Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Murderers Who Savagely Butchered IDF Soldier Moshe Tamam Released To Kill Again Murderers Who Savagely Butchered IDF Soldier Moshe Tamam Released To Kill AgainJanuary 1, 2014 I Remember Moshe Tamam
Moshe Tamam was an IDF soldier who was kidnapped and murdered on the night of August 6,1984 by Arabs from Baka al-Gharbiya while on his way to the townof Havatzelet Hasharon. His name is forever etched in my memory since the days Rabbi Meir Kahane, H"yd constantly used his gruesome murder as an example of the Arab terror which he predicted would only escalate. For us, the murder of Moshe Tamam was a symbol, the tip of the iceberg of what awaited us if we didn't deal decisively with the Islamist Arab enemy. These were the pre-Intifada days, and the problem of Arab terror was barely known. Sure, there were the murders of Danny Katz, Shaltiel Akiva, and other terrorist attacks, but they were too few and far between to make anybody notice. Rabbi Kahane was trying to get people to notice: "I'm sure nobody in this room even knows who Moshe Tamam is", the rabbi would say. "But it is because of Moshe Tamam that I will become Prime Minister of Israel." Well, not only did Rabbi Kahane not become Prime Minister (he was banned from the Knesset in 1988 and murdered in 1990), but the murderers of Moshe Tamam have been set free. Nothing can epitomize more than this how low the state of Israel has sunk. Rabbi Kahane had been at the trial of Moshe Tamam, and would recount the details of the murder quite graphically, in order to wake us from our slumber. Moshe's body was mutilated and hacked to pieces. You will not hear such details from the Israeli media – it would make the release of the murderers even more unsavory. These Arab terrorists didn't just murder, but savagely tortured their victims. But let's not get into the details. Let's call them "terrorists", or "prisoners with Jewish blood on their hands" and hope that the Israeli public doesn't remember too much. After all, it was a long time ago. But I remember. I remember the name of Moshe Tamam and what happened to him. He symbolized what the future holds in store for us if we don't get our act together. The release of his murderers (who receive money and a hero's welcome), however, symbolizes much more. It means that the rulers of Israel have chosen madness and we stand before tragedy as those Islamist knives come closer. |