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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Rafikhe Tayari Accomplice To Tunesian Beach Attacker Trying To Enter Europe On Board A Migrant Boat From Libya

Rafikhe Tayari Accomplice To Tunesian Beach Attacker Trying To Enter Europe On Board A Migrant Boat From Libya

July 2, 2015

Tunisia terror gunman's 'accomplice' has already reached Libya and 'is trying to enter Europe hidden aboard a migrant boat crossing the Mediterranean'

Rafikhe Tayari is thought to have assisted Seifeddine Rezgui in the attack

Family revealed he is trying to get to Europe but claimed he was innocent

28-year-old has been described by Tunisian police as dangerous

An alleged accomplice of the crazed Tunisian gunman who shot 38 innocent tourists dead is trying to smuggle himself into Europe, his family said.

Rafikhe Tayari, who has been described by police as dangerous, is thought to have assisted Seifeddine Rezgui carry out the massacre in Sousse on Friday.

The 28-year-old's family have now revealed he is in Libya seeking a migrant boat across the Mediterranean. He is being hunted along with another suspect, Mohamed bin Abdallah.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3145662/Tunisia-terror-gunman-s-accomplice-reached-Libya-trying-enter-Europe-hidden-aboard-migrant-boat-crossing-Mediterranean.html#ixzz3ef72ydh5

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