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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Gowdy Releases Clinton Subpoena To Appear Before Committee Investigating Benghazi Terrorist Attack

Gowdy Releases Clinton Subpoena To Appear Before Committee Investigating Benghazi Terrorist Attack

July 12, 2015

Breaking: Gowdy Releases Clinton Subpoena


July 8, 2015 – San Francisco, CA – PipeLineNews.org – We understand that being told that Hillary Clinton is a serial liar isn't exactly news, but during her Tuesday interview on CNN - during which she is roundly considered to have further embarrassed herself – the Democrat presidential candidate was particularly mendacious, claiming that she had never been subpoenaed by Congressman Gowdy as part of his Select Committee's investigation of the Benghazi terrorist attack.

In the last few minutes we have been provided with the document in question, via email, from one of House Speaker Boehner's media relations people, Kevin Smith, thus catching the assumed Democrat standard bearer in an outrageous lie about a matter that was really already common knowledge.

The subpoena, dated March 13 and naming Clinton, clearly states:

‘You are hereby commanded to be and appear before the - Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi – of the House of Representatives of the United States."

Our take away from this is as follows:

1. Fabricating under such circumstances by Clinton, knowing that the tape was rolling, suggests that she has serious issues, at best speaking to her lack of veracity and judgment, but more darkly suggesting that the rumors swirling around DC that Clinton is suffering from permanent brain damage as a result of her 2012 concussion, the cause of which is still unexplained, might indeed be accurate.

2. Speaker Boehner in quickly moving to provide the smoking gun, as far as Clinton's lie is concerned, is perhaps signaling that the GOP is no longer afraid of the Clinton Inc., or then again it might simply be a stunt intended to shift the emphasis away from the dull witted Boehner's failed leadership, to a juicer matter.

In either case this event could prove to be a game changer, especially with the candidacies of Bernie Sanders, Clinton's only real challenger, as well as Donald Trump, who has confounded the GOP establishment with his meteoric rise in popularity, surging.

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