Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > United Kaliphate : 80% Of UK Muslims Support ISIS United Kaliphate : 80% Of UK Muslims Support ISISOctober 31, 2014 80% of London Muslims Support ISIS Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 31, 2014 @ 10:35 am In The Point This is what the Islamization of a Western country looks like. Good luck with your integration and your moderate Islam. All the empty words in the world can't change the fact that what's happening in Iraq and Syria will be coming to the UK… sooner than you think.
There are about 1 million Muslim settlers in London where they make up 12 percent of the population. These figures suggest that the vast majority of them, perhaps as high as 80 percent , support ISIS. There's a lot of nonsense about skepticism among young people, but this isn't about young people. It's about Muslims.
These numbers suggest that most or virtually all young Muslim settlers in the UK support ISIS. That's not surprising. Major papers such as the New York Times have found similar results in even supposedly moderate countries such as Tunisia among young Muslim natives. It's not surprising that young Muslim settlers in Europe hold similar views. Article printed from FrontPage Magazine: URL to article: |