Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Summary Of Emerson Vermaat's New Book: "Hatred Must Not Spill Over Into Our Streets-The Terror Threat Posed By Islamic State" Summary Of Emerson Vermaat's New Book: "Hatred Must Not Spill Over Into Our Streets-The Terror Threat Posed By Islamic State"June 18, 2015 ‘De haat mag niet overslaan naar onze straten' – De terreurdreiging door Islamitische Staat (‘Hatred must not spill over into our streets' – The terror threat posed by Islamic State) Date of appearance: May 8, 2015 ISBN: 9789461536 778 Paperback: € 19,95 272 pages Uitgeverij Aspekt/Aspekt Pulishers Amersfoortsestraat 27 3769 AD Soesterberg Netherlands Publishers website: Authors website: By Emerson Vermaat I first saw Osama bin Laden's name in the Spring of 1996: Back in 1996 the foreign editor of a current affairs programme on Dutch TV ordered me to make a shortened version of the British TV documentary Sudan – Are They Training Terrorists? This 40-minutes documentary, dated April 15, 1996, had been made by Journeyman Pictures in London. It was in thisdocumentary that I came accross Osama bin Laden's name for the first time. The wealthy Saudi terrorist, described in Journeyman's documentary as ‘a banker for jihad,' was still in Sudan at the time, but Journeyman had been unable to interview him there. Other journalists would later be more successful. CNN's Peter Bergen, for example, managed to interview Osama bin Laden in the Spring of 1997. By that time the Al-Qaida leader no longer was in Sudan but in Afghanistan – after a failed attempt to apply for asylum in Britain, a safe haven for more than one thousand radical Muslims whose application for asylum had been accepted by the lenient British. (See The Times, London, September 29, 2005, The day when Osama bin Laden applied for asylum – in Britain). My book ‘In Naam van Allah…' Islamitisch Fundamentalisme en Terrorisme (on Islamic Radicalism and Terrorism) was published in Utrecht, the Netherlands, at the end of January/early February 1997. This was the first book in Europe which warned against Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Summary in English: ISIS (ISIL or IS) is proud of the war crimes committed by its jihadists. The more brutal the atrocities are the better. Beheading of hostages or prisoners is one of those war crimes. Between August 19, 2014, and January 31, 2015, ISIS beheaded the following Western and Japanese hostages: James Foley, Steven Sotloff, David Haines, Alan Henning, Peter Kassig, Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto. Captured Jordanian F-16-pilot Moaz Al-Kasasbeh was burned alive in a cage early January 2015. ISIS terrorists also beheaded Coptic Christians in Libya. Moreover, ISIS jihadists raped numerous teen-age girls and women selling them as sex-slaves. This too is a war crime. ISIS represents dark, detrimental and diabolical forces, just like Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and the Nazis between 1933 and 1945. In his speech from the throne on September 16, 2014, Dutch King Willem- Alexander referred to what was happening in Northern Iraq, Syria and Gaza, saying the situation over there leads to tensions, feelings of powerlessness and insecurity in the Netherlands. ‘Hatred bringing ruin upon people living elsewhere in the world must not spill over into our streets,' the King warned. Jews in Holland and Europe have been harrassed by militant Muslim immigrants. One of them was Dutch Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs. In July 2014, three bricks were hurled through his home window. On more than one occasion, Muslim youths lashed out against him, calling him ‘dirty Jew.' ‘This never happened twenty years ago,' the rabbi told me. Due to the rapidly increasing number of Muslim immigrants Europe is importing the conflicts, the hatred and the anti-Semitism of the immigrants' home countries. This also happening in North America and Australia. Migrant trafficking is a very serious threat to Western security. Too many second-generation Muslim immigrants and converts to Islam are susceptible to the call of jihad. By early 2015, over three thousand young European Muslims had joined ruthless terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq. Erich Fromm's book "Escape from Freedom" is still very topical today. He writes about ‘the attraction to what is harmful in life which more than any other deserves the name of a pathological perversion.' Fromm was writing about Nazis and Fascists, but today's Islamists and Muslim terrorists do not behave very differently. They glorify death and ‘martyrdom.' The Nazi Einsatzgruppen were involved in mass executions, the color of the Swastika, the SS uniforms and SS flag is black. The terrorists from the so-called Islamic State or IS are also conducting mass executions and their flag and uniforms are black as well. Just like the Nazis and the Nazi SS, today's IS Jihadists excel in cruelties. In September 2014, Muslim clerics and theologians wrote an Open Letter to IS-leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. ‘You have made children engage in war and killing. Some are taking up arms and others are playing with the severed heads of your victims,' the Open Letter says. Young women and girls are frequently subjected to rape before they are killed. There is even an IS-pamphlet justifying enslavement and child rape, CNN reported in December 2014. ‘Capturing non-Muslim women and having sex with them is permissable.' I still remember from my visit to Algeria back in 1998 how Muslim terrorists raped countless women and then slit their throats. When the Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, they discovered an extensive collection of pornographic films. Somali, Pakistani and Iraqi gangs in Britain raped thousands of young British women. ISIS/IS also threatened that they will send fighters disguised as asylum seekers to Europe. In February 2015, an IS-jihadist announced from Libya that: ‘We will conquer Rome.' He pointed in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea with his knife. Security services have long been taking into account that radical Muslims can be found in the midst of hundreds of thousands of boat refugees from the Islamic world and Africa. Back in April 2001 the Dutch Internal Security Service (BVD) warned against‘Islamic war veterans' (jihadists) posing as people who ‘are looking for asylum or illegal migrants who seek refuge in Western countries who will attempt to continue the fight or support it.' In March 1996 a conference on fighting terrorism took place in the Egyptian resort of Sharm Al-Sheikh. The Egyptian government was worried about radical Muslims who had been granted asylum in England. Around November 1995 this was about one thousand militants. A number of them were involved in the preparation of terror attacks. The then British Prime Minister John Major announced that he would make the rules for granting asylum stricter, but nothing was done. A notorious hate cleric from Syria, Omar Bakri Mohammed, arrived in England in January 1986. He played a key role in recruiting radical Muslims and openly admired Osama bin Laden. Some Syrian immigrants in Spain and Germany were Al-Qaida operatives. Norway granted asylum to Mullah Krekar, a hate cleric from Northern Iraq. More than a few Somali asylum seekers in Europe and the United States joined dangerous terrorist movements after their application for asylum had been granted. Many asylum seekers or migrants from the Muslim world come from countries where there is widespread anti-Semitism. In his book "The Devil That Never Dies, A Study About Anti-Semitism", Daniel Jonah Goldhagen writes about ‘an immense reservoir of anti-Semites – among the peoples of Arab and Islamic countries, and now Arab and Islamic immigrants and their descendants living abroad.' ISIS/IS is the richest terrorist organization. Millions of dollars in cash have been hand-carried by couriers who travel from Turkey to Syria. Corrupt Turkish border guards or officials have been bribed. The Syrian-Turkish border is extremely porous. ISIS also earns a lot of money from oil revenues, demanding protection tax from residents or ransom for the release of hostages. There are also some rich sheikhs in the Middle East who support ISIS – under the guise of donations to charities. Moreover, ISIS earns a lot of money from selling looted antiquities from Syria and Iraq. ISIS is also interested in nuclear technology. In December 2014, ISIS claimed that a radioactive device was now in Europe. They were referring to a so-called ‘dirty bomb.' They claim they seized nuclear material from Mosul university in Northern Iraq. And in January 2015 an ISIS Tweet threatened to poison people with Cesium-131 ‘in the streets and at train stations in Russia, Boston, Dallas, Virginia and Amsterdam.' In the past Al-Qaida and the Taliban also managed to build a dirty bomb. Former CIA chief Leon Panetta writes that in the summer of 2009 the CIA had reason to believe that a dangerous Pakistani terrorist had a dirty bomb. ‘If so, no one doubted whether he would use it.' The CIA had to kill this man before he would be able to strike. Secular France is an important target for Muslim terrorists. One of the French jihadists who travelled to Syria was Maxime Hauchard, a convert to Islam. He was involved in war crimes and beheadings. By January 2015, there were about 1200 French Muslim radicals who joined the jihadists in Syria en Iraq or who planned to do so. A substantial number of terror plots have been thwarted, but some terrorists could not be stopped in time. Bertrand Nzohabonayo, a Muslim convert from Burundi who was a French national as well, targeted French policemen in December 2014. None of the policemen were killed, though. The ISIS/IS flag had previously been displayed on Nzohabonayo's website. Another successful terror attack was carried out by Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, two French-Algerian brothers, on January 7, 2015. With Kalasnikovs they entered the editorial office of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. The weekly was targeted because it published several ‘offensive' cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Editor-in-chief Stéphane Charbonnier (‘Charb') was on Al-Qaida's deathlist. His was killed by the Kouachi brothers, together with eleven others. After they left the building, they also killed a policeman – Ahmed Merabet. The perpetrators said several times that they were acting on behalf of Al-Qaida in Yemen. Saïd visited Yemen in 2009, Chérif did so in 2011. They may have met Anwar Al-Awlaki, the local Al-Qaida leader who published Al-Qaida's deathlist shortly before his death in 2011. (He died in Yemen on September 30, 2111, after a U.S. drone attack.) On January 9, 2015, Amedy Coulibaly, a radicalized French-Malian citizen, entered the Jewish supermarket Hyper Cacher and killed four people. Others were taken hostage. A number of customers was saved just in time by Lassana Bathildy, a courageous Muslim employee from Mali, who managed to hide them in the basement. The anti-terror police killed Coulibaly and the Kouachi brothers on January 9, 2015. Coulibaly had previously sworn allegiance to ISIS-leader Al-Baghdadi. His French-Algerian girlfiend Hayat Boumedienne is believed to be in Syria now. She was in touch with the wife of one of the Kouachi brothers who were part of the terrorist sleeper cell. The three perpetrators were very well prepared and armed. The Grand Synagogue of Paris was closed for the first time since the Nazi occupation of France during World War II. A number of plots have been thwarted in Spain. Arrests were made in Melilla and Ceuta, the two Spanish enclaves in Northern Morocco where Muslim radicalism and crime are rampant. In June 2014 an ISIS-terror cell was dismantled in Madrid. They were responsible for recruiting and sending jihadists from Spain to Syria. The leader of this terror cell was a Moroccan immigrant named Lahcen Ikassrien. He had been detained at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO), but returned to terrorism after his release. He was certainly not the only former GITMO detainee to do so. Spain is used by criminal migrant traffickers and terrorists as a transit route to other European countries. Jihadists use Spain as a safe haven. Many terror plots have also been thwarted in the United Kingdom. By early 2015, some 600 British jihadists had travelled to Syria and Iraq. The Security Service and the police cannot cope anymore with this problem. Some British jihadists were involved in suicide attacks. The first one to do so was British Pakistani Abdul Waheed Majeed. He had previously been radicalized by the hate cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed. Anjem Choudary, who succeeded Bakri Mohammed in 2005, also played a leading role in recruiting jihadists. Bakri Mohammed left Britain 2005 and settled in Lebanon. Mohommod and Hamza Nawaz, two British Pakistani brothers, were detained after they returned from Syria in September 2013 where they had visited a terrorist training camp. They joined Junud Al-Sham, a partially Chechen groupwhose leader Muslim Al-Shishani pledged allegiance to ISIS-leader Al-Baghdadi in December 2013. The two brothers were convicted by a British court in November 2014 – but the sentences were relatively mild, maybe because their period of stay in Syria had been fairly short. In December 2014, another British court convicted Mohammed Nahim Ahmed and Yusuf Zubair Sarwar. They travelled to Syria in May 2013 and joined Kaitab Al-Muhajireen (KAM). Both men were ‘deeply committed to violent extremism,' the judge said. Another group of jihadists came from Portsmouth. One of them was Mashudur Choudhury. When he appeared in a British court he lamely claimed that he had merely been involved in humanitarian assistance. The judge ruled in December 2014 that there was ‘no clear evidence as to what exactly you did do in Syria, but I have no doubt (…) that you either attended a training camp or prepared to do so.' By May 2015, nearly 200 Dutch jihadists had left for Syria or Iraq. Most of them were Dutch-Moroccans. A number of these jihadists were killed, others returned to the Netherlands. At least four Dutch jihadists died in suicide attacks in Syria or Iraq, according to reliable information from January 2015. One of those suicide bombers was Abdessamad Berzel, a young Tukish Muslim from the southern city of Maastricht. His target was a Baghdad police station in November 2014. Rob Bertholee, the Director of the Dutch General Security and Intelligence Service (AIVD) addressed a meeting at the Washington Institute of Near East Policy in December 2014. He indicated that the service was surprised at the sudden rise of jihadists travelling to Syria. ‘Some thirty Dutch fighters have so far returned.' ‘The AIVD is unable to follow all of them all the time,' Bertholee warned. There are a number of so-called ‘jihad cities' in the Netherlands – cities from where relatively many jihadists left for Syria or Iraq. There are also Somali jihadists with Dutch passports. Ismail Musa Ahmed Guled and Lula Ahmed Dahir, for example, committed a suicide attack in Mogadishu in February 2015. These former asylum seekers in Holland joined the notorious and ruthless terror group of Al-Shabaab and returned to Somalia. The Hague and Utrecht are good examples of so-called jihad cities. By March 2015, some 46 jihadists had left The Hague for Syria. There were two pro-ISIS demonstrations in the so-called ‘Schilderswijk,' a multicultural neighbourhood. Anti-Semitic slogans were chanted. Lofti S. partipated in one of those demonstrations (in July 2015). He died as an ISIS-suicide bomber in Fallujah, Iraq, in Februari 2015. Azzedine Choukoud, a prominent ISIS-follower, participated in both demonstrations. Zaid K. lived in Utrecht. He, too, joined ISIS in Syria. His passport was found in one of the houses of an ISIS-terror cell in Verviers, Belgium. One of the terrorists used this look-alike passport as he returned to Belgium. Huizen is a nice former fishing village in Holland. Until the mid-1980s Huizen was a conservative Christian village, now it is one of the jihad cities. The mayor of Huizen took measures to prevent a number of Muslims from leaving Huizen for Syria. But some young Muslims did leave Huizen. Jermaine Walters from Amersfoort also joined ISIS in Syria – together with his with wife and children. He is the brother of convicted Hofstadgroup member Jason Walters. The city of Arnhem is another jihad city. Many Dutch-Moroccan jihadists from Arnhem joined the Al-Nusra Front in Syria. One of them was Abdelkarim el Atrach. On several occasions he issued terror threats against the Netherlands. His brother Mohammed el Atrach wanted to join him in Syria, but he was arrested in Germany together with Hakim B. They were on their way to Syria. They possessed a lot of money and also combat clothing, Walkie Talkies, a special watch and other suspicious equipment. In February 2015, the Arnhem court lamely ruled that that there was no evidence of ‘a terrorist intention.' So both terror suspects were acquitted. This ruling clearly contradicted UN Security Council Resolution 2170 of August 15, 2014, which demanded to refrain from providing any form of passive or active support, including financial support, to terror groups in Syria. Maher H. and Shukri F. returned from Syria to the Netherlands. When they appeared in court, Maher H. and his Dutch-Somali girlfriend Shukri F. denied allegations of terrorism. So did Imad el O., who abducted a 16-year- old Kurdish girl from the Hague but was arrested at Brussels airport as he and the girl tried to board a plane for Egypt. Prosecutors believed Shukri F. played a nefarious role as a recruiter of jihadists. She admired Osama bin Laden, posted Sharia4Belgium films on the internet and urged others to marry jihadists in Syria. In Syria she became pregnant – jihadist Maher H. was the father. Maher H.'s SMS Messages to his mother clearly showed that he had participated the violent jihad. ‘Last night, we withdrew for tactical reasons.' ‘Should I die in the jihad, so be it.' The judge in The Hague convicted Maher H. and Imad el O., but acquitted Shukri F. Her acquittal was also a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2170. Dutch radicalisation expert Ibrahim Wijbenga said the judge failed to recognize that women from Holland play a nefarious role in the Syrian jihad.‘They are not just baking cakes over there.' On May 24, 2014, Mehdi Nemmouche, a French-Algerian terrorist, entered the Jewish Museum in Brussels and killed three people over there. It was the first terror attack committed by a Syrian returnee. Nemmouche was arrested about one week later in Marseille. He planned other attacks and was an ISIS-jihadist. Belgian ‘jihad cities' are, for example, Molenbeek, Verviers, Antwerp, Kortrijk, Vilvoorde, Mechelen and Maaseik. Bart de Wever, mayor of Antwerp, said in a tv-interview in March 2015 that Moroccan Berbers in Belgium are the most problematic group of immigrants. ‘We allowed the wrong kind of immigrants,' he said. De Wever was subsequently accused of racism, but criminological research in the Netherlands and Belgium by Frank van Gemert and Marion van San show that De Wever's remarks were based on facts. By November 2014, the number of Belgian jihadists who had left for Syria had risen to 313. Most of them were Belgian-Moroccans. Hussein and Hakim Eloussaki, two Belgian-Moroccan brothers from Vilvoorde, arrived in Syria in 2102. They joined Al-Nusra, the local Al-Qaida branch. ‘Brother, we beheaded someone,' Hussein boasted in a phone conversation with Abdel, another brother of his. He also said they had raped thirty women. Verviers is another Belgian jihad city. By January 2015, about ten jihadists from Verviers had left for Syria. There was also an ISIS terror cell in Verviers which plotted attacks on the police and police stations. The cell consisted of two Syrian returnees, Sofiane Amghar and Khalid Ben Larbi. Both of them were Belgian-Moroccans who were originally from Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, a problematic multicultural part of Brussels. They rented two small houses in Verviers. The police were aware of the plot and attacked one of their hideouts on January 15, 2015. The well armed terrorists resisted and were eventually killed. ISIS threatened to attack targets in Belgium. A Belgian newspaper received a threat letter early February, saying: "What happened in France, will also happen in Belgium. This referred to previous terror attacks on the Parisian satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket. In January 2015, ISIS also threatened to attack police officers in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. ‘If you see a police officer, kill him. Kill all of them.' In November 2014, an ISIS propaganda film showed the beheading of Peter Kassig, a Western hostage, together with a number of Syrian prisoners who were also beheaded. Kassig was beheaded by Mohammed Emwazi (‘Jihadi John'), a jihadist from Britain. The Syrians were beheaded by other ISIS jihadists, among them Abdelmajid Gharmaoui, a Belgian-Moroccan from Vilvoorde who was a member of the banned terror group Sharia4Belgium. The trial against Sharia4Belgium began at the end of September 2014. Many of those who were on trial were still in Syria, others had died or returned to Belgium. The verdict took place on February 11, 2015. Fouad Belkacem, the leader and founder of Sharia4Belgium, received a sentence of 12 years. The court ruled that Sharia4Belgium was a terrorist organization which played an important role in recruiting Belgian Muslims for the jihad in Syria. Many of these jihadists joined Al-Nusra, a group responsible for war crimes, suicide attacks and hostage-taking. Sharia4Belgium leaders glorify Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaida. Two members of the group, Brahim Bali and Azdine Tahiri, travelled to Yemen with a view to joining Al-Qaida in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP). They were expelled from Yemen, though. One or two members of Sharia4Belgium were also in touch with Omar Bakri Mohammed, a hate cleric in Lebanon. One former member of Sharia4Belgium testified against Belkacem and his followers. Muslim convert Jejoen Bontinck distanced himself from the group. He had been with ISIS in Syria, but got disappointed and was thown inside an ISIS jail cell. After some time, though, he was released. Not everything he said after his return to Belgium is reliable. Sharia4Belgium member Hicham Chaib also joined ISIS and is still in Syria. He received a sentence of 15 years. Sharia4Belgium further recruited two Dutch-Moroccan men, Redouan Adkim and Yassine el Karouni. They travelled to Syria, too. Muslim convert Brian de Mulder married a Dutch-Morrocan girl in Syria where he is still fighting as a jihadist in the ranks of ISIS. Ozana Rodriguez Viana, his Belgian-Brazilian mother, lashed out against Fouad Belkacem during the trial in Antwerp blaming him for recruiting her son. Magomed Sarapolev, a Belgian-Chechen boy from Vilvoorde, travelled to Syria at the end of September 2012. Bontinck claimed Magomed participated in beheadings. So did Sharia4Belgium member Tarek Taketloune, according to the prosecutors. Michael Delefortrie, a Muslim convert from Merksem and a Syrian returnee, did not show any regrets during the trial in Antwerp. He was given a an extremely mild suspended sentence of three years. Ali and Said el Morabit, two Belgian-Moroccans who joined ISIS in Syria were sentenced to five years. Bilal Elhamdaoui, Sharia4Belgium's cameraman who became an ISIS-propagandist in Syria, was also convicted. By October 2014, about 450 radical Muslims had left Germany to join terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq. By early 2015, the number had risen to 550. ISIS supporters in Germany even broke into churches and robbed offertory boxes and precious objects. With this stolen money they supported the violent jihad in Syria. They also founded Muslim ‘charities' with a view to raising additional money for the jihad. Kurdish Yezidis living in Germany were attacked by ISIS fanatics. Most of these fanatics were Chechen immigrants. Thus, hatred was spilling over into the streets of Germany. Muslim convert Denis Mamadou Gerhart Cuspert (Ghanese father, German mother) was born in the problematic multicultural Berlin neighbourhood Kreuzberg. He became known as rapper ‘Deso Dogg.' He radicalized after his conversion to Islam. His most important mentor was Moha(m)med Mahmoud who had links to Al-Qaida. They founded the jihadist organization Millatu Ibrahim. The most important ideologue of the movement was Abu Mohammed (Muhammad) Al-Maqdisi. Denis Cuspert and a number of his followers travelled to Egypt in 2012. Via Libya and Turkey they travelled to Syria where they first joined Al-Nusra. They pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi in March/April 2013. Cuspert would soon be an important propaganda asset for ISIS. He was also involved in war crimes such as the beheading of hostages or prisoners. An ISIS execution video shows how Cuspert picks up a severed head and puts it on the body. Erich Fromm would describe such behaviour as a manifestation of necrophilia: ‘This desire to tear apart what is alive finds its clearest expression in a craving to dismember bodies.' (See "The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness", p. 329.) On February 9, 2015, the U.S. Justice Department designated German citizenDenis Cuspert as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. ‘Cuspert has been a willing pitchman for ISIL (=ISIS) atrocities.' Another German convert to Islam who joined ISIS was Philipp Bergner. On Facebook he put film footage of his German-Turkish friend Mustafa Kalayci who ostentatiously showed the severed heads of Kurdish fighters. Bergner committed a suicide attack near Mosul, Iraq, in August 2014. The first German jihadist to commit a suicide attack was Muslim convert Robert Baum. This attack occurred near Homs, Syria, in June 2014. Canada is an important target for Muslim terrorists. On October 20, 2014, Martin Couture-Rouleau, a Muslim convert, drove his car into two soldiers one of whom was killed. Rouleau was subsequently shot dead. This attack occurred in Ottawa. Two days later, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, another Muslim convert and an ISIS-sympathiser as well, shot corporal Nathan Cirillo in the back and killed him. Cirillo had stood guard at the National War Memorial in Ottawa. Zehaf-Bibeau subsequently entered the nearby parliament. He opened fire first before he was shot dead and he failed to kill others. Former CIA officer Robert Baer as well as senators Diane Feinstein and Lindsey Graham claim there are ISIS sleeper cells in the United States. On October 24, 2014, Muslim convert Zale H. Thompson, a supporter of Al-Shabaab and ISIS, attacked four police officers in New York with a hatchet. He was shot dead. ISIS is also conducting cyber warfare against the United States. Australia's strict asylum policy has been criticized by advocates for open borders and the Arab TV channel Al-Jazeera, yet the Australians do not want to accept too many immigrants from risk countries, and rightly so. Most terror attacks against Australian targets were perpetrated by radical Muslims. Radicalized Muslim immigrants were involved in most thwarted terrors plots. Moreover, the Australians have not forgotten how Australian teenage girls were raped by Lebanese youth gangs in Sydney. Many radicalized Muslims in Australia want to join ISIS, others have already done so. One of them is Khaled Sharrouf. In August 2014, photos were posted on Sharrouf's Twitter account showing his seven-year-old son holding a soldier's severed head, a very serious war crime. In September 2014, Australian police arrested Afghan Australian Omarjan Azari who had made suspicious phone calls to ISIS operative Mohammed Ali Bayarlei. The latter travelled to Syria in April 2013 and joined ISIS. A (failed) plot was hatched to behead Australian citizens in Brisbane and Sydney. In July 2014, an Australian ISIS jihadist blew himself up in Baghdad. In September 2014, Abdul Numan Haider, an Afghan immigrant, wounded two Australian policemen with a knife. It was a copycat attack. The perpetrator was killed. In February 2015, police arrested two ISIS operatives, Omar Al-Kutobi and Mohammed Kiad. These so-called ‘soldiers of the caliphate' planned to behead Australians. One of them had previously used false identity documents to enter the country. (ISIS terrorists in Europe, in Belgium for example, did the same.) At the end of September 2014, ISIS operative Hassan el Sabsabi was arrested in Melbourne. He had transferred 12,000 Australian dollars to a radical Muslim in the United States who planned to join the jihadists in Syria. The Australians granted asylum to Man Haron Monis in 1996. He was from Iran. He married Noleen Hayson Pal, an Australian woman, but there were strong suspicions that he was an accessory to murder of his former wife. Other women accused him of having raped them. Although a Shia Muslim he converted to Sunni Islam. On December 15, 2014, Man Haron Monis took seventeen persons hostage in the Lindt Chocolate Cafe in Sydney. Two persons would be killed by him before the Australian anti-terror police shot him dead the next day. Steven Emerson from the Investigative Project on Terrorism discovered that this Iranian immigrant had previously sworn allegiance to ‘the Caliph of the Muslims' (=ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi). ISIS also plans another Holocaust. Just like the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas these terrorists believe that all the Jews will eventually be killed by the victorious Muslims. This is based on a religious text or Islamic tradition (Hadith), saying: ‘The last Hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them.' ‘We are coming to kill you, O Jews,' an ISIS Twitter announced in December 2014. Rome and Jerusalem will be conquered and Jews and ‘crusaders' (=Christians) will be killed, an article in the online ISIS magazine Dabiq announced. Back in 2004 I wrote a lengthy Dutch study on Crime, Migration and Culture.In those days leading political parties in the Netherlands were in favour of Turkish membership of the European Union. I was strongly opposed to this idea.I warned that ‘the external borders of the European Union should not be expanded in such a way that the unstable Middle East is within reach.' ‘We will then import even more crime and terrorism from that region,' I wrote in my book. European governments are unable to cope with the powerful Turkish migrant trafficking mafias and terrorists are entering Europe via Turkey. The borders between Turkey and Syria are very porous indeed and corrupt Turkish officials do not stop the terrorists. Lots of terrorists from Europe are also entering Syria or Iraq via Turkey. As Newsweek reported in November 2014: ‘ISIS commanders in Raqqa openly talked about the best foreign jihadists crossing into Syria from Turkey.' Recep Tayyib Erdogan from the Islamist Party for Justice and Development (AKP) became Prime Minister of Turkey in 2003. He broke with the secular tradition of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey who abolished the Ottoman caliphate in 1924. The totalitarian-minded Erdogan became president of Turkey in 2014. He cracks down on press freedom and sides with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Burak Bekdil, a columnist for the Turkish daily Hürriyet and a fellow at the Middle East Forum, criticized Erdogan's ‘constant Israel-bashing and deep hatred of the Jewish State.' ‘For most of Turkey's Islamists there is no difference between the words "Israel," "Israeli government," "Jew," and Turkish Jew." They are all the same.' Twee artikelen van de auteur in het Nederlands Dagblad (2015): Nederlands Dagblad, 21 januari 2015, p. 8, ‘Zonen van Zion opblazen'. Over het einddoel van zowel Hamas, Al-Qaida als ISIS om alle Joden uit te roeien door middel van ‘een nieuwe Holocaust'. Hamas, Al-Qaida and ISIS eventually want to commit another Holocaust against the Jews and exterminate all of them. Zie: Nederlands Dagblad, 17 juni 2015, p. 9, Dreiging ISIS met ‘vuile bom' is serieus. ISIS werkt aan een ‘vuile bom' en zal niet aarzelen die in te zetten als men daartoe de kans krijgt. Deze terreurbeweging denkt in apocalyptische termen. ISIS is interested in making a ‘dirty bomb' and will use such a bomb if it were able to do so. Former CIA Director Leon Panetta claims that a dangerous Pakistani Tehrik-e-Taliban terrorist had to be killed in 2009 because ‘we had reason to worry that one of the TTP's leaders had a dirty bomb.' ‘If so, no one doubted whether he would use it.' And back in 2004, second-generation Muslim immigrants in London were charged by Scotland Yard with assembling a dirty bomb. They had been trained in Al-Qaida camps. ISIS previously threatened the use of a dirty bomb against targets in Europe, the United States and Russia. Zie: Belangrijke citaten van de auteur uit het boek over ISIS: Pagina 255 (Timeline), over de zonderlinge dood van openbaar aanklager Alberto Nisman in Buenos Aires: ‘Op 18 januari 2015 leidt een Israëlische luchtaanval op Hezbollah in Syrië tot de dood van Jihad Mugniyeh en een Iraanse generaal. Jihad is de zoon van Imad Mugniyeh, die in 1994 direct verantwoordelijk was voor een aanslag op het Joods gemeenschapscentrum in Buenes Aires. Op 18 januari 2015 werd Alberto Nisman, de Argentijnse Openbare Aanklager die Iran als schuldige had aangewezen, in Buenes Aires vermoord. Dat er sprake is geweest van zelfmoord is uitgesloten.' Aanvullende opmerking: op 9 december 1996 zond 2Vandaag (nu 1Vandaag) een door mij gemaakte tv-reportage uit over Iraanse agenten die in Europa tegenstanders hadden vermoord. Pagina 57, over pornofilms in het grote huis van Osama bin Laden: ‘Feit is dat de Amerikaanse Navy Seals, die de Al-Qaida leider in mei 2011 in zijn grote huis in het Pakistaanse Abbottabad doodschoten, óók een collectie met pornofilms aantroffen.' Pagina 59, over zelfmoord terroristen die helemaal niet naar ‘het paradijs' gaan: ‘Ik meen daarentegen dat zelfmoord terroristen – álle zelfmoord terroristen – helemaal niet naar het paradijs gaan. Ze gaan rechtstreeks naar de hel. Martelaren zijn het niet, maar genadeloze moordenaars. Nog grotere criminelen zijn hun instructeurs, vaak moslim mannen die zich beroepen op hun status en positie.' Pagina 65, over import van conflicten uit arme niet-westerse landen: ‘Met de massa-immigratie uit niet-westerse landen importeren we ook de conflicten, de gewelddadige cultuur en de haat uit de herkomstlanden. Dat is bepaald ongewenst.' Pagina 66, over de abjecte Holocaust ontkenner Jean-Marie Le Pen: ‘Anti-semitisme herleeft in alle Europese landen, ook in Frankrijk (waar de abjecte Holocaust ontkenner Jean-Marie Le Pen nog steeds in het Europees Parlement zit), Nederland en België.' Pagina 75, over terroristen vermomd als asielzoekers: ‘Het is bij het grote publiek minder bekend en vluchtelingen organisaties zwijgen er doorgaans over: terroristen en radicale moslims maken op relatief grote schaal misbruik van de asiel procedures van westerse landen.' ‘Dit probleem speelt al veel langer dan vandaag.' ‘In april 2001 waarschuwde de BVD/AIVD voor "Islamitische oorlogs veteranen" (=jihadisten) en personen die "als asielzoeker of illegale migrant hun toevlucht zochten in westerse landen en, geholpen door de sterk verbeterde communicatie mogelijkheden, trachtten van daaruit de strijd voort te zetten of te ondersteunen".' Pagina 119, over voormalige GITMO-gevangene, die in Spanje leider van een terreurcel van ISIS werd: ‘De cel werd geleid door de 47-jarige Marokkaan Lahcen Ikassrien. Eerder had hij in Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) gezeten. Hij was bepaald niet de enige ex-GITMO-gedetineerde die na zijn vrijlating opnieuw het pad van terreur en geweld bewandelde.' Pagina 125, over veel aanslagen die alleen al in Engeland verhinderd zijn: ‘Theresa May, de Britse minister van Binnenlandse Zaken, deelde op 24 november 2014 mede dat er sinds de terreuraanslagen van 7 juli 2005 dankzij de veiligheidsdiensten veertig terreuraanslagen waren voorkomen, alleen al in 2013 liefst vijf grote.' Pagina 141, het ooit streng Christelijke Huizen is nu een ‘jihadgemeente': ‘Huizen was oorspronkelijk een keurig en streng Christelijk vissers dorp. Tot in de jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw bleef dat streng Christelijke karakter van Huizen behouden. Maar nu staat Huizen bekend als één van de jihadgemeenten.' Pagina 167, Antwerpse burgemeester Bart de Wever ten onrechte van racisme beschuldigd: ‘Marokkaanse Berbers vormen de meest problematische migranten groep, zo stelde de Antwerpse burgemeester Bart de Wever in maart 2015 vast. "We hebben het verkeerde soort migranten toegelaten."' ‘De Wever werd fel gekritiseerd en van "racisme" beschuldigd, maar in 1998 toonde de Nederlandse criminoloog Frank van Gemert in zijn proefschrift "Ieder voor zich" aan dat de Berbercultuur en -achtergrond en het eergevoel wel degelijk een belangrijke rol spelen bij het criminele gedrag van jongeren.' Pagina 169, Belgische jihadstrijders plegen oorlogs misdaden in Syrië: ‘"Broer, we hebben hier iemand onthoofd", vertelde Hoessein eind december 2012 aan Abdel. Hij zei ook nog dat ze al dertig vrouwen hadden verkracht.' Pagina 193, over Duitse jihadisten/salafisten die kerken leeg roven: ‘Het was een diabolische list; met uit Christelijke kerken gestolen geld en waardevolle voorwerpen werd de gewelddadige jihad in Syrië en Irak ondersteund.' Pagina 197, over oorlogsmisdaden door Duitse ISIS-jihadist Denis Cuspert: ‘De te onthoofden mannen lagen met vastgebonden handen op hun buik, met een mes werden hun kelen doorgesneden en vervolgens gingen ook de hoofden eraf. De mannen schreeuwden van de pijn, bloed gutste in het rond.' Pagina 206, Australië tegen toelating van veel te grote groepen asielzoekers uit risicolanden: ‘Het is een onloochenbaar feit dat veel Europese landen in het verleden grote aantallen moslims toelieten, die óf al radicale ideeën hadden toen ze asiel vroegen óf na aankomst alsnog radicaliseerden. In veel gevallen bleek zelfs de tweede of derde generatie vatbaar voor radicalisering of misdaad.' ‘Dit wil men in Australië hoe dan ook voorkomen. Men weet daar nog al te goed hoe moslim jongeren met een Libanese achtergrond in augustus en september 2000 minderjarige Australische meisjes in Sydney aan groepsverkrachtingen blootstelden.' ‘Die weerloze meisjes werden voor "Australische zwijnen" uitgescholden.' Pagina 224, 225, Turkije mag nimmer tot de Europese Unie toe treden: ‘In 2004 waarschuwde ik in mijn boek "Misdaad, Migratie en Cultuur" voor de nadelige gevolgen van een Turks lidmaatschap van de Europese Unie (EU). Dan importeren we niet alleen nog meer misdaad uit Turkije, bovendien "is het ongewenst dat de buitengrenzen van Europa komen te liggen in het instabiele Midden-Oosten (Irak, Iran, Syrië)", zo stelde ik toen.' ‘VVD-fractievoorzitter Jozias van Aartsen eiste in 2004 van het Tweede-Kamerlid Geert Wilders dat hij zijn kritiek op een toekomstig Turks lidmaatschap van de EU zou laten varen. Wilders weigerde dit en trad uit de fractie. Ik herinner me nog dat ik hierover datzelfde jaar met Wilders een gesprek voerde. Wilders is ook een aantal punten veel te ver gegaan, maar op dit punt had en heeft hij gelijk.' |