Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Muslims Frequently Harass Christian Asylum Seekers And Muslim Converts To Christianity Muslims Frequently Harass Christian Asylum Seekers And Muslim Converts To ChristianityAugust 3, 2015 By EMERSON VERMAAT NRC Handelsblad, a leading liberal newspaper in the Netherlands, reported on July 22, 2015, that there have been "clashes" between Christian and Muslim asylum seekers, especially during the month of Ramadan. Christians complain that Muslims intimidate and threaten them. Syrian Christians told NRC Handelsbad: "We don't discuss these problems with the management (of the center), because we are afraid of our fellow asylum seekers." They also don't want their names to be published by the press because of possible repercussions for them. Police had to intervene in the asylum seekers center in the Dutch city of Dronten after a huge fight had broken out between Syrian Muslims and Eritrean Christians. Witnesses claim that the Muslims cried "Allahu Akhbar – Allah is great." Nadeem, a 30-year-old Christian asylum seeker from Pakistan, filmed how Muslims in the asylum seekers center of Gilze en Rijen used the center's common kitchen as a space for prayer – in clear violation of the rules. His film can be seen on YouTube. There are at least one hundred Muslims and only three Christians in one building, Nadeem says. His own room mate, a Muslim, was very aggressive and made frequent threats against him. Nadeem decided to leave the center because he feared that Syrian Muslims would otherwise kill him. He did not believe the management of the center was able or willing to deal with this problem. Mostafa Talaie, a 43-year-old asylum seeker from Iran, was murdered near the asylum seekers center of Oisterwijk on February 18, 2013. After his conversion to Christianity in May 2012, he received several death threats, possibly from fellow asylum seekers or from the Iranian intelligence and security service which is very active in Europe. In 2012 Talaie was living in the asylum seekers center of Noord Burgum in the Northern province of Friesland. There he became an active member of the local Free Reformed Church. Rev. Marco E. Buitenhuis, the pastor of that church, told me in May 2013 that Mostafa's conversion to Christianity was real. He was a committed Christian. That same pastor also told me that several Muslim converts who visited his church had been intimidated by Muslim asylum seekers, notably by Iraqis and Afghans."Iranian asylum seekers who were in the same asylum seekers center as Mostafa have been threatened by Muslim asylum seekers from Afghanistan," Rev. Buitenhuis says. "They told them it is allowed to spill the blood of Christians. Both Afghans and Iranians speak Farsi." "I know that an Iranian asylum seeker who is a member of my church has now gone into hiding because he is scared that he is no longer safe here. Mind you, these people flee to Holland hoping to find peace and security here, but once they convert to Christianity, they don't feel safe anymore." "Especially Iraqi and Afghan asylum seekers do not accept that a Muslim decides to convert to Christianity. Three Iraqi Christians who were baptized in my own church were confronted with hostility and violence in the last two and a half years." Harassment of Christian asylum seekers by arrogant Muslims who claim that their religion is far superior to Christianity and Judaism, is not new. According to an investigation conducted in 2011 at least two-thirds of the Christian asylum seekers in Holland indicated that they were scared of their fellow asylum seekers who were Muslims. This is also a serious problem in Belgium, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Britain, although local migration lobbies are not willing to discuss these issues. Raymond Ibrahim, a specialist on the persecution of Christians by Muslims, writes about Denmark and quotes a study from Niels Eriksen Nyman who reported: "Christian asylum seekers are repeatedly exposed to everything from harassment to threats and physical abuse by other refugees in the asylum centers, simply because they have converted from Islam to Christianity." "An eight year old Christian at the Center Sandholm was bullied and beaten by larger Arab boys on their way to school. Now the boy no longer dares to go to school." Europe is importing the conflicts from the Muslim world With the massive influx of Muslim immigrants in Europe, we are also importing the conflicts from the Muslim world. This poses a very serious threat to our peace and security. "What is happening in asylum seekers centers is simply a continuation of Middle Eastern Islamic culture and tradition in Europe: they are making people scary and are intimidating them, and occasionally behaving in a violent way," writes Prof. Dr. Afshin Ellian from Leiden University. Afshin Ellian arrived in the Netherlands as a political refugee from Iran in 1989. He became a vocal critic of Islam. He studied law in the Netherlands and is now a university professor. He receives frequent death threats from radical Muslims and needs body guards who protect him. "A Christian refugee fled because he was afraid of violent Islamists (in his home country), but now he must fear fundamentalist Muslims in tolerant Holland," Ellian writes about Nadeem, that Christian refugee from Pakistan. "These Muslims learned from the prophet Mohammed to intimidate and use violence until they are powerful enough." In April 2015 Muslims from the Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal threw 12 Christians overboard after their rubber boat had left Libya. Their boat was intercepted by an Italian navy vessel and the Italian police subsequently arrested 15 Muslims on suspicion of murdering the Christians at sea. This year about 100,000 asylum seekers entered Hungary, a Schengen country. Local authorities cannot cope with this unprecedented influx. Thousands of asylum seekers now occcupy railway stations or live in parks. Most of them are Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo who want to travel to richer countries, notably to Austria, Germany, Holland and Scandanavia. The desperate Hungarians are now belatedly building a huge fence along the Hungarian border with Serbia. It is expected that by the end of this year about 400,000 asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Albania, Kosovo and Etritrea will have applied for asylum in Germany. Economic migrants from Balkan countries are not entitled at all to asylum, yet it takes some time before the over burdened migration authorities are able to reject all their applications. It is costing the German tax payer millions of euros every month. German cities cannot cope with this massive influx and need a lot of extra money. Horst Seehofer, a German politician from Bavaria, says that this influx must be stopped by effectively tackling the massive abuse that is being made of the asylum system and by speeding up deportation for rejected asylum seekers. Germany is also a hotspot of Islamic extremism. More than 600 Muslim jihadists from Germany joined very dangerous terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq. Most of these radical German Muslims joined ISIS, according to a recent German Security Service report. At least nine of these jihadists committed suicide attacks. There have been violent clashes between Kurdish immigrants and ISIS sympathizers. Radical Muslims and Hamas sympathizers attacked Jews and synagogues. In the city of Essen, for example, a mob of 200 angry Muslims attacked people who were demonstrating against anti-Semitism in July 2014. The police who had to protect these peaceful demonstrators were also attacked.There are 45,000 radical Muslims in Germany alone and their number is growing fast. Most Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian, Lebanese, Egyptian, Afghan, Pakistani and Somali asylum seekers are anti-Semites. Moreover, in German asylum centers, too, Christians have been attacked by fellow asylum seekers who were Muslims. The German newspaper Die Welt describes a number of dramatic cases in an article on "Christen spüren auch in Deutschland den Hass" ("Also in Germany are Christians confronted by hate"). "In Germany, too, Christians from the Arab world who apply for asylum are subjected to attacks by radical Muslims," Die Welt reported. "For many the persecution does not stop when they apply for asylum in Germany. Not only do those who are persecuted arrive in Europe, but the extremists take the same route as well. Both groups will often be accommodated in the same asylum seekers center." Websites run by criminal migrant traffickers in the Arab world claim that those who are smuggled into Europe are entering a real paradise. They receive a home, lots of money and also jobs. Their usually very large families are allowed to join them, the traffickers claim. The best countries to apply for asylum are Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Britain. Reality is often slightly different, though. Most African and Muslim migrants end up in poor suburbs of Europe's big cities, there are hardly any jobs for them and their frustrated kids don't finish school and are susceptible to violent crime or radicalization. Too many poorly integrated non-Western migrants have to apply for welfare.The Dutch Central Statistics Office (CBS) reported on July 30, 2015, that 50 to 70 percent of former Muslim asylum seekers live permanently on welfare. Somalis represent the worst group: seven out of ten are dependent on welfare, to be followed by Eritreans, Syrians, Afghans and Iranians. Among those who are not asylum seekers, the percentage of Turkish and Moroccan Dutchmen who live off welfare is very large. Although many Poles are working in Holland, hardly any of them applied for welfare. It is not very different in Germany, Sweden, Norway and England. Emerson Vermaat is an investigative reporter in the Netherlands. Website: Sources: NRC Handelsblad (Rotterdam, the Netherlands), July 22, 2015, p. 1, Spanningen tijdens Ramadan in asielzoekerscentra; Spanningen tussen christenen en moslims in asielzoekerscentra, Omroep Brabant (regional TV in the southern part of the Netherlands), June 23, 2015, Asielzoeker Nadeem (30) ontvlucht AZC Gilze en Rijen "uit angst voor moslims:" "Vrees voor leven,"; De Telegraaf (Amsterdam), July 13, 2015, p. 4, Christenen uit asiel weggepest. Politie, May 2, 2015, Onderzoek dood Mostafa Talaie (police investigation into the death of Mostafa Talaie), Zaaknummer 2013036027, Emerson Vermaat, The Muslim Assault on Christians, Pipelinenews, May 23, 2013, Raymond Ibrahim, Christians Burned Alive. Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2014, Gatestone Institute,; Berlingske Tidende (Copenhagen), November 11, 2014, Kristne bliver forfulgt paa danske asylcentre (Christian believers persecuted in Danish asylum centers), Afshin Ellian, De islamitische intolerantie verhuist naar Europese steden, Elsevier (Amsterdam, internet version), July 24, 2015, CNN (Europe), April 19, 2015, Italian police: Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard, VRT Nieuws (Belgian TV, Channel One), August 1, 2015. (On Hungary.) Tagesschau (German TV), July 7, 2015, 20:00 o'clock;, January 8, 2015, Bavaria proposes speeding up deportation for rejected asylum seekers, Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (Federal Security Service), Verfassungsschutzbericht 2015 (Cologne and Berlin: 2015), p. 98 (By January 15, 2015: 600 Muslim jihadists from Germany in Syria and Iraq), p. 104, 105 (Anti-Semitic attacks in Germany), p. 106-109 (Rising impact of Salafism). Some quotes: "2014 übten insbesondere die Erfolge des IS (=ISIS) eine mächtige Sogwirkung auf Jihadisten aus." (See page 95.) "Der IS (=ISIS) hat sich inzwischen zur wichtigsten Anlaufstation für Jihadwillige aus Deutschland entwickelt." "Bei den Ausgereisten handelt es sich überwiegend um in Deutschland geborene männliche Muslime mit Migrationshitergrund." (See pages 98 and 99.) "Gazakrieg: Offener Antisemitismus bei pro-palestinensischen Demonstrationen." (See pages 103-106.) Die Welt (Germany), August 8, 2014, Christen spüren auch in Deutsland den Hass, |