Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Salam Al- Marayati Head Of Terror Supporting MPAC To Be Panelist At NHS Conference Salam Al- Marayati Head Of Terror Supporting MPAC To Be Panelist At NHS ConferenceMay 11, 2013 Salam Al Marayati, the director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), is scheduled to be on a panel at the upcoming National Homeland Security Conference in June in LA. The panel discussion is about "Public –Private Partnerships. [source] Among the ‘program tracks' is " Interoperability, Information Sharing and Intelligence". (Arif Alikhan ,who was responsible for derailing the LAPD's plans to monitor activities within the Muslim community is also a speaker at the conference, He was appointed as assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Development in Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security in 2009 . According to Discover the Networks: MPAC has defended the use of terrorism and Al Marayati said on the radio on 9/11 that Israel could have behind the attacks. ." In a November 1997 speech at the University of Pennsylvania, MPAC Co-Founder and Executive Director Salam Al-Marayati steadfastly refused to call Hezbollah a terrorist organization; he justified the existence of Hamas as a political entity and a provider of social programs and "educational operations"; and he equated jihad with the sentiments of the American statesman Patrick Henry, whose "Give me liberty or give me death" declaration was, in Al-Marayati's view, "a way of looking at the term jihad from an American perspective." [Source] Al- Marayati will be participating in the NHS conference under the aegis of the Muslim American Homeland Security Congress an Islamist organization which attempts to prevent law enforcement scrutiny of Muslims, deny any Islamic connection to terrorism and hinder government efforts to educate people about the jihadist threat. Among the MAHSC listed board members is the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) a Saudi funded front group for Hamas and an unindicted co conspirator in the Holyland Foundation Hamas funding trial.[source] It should come as no surprise that Haroon Azar,the DHS Security Regional Director for Strategic Engagement ,has worked with MPAC in the past. Haroon Azar took part in an MPAC teleconference aimed at portraying Muslims as victims of a non existent backlash after the Boston terrorist attacks. Azar is also speaking on the same panel as Al Marayati at the upcoming NHS conference. To have a documented Islamist leader of a major Muslim organization with known terrorist sympathies and Muslim Brotherhood ties on a panel at a NHS conference is further proof that our security apparatus is being manipulated by and adopting a jihadist perspective while doing everything it can to deny and obscure the threat which radical Islam poses to the security of the United States. |