Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > "Black Widow" From Dagestan Behind Suicide Bombing In Russian Train Station Which Killed 16 - Scores Injured As Death Toll Expected To Rise "Black Widow" From Dagestan Behind Suicide Bombing In Russian Train Station Which Killed 16 - Scores Injured As Death Toll Expected To RiseDecember 29, 2013 "Black Widow Perpetrated Attack" The attack this morning by the train station in Volgorad was probably perpetrated by a 'Black Widow'. That is a group of women from Dagestan who were married to Muslim extremists. This was reported by the Russian channel The woman, Oksana Aslanova was being sought since June of 2012. According to she was twice married to a Muslim rebel who was later killed. Help from men Wives of fighters from the Caucasus have perpetrated suicide attacks in Russia before to avenge their dead husbands. Life news reports that Aslanova probably had help from two men. This is apparent from pictures of the surveillance cameras at the entrance to the station. 16 Dead No one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. The death toll has now risen to 16. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Zwarte weduwe pleegt aanslag" De aanslag vanochtend op het treinstation in Volgograd is mogelijk gepleegd door een 'zwarte weduwe'. Dat is een groep vrouwen uit Dagestan die getrouwd waren met moslimextremisten. Dat meldt de Russische zender De vrouw, Oksana Aslanova, werd gezocht sinds juni 2012. Volgens was ze twee keer getrouwd met een moslimrebel die later omkwam. Hulp van mannen Vrouwen van strijders uit de Kaukasus plegen vaker zelfmoordaanslagen in Rusland om hun omgekomen echtgenoot te wreken. Life News meldt dat Aslanova vermoedelijk hulp gehad heeft van twee mannen. Dat zou blijken uit beelden van een bewakingscamera voor de ingang van het station. 16 doden De aanslag is nog niet opgeëist. Het dodental is inmiddels opgelopen tot 16. For video and pictures see: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pictured: The new 'Black Widow' suicide bomber who targeted Russian train station killing at least 16 WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT At least 16 people have killed and 50 have been injured Officials believe female suicide bomber was behind the attack A police officer and child among the dead according to local reports Experts claims the explosion was the equivalent of 10kg of TNT Attack has raised concerns over terrorism ahead of Winter Olympics Another female suicide bomber killed six on a bus last month in city A female suicide bomber killed 16 people and injured dozens more at the main entrance of a railway station in Russia yesterday. It was the second deadly attack in the space of three days in Volgograd and raises fears of a terror campaign before and during the Winter Olympics which the country is due to host in 39 days. The bomber - named as 26-year-old Oksana Aslanova - detonated her explosives in front of a metal detector as passengers made their way to and from trains. |