Migrant Trafficking And Radical Islam Pose A Serious Security Threat To The West
August 20, 2013
August, 20, 2013 – San Francisco, CA – PipeLineNews.org - Ebru Umar is a Dutch-Turkish columnist and vocal critic of Islam. She was born and raised in the Netherlands and now writes for the Dutch newspaper "Metro." Her predecessor was Theo van Gogh who was murdered in November 2004 by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch-Moroccan admirer of Osama bin Laden. About one month ago, on July 19, Ebru Umar called the Muslim prophet Mohammed "that dead guy" ("die dooie gast"). She writes that in the past fifteen years religious lunatics multiplied in Turkey and that these people "worship the book of a man who died centuries ago...that dead prophet Mohammed is even more dead than Atatürk."
Shortly after the publication of her column Ebru Umar received more than 2000 death and other threats via Twitter. It was, as she later wrote "a tsunami of tweets." Many of these threats were issued by second or third-generation Turkish immigrants. In a Dutch TV program Ebru Umar complained about the "Islamization of the Netherlands." "Why do these young guys take sides with Turkey and not with the Netherlands? "They grew up in Holland and not in Turkey, yet grammatical errors abounded in their tweets," Ebru Umar said. In another column she referred to the originators of all those death threats as "Netherturkishstan." "Just because I observed that both gentlemen (Mohammed and Atatürk) were dead. How disrespectful for me to do so!"
In an article in the liberal Dutch newspaper "NRC Handelsblad" Miss Umar wrote that she was struck by the fact that the teenagers and kids who threatened her knew a lot about Islam. Who were their teachers? Their Islamization in a country where more and more people are no longer religious is remarkable, she writes.
Obsequious apologies
We know that radical Muslims frequently burn down churches of Coptic Christians in Egypt. They abduct and rape their daughters, forcing these defenseless girls to convert to Islam. But Muslim immigrants also threaten Coptic Christians in Europe, especially if these Christians are very critical of the anti-Semitic and anti-Christian Muslim Brotherhood. Recently, they issued death threats against a woman named Monique Samuel, whose father is from Egypt. Three young Dutch-Moroccan males forced her car to stop and intimidated her on July 28. They said that she offended their prophet Mohammed. The next day she appeared in the Dutch TV talk show "Knevel & Van den Brink" ("KB"), emphasizing that she did not hate Islam and Mohammed. "I am threatened because I am critical of the Muslim Brotherhood," she said. "That's why people now think I am an Islamophobe." "I do not despise the prophet, on the contrary, I admire his wisdom." "Hi, Muslims, you want me dead, but you are really dear to me."
Monique Samuel's obsequious apologies both in Arabic and Dutch to Muslims who threatened her are quite misplaced. In the first place, never ever did she criticize Islam or Mohammed. She was only very vocal on the Muslim Brotherhood – and rightly so. Yet, restive young Dutch-Moroccan cowards in Holland harassed her claiming she offended their so-called holy prophet. Ebru Umar who was indeed very critical of Mohammed and (Turkish) Islam, never apologized to anyone, rebuking her young critics as "Netherturkish kids" ("Nederturkse pubers").
Miss Samuel does recognize, however, that the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to export its conflict with the Egyptian military (and the Coptic church) to the Netherlands. That's why she as a Coptic Christian frequently receives death threats.
"Politicians are the instigators of what is now going on in the Netherlands," Ebru Umar said in a recent interview. "They are responsible for the fact that we can't say anylonger what we want to say."
Another vocal critic of Islam in Holland was the former "Elsevier" columnist and politician Dr. Pim Fortuyn. He lived in the "multicultural" city of Rotterdam. Fortuyn was brutally murdered in May 2002. He was about to win the parliamentary elections. One of the reasons Fortuyn was murdered was his outspoken criticism of Muslim immigrants who refuse to integrate into Dutch society. It was seven years before his death that he wrote: "This is our country, if you don't know how to adapt to it, pack your bags and go back to your own country and culture!" Fortuyn was right.
Fortuyn was called a "racist," but he wasn't. Ivo Opstelten, a respectable policitian who was mayor of Rotterdam in May 2002, praised Fortuyn on several occasions. Opstelten is now Minister of Security and Justice.
Helmut Kohl was right in 1982
On October 28, 1982, the new German Chancellor Helmut Kohl had a meeting with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Kohl told her confidentially that in his view fifty percent of the Turkish immigrants had to leave Germany. It would be impossible to integrate all those Turks into German society, he argued. This did not apply to immigrants from Portugal, Italy or Vietnam, he added. "I can't say this publicly, though."
The former chancellor's fears were justified, although he did change his mind later. If we look, for example, at recent German police statistics we will see that Turkish immigrants are overrepresented in crime statistics, not only in 2012, but also in the years between 2000 and 2012. Thus, in 2012, there were 502,390 suspects of crimes in Germany. 92,540 of them had a Turkish background – a staggering figure!
Over the past seven years about twenty percent of all criminal suspects were Turkish immigrants. The criminal records of Russians, Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, Moroccans, Lebanese, Syrians and Pakistani in Germany are also noteworthy.
Kirstin Heisig, until her death in 2010 a judge in Berlin, wrote an alarming book on Turkish violent juvenile crime. Turkish and other Muslim teenagers frequently rape German women. Muslim immigrants are also overrepresented in crime statistics in other European countries. In Belgium, for example, 70 percent of the prison population consists of Muslims.
According to official figures from the German Interior Ministry there are 38,080 Muslim extremists in Germany. The majority of them (32,270) have a Turkish background. 3,590 are Arabs and the rest of them (2,220) are Iranians, Chechens, Asians, North Africans and others. In addition to that there are 26,410 immigrants involved in radical political organizations. The majority of them are Turks, Kurds and Iranians.
In Britain, "a poll conducted for a Policy Exchange report into Muslim Britain in 2007 found 16-24-year olds to be far more fundamentalist in their views than the over-55s," David Goodhart writes in a recent study on immigration. "Thirty-seven per cent of the younger group claim they would prefer to live under Shari'a law compared with 17 per cent of the older; on the death penalty for apostates it was 36 per cent to 19 per cent; on organizations like Al-Qaeda 13 per cent to 3 per cent."
Muslim terrorism and immigration
By far most terrorists in Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia are Mulims or Muslim immigrants. Every week I receive updates on the activities of Muslim terrorists and terror suspects in quite a number of countries. The two Boston bombers are a recent example. Another example is 22-year-old Quazi Mohammed Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis who, according to the FBI, "attempted to detonate a 1,000 pound bomb at the New York Federal Reserve Bank on Liberty Street in lower Manhattan in October 2012." This Al-Qaeda-inspired operative was sentenced to 30 years in prison on August 9, 2013. This Bangladeshi national "traveled to the United States in January 2012 intending to fight violent jihad. Nafis possessed operable bomb-making instructions and attempted to recruit multiple individuals to form a terrorist cell in the United States."
The German newspaper "Die Welt" reported on August 12 that Al-Qaeda had sent four Tunisian terrorists to Europe last year. They had been trained by the group in Pakistan/Waziristan. Pulling the strings was an Al-Qaeda commander named Abdullah Al-Adam alias Abu Ubaidah Al-Maqdisi. (He was killed last April in a U.S. drone attack; certainly not all drone attacks are unjustified.) Some of Maqdisi's trainees had previously lived in Europe. Western intelligence services were aware of the plot. Consequently, the four Tunisian Al-Qaeda operatives could be captured in the Turkish-Iranian border area and were then transferred to Tunisia.
Instability in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and the war in Syria provides new opportunities for Al-Qaeda (a satanic and fiercly anti-Western and anti-Semitic organization bent on death and destruction), to recruit and radicalize Muslims in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America. Recently, Saadik Sbaa, a Dutch-Moroccan jihadist or so-called "holy warrior" in Syria, was killed there. He had tried to join Al-Qaeda on a previous occasion: he and three other radical Muslims were arrested in Kenya in 2009 as they planned to travel to Somalia. So far, six Muslim jihadists from the Netherlands have been killed in Syria. "Five holy warriors from Spain have died in Syria," Sebastian Rotella, an American-Italian expert on terrorism, writes. "European police fear that well-trained battle-hardened veterans will return from Syria and, on their own or acting on orders from terrorist bosses, decide to continue the war." "Syria's jihadi migration emerges as top terror threat in Europe and beyond." American jihadists also died in Syria. One of them was Amir Farouk Ibrahim from Pittsburgh.
Somali asylum-seeker in Holland rapes 10-year-old girl
A Somali asylum-seeker in Holland raped a 10-year-old girl earlier this year. Ali H.'s application for asylum has been rejected but he refuses to return to Africa. (Dutch asylum procedures are among the best in the world, so if a Dutch judge rejects an application, his ruling is usually justified.) Ali H. is not the only African asylum-seeker whose application for asylum was rejected. Last February, some 120 rejected asylum-seekers found temporary refuge in a church in Amsterdam – the so-called "Vluchtkerk." It was here that Ali H. raped the 10-year old daughter of a female volunteer. This new volunteer did not know that it was not allowed to take your own daughter with you. This turned out to be serious mistake. Ali H, has long record of sexual harassment and violence. Ali H.'s lawyer, however, claims that this rejected asylum-seeker "suffers from mental health problems." Well-fed and liberal asylum lawyers often play a nefarious role: they tend to harden the resolve of rejected and chanceless asylum-seekers to stay.
There were other cases of African asylum-seekers who behave very violently indeed. It was in the northern Dutch village of Baflo that Alasem H. from Benin even murdered his former Dutch girlfriend Renske Hekman as well as a police officer named Dick Haveman in the northern village of Baflo. This occurred in April 2011. When the police officer tried to arrest Alasem H., he violently resisted arrest, grabbed the police officer's pistol and shot him dead. He also tried to kill other policemen who were chasing him.
African illegal immigrants selling cocaine in Germany
Back in 200I I was making a TV report on African asylum-seekers in the German city of Hamburg. Thomas Menzel, chief of the anti-narcotics unit of the Hamburg police, told me that there were 400 to 500 African asylum-seekers who were selling cocaine and crack. They often violently resist arrest, he assured me. I filmed a Nigerian drug dealer near the railway station. Although I kept some distance, this man walked towards me and lashed out against me. He would surely have beaten me, were it not for the many bystanders. I did mention him in my TV program. A young German cocaine addict who knew him told me who he was.
Things have not changed much since 2001. Today, hundreds of African illegal immigrants are selling cocaine in Berlin's Görlitzer Park and locations nearby. Many of them are from West Africa, a hotbed of cocaine smuggling. There are also North African drug dealers in Berlin.
In 2008 I took pictures of hundreds of African illegal street vendors in Athens. They were selling cheap replica handbags and sunglasses. One of them became very aggressive and tried to attack me, but I chose to run away. A policeman told me: "There is nothing we can do about it." All this does not justify at all the recent and violent attacks on illegal immigrants in Greece by neo-Nazis and others.
Not a few African immigrants in Europe turn out to be former child soldiers, rapists or war criminals from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Chad, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Rwanda, Congo, Somalia, Sudan and other African countries.
Rape, polygamy, promiscuity and wife beating are quite common in a lot of African countries. Post-Apartheid South Africa, Nigeria and Congo are the most notorious examples, but women are also often subjected to abuse or maltreatment in African countries with a substantial Muslim population. In Dubai, a Sudanese man raped a Norwegian woman who was even arrested after she reported this crime to the police. Due to publicity and strong political pressure the vicitim, Miss Marte Dalelv, was finally and reluctantly released by the Dubai authorities.
In Zanzibar two British girls became the victim of a so-called acid attack. Kristie Trup and Katee Gee were volunteers in local Christian school. Such attacks are quite common in countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. The perpetrators invariably are Muslim males. Last February, a priest was shot dead and a church was burned down in Zanzibar, a predominantly Muslim country.
Prevalence of AIDS and other sexually transmittable diseases (STDs) is very high in most African countries. What is less known, however, is that quite a lot of Africans believe in witchcraft. Witchraft and voodoo are also widely practiced among Nigerian immigrants in Europe.
Illegal immigrants from Africa often contracted malaria, (drug-resistant) tuberculosis, scabies or so-called "neglected tropical diseases" (NTDs) in their home countries.
The experience with African and Muslim illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers in Europe has shown that it is virtually impossible to deport them to their home countries. They settle in Europe's big cities where they often pose a serious problem to law enforcement.
Does Pope Francis want to abolish all borders in Europe?
It was in July that Pope Francis paid a visit to the Italian island of Lampedusa where criminal migrant traffickers dumped nearly five thousand African and North African economic migrants in the first half of 2013. All of these people want to travel to Northern Europe where the chances that they will find work or properly integrate into society are almost zero. Mark Rutte, currently Prime Minister of the Netherlands, rightly calls them "chanceless immigrants" ("kansloze migranten"). There is a recent but remarkable increase of chanceless immigrants in Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden and Britain. They travel from Spain, Italy and Greece to the wealthier north.
Migrant trafficking is a serious criminal offense. It is also a security threat to the West, intelligence reports claim. (Not all intelligence reports are wrong.) Yet, the pope failed to condemn the migrant traffickers – the very ones who organize the flow of African and Muslim economic migrants to Europe. These modern-day and rich slave traders are directly responsible for the small boats packed with economic migrants and fortune seekers that leave for Europe every week. Instead of criticizing the migration mafia led by migrant traffickers and migration lawyers, the pope urged "brotherly responsibility" and rebuked "the global indifference to refugees." He asked for "forgiveness for those who by their decisions at the global level have created situations that lead to these tragedies." In other words, the pope wants Europe to abolish all its southern borders and border controls – thus allowing a massive increase in alien border crossings. And what about the border between Mexico and the U.S.?
Why does the pope not make a humanitarian gesture by opening up the gates of the wealthy Vatican for illegal immigrants from Africa and the Muslim world? I am sure our dear and sober-minded pontiff will be forced to close those gates again within just a few days.
Emerson Vermaat is an investigative reporter in the Netherlands specialized in European history, crime and terrorism. In 2000 and 2004, he published two lengthy Dutch studies on crime among non-Western immigrants in Holland and other European countries. Website: emersonvermaat.com.
Metro (Netherlands), July 19, 2013, p. 9 (Column by Ebru Umar: "Die dooie gast").
Ebru Umar, Juist die moderne moslims wensen mij dood, NRC Handelsblad, August 2, 2013, p. 16, 17. "Een hele tsunami aan bedreigende tweets." "Ook hun vergaande islamisering is opvallend."
Knevel & Van den Brink, "KB" (Dutch TV talk show), August 2, 2013.
Metro, July 26, 2013, p. 8 (Column by Ebru Umar: "Die dooie gast II").
Knevel & Van den Brink, July 29, 2013 (Obsequious apologies by Monique Samuel, a Coptic Christian in Holland, to radical Muslims, both in the Arabic and Dutch languages).
Reformatorisch Dagblad (Apeldoorn, Netherlands) , August 8, 2013, p. 5 ("Debat over ‘islamkritiek of islamofobie' brand los"); Geenstijl.nl (Netherlands), July 30, 2013 ("Bizar TV: Monique Samuel smeekt moslims om rust"). (Mede-presentator) "Knevel is uiteraard stomverbaasd en probeert zo snel mogelijk van onderwerp te veranderen. Maar niet voordat Samuel – deels in het Arabisch – een emotionele oproep doet (en vooral op twitter aankondigd): ‘Hoi moslims, jullie wensen mij dood, maar ik vind jullie lief hoor,' zoiets."
Metro, July 31, 2013, p. 5 ("Ebru Umar: Nederland is op"). "Politici zijn de aanstichters van de huidige situatie in Nederland. Zij zijn de reden dat we niet meer kunnen zeggen wat we willen."
Katholiek Nieuwsblad ('s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands), August 2, 2013, p. 7 ("Policologe betuigt ‘respect' voor islam"). "Het erge vind ik dat deze strijd doorgetrokken wordt naar Nederland," aldus Samuel.
Pim Fortuyn, Beklemmend Nederland(Utrecht: A.W. Bruna, 1995), p. 204. "Waar halen jullie het lef vandaan, dit is ons land en als je je niet weet aan te passen, pak je biezen maar en ga terug naar je eigen land en cultuur!"
Spiegelonline (Germany), August 1, 2013 ("Britische Geheimprotokolle" Kohl wollte offenbar jeden zweiten Türken loswerden").
Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2012 (Berlin: Bundesministerium des Innern/Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt, 2013), p. 46.
Kirstin Heisig, Das Ende der Geduld, Konsequent gegen jugendliche Gewalttäter (Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Herder, 2010), p. 27-34. p. 72-99.
FBI/New York Field Office, Press-release, August 9, 2013 ("Al-Qaeda-Inspired Operative Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Attempting to Bomb Federal Reserve Bank in New York").
Die Welt, August 12, 2013, p. 6 ("Al-Qaidas zweites Leben"). "Die Terrorgruppe bleibt gefährlich. Das zeigen neue Informationen über Anschlagplan im Jahr 2012."
Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Bundesministerium des Innern, Verfassungsschutzbericht 2011 (Berlin/Cologne: Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Bundesministerium des Innern, 2012), p. 225, 319.
David Goodhart, The British Dream. Successes and Failures of Post-War Immigration (London: Atlantic Books, 2013), p. 239.
Het Parool (Amsterdam), August 12, 2012, p. 1 ("Nederlandse jihadist dood").
Sebastian Rotella, Syria's Jihadi Migration Emerges a Top Terror Threat in Europe, Beyond, in: Pro Publica, July 24, 2013.
IPT News, July 29, 2013 ("American Reported Killed Fighting for Al-Qaida in Syria").
Vrij Nederland (Amsterdam), July 13, 2013, p. 8-11 ("Een aangekondigde aanranding"). On Ali H., a rejected Somali asylum-seeker who raped a 10-year-old girl.
Algemeen Dagblad (Rotterdam), February 7, 2013, p. 9 ("De pijn van Baflo raakt iedereen"). On Alasam S. from Benin who killed his Dutch girlfriend.
TweeVandaag (Dutch TV program, now called "EenVandaag"), March 5, 2001 (Sub-Saharan African drug dealers in Hamburg); Emerson Vermaat, Misdaad, Migratie en Cultuur (Soesterberg, Netherlands: Uitgeverij Aspekt, 2004), p. 315, 316.
Der Spiegel, March 30, 2013, p. 38-41 ("Asyl: Endstation Görli"). Hundreds of African illegal immigrants selling cocaine in Berlin.
Het Parool (Amsterdam), August 10, 2013, p. 2 ("Beloning voor gouden tip zuuraanval Zanzibar"); The Daily Telegraph (London), August 12, 2013 ("Zanzibar acid attack: Katee Gee and Kirstie Trup will both need skin grafts, families say").