January 20, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Press TV, a venture fully under the control of Iran's central government, today lost its license to broadcast in the UK.
Before taking the action, the country's media regulator, Ofcom, had levied a sizable fine [$155k] against the enterprise after it aired an interview with a Newsweek reporter who was jailed in 2009 by the Mullocracy.
"...Yet it is not entirely out of the blue: the controversial broadcaster was threatened with a ban last year, after it emerged that it had aired an interview with Maziar Bahari, a Newsweek journalist, while he was imprisoned in Iran in 2009..."
[source, New Statesman, http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/the-staggers/2012/01/channel-press-iran-ofcom-air]
There seemed to be general consensus within Ofcam that since Tehran retains editorial control of the broadcaster's content and given its refusal to pay the fine, the regulator had little choice but to boot Press TV from the airwaves.
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