17:19 - PDT - June 26, 2012 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As reported by Egypt's, Al-Masry Al-Youm [the Independent], Wael Ghonim [who according to his book is "currently on sabbatical" from Google1.] today met with Egypt's president elect Mohammed Morsi. Morsi leads the political arm [Freedom and Justice Party, FJP] of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood and has been a long time member of the MB's Guidance Office, which named him president of its party last year.
Insiders on the ground believe that Morsi's election came as a result of the MB's behind the scenes campaign of thuggery: voter suppression, intimidation and threats of violence, buying votes and other improprieties.
What should be of particular concern to the Western democracies is the leading role which Wael "Google" Ghonim played in the Egyptian revolution which he essentially managed through a Facebook page of his design. Now, despite his public persona as a freedom activist, he appears to have instant access to Morsi, to whom he apparently expressed the absurd notion that Morsi's aborning Islamist state should maintain a stance of, "transparency with the people in all decisions made by the government..." [source, http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/activists-meet-morsy-discuss-goals-revolution]
We suggest that Google should immediately sever any relationship it might maintain with Mr. Ghonim since he has become an entirely political figure and the face of the Middle East's Islamist resurgence - the so-called Arab Spring.
This movement is inimical to Western interests, assuming Google cares, which at this point is highly problematic.
Regarding Google itself, any ties - even his being on "sabbatical" - which Google might maintain with Ghonim casts an additional pall over the 'Net Goliath's fading reputation, making its silly motto, "don't be evil," darkly ironic.
1. From Wael Ghonim's book Revolution 2.0, "...in 2008 rising to become head of marketing for Google Middle East and North Africa. He is currently on sabbatical from Google to launch a nongovernmental organization supporting education and technology in Egypt..."
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