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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Suicide Bomber Talks About Jihad And Mohamed In Pre Attack Video "Muslims Are The Greatest Nation That Allah Created"

Suicide Bomber Talks About Jihad And Mohamed In Pre Attack Video "Muslims Are The Greatest Nation That Allah Created"

October 29, 2013

Syria: Suicide Bomber Talks About his Motivation

Suicide bomber who blew up a building with an APC in Syria reveals 50 other terrorists are lining up to carry out similar attacks. By Dalit Halevi, Ari Yashar First Publish: 10/29/2013, 12:56

The Al-Qaeda linked Syrian Jabhat al-Nusra group has published a video interview with Abu Asim al-Muhajir, who carried out a suicide mission, crashing an Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) into a Syrian army headquarters east of Damascus and then detonating to collapse the building.

Abu Asim explained that he chose to be a suicide bomber because "it allows penetration into enemy territory and causing heavy damage, and furthermore because the Koran and Islamic traditions from the prophet Mohamed encourage Mujahideen [suicide Jihadists] to go to the forefront of battle with the enemy." Abu Asim takes the following sources to mean suicide attacks are desired.

In the video Abu Asim declares that he chose to blow himself up, adding that at least 50 Mujahideen are competing for the "honor" of carrying out similar attacks, among them foreign Jihadists alongside local Syrians.

According to his words, "the Muslims are the greatest nation that Allah created." Despite the "sickness" today, Abu Asim said Mohamed promised that in the next generation Muslims will be the "victors." He called on his comrades at Jabhat al-Nusra to continue their path so as to "reach the Garden of Eden and meet the righteous."

While there have been Iranian reports of possible political breakthroughs in solutions to the Syrian conflict, the rebel Islamist groups have made strong statements against peace talks. Sentiments such as those expressed in the interview, with their deep religious and ideological base, hint at the difficulty that stands in the way of Syrian reconciliation.

The interview may be viewed here:


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