Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > How Team Obama Helps The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation Wage Jihad On Freedom Of Expression How Team Obama Helps The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation Wage Jihad On Freedom Of ExpressionJuly 9, 2015
Deborah Weiss, attorney, author and expert on Islamist efforts to stifle free speech reveals in a new monograph published by the Center for Security Policy Press how the OIC is working through UN resolutions, multilateral conferences and other international vehicles to advance its agenda. The goal of these efforts, according to the OIC's 10-year program of action, which was launched in 2005, is to combat so-called "Islamophobia" and "defamation of religions". In practice, this means banning any discussion of Islamic supremacism and its many manifestations including: jihadist terrorism, persecution of religious minorities and human rights violations committed in the name of Islam. Upon the publication of her monograph entitled, The Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Jihad on Free Speech, Ms. Weiss remarked: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is the largest and most powerful voting bloc in the United Nations and yet most Americans have never heard of it. Of particular concern is the OIC's ten-year program which amounts to an international effort to suppress freedom of expression under the guise of protecting Islam from so-called "defamation." This initiative, however, is in the service of OIC's long-term mission: the world-wide implementation of Shariah, a legal-political-judicial-religious doctrine which favors Muslims over non-Muslims, men over women, and denies basic human rights and freedoms. Ms. Weiss' monograph documents how the Obama Administration has collaborated with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in ways that, whether intentional or unwitting, have advanced the OIC's supremacist agenda. As it happens, recently released State Department documents obtained by Judicial Watch through court-enforced Freedom of Information Act requests underscore the extent of Team Obama's collusion with the OIC. Specifically, these emails offer insights into how, in September 2012, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the White House worked with the OIC to fabricate a narrative that falsely blamed an online video "Innocence of Muslims" for the violent uprising at the U.S. special mission compound and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya. In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, the documents reveal that the Obama administration immediately went into damage-limitation mode, with a well-coordinated effort to scapegoat the video as the cause of the attack. Rashad Hussain, President Obama's envoy to the OIC, reached out to the Organization's leadership urging it to condemn the "anti-Islamic film" and "its related violence" and to respond in a way that is "consistent with Islamic principles." The OIC readily obliged, issuing a statement accusing the video of "incitement" – though nothing in the video called for violence against Muslims – and claiming that it "hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims" and "demonstrated serious repercussions of abuse of freedom of expression". The effect was to reinforce the OIC's goal to protect Islam from "defamation" instead of supporting the US Constitutional principle of free expression. In her monograph, Ms. Weiss elucidates examples of the escalating assault on freedom of expression that the OIC has launched against the West and their implications. She describes the critical role freedom of speech plays in preserving religious freedom, human rights and national security efforts. As she correctly points out, "If you look around the world, you will see that freedom is the exception, not the rule." Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President of the Center for Security Policy, observed that: Deborah Weiss' important new book is a clarion call to Americans and their federal representatives to end all cooperation with the Islamic supremacists of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, including cessation of participation in the anti-free speech "Istanbul Process" launched by Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State. Citizens and policy-makers alike should, instead, commit themselves vigorously and unapologetically to freedom of expression – including to its employment as an indispensable weapon in the execution of a comprehensive strategy to defeat the Global Jihad Movement." The Center for Security Policy/Secure Freedom is proud to present Ms. Weiss's monograph as a superb addition to its Civilization Jihad Reader Series. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation's Jihad on Free Speech by Deborah Weiss, Esq. is available for purchase in kindle and paperback format on at: -30- For further information on the threats shariah poses to our foundational liberal democratic values, see more titles from the Center for Security Policy's Civilization Jihad Reader Series at