Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Cleta Mitchell, "Fairly Substantial" Due Diligence And Muslim Brotherhood Influence Peddling At The American Conservative Union Cleta Mitchell, "Fairly Substantial" Due Diligence And Muslim Brotherhood Influence Peddling At The American Conservative UnionFebruary 18, 2014 By WILLIAM MAYERFebruary 18, 2014 – San Francisco, CA – – Last week the Center for Security Policy [CSP, an influential DC based national security think tank run by former Assistant Secretary of Defense, Frank Gaffney] released a scathing report - The Case Against Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan - in which the organization leveled the serious accusation that the American Conservative Union [ACU] has been infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood operatives, specifically, Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan. Forward: As a general proposition, the contention that the ACU has been ideologically compromised shouldn't be surprising in the least because as presently constituted it's at best a faux conservative organization, chaired by one of Washington's top pro-amnesty lobbyists, Alberto Cardenas of Cardenas Partners, which plays both sides of the aisle.
Next to Cardenas, Carl Chidlow is probably the senior ranking member of the firm:
[Editor's note: Infiltration aside, we think a very good case can be made that the ACU has moved so far to the left that it's out of step with the grassroots Constitutionalist movement and really doesn't deserve the prestige of hosting major conservative conferences or conventions.] In order to comprehend the enormity of CSP's case against the ACU it must be realized that the matter takes place against a backdrop in which the government of the United States has been similarly compromised over a period of time spanned by many presidential administrations, gaining its first foot-hold during the Clinton years, picking up serious momentum post 9/11 and culminating with the Muslim Brotherhood friendly administration of Barack Hussein Obama. For example in 2012, then FBI Director Robert Mueller, responding to a massive stealth jihad campaign undertaken by radical American Muslim organizations including at least one Muslim Brotherhood/HAMAS front group [the Islamic Society of North America, see William Mayer, Terror Associated ISNA Promoting Sketchy Islamic "Charity" Islamic Relief USA ,] met with those groups to announce that "anti-Muslim" [meaning accurate] instructional material had been purged from federal law enforcement training classes: "After complaints from some Muslim and Arab-American groups, the FBI has pulled more than 700 documents and 300 presentations that stereotyped Islam or were factually inaccurate, an FBI spokesman said. The federal agency also intends in coming weeks to roll out plans on how it will vet training materials...." [source, Niraj Wariko, FBI ditches training materials criticized as anti-Muslim, USA Today] According to a PR statement from ISNA - now pulled from the organization's website but archived in many ‘Net locations:
Below President Obama sending a video greeting to the terror linked ISNA, using the ritual Arabic greeting, "as-salamu alaykum," peace be upon you. ACU, a casualty in the war for the information battlespace: Let's first examine Grover Norquist, the President of Americans for Tax Reform and a member of the American Conservative Union's Board of Directors .
Though Cardenas claims to be proud of Norquist's contribution as a member of the ACU's Board of Directors, the current ACU website's directory of that board does not contain his name. Below, from the Internet Archive, various versions of the ACU's website showing Norquist as a member of the Board until very recently:
But it appears that as 2014 approached, Mr. Norquist was no longer listed. We have no opinion as to the reason why this apparently has taken place except in noting that recently Mr. Norquist has become more controversial. Though he has been quite active in the ACU, 16 years ago, according to the Center for Security Policy's study, "Shariah: The Threat to America" Norquist was partnering with an unsavory Islamist, Abdurahman Alamoudi: Alamoudi, a high ranking Muslim Brotherhood operative, gained access to the Clinton White House during the 1990's after having founded the American Muslim Council. His influence there quickly grew, providing a corridor for Islamists to access America's locus of power. Part of Alamoudi's legacy is that he was assigned the task by Team Clinton to vet Muslim military chaplains, one can only wonder how many MB sleepers he placed as a result of that level of access. In the late nineties Alamoudi provided funding to Grover Norquist, which he used to create the Islamic Free Market Institute, a vehicle designed to – in a manner similar to Alamoudi's influence operation within the Clinton administration – penetrate the political right, intending to destroy it from the inside.
Though the Islamic Free Market Institute [IFMI] was chaired by Norquist, its Executive Director was Khaled Saffuri, Alamoudi's right hand man. Saffuri's boss, Alamoudi was also named in the List of Unindicted Co-conspirators and/or Joint Venturers attendant to the U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation HAMAS terror funding prosecution, identified as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. This provides another link between the MB and Norquist, Saffuri being his cohort in the IMFI. Below a video of Alamoudi, attending a anti-Israel rally in Washington's Lafayette Park, held in 2000. Alamoudi can clearly be heard stating his support for both HAMAS, the Muslim Brotherhood created terrorist group responsible for killing over 1,000 Israelis, mostly women and children and Hezbollah, Iran's proxy terrorist army. With all of the progress he had been making, it must have seemed to Alamoudi that he had established himself as a demi-king maker when it all came crashing down. In 2003 he was arrested in England with nearly $350,000 in cash stowed in his luggage, courtesy of then Libyan dictator Qaddafi. The money was to be used in funding a plot to assassinate then Prince, now King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia. Extradited, he was tried and convicted of providing material aid to the FTO al-Qaeda, he is now serving a 23 year prison sentence. But the pathway into the Oval Office made possible by Alamoudi/Norquist once having been established provided entre into both the GW Bush and Barack Obama administrations. Curiously, or perhaps not, given the cultural drift which has taken place in the U.S. post 9/11, the Brotherhood's influence expanded instead of waning, to the point where it's no longer controversial for a President of the United States to warmly greet a proven Muslim Brotherhood front-group, ISNA. The ACU Suborns CPAC Conference: Incredibly despite having what one might think was a fatal political impediment – a close associate having been convicted of rasing over $1M for al-Qaeda terrorism - it proved nothing of the sort for Norquist whose organization, Americans for Tax Reform, founded in 1985, continued to provide him with stature within the political right and access to huge amounts of money. For example the 2012 990 filing for Karl Rove's Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies shows it doling out over $26M to Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform [ATR], described in the filing as a "social welfare" group. [source, Citizens for Ethics, 2012 990 filing, Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies , p. 78] The Crossroads grant constituted over 80% of ATR's 2012 total revenue of $30,920,021. [source, Document Cloud, 2012 990 filing, Americans for Tax Reform, p. 8] One of the lessons demonstrated here is that once one has established high level political access/credentials, money will usually follow, and often in large amounts. Another attribute of this phenomenon is the insular clubby nature of "official" DC. These people do business, eat, drink and sleep together; once you are in, a threat against one is often taken as a threat against the whole and the wagons are circled. Being able to dispense "walking around" money is certainly one form of power, but perhaps even more important is the ability to control political agendas. Such has been the case at the yearly Conservative Political Action Committee [CPAC] conference [this year held on March 6-8 in DC] which just happens to be run by the American Conservative Union, where Norquist seems to still have quite a bit of juice. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why the conference has almost none of its content devoted to the nuts and bolts of national security matters, and none dealing with the driver of terrorism, political Islam. Noting that deafening absence, CPAC 2013 became the scene of a pitched battle between CPAC leadership and a small but committed band of anti-jihad activists who crashed the gates refusing to allow the topic to be ignored. About this, the Center for Security Policy's Christine Brim had much to say, interviewed by Front Page Magazine.
In protest of CPAC's censorship a "Panel of the Uninvited," sponsored by the Breitbart news organization gathered together some of the bright light anti-jihadist spokesmen, among them former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Frank Gaffney, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. This assemblage of CPAC "outcasts" provided the only recognition at the conference of the danger to American national security posed by the Muslim Brotherhood's Shari'a inspired "civilization jihad, " which is intended to subvert and hollow out the institutions which would normally be counted among the first to resist a totalitarianism based upon a savage 7th century Islamic world view where the globe is divided into two parts, the land of Islam, Dar-al-Islam, and the non-Muslim land of war, Dar-al-Harb. Absent these few rebels, CPAC rather than being the vibrant soul of a revitalized Reaganism based on American exceptionalism and peace through strength, the conference did a great disservice to its 10,000 plus attendees, spoon feeding them pablum, the moderate GOP Beltway vision of defeatism and a waning of America's moral force instead of confronting our greatest challenges head on. Before proceeding to the next section we direct the reader's attention to the following video, part 3 of a 10 part course provided by the Center for Security Policy's 10 part course on the Muslim Brotherhood , which deals specifically with the allegations surrounding Norquist and Khan: