June 16, 2012 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As Egyptians go to the polls today where they must choose between either the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Mohamed Morsi or Ahmed Shafiq, representing elements of Egypt's old-guard establishment [the former Mubarak regime along with the military]. The winner will be declared president, amidst a country in chaos, with the lower house of parliament having been dissolved last week by the Egyptian high court, ruling that the parliamentary contest had been rigged. Though not specifically naming those involved in stealing the election, few doubt it was a referring to actions taken by the Ikhwan's above ground political arm, the ironically named, Freedom and Justice party.
Though the vote is taking place this weekend, over Saturday and Sunday, already there are signs of voter fraud on the part of the Muslim Brotherhood.
As Al-Masry Al-Youm [the Egyptian Independent] reports, "...Ali [a MB spokesman] also denied accusations that the campaign had printed read-to-cast ballots. He said that ballots printed with the Morsy box already filled out were a print error that a Morsy campaign representative discovered and reported..." [source, Morsy campaign: Already marked ballots were printing error].
As we noted in a June 14 piece [Breaking - Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Suffers Huge Defeat - Parliament Dissolved, Potential for Military to Maintain Control] - "Egypt's Supreme Court, possibly fearing what appeared to be the imminent seizure of power by the Muslim Brotherhood under a fraudulent "democratic" process, has dissolved the country's "lower house of parliament." [source, OnIslam.net, http://www.onislam.net/english/news/africa/457578-mubarak-pm-in-polls-parliament-dissolved.html].
While Mr. Obama's team [especially his clueless Secty. of State Hillary Clinton] continues to cling to the fairytale, that "democracy," in Egypt will resemble democratic elections in the West, the facts on the ground have consistently proven otherwise.
Under the conditions in which this contest are being held, there is no possibility that anything but a furthering of Muslim Brotherhood interests will emerge.
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