31, 2015,https://twitter.com/HaraldDoornbos/status/638254217355001856.

CarelBrendel.nl, August 31, 2015, Na 21 maanden staat ex-soldaat Salih Yilmazeindelijk op de terroristenlijst, http://www.carelbrendel.nl/2015/08/31/na-21-maanden-staat-ex-soldaat-salih-yilmaz-eindelijk-op-de-terroristenlijst/; Emerson Vermaat, "De Haat Mag Niet Overslaan Naar Onze Straten – De Terreurdreiging door Islamitische Staat (Soesterberg, the Netherlands: Aspekt Publishers, 2015, p. 131, 132 (Salih Ylimaz), p. 137, 138 (Dutch suicide bomber Sultan Berzel, still a teenager).

National Post (Canada), January 22, 2015, France admits soldiers have deserted to ISIS, including ex-elite special forces and French foreign legionnaires,http://news.nationalpost.com/news/france-admits-soldiers-have-deserted-to-isis-including-ex-elite-special-forces-and-french-foreign-legionnaires.

De Volkskrant (Amsterdam), September 4, 2015, p. 6, Overlopers uit het leger, het was te verwachten. "In de VS zijn al dertig personen gearresteerd, onder wie militairen, die zich wilden aansluiten bij de terreurbeweging."

Die Welt (Germany), March 8, 2015, Abschirmdienst warnt vor Islamisten in der Bundeswehr,http://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article138183348/Abschirmdienst-warnt-vor-Islamisten-in-Bundeswehr.html.

Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), Verfassungschutzbericht 2014 (Cologne: BfV, 2015), p. 92 (43,890 radical Muslims in Germany in 2014), p. 57-59 (neo-Nazis participated in anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Germany), p. 98 (By January 15, 2015, 600 German jihadists had traveled to Syria or Iraq; at least nine of them committed suicide attacks.)

Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik (PKS) 2014 (Police Crime Statistics), p. 51,http://www.bka.de/DE/Publikationen/PolizeilicheKriminalstatistik/pks__node.html?__nnn=true.

Egbert Bülles, Deutschland Verbrecherland. Mein Einsatz gegen die organisierte Kriminalität (Berlin: Econ/Ullstein Buchverlage, 2013), p. 257, 258. Turkish mafia boss in the German city of Cologne planned to kill the prosecutor whosent him to jail. Dr. Egbert Bülles is a retired German public prosecutor from Cologne who knows a lot about Arab and Turkish crime networks in Germany. His book is really shocking, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. The German weekly Focus recently investigated crime networks in some West German cities. Police are unable to cope with these networks. Moreover, these cities just cannothandle the massive influx of refugees anymore. See Focus, August 1, 2015, No. 32, p. 20-23: "NRW in höchster Not." "Dem bevölkerungsreichste Bundesland droht der Kollaps – die Polizei kapituliert vor dem Massenkriminalität, die Kommunen sind mit der Versorgung der Flüchtlinge überfordert." I myself also made a number of similar observations on crime in Hamburg and Berlin.

Tamar Jacoby, Germany's Immigration Dilemma, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2011, Volume 90, No. 2, p. 8-14.

Thilo Sarrazin, Deutschland schafft sich ab. Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen (Munich: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2010).

Thilo Sarrazin, Der Neue Tugendterror. Über die Grenzen der Meinungsfreiheit in Deutschland (Munich, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2014), p. 288-304.

Zeitonline (Germany), April 11, 2015, Islamisten planten Anschläge zusammen mit Neonazi, http://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2015-04/terror-spanien-islamismus-enthauptung.

Nausicaa Marbe, Duits "Wilkommen" is riskante barmhartigheid, De Telegraaf (Amsterdam), September 4, 2015, p. 9.

Peter Tettero, Merkel lokt vluchtelingen over levensgevaarlijk ijs, NRC Next (Amsterdam/Rotterdam), September 5, 2015, p. 18.

Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, The Refugee in International Law. Second Edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 141.

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