Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Communication Director Of Stealth Jihad Organisation ISNA Lectures To Journalism Students On How To Report On Islam Communication Director Of Stealth Jihad Organisation ISNA Lectures To Journalism Students On How To Report On IslamMarch 17, 2014 MIM: For more on ISNA see: "The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) was established in July 1981 by U.S-based members of the Muslim Brotherhood who also had a background as leaders of the Muslim Students Association (MSA). As author and terrorism expert Steven Emerson puts it, ISNA "grew out of the Muslim Students Association, which ... was founded by Brotherhood members." Indeed, Muslim Brothers would dominate ISNA's leadership throughout its early years, when the Society was highly dependent upon Saudi funding. ISNA's founding mission was "to advance the cause of Islam and serve Muslims in North America so as to enable them to adopt Islam as a complete way of life." ISNA Communications Director Gives Presentation to Journalism Students at Local University Plainfield, IN 3/10/14) Last week, Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Communications Director Edgar Hopida spoke to journalism students on "Covering Islam in the Media" at Ball State University located in Muncie, Indiana. The presentation consisted of the basic beliefs and practices of Islam as well as common negative frames that journalists typically use when covering stories about Islam and Muslims. Hopida also provided alternative frames and stories that journalists can cover that reflect more accurately, the diversity of the American Muslim community. "Caricatures and unfair generalizations about Islam and Muslims have unfortunately dominated the media discourse," says ISNA Communications Director Edgar Hopida. "It is hoped with the future journalists who come out of institutions of higher learning, that a fair, more nuanced coverage of Islam and the Muslim community is reflected in their news stories." This presentation was part of a series of guest speakers invited to speak at Professor David Sumner's Special Reporting Class to talk about how their religious tradition is covered in the news. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is the largest and oldest Islamic umbrella organization in North America. Its mission is to foster the development of the Muslim community, interfaith relations, civic engagement, and better understanding of Islam. - END - CONTACT: ISNA Communications Director Edgar Hopida, 619-913-0719 or 317-839-1820, [email protected] |