Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Convert To Islam Ex PVV'er Van Doorn To File Suit Against CDA Head For Condemning Muslim Politician Khoulani Who Supports ISIS Convert To Islam Ex PVV'er Van Doorn To File Suit Against CDA Head For Condemning Muslim Politician Khoulani Who Supports ISISAugust 22, 2014 MIM: Arnoud Van Doorn is a convert to Islam and a former member of Geert Wilders' Party For Freedom (PVV) and is presently a member of The Unity Party of The Hague. He intends to sue the head of the Christian Democratic Party (CDA) Sybrand Buma who said that his fellow Muslim politician Khoulani who lauded and glorified ISIS on his Facebook page did just that. For more on Abdoe Khoulani who is head of the Unity Party of The Hague see: Amsterdam Refuses Permit To Islamist School After Board And City Council Member Expressed Support For ISIS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muslim Politician In The Hague Files Suit Against Buma The local Unity Party of The Hague will file a legal complaint against CDA leader Syband Buma of the CDA.The CDA leader said in Knevel and Van den Brink that Khoulani glorified the Islamic State (IS) movement.That is libel,defamation and incitement to hate, says Khoulani's party colleague Arnoud van Doorn in the radio program This is The Day. Scandalous In June Khoulani had written on his Facebook page "Long live ISIS and Inshallah on to Bagdad to do away with the scum there". ISIS is the old name of IS. Van Doorn now says about this: "I find it scandalous that my colleague is accused of glorifying terrorism. Nothing could be less true, he has always distanced himself from cruelty and terror activities". Ex PVV'er Van Doorn converted to Islam last year. According to Van Doorn Khoulani will return at the end of this month from vacation and file a complaint against Buma. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haagse moslimpoliticus doet aangifte tegen Buma De lokale Haagsche Partij van de Eenheid gaat aangifte doen tegen CDA-leider Sybrand Buma van het CDA. De CDA-leider heeft in Knevel en Van den Brink gezegd dat Khoulani de terreur van de beweging Islamitische Staat (IS) verheerlijkt. Dat is smaad, laster en oproepen tot haat, zei Khoulani's partijgenoot Arnoud van Doorn in het radio-programma Dit is de dag. Schandelijk Ex-PVV'er Van Doorn bekeerde zich vorig jaar tot de islam. Volgens Van Doorn komt Khoulani eind deze maand terug van vakantie en zal hij dan aangifte doen tegen Buma. Zie ook: Buma: Nederland te naïef over radicale jongeren |