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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Abbas Chooses Suicide Bombing Supporter - Rami Hamdallah -As Prime Minister For The Palestinian Authority

Abbas Chooses Suicide Bombing Supporter - Rami Hamdallah -As Prime Minister For The Palestinian Authority

June 12, 2013


June 12, 2013 – San Francisco, CA – PipeLineNews.org – An-Najah National University in Nablus is notorious for it's 'Sbarro Cafe Exhibition' a walk through glorification of one of the most despicable act of Islamic terrorism ever committed against the people of Israel.

The 2001 attack was perpetrated by HAMAS which targeting the popular Italian restaurant killed 15, 7 of which were children. An additional 130 casualties were recorded, many with devastating battlefield type injuries…shattered limbs, sucking chest wounds, third degree burns, disembowelment…the entire gamut.

In joyous commemoration of this atrocity, students at an-Najah University, located in Nablus - HAMAS central - constructed a walk through replica of the Sbarro Café's entry way, complete with a Italian flag bunting which framed the opening to the restaurant.

Inside were graphic references to the violence of the day, large pools of fake blood replete with numerous body parts.

This monstrous "exhibit" was constructed apparently with full approval of an-Najah's then president, Rami Hamdallah.

Perhaps as a reward for his steadfast embrace of Islamic jihad, outgoing Pale president Mahmoud Abbas appointed Hamdallah on June 2 to form the new government.

For the record, Abbas is a Jew hating Muslim fanatic, his PhD dissertation?

"The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism."

It appears that in making his selection for PM, Abbas has chosen someone from his own kith and kin.

Hamdallah's CV reveals that he was president of An-Najah National University from August 1998 to the present and a trustee of the Yasser Arafat Foundation from February 2011 to the present.[see,Hamdallah CV]

As the ADL so cogently frames it, "An-Najah University, in the West Bank city of Nablus, has been a flashpoint in the conflict between Israel and Palestinians since at least 1980, when violent anti-Israel protests led the Israeli military to close the school intermittently. Today the student council of An-Najah is known for its advocacy of anti-Israel violence and its recruitment of Palestinian college students into terrorist groups. The council, almost completely controlled by factions loyal to Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah, glorifies suicide bombings and propagandizes for jihad against Israel. Hamas has described An-Najah as a "greenhouse for martyrs." [see, Islamic Palestine Block, An-Najah Students Cell]

So we have the Abbas, representing the terrorist group al-Fatah - which was unremarkably, founded by terror mastermind Yasser Arafat – teaming up with another Muslim fanatic and Fatah supporter, Hamdallah.who ran what in essence was a HAMAS-PIJ [Palestinian Islamic Jihad] recruiting station operating under the guise of an educational institution..

"His critics have even accused him of granting university degrees to a number of top PA security officials who never attended studies." [see, Khaled Abu Toameh, Rami Hamdallah, A Yes Man For All Seasons, Jerusalem. Post]

The pairing of these two is a match made in hell and no good can possibly issue from this indefensible, but thoroughly predictable action.

©2013 Beila Rabinowitz, William Mayer, PipeLineNews.org LLC. All rights reserved.

Also see: "Abbas Asks President Of University In Nablus With Suicide Bombing Glorification Exhibit And Jihad Recruitment To Become New PA Prime Minister" http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/5888

MIM: Link to video of Sbarro Terror Attack Exhibition at An-Najah University. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyZH8zkjwEg

"...The dead included 13 Israelis, one pregnant American, and one Brazilian, all of them civilians. Additionally, 130 were injured. Almost a dozen years later, Chana Nachenberg, is still hospitalized in a permanent vegetative state.[3]

Yocheved Shoshan, age 10, was killed, and her 15-year-old sister Miriam was severely injured with 60 nails lodged in her body, a hole in her right thigh, third degree burns on 40 percent of her body, and a ruptured spleen.[3] According to the testimony of their mother, Esther Shoshan:

I was upstairs with one of my daughters. We had wanted to sit downstairs where it's roomy, near the windows, but it was too crowded. Two of my daughters had gone to park the car. Two others, Miriam and Yocheved, went down to the lower level to get our food.

Then there was an enormous blast. The place went dark. People started screaming: 'Pigua! Pigua!' [Terror attack! Terror attack!] But at first I didn't believe it. People shouted: 'Get out! There may be another blast.' Finally, we ran downstairs. There was a terrible stench. I saw body parts everywhere - here a limb, there a head. The bodies were bloated. There was water everywhere; I have no idea where it came from. I searched for my children.

My two daughters who had gone to the car-park arrived seconds later. The older one came inside and found Miriam and Yocheved. They were on fire. She managed to put out the flames but was then rushed away by rescue workers. I couldn't leave. I was torn. The rescue workers kept dragging me to the door. I'd start to go, then run back screaming, 'My girls, my girls!' I wanted to help them.[3]

Mordechai and Tzira Schijveschuurder, along with three of their children, were killed. Two other daughters, Leah, 11, and Chaya, 8, were critically injured. Both Mordechai and Tzira's parents were Holocaust survivors, according to the Guardian.[4] The family was Dutch. During the Holocaust, Tzira's parents were in Bergen Belsen and Theresienstadt. Mordechai's parents successfully hid from the Nazis.[5]

MIM: Testimony of Chaya Schijveschuurder from her hospital bed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhSKu_eiwLo

According to the testimony of Chaya Schijveschuurder:

The last time I saw my brother Avraham Yitzhak, he was lying on a stretcher in an ambulance. He had a bandage on his face. He was four years old. Now our parents are not alive either. But soon the Messiah will come and all the people that have died, and all the people killed in wars and terror attacks, will come back to life.

We were hungry, so Mommy said we could go to a restaurant to eat. In that restaurant, you have to pay first and only afterwards you sit down to eat. When we were at the cash register, we suddenly heard an explosion. I ran out as fast as I could. I didn't look at anything. I just ran out. A medic, I don't know his name, took me to an ambulance and that is where I saw Avraham Yitzhak for the last time.

I said to him, 'Avraham Yitzhak.' But he didn't say anything. After that they took me on a stretcher to the hospital, and I had to have an operation to remove the screws that entered my liver and leg. I saw a sign on the door that said 'Operating Room' and started to cry. After that I didn't see anything.

In my house, they are sitting 'shiva' right now. My brothers came here with their torn shirts. I asked them 'Why are your shirts torn?' but they didn't want to tell me that my parents were dead. My brothers were not with us in the restaurant. They found me first. After that, they found out that my sister and my brother were dead.

My little sister was always happy. I remember her so well. She used to laugh all day long. On the day of the terror attack she was very happy. Daddy went to the bank, and we went into the restaurant and asked if we could order first and pay later, after Daddy came. They said no – so we went to wait for him at the bank. When he came out, we returned to the restaurant, and that's when the explosion occurred. I loved that restaurant very much. It had very, very good pizza.[6]

Chaviv Avrahami, who saw the scene of the attack after the bombing, recounted: "I heard a tremendous explosion, and I was thrown up a metre into the air. I knew immediately that it was a bomb attack, and a catastrophic one. There were people - babies - thrown through the window and covered with blood. The whole street was covered with blood and bodies: the dead and the dying."[7] Naor Shara, a soldier who witnessed the attack, said, "The worst thing I saw, which I think will haunt me all my life, is a baby that was sitting in a stroller outside a shop and was dead. After the explosion, the baby's mother came out of the store and started screaming hysterically."[7]


  • Zvika Golombek, 26, from Karmiel[8]
  • Shoshana Yehudit (Judy) Greenbaum, 31 (5 months pregnant), from Passaic, New Jersey, USA (שושנה ג'ודית גרינבוים)[9]
  • Tehila Maoz, 18, from Jerusalem (תהילה מעוז)[10]
  • Frieda Mendelsohn, 62, from Jerusalem[11]
  • Michal Raziel, 16, from Jerusalem (מיכל רזיאל)[12]
  • Malka Chana (Malki) Roth, 15, from Jerusalem (מלכה חנה רוט)[13][14]
  • Mordechai Schijveschuurder, 43, from Neria (מרדכי סכיווסחורדר)[15]
  • Tzira Schijveschuurder, 41, from Neria[16]
  • Ra'aya Schijveschuurder, 14, from Neria (רעיה סכיווסחורדר)[17]
  • Avraham Yitzhak Schijveschuurder, 4, from Neria (אברהם יצחק סכיווסחורדר)[18]
  • Hemda Schijveschuurder, 2, from Neria (חמדה סכיווסחורדר)[19]
  • Lily Shimashvili, 33, from Jerusalem (לאלי שימשאשווילי)[20]
  • Tamara Shimashvili, 8, from Jerusalem[21]
  • Yocheved Shoshan, 10, from Jerusalem[22]
  • Giora Balash, 60, from Brazil (גיורא בלש)[23]

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