January 25, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - On Saturday, Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood kingpin and chair of its inappropriately named "Freedom and Justice Party," accepted congratulations from Hamas' terrorist in chief, Khaled Meshaal on the party's overwhelming victory in Egypt's questionably run parliamentary elections.
In thanking Meshaal, Morsi stressed that, "the Palestinian issue was, is and will remain in the hearts of the Egyptian people, particularly the FJP, especially since it was one of the key drivers of the Revolution of the Egyptian people who rejected the actions and stances of the former regime towards the Palestinian cause, especially the brave resistance against the occupation..." [source, Ikhwanweb, http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=29593]
Several other members of the MB leadership were also in attendance as was Mohamed Nasr, a key advisor to Meshaal and part of Hamas' political bureau.
Meshaal - now hiding from the MOSSAD in Damascus - recently announced that he will step down as the leader of Hamas, but intended to remain active in the terrorist organization, albeit in an unspecified capacity.
Waiting in the wings as Meshall's successor might be Mousa Abu Marzook - also in hiding - who figured prominently in the U.S. prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation, having had a hand in the terror funder's creation.
According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, "...Marzook left a significant legacy in the United States. During his tenure in the US, he created an extensive network to support HAMAS' terrorist activities. In addition to serving on the board of directors of the Islamic Association for Palestine, which courts have found "desired to help HAMAS activities succeed" and acted on that desire, he also founded a think-tank called the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR). Marzook also provided the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), with $210,000 in initial funding; and channeled $250,000 in investment capital to Infocom, a Texas-computer business run by relatives of Marzook's wife..." [source, IPT, http://www.investigativeproject.org/profile/106]
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