Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Terror Tied Islamic Relief USA: Corporate Sponsors Help Fund Hamas Terror Tied Islamic Relief USA: Corporate Sponsors Help Fund HamasJuly 23, 2014 Terror Tied Islamic Relief USA's Corporate Sponsors Help Fund Hamas Islamic Relief USA was founded in California in 1993 and is the most important affiliate aka "partner office" of Islamic Relief Worldwide a terrorist "charity" which was banned from operating in Israel because of their funding of the terrorist organisation Hamas. When announcing the ban Moshe Yaalon the Israeli Minister of Defense stated that: "IRW, said Yaalon, is a chief fundraising front for Hamas. Posing as a "charity," the organization claims to raise money to assist refugees, orphans, and the needy, said Yaalon, but most of its money ends up in the hands of Hamas, used either to fund terror attacks or pay terrorists. The group has offices around the world, raising money from Muslims in Western countries to fund its activities. The group's main office is in the UK. In 2006, the Israel Security Agency (ISA) and the Israel Police arrested Iyaz Ali, a Pakistani-born British national, who was an assistant director of IRW's Gaza branch. Files found on his computer showed clearly that IRW funds were being used to fund Hamas." activities. Islamic Relief USA's board of directors is rife with individuals who are also working for other terror tied Islamist organisations . The chair of IRUSA is Mohammed Amr Attawia who proves that there are zero degrees of separation between the activities of IRUSA and IRW: "Dr. Attawia is also very active in the Muslim community in the U.S. Dr. Attawia previously served on the Islamic Relief USA board of directors for several years. He also currently serves on the Islamic Relief Worldwide Board of Trustees. Dr. Attawia rejoined the IRUSA board in September 2009 and is currently serving as the chairman." IRUSA Vice Chair Khalid Lamada: "who has served" as co-chairman of the Islamic Circle of North America and Muslim American Society (ICNA-MAS) national convention." ICNA has been linked to Jamaat Al Islami and Al Qaeda. MAS is the American wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States and their "Freedom Foundation" is headed by convicted felon Mahdi Bray. The executive staff of IRUSA includes Azhar Azeez,the director of fund development. He was vice president of the Islamic Society of North America the largest Saudi funded da'wa organization in North America tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Islamic Association of Carollton TX is a radical masjid and the Council on American Islamic Relations of which he is past president is a Saudi funded front group for Hamas. "He is also a member of ISNA Executive Council since 2002 and was elected as the vice president of ISNA in 2010. He currently heads as the President of the North Texas Islamic council which represent 35 Islamic Organizations in Dallas/Fort worth area...He is the founder and current president of the Islamic Association of Carrollton, TX, and was also a founding member and past president of the Council on American Islamic Relations, Dallas/Fort Worth chapter. " Most troubling of all is the American corporate sponsors who are providing funding for IRUSA and by extension Hamas. Among these are The Cisco Foundation,The GE Foundation, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, The JP Morgan Chase Foundation and the Pfizer Corporation Shareholders and concerned citizens should contact the corporate offices of the companies named above and demand accountability for their financial contributions. Anyone who has any dealings with these corporations either as customer, shareholder or employee has become the unwitting dupe of what amounts to of a common Islamist modus operandi – funding terrorism under the guise of humanitarian aid. The case of Islamic Relief is but one of many examples of how stealth jihadists cynically exploit American's charitable nature to fund jihad both home and abroad. Concerned citizens should also campaign to have the 501 C3 tax exempt charity status of IRUSA removed and demand that the US Treasury Department launch an investigation into the staff and the organisation's operations in order to uncover their terrorist funding connections. Corporate SupportersIslamic Relief USA™ thanks these corporations for their partnership and support of our programs and relief efforts.
AlliancesIslamic Relief USA™ works closely with these relief groups to make sure that humanitarian assistance is delivered as quickly and efficiently as possible. American Red Cross Capital Area Asset Builders CARE International Catholic Charities USA Catholic Relief Services Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints International Red Cross ONE Salvation Army Save the Children USA United Nations UNRWA UN World Food Programme US Department of Agriculture Women, Faith and Development Alliance World Vision PDF] NGO FUNDERS OF UNRWA - Examined, SPECIAL CENTER ...find"> Feb 5, 2014 ... Below is a bio of the director of fund development for Islamic Relief ..... Dr Alastair McPhail, British Consul General to Jerusalem has visited ... |