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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Dutch Students In Radboud University American Studies Program Visit CAIR Chicago Office - Watch Interview Bashing Geert Wilders

Dutch Students In Radboud University American Studies Program Visit CAIR Chicago Office - Watch Interview Bashing Geert Wilders

July 29, 2014

On May 31, 2014, 46 students from the American Studies program at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Holland filled CAIR-Chicago for an educational event. The group was led by professor Markha Valenta, who took the students on a 10-day long study abroad trip to Chicago. At CAIR-Chicago, Senior Communications Coordinator Agnieszka Karoluk gave presentations to the students about the organization, Muslims in the U.S., and Shi'ism in the U.S.. The students were very engaged, asking questions about organizing and activism in the Muslim community, Islamophobia, and women's issues.

The group also watched a recent interview of author Qasim Rashid discussing his new book, "Extremist", in which he debunks many Islamophobic myths and statements made by right-wing Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, famous for his Islamophobic and xenophobic remarks. The presentations stimulated a long, fruitful discussion between students about the differences between Dutch and American society, culture, immigration, and integration.

Photos from the event can be viewed here.


MIM: Commentary on the book Extremist by Akbar Ahmed a stealth Islamist.

In EXTREMIST: A Response to Geert Wilders & Terrorists Everywhere, Qasim Rashid has done a great service to Muslims and non-Muslims alike by challenging the scurrilous attacks on Islam by an influential Islamophobe. The only answer to Islamophobia, which promotes, hatred, fear, and violence, is scholarship and debate. Geert Wilders and his ilk must now respond to EXTREMIST or concede defeat in the field of debate and scholarship. --Professor Akbar Ahmed Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies, American University, and author of The Thistle and the Drone: How America s War on Terror became a Global War on Tribal Islam


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